For the purpose of these regulations, certain terms and words are to be used and interpreted as defined hereinafter. Words used in the present tense shall include the future tense; words in the singular number include the plural and words in the plural number include the singular, except where the natural construction of the writing indicates otherwise. The word [“shall”] shall be mandatory and not directory.
(Ordinance 21-67 adopted 11/2/21)
Accessory Building -
A subordinate building located on the same premises as the principal building for exclusive use of accessory uses as defined in “Accessory Uses.” In a residential district, an accessory building may include but is not limited to detached garages, private workshops, storage sheds or similar uses, may not be used for commercial purposes, may not be rented and is not habitable. In commercial districts, the use of an accessory building shall be that which is incidental to and used only in conjunction with the main building and shall be required to meet all requirements of the primary building.
Accessory Dwelling -
A subordinate building located on the same premises as the principal building. An accessory dwelling may be used as a residence and shall not be incidental to the dominant use of the premises. A garage apartment shall be deemed an accessory building on the lot which it is situated. Accessory dwelling units shall comply with all height, area and yard requirements of the respective zoning district.
Accessory Use -
A use customarily incidental, appropriate and subordinate to the principal use of land or building(s) and located upon the same lot therewith. Accessory uses include permanently installed detached accessory structures such as porches supported by columns, greenhouses, detached garages, private workshops, play structures, gazebos/cabanas/pergolas, storage buildings or similar uses.
Advertising Sign Or Structure -
Any cloth, card, paper, metal, glass, wooden, plastic, plaster or stone sign or other sign, device or structure of any character whatsoever, including a statuary or place for outdoor advertising purposes on the ground or any tree, wall, bush, rock, post, fence, building or structure. The term placed shall include erecting, constructing, posting, painting, printing, tacking, mailing, gluing, sticking, carving, or otherwise fastening, affixing or making visible in any manner whatsoever. The area of an advertising structure shall be determined as the area of the largest cross-section of such structure. Neither directional, warning nor other signs posted by public officials in the course of their public duties nor merchandise or materials being offered for sale shall be construed as advertising signs for the purpose of this ordinance.
Antenna -
See Section 12.3.B, Wireless Antenna Facilities - Definitions.
Alley -
A minor right-of-way, dedicated to public use, which affords a secondary means of vehicular access to the back or side of properties otherwise abutting a street, and which may be used for public utility purposes.
Automobile -
A self-propelled mechanical vehicle designed for use on streets and highways for the conveyance of goods and people including but not limited to the following: passenger cars, trucks, buses, motor scooters and motorcycles.
Basement (Or Cellar) -
A story partly or wholly underground. For purposes of height measurement, a basement shall be counted as a story when more than one-half of its height is above the average level of the adjoining ground or when subdivided and used for commercial or dwelling purposes by other than a janitor employed on the premises.
Building -
Any structure greater than one hundred twenty (120) square feet intended for shelter, occupancy, housing or enclosure for persons, animals or chattel. When separated by dividing walls without openings, each portion of such structure so separated shall be deemed a separate building.
Building Footprint -
The calculated square footage of any building or structure based upon the outline of the total area of a lot or site that is surrounded by the exterior walls of the main floor of such building or portion of building. In the absence of surrounding exterior walls, the building footprint shall be the area under the horizontal projection of the roof supported by posts or additional foundation support. Uncovered courtyards shall not be included in this definition.
Building Height -
The vertical distance from the average grade of that portion of the lot covered by the building to the highest point of the building, excluding those features permitted for “Additional Height” in each zoning district.
Building Line -
A line parallel, or approximately parallel, to any front lot line at a specific distance therefrom, marking the minimum distance from the front lot line that a building may be erected.
Building, Main -
A building in which the principal use of the lot on which it is situated is conducted. In a residential district any dwelling or attached garage shall be deemed to be a main building on the lot on which it is situated.
Carport -
A structure open on a minimum of two sides designed or used to shelter not more than three vehicles and not to exceed twenty-four feet on its longest dimension. Also called covered parking area.
Certificate Of Occupancy -
An official certificate issued by the City through the Chief Building Official which indicates conformance with or approved conditional waiver from the zoning regulations and authorizes legal use of the premises for which it is issued; may be referred to as an Occupancy Permit.
Chief Building Official -
The inspector or administrative official charged with responsibility for issuing permits and enforcing the Zoning Ordinance and Building Code.
City -
The City of Granbury, Texas.
City Council -
The governing body of the City of Granbury, Texas.
Comprehensive Plan -
Graphic and textual form policies which govern the future development of the City and which consist of various components governing specific geographic areas and functions and services of the City.
Court -
An open, unobstructed space, bounded on more than two sides by the walls of a building. An inner court is entirely surrounded by the exterior walls of a building. An outer court has one side open to a street, alley, yard, or other permanent open space.
Coverage, Building -
The lot area covered by all buildings located thereon.
Coverage, Impervious -
The lot area covered by all buildings and paved areas, including parking lots, driveways, sidewalks, porches and patios.
District -
Any section or sections of the City for which the regulations governing the use of land and the use, density, bulk, height and coverage of buildings and other structures are uniform for each class or kind of building therein.
Dwelling -
Any building or portion thereof, which is designed or used as living quarters for one or more families, but not including mobile homes. (See Mobile Home [sic])
Dwelling Area -
That area devoted to the living area in a residence or dwelling unit and is exclusive of porches, enclosed or open breezeways, storage area or closets, or other non-living space including garage. The minimum dwelling unit area will generally be that space which is air conditioned.
Easement -
A grant of one or more of the property rights by the property owner to and/or for the use by the public, a corporation or another person or entity.
Exhibition Area -
An area or space either outside or within a building for the display of topic-specific goods or information.
Family -
One or more persons related by blood, marriage, or adoption, or a group not to exceed four (4) persons not all related by blood or marriage, adoption or guardianship, occupying a dwelling unit and living as a single housekeeping unit.
Floodplain -
An area of land subject to inundation by a 100-year frequency flood, as shown on the FEMA floodplain map of the City of Granbury.
Floor Area -
The total gross square feet of floor space within the outside dimensions of a building including each floor level, but excluding carports, residential garages, and breezeways.
Floor Area Ratio (FAR) -
The floor area of a main building or buildings on a lot, divided by the lot area.
Garage, Parking -
Any building, or portion thereof, used for the storage of four (4) or more automobiles in which any servicing provided is incidental to the primary storage use, and where repair facilities are not provided.
Garage, Private -
An enclosed (on at least three (3) sides) building, or a part of a main building, used for storage of automobiles and used solely by the occupants and their guests of a main building. Also called “enclosed parking space.”
Heavy Load Vehicle -
A self-propelled vehicle having a Manufacturer’s Recommended Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) of greater than 11,000 pounds, such as large recreational vehicles (originally manufactured as RVs, not converted), tractor-trailers, buses, vans, and other similar vehicles. The term “truck” shall be construed to mean “Heavy Load Vehicle” unless specifically stated otherwise.
Improved Hard Surface -
An area set aside on private property for the temporary or permanent placement of motor vehicles, trailers, equipment, merchandise and other similar tangible property, which must be comprised of concrete or hot-mix asphalt. Brick or Stone surface may be utilized in the HPO (Historic Preservation Overlay) upon approval of the Historic Commission.
Incidental Use -
Any use different from the primary use but which complements and/or supplements the primary use. Incidental shall mean an area which constitutes not more than fifteen percent (15%) of the main use.
Industrial Park -
A large tract of land that has been planned, developed and operated as an integrated facility for a number of individual industrial uses, with special attention to circulation, parking, utility needs, aesthetics, and compatibility.
Landscaping -
Material such as, but not limited to, grass, groundcovers, shrubs, vines, hedges, trees or palms, and non-living durable material commonly used in landscaping, such as, but not limited to, rocks, pebbles, sand, walls or fences, but excluding paving.
Light Load Vehicles -
A self-propelled vehicle having a Manufacturer’s Recommended Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW) not greater than 11,000 pounds and having no more than two axles, such as pick-up trucks, vans, recreational vehicles (less than thirty-two (32) feet in length), campers and other similar vehicles but not including automobiles and motorcycles.
Loading Space -
An off-street space or berth used for the delivery and loading or unloading of vehicles.
Lot -
Any plot of land occupied or intended to be occupied by one main building and the required parking, or a group of main buildings, and accessory building and uses, including such open spaces as are required by the ordinance, and other laws or ordinances, and having its principal frontage on a public street or officially approved place.
Lot, Area -
The total area, measured on a horizontal plane, included within lot lines.
Lot, Corner -
A lot which has at least two adjacent sides abutting for their full lengths on a street, provided that the interior angle at the intersection of such two sides is less than one hundred thirty-five degrees (135°).
Lot, Depth -
The mean horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines.
Lot, Double Frontage -
A lot having a frontage on two (2) non-intersecting streets, as distinguished from a corner lot.
Lot, Flag Or Panhandle -
A lot having access to a street by means of a parcel of land having a depth greater than its frontage, and having a width less than the minimum required lot width, but not less than twenty-five (25) feet. The maximum distance of the area less than the required width from the front property line shall be one hundred ten (110) feet.
Lot, Interior -
A lot other than a corner lot.
Lot, Key -
A corner lot that is so designed that the lots located directly behind it face the side street of the corner lot and are not separated by an alley.
Lot Frontage -
That dimension of a lot or portion of a lot abutting on a street, excluding the side dimension of a corner lot.
Lot Line, Front -
The narrower side of the lot abutting a street. Where two lot lines abutting streets are of equal length, the owner shall have a choice in designating which shall be the lot frontage. For a lot which has a boundary line which does not abut the front street line, is not a rear lot line and lies along the same general directional orientation as the front and rear lot lines, said line shall be considered a front lot line in establishing minimum setback lines.
Lot Line, Rear -
The lot line farthest from and most parallel to the front lot line. For triangular lots, the point opposite the front lot line shall be considered the rear lot line and have a value of zero.
Lot Line, Side -
Any lot line not the front or rear lot line.
Lot Lines or Property Lines -
The lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
Lot of Record -
A lot which is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Hood County.
Lot, Through -
A lot having its front and rear lines on different streets, or having its front or rear line on a street and the other line on a river, lake, creek, or other permanent body of water.
Lot Width -
The horizontal distance measured between side lot lines parallel to the front lot line, and measured from the point on the building line which is closest to the front lot line.
Major Thoroughfare -
A dedicated street or highway route designated as a Thoroughfare by the Thoroughfare Plan map of the Comprehensive Plan.
Masonry Construction or Masonry-Like Construction -
Approved Masonry or Masonry-Like Construction for separate buildings or structures < or = to 30,000 sq. feet, shall be that material and form which is comprised of natural stone or brick with 20% minimum stone, laid up unit-by-unit and set in mortar and shall have a required thickness of at least two inches (2"). Faux-Stone (or pre-cast stone) may be utilized in lieu of natural stone however, samples shall be provided to the Community Development Department to ensure that the product and/or material meets the specifications of this ordinance. If brick is to be utilized on commercial structures, at least 20% of the 80% requirement will be natural/native or Faux-Stone.
Approved Masonry or Masonry-Like Construction for separate buildings and structures > than 30,000 sq. ft. shall be that material and form which is comprised of natural stone, brick, concrete tilt-wall with 1" or greater stone/rock aggregate on the exterior face, split-faced CMU or combination each, laid up unit-by-unit and set in mortar and shall have a required thickness of at least two inches (2"). Faux-Stone (or pre-cast stone) may be utilized in lieu of natural stone however, samples shall be provided to the Community Development Department to ensure that the product and/or material meets the specifications of this ordinance. At least 20% of the 80% exterior materials requirement will be natural/native or Faux-Stone.
This definition does not include exterior materials such as: EIFS, Stucco, smooth-faced CMU. Exposed-metal R-Panel or other similar type of construction, except that 20% of the building elevation sum measured to the top-plate line of the highest story may be utilized as accent coating to masonry or masonry-like as defined above.
Model Residential Unit -
See “Model Home Sales Office.”
Motorcycle -
A usually two-wheeled self-propelled vehicle having one or two saddles or seats, and which may have a sidecar attached. For purposes of this ordinance, motorbikes, motor scooters, mopeds, and similar vehicles are classified as motorcycles.
Motor Vehicle -
Any vehicle designed to carry one or more persons which is propelled or drawn by mechanical power, such as automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, and buses.
Nonconformity -
A building, lot of record, use of land or a building, method or requirement for development, or other such use or structure that was lawful when commenced but which are contrary to the regulations set forth in the Zoning Ordinance because of future amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, annexation into the City, or eminent domain.
Occupancy -
The use or intended use of the land or buildings by proprietors or tenants.
Officially Approved Place of Access -
Access, other than a dedicated street, to a property which is approved by the City of Granbury.
Open Storage and Outside Display
Open storage of products or materials -
The keeping in an unroofed area of new or used goods, merchandise, or any materials used in the production, repair or replacement of goods related to the principal business activity of the property on which the open storage occurs. The term “open storage” shall not apply to primary uses indicated by the use chart, which customarily have open storage, such as automotive sales.
Outside display of goods -
The display of any product, or item, offered for sale by the occupant of the main use of the property on which the display of goods occurs, in plain view of the public without screening.
Outdoor Display, Daily -
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, the open display of items intended for direct retail sales or rental in the appropriate zoning district(s) shall not be subject to the screening requirements set forth in each respective zoning district, provided such display meets all of the following conditions:
Items can only be displayed between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.;
The area used shall not be greater than ten (10) percent of the gross floor area of the establishment maintaining such display;
Items may not occupy any required parking area;
Items may not be displayed in any required front, side, or rear yard setback or public right-of-way;
Items may not obstruct vision sight lines from any public right-of-way or driveway, be deemed a traffic hazard by the Chief Building Official, or City Engineer, or be located in any required sight visibility easements; and
The display area shall be within twenty (20) feet of the main building; except for special out-of-doors promotional sales, which occur behind the front building line and do not extend longer than four (4) continuous weeks, unless alternative outside display is permitted by the approval of a Specific Use Permit (SUP).
Parking Lot -
An off-street, ground level area, with an improved hard surface (such as concrete, brick or asphalt) for the temporary placement of motor vehicles.
Parking Space -
An area designated for off-street parking of one vehicle in accordance with the parking size table in this ordinance (nine feet (9') wide by eighteen feet (18') in depth for 90 degree head-in parking).
Patio Home (Zero Lot Line Dwelling) -
A lot which is designed in such a manner that the side yard and adjacent use easement make maximum use of available land area to preserve an open, yet private, use of the side yard, and permits construction of a detached single-family dwelling with one side of such dwelling placed on the side property line.
Planned Development District -
Planned associations of uses developed as integral land use units such as industrial parks or industrial districts, offices, commercial or service centers, shopping centers, residential developments of multiple or mixed housing, including attached single-family dwellings or any appropriate combination of uses which may be planned, developed or operated as integral land use units either by a single owner or a combination of owners.
Planning & Zoning Commission -
A board, appointed by the City Council as an advisory body, authorized to recommend changes in the zoning and other planning functions as delegated by the City Council. Also referred to as the “Commission.”
Plat -
A plan of a subdivision of land creating building lots or tracts and showing all essential dimensions and other information essential to comply with the subdivision standards of the City of Granbury and subject to approval by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council and filed in the plat records of Hood County.
Plot -
A single unit or parcel of land or a parcel of land that can be identified and referenced to a recorded plat or map.
Premises -
Land together with any buildings or structures situated thereon.
Primary Use -
The principal or predominant use of any lot or building.
Principal Building -
Same as “Main Building.”
Recreational Vehicle (RV) -
A portable or mobile living unit used for temporary human occupancy away from the place of permanent residence of the occupants and self-propelled (motorized). Also see heavy load vehicle.
Refuse Facilities -
Containers that are recognized and utilized by the City or the City’s refuse collection service, that are used to temporarily store trash and refuse on a lot until a refuse collection truck empties them (including, but not limited to metal dumpsters, plastic refuse carts and individual plastic refuse containers).
Residence -
Same as a dwelling; also, when used with District, an area of residential regulations.
Residential District -
District where the primary purpose is residential use.
Room -
A building or portion of a building which is arranged, occupied, or intended to be occupied as living or sleeping quarters but not including toilet or cooking facilities.
Seasonal Sales -
A facility or site used for the sale of merchandise which is available or needed during certain seasons of the year. Use shall generally require one to three months of operation and be similar to firewood sales or Christmas tree sales, seasonal plant material or other types of items for sale as may be determined by the City Council to have seasonal characteristics.
Setback, Building -
The minimum horizontal distance between the walls of a structure (excluding steps) and the property line.
Solar Equipment -
Any device or apparatus that converts light energy into electricity. Also called photovoltaic cells or solar panels.
Story -
That portion of a building, other than a basement, included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or, if there be no floor above it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. The average height for a story shall be defined as twelve feet (12'). Multiple stories, or portions thereof, shall be a result of the number of stories and story height of twelve feet (12'). The definition of a story does not include parapets, gables, and other normal roof structures.
Story, Half -
A space under a sloping roof which has the line of intersection of roof decking and wall face not more than three feet (3) above the top floor level, and in which space not more than two-thirds (2/3) of the floor area is finished off for use. A half story containing independent apartment or living quarters shall be counted as a full story.
Street -
Any dedicated public thoroughfare which affords the principal means of access to abutting property.
Street, Intersection -
Any street which joins another street at an angle, whether or not it crosses the other.
Structural Alterations -
Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing walls or partitions, columns, beams, or girders, or any substantial change in the roof or in the exterior walls.
Structure -
Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or which is attached to something having a location on the ground (also see definition of Building).
Townhome -
A dwelling that is part of a structure containing two or more units, not to exceed eight (8), each designed for occupancy by one family with each unit attached by a common wall, a minimum of twenty (20) feet in length.
Trailer, Hauling -
A vehicle to be pulled behind an automobile or truck which is designed for hauling animals, produce, goods or commodities, including boats.
Trailer Or Mobile Home Space -
A plot of ground within a mobile home park, trailer court, or mobile home subdivision designed for the accommodation of one mobile home.
Trailer, Travel Or Camper -
A portable or mobile living unit used for temporary human occupancy away from the place of residence of the occupants, and not constituting the principal place of residence of the occupants, designed to be towed behind another vehicle.
Truck -
A heavy load vehicle (see definition for heavy load vehicle).
Usable Open Space -
An open area or recreational facility which is designed and intended to be used for outdoor living and/or recreation. An area of common usable open space shall have a slope not exceeding ten percent (10%), shall have no dimension of less than ten (10) feet, and may include landscaping, walks, recreational facilities, water features and decorative objects such as artwork or fountains. Usable open space shall not include: rooftops; accessory buildings, except those portions of any building designed specifically for recreational purposes; parking areas; driveways; turnaround areas; or the right-of-way or easement for streets or alleys.
Variance -
An adjustment in the application of the specific regulations of the Zoning Ordinance to a particular parcel of property which, because of special conditions or circumstances of hardship peculiar to the particular parcel, is necessary to prevent the property from being deprived of rights and privileges enjoyed by other parcels in the same vicinity and zoning district. Only the Board of Adjustment of the City of Granbury can grant a variance.
Yard -
An open space at grade between a building and the adjoining lot lines, unoccupied and unobstructed by any portion of a structure from the ground upward, except where otherwise specifically provided in this Ordinance that the building or structure may be located in a portion of a yard required for a main building. In measuring a yard for the purpose of determining the width of the side yard, the depth of a front yard or the depth of a rear yard, the shortest horizontal distance between the lot line and the main building shall be used.
Yard, Front -
A yard located in front of the front elevation of a building and extending across a lot between the side yard lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the front property line and the outside wall of the main building.
Yard, Rear -
The area extending across the rear of a lot measured between the lot lines and being the minimum horizontal distance between the rear lot line and the rear of the outside wall of the main building. On both corner lots and interior lots, the rear yard shall in all cases be at the opposite end of the lot from the front yard.
Yard, Side -
The area between the building and side line of the lot and extending from the front lot line to the rear lot line and being the minimum horizontal distance between a side lot line and the outside wall of the side of the main building.
Zero Lot Line -
A development approach in which at least one edge of the main structure on the lot is located on at least one lot line and having no yard requirement on that lot line.
Zoning District Map -
The official map upon which the boundaries of the various Zoning Districts are drawn and which is an integral part of the Zoning Ordinance.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 17-30, ex. A, adopted 5/2/17; Ordinance 20-02 adopted 1/7/20; Ordinance 20-12 adopted 2/4/20; Ordinance 24-25 adopted 8/6/2024)
Permitted Uses Definitions
Adult Entertainment Enterprise -
A movie arcade, adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult encounter parlor, adult lounge, adult drive-in theater, adult retail store, or any combination thereof, a principal business of which is the offering of a service or the selling, renting or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to its customers, and which is distinguished by or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas, or whose employees or customers appear less than completely and opaquely covered. The term “adult entertainment enterprise” shall not be construed to include:
Any business operated by or employing licensed psychologists, licensed physical therapists, registered massage therapists, registered nurses, or licensed athletic trainers engaged in practicing such licensed professions;
Any business operated by or employing licensed physicians or licensed chiropractors engaged in practicing the healing arts;
Any retail establishment whose principal business is the offering of wearing apparel for sale to customers and which does not exhibit merchandise on live models; or
Any activity conducted or sponsored by any Texas Independent School District, licensed or accredited private school, or public or private college or university.
Airport Landing Field, Private -
A privately owned place where an aircraft can land and take off, usually equipped with hangars, facilities for refueling and repair and various accommodations for passengers.
Airport Landing Field, Public -
A publicly owned place where an aircraft can land and take off, usually equipped with hangars, facilities for refueling and repair and various accommodations for passengers.
All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) -
A small, open motor vehicle having a seat and three or more wheels fitted with large, low pressure tires. It is designed chiefly for recreational use over roadless, rugged terrain. The term All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) includes Utility Task Vehicle (UTV).
Amusement (Video) Arcade -
Any building, room, place or establishment of any nature or kind and by whatever name called, the primary use of which is the operation of coin-operated machines that dispense, or is used or is capable of being used to dispense or afford, amusement, skill, or pleasure or is operated for any purpose, other than for dispensing only, music, or service. For the purpose of this definition, “primary use” means 51% or more of the gross floor area of the portion of the structure being used (not to include any area of a structure being used as storage). The term “Amusement (Video) Arcade”:
Includes a marble machine, marble table machine, marble shooting machine, miniature racetrack machine, miniature football machine, miniature golf machine, miniature bowling machine, billiard or pool game, or machines or devices that dispense merchandise or commodities or play music in connection with or in addition to dispensing skill or pleasure; and
Does not include an amusement machine designed exclusively for a child, billiard tables that are not coin-operated machines, and devices designed to train persons in aphaeretic [athletic] skills of golf, tennis, baseball, archery or other similar sports.
Amusement Center, Commercial, Indoor -
An amusement or entertainment enterprise wholly enclosed and operated within a building. This includes, but is not limited to, bowling alleys, skating rinks, health clubs, racquetball clubs, bingo parlors, indoor tennis courts, gymnasiums, swimming pools and nautilus facilities.
Amusement Center, Commercial (Outdoor) -
An outdoor area or structure, open to the public which provides entertainment or amusement, including but not limited to batting cages, driving range, miniature golf, go-kart tracks, drive-in theaters, water slides and carnivals.
Animal Grooming -
An establishment that offers to the general public the service of animal grooming for domestic pets. No boarding or medical care is provided.
Animal Processing -
An establishment that offers to the general public the service of processing and packaging of red meats, fowl and/or fish provided the facility complies with all state, federal and local health regulations. All processing is conducted indoors with no emission of noxious odors or noise. This definition does not include the slaughtering or boarding of live animals.
Apartment House -
See Dwelling, Multi-Family
Assisted Living -
A group living facility that provides health and living services for persons who because of age, illness or infirmity cannot live independently but do not require continuous nursing care. This type of facility provides personal care services as defined by the State of Texas. Assisted Living is considered to be an intermediate level of care, between retirement homes (independent living) and convalescent/nursing homes (continuous care).
Athletic Stadium or Field (Private) -
A private field(s) and structure used for sporting events with associated spectator seating, either permanent or temporary.
Athletic Stadium or Field (Public) -
A public field(s) and structure used for sporting events with associated spectator seating, either permanent or temporary.
Auto, Boat, Trailer, RV and/or Truck Storage -
The storage or impoundment, on a lot or tract, of operable automobiles, boats, trailers, recreational vehicles and/or trucks.
Auto Leasing or Renting -
Storage, leasing or renting of automobiles, motorcycles, and light load vehicles.
Auto Parking Lot or Garage -
An area or structure designed for the parking of motor vehicles.
Auto Parts, Sales (Enclosed) -
The use of any building or other premise for the primary inside display and sale of new or used parts for automobiles, panel trucks or vans, trailers, or recreation vehicles.
Auto Parts, Sales (Outside) -
The use of any land area for the outside display and sale of new or used parts for automobiles, panel trucks or vans, trailers, or recreational vehicles, but not including wrecking yards and junkyards.
Automobile Repair, Major -
General repair or reconditioning of engines, air conditioning systems and transmissions for motor vehicles; wrecker service; collision services, including body, frame or fender straightening or repair; customizing; painting; vehicle steam cleaning; undercoating and rustproofing.
Automobile Repair, Minor -
Minor repair or replacement of parts, tires, tubes, and batteries; diagnostic services; minor motor services such as grease, oil, spark plug, and filter changing; tune-ups; emergency road service; replacement of starters, alternators, hoses, brake parts; automobile washing and polishing; performing state inspections and making minor repairs necessary to pass said inspection; normal servicing of air conditioning systems, and other similar minor services for motor vehicles except heavy load vehicles, but not including any operation named under “Automobile Repair, Major” or any other similar use.
Automobile Sales, New -
The primary sale of new automobiles in a structure or an open lot with secondary sales of used automobiles.
Automobile Sales, Used -
Retail sales or offering for sale of used automobiles or light load vehicles.
Automobile Sales, Vintage -
The display and sales of automobiles in an enclosed building which are characterized by excellence, age or by an enduring classic value.
Automobile Service Station -
Any building, land area or other premises, or portion thereof, used or intended to be used for the retail dispensing or sales of automobile fuels, lubricants, and automobile accessories, including those operations listed under Minor Automobile Repair.
Vehicles which are inoperative or are being repaired may not remain parked outside an Automobile Service Station for a period greater than seven days.
Bakery And Confectionery Works, Commercial -
A manufacturing facility for the production and distribution of baked goods and confectioneries.
Bank, Savings And Loan, or Credit Union -
An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange or issue of money, the extension of credit, and/or facilitating the transmission of funds; to include automated teller machines and check-cashing and loan service agencies.
Banquet Hall, Private -
An establishment that is leased on a temporary basis by individuals or groups who reserve the facilities to accommodate private functions, including, but not limited to - banquets, weddings, anniversaries, receptions, family reunions, business and organizational meetings, homeowners’ association (HOA) events, and other similar functions, to which the general public is not admitted and for which no admission fee is charged. Such establishments may include kitchen facilities for the preparation of food and/or catering of food under a valid health permit, and areas for dancing, dining, and other entertainment activities that customarily occur in association with banquets, weddings, or receptions. This would also include any activities under a valid, approved TABC permit issued by the TABC for an activity/occasion on-site.
Batching Plant, Concrete or Asphalt (Permanent) -
A permanent manufacturing facility for the production of concrete or asphalt.
Batching Plant, Concrete or Asphalt Plant (Temporary) -
A temporary manufacturing facility for the production of concrete or asphalt during construction of a project, and to be removed when the project is completed.
Beauty, Barber or Other Personal Care Shop -
An establishment that provides personal services including haircuts, perms, color treatments, manicures, pedicures and other personal care services.
Bed and Breakfast, Hosted -
A dwelling occupied as a permanent residence by an owner or renter which serves breakfast and in which sleeping accommodations in not more than seven (7) rooms are provided or offered for transient guests for compensation.
Bed and Breakfast, Hosted -
A principal building used as a dwelling, occupied as a permanent residence by an owner or agent which serves breakfast and in which sleeping accommodations are provided or offered for occupants for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days and rented for compensation.
Bedroom(s) -
The area of a dwelling intended as sleeping quarters. The term does not include a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, living room (as an example but not limited to: game room, silting room, media room, multi-use room), utility room, or closet or storage area of a dwelling.
Boat Sales and Repair, New -
A marine retail sales and service use in which new boats are sold and repaired.
Boat Sales and Repair, Used -
A marine retail sales and service use in which used boats are sold and repaired.
Bottling Works -
A facility for the bottling of products for off-site retail sales.
Brew-Pub (Micro-Brewery) -
An establishment that will engage in the following: 1.) Manufacture, brew, bottle, can, package and label malt liquor, ale, and beer, and; 2.) Sell or offer without charge, on the premise of the Brew Pub, to ultimate consumers for consumption on or off those premises, malt liquor, ale or beer produced by the establishment, in or from a lawful container, to the extent the sales or offers are allowed under the establishment’s other permits or licenses
Brick/Stone Company Sales -
An area of land and/or structure used for the storage of bulk brick, stone or other masonry products offered for sale.
Building Materials and Hardware Sales, Enclosed -
A facility for the sale of materials, tools, and hardware customarily used in the construction of buildings and other structures, including facilities for storage inside a building.
Building Materials and Hardware Sales, Outside Storage -
A facility for the sale of materials, tools, and hardware customarily used in the construction of buildings and other structures, including facilities for storage outside a building and sale of ready-mix concrete from small batching plants, but subject to the following exceptions and/or provisions: [sic]
Building Materials and Lumber Storage Yards & Sales -
Facilities for the sale and storage of building and lumber materials.
Car Wash, Full-Service -
An area of land and/or structure with machine or hand operated facilities used principally for cleaning, washing, polishing or waxing of passenger and recreational vehicles or other light duty motor vehicles wherein all work is provided by employees of a car wash facility.
Car Wash, Self-Service -
An area of land and/or structure with machine or hand operated facilities used principally for cleaning, washing, polishing or waxing of passenger and recreational vehicles or other light duty motor vehicles wherein the customer provides all the services.
Caretaker/Guard Residence -
A residence located on a premises with a main nonresidential use and occupied only by a caretaker or guard employed on the premises.
Cemetery -
Property used for the interring of the dead.
Church -
A building for regular assembly for religious worship which is used primarily and designed for such purpose and those accessory activities which are customarily associated therewith, and the place of residence for ministers, priests, nuns or rabbis on the premises (tax exempt as defined by State law). For the purposes of this ordinance, this definition does not apply to bible study and other similar activities which occur in a person’s primary residence.
Civic Center -
A building or complex of buildings that house municipal offices and services, and which may include cultural, recreational, athletic, convention or entertainment facilities owned and/or operated by a governmental agency.
Clinic/Office, Medical -
A facility primarily utilized by a health professional or unit for providing public health services including emergency services and related facilities such as laboratories, clinics and administrative offices operated in connection therewith. Typical uses would be dentist, doctor or chiropractic professional offices and clinics.
Club, Private with Alcoholic Beverages -
An establishment providing social and dining facilities, as well as alcoholic beverage service to an association of persons, and otherwise falling with [within] the definition of, and permitted under the provisions of, that portion of Title 3, Chapter 32, of the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code, as the same may be hereafter amended, as it pertains to the operation of private clubs.
College, University -
An academic institution of higher learning accredited or recognized by the State and offering a program or series of programs of academic study leading to a recognized degree or advanced degree. Including junior and senior colleges, universities, conservatories and seminaries.
Commercial Plant, General -
Establishments other than personal service shops for the treatment and/or processing of products as a service on a for-profit basis including, but not limited to, newspaper printing, laundry plant, or cleaning and dying plants.
Community Care Facility -
A place where not more than six (6) persons with physical or mental disabilities are provided room and board, as well as supervised care and rehabilitation by not more than two (2) persons. However this use may not be located closer than 1/2 mile from another community care facility.
Community Center -
A building or complex of buildings that house cultural, recreational, athletic, or entertainment facilities owned and/or operated by a governmental agency or private nonprofit agency.
Consignment/Used Merchandise Store, Indoor -
Retail sales of used wearing apparel, furniture or other merchandise. No outdoor sales, display, staging, sorting, storage or drop-off of clothing is permitted.
Consignment/Used Merchandise Store, Outdoor Activity -
Retail sales of used wearing apparel, furniture or other merchandise where outdoor sales, display, staging, sorting, storage or drop-off of clothing is permitted.
Construction Equipment, Rental and/or Sales -
A facility, which allows for construction related equipment sales inside the structure as the primary use and also allows for the outside display of small construction equipment on-site.
Construction Field Office, Temporary -
A permitted, temporary building or structure, of either permanent or temporary construction, used as an office in connection with an active development or construction project for supporting temporary supervisory or administrative functions related to development, construction within the active development or construction project. A Construction Field Office shall not be used as a residence and shall not be constructed with sleeping facilities. RVs, motor homes or mobile homes are not permitted or defined as a Construction Field Office. Active is defined as having a FIA or Building Permit issued for the site. Upon abandonment, completion, or lack of activity of the project, such field offices shall be removed at the Chief Building Official’s discretion.
Construction Yard (Temporary) -
A storage yard or assembly yard for building materials and equipment directly related to a specific construction project and subject to removal at completion of construction.
Contractor’s Shop (no outside storage) -
An electrical/mechanical/plumbing contractor, or similar business whose primary use provides a service by installation of electrical, mechanical or plumbing systems and which may also have limited sales of electrical, mechanical or plumbing supplies or equipment as secondary use incidental to its primary use with no outside storage.
Contractor’s Shop (with outside storage) -
An electrical/mechanical/plumbing or similar business whose primary use provides a service by installation of electrical, mechanical, or plumbing systems and which may also have limited sales of electrical, mechanical or plumbing supplies or equipment as secondary use incidental to its primary use with outside storage.
Convalescent, Rest or Nursing Home -
A health facility used for or customarily occupied by persons recovering from illness or suffering from infirmities of age, and furnished meals or continuing nursing care for compensation.
Convenience Store, with Gas Pumps -
Any premises where gasoline and/or other petroleum products are sold as a principal use and in connection with the principal use, a convenience store prepackaged food products, household items and other goods commonly associated with the same.
Convenience Store, w/out Gas Pumps -
Any premises offering for sale prepackaged food products, household items and other convenience goods commonly associated with the same. Gasoline and/or other petroleum products are not permitted.
Correctional/Detention Facility (Public) -
A public facility operated by County, State or Federal government, or by a commercial entity under contract to one of these governments utilized for the incarceration of individuals convicted of crimes where these individuals are housed until such time as they have completed their sentences. Such facilities include minimum and maximum security prisons for adults as well as juvenile detention centers for minors.
Correctional/Detention Facility (Private) -
A private facility operated by a commercial entity that’s primary business venture is to provide for the incarceration of individuals convicted of crimes where these individuals are housed until such time as they have completed their sentences. Such facilities include minimum and maximum security prisons for adults as well as juvenile detention centers for minors.
Dance Hall -
An establishment open to the general public for entertainment, in particular, dancing.
Day Care/Child Care Center -
A commercial institution or place designed for the care of four (4) or more unrelated children during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Day Care or Child Care Center, In Home -
A private residence where care, protection, and supervision are provided on a regular schedule, at least twice a week to no more than six (6) children, including children of the adult provider.
Distribution Center -
A site or building used primarily for the temporary storage and/or distribution of goods, merchandise, supplies. This definition does not include Overnight Delivery (for distribution which is classified elsewhere in this ordinance).
Dry Cleaning, Pick-Up/Drop-Off -
A retail establishment providing a drop-off and pick-up point for customers to leave wearing apparel or other material in need of laundry and dry cleaning, and pick-up of items when laundered and/or dry cleaned.
Dry Cleaning Plant or Commercial Laundry -
An industrial facility where fabrics are cleaned with substantially non-aqueous organic solvents on a commercial or wholesale basis.
Dry Cleaning, Small Shop -
A custom cleaning shop or pick-up station not exceeding six thousand (6,000) square feet of floor area, including but not limited to dry cleaning plants having no more than one thousand, five hundred (1,500) square feet of floor area for dry cleaning equipment.
Dwelling, Duplex -
A detached dwelling designed with a common vertical wall between units and to be occupied by two families living independently of each other.
Dwelling, Garage Apartment -
An accessory dwelling unit for one family erected in conjunction with a garage. See Accessory Dwelling.
Dwelling, Historically Significant -
Any dwelling that is not less than 50 years old and that meets the criteria for historically significant structures as established by the Texas State Historic Preservation Office.
Dwelling, Multi-Family -
Attached dwelling units designed to be occupied by three or more families living independently of one another, exclusive of hotels or motels.
Dwelling, Single-Family, Attached -
“Zero lot line” developments of Patio Homes or Townhomes allowing two or more dwelling units within a structure. (See Patio Home and Townhome)
Dwelling, Single-Family, Detached -
A detached dwelling designed to be occupied by not more than one family.
Dwelling, Single-or Multi-Family Above First Floor Level -
Single-or multi-family dwelling units that are located above a first floor level commercial or retail business, with each dwelling unit occupied by one family.
Dwelling, Single-Family Zero Lot Line -
Same as Patio Home.
Equipment Sales, Medical -
Establishments primarily engaged in the sale of medical equipment including incidental storage, maintenance and servicing of such equipment.
Fairgrounds -
An area where outdoor fairs, circuses or exhibitions are held.
Family -
One or more persons related by blood, marriage or adoption, or not more than four persons not related by blood, marriage, or adoption, occupying a dwelling unit as an individual housekeeping organization.
Farm, Ranch, Garden Or Orchard -
An area used for growing usual farm products, vegetables, fruits, trees, and grain and for the raising thereon of the usual farm poultry and farm animals such as horses, cattle, and sheep and including the necessary accessory uses for raising, treating, and storing products raised on the premises, but not including the commercial feeding of offal or garbage to swine or other animals and not including any type of agriculture or husbandry specifically prohibited by ordinance or law.
Farmer’s Market -
The retail sale of farm produce by individual vendors, for the primary purpose of selling fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, edible seeds, nuts, live plants, flowers, and honey. The sale of any type of meat, fish or poultry, eggs, refrigerated dairy products, canned foods, packaged items and prepared foods such as salsa, pickles, cookies, etc., shall not be included in this definition.
Feed Lot -
A lot, yard, corral, buildings or other area in which livestock are confined, primarily for the purposes of feeding and growth prior to slaughter and which is specifically designed as a confinement area where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained with the enclosure. The term does not include areas which are used for raising crops or other vegetation or upon which livestock are allowed to graze.
Feed Store -
An establishment for the selling of corn, grain and other foodstuffs for animals and livestock, and including implements and goods related to agricultural processes, but not including farm machinery.
Foster Family Home -
A child-care facility that provides care for not more than 6 children for 24 hours a day.
Foster Group Home -
A child-care facility that provides care for 7 to 12 children for 24 hours a day.
Fraternal Organization Lodge, or Civic Club -
An organized group having a restricted membership and specific purpose related to the welfare of the members such as Elks, Masons, Knights of Columbus, or a labor union.
Fuel/Natural Resource Dispensing Station -
A service facility providing for the dispensing of fuel or other natural resource(s) to the general public. The facility may be attended or unattended and may offer for sale conventional and/or alternative fuels, such as gasoline, bio-fuel, propane, CNG, ethanol, etc. May also include commercial water sales in areas approved by the City of Granbury.
Gasoline Service or Filling Station -
(See Automobile Service Station)
General Market -
An outdoor, or partially indoor, covered premise where the main use is the sale of new and used household goods, fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, edible seeds, nuts, live plants, flowers, honey, personal effects, tools, artwork, small household appliances, and similar merchandise, objects, or equipment, in small quantities, in broken stalls, lots or parcels, not in bulk, for the use or consumption by the immediate purchaser. The sale of any type of meat, fish or poultry, eggs and refrigerated dairy products shall not be included in this definition, nor shall any other merchandise or equipment not permitted to be sold by right within a Light Commercial zoning district. The sale or offering of live animals is also prohibited under this definition. The term general market shall not be deemed to include wholesale sales establishments, personal service establishments or rental service establishments, but shall be deemed to include food service establishments, retail service establishments, and auction establishments.
General Residential Operation -
A child-care facility that provides care for more than 12 children for 24 hours a day, including facilities known as children’s homes, halfway houses, residential treatment centers, emergency shelters, and therapeutic camps.
Golf Cart Sales, New & Used -
A golf cart sales use in which new/used golf carts are displayed and/or sold.
Golf Cart Service/Repair, New & Used -
General repair or reconditioning of golf carts both new and used.
Golf Course/Country Club, Private -
An area of twenty (20) acres or more improved with trees, greens, fairways, hazards, and which may include a clubhouse, dining room, tennis courts and similar recreational or service uses available only to members and their guests.
Golf Course/County Club, Public -
An area of twenty (20) acres or more improved with trees, greens, fairways, hazards, and which may include a clubhouse, dining room, tennis courts and similar recreational or service uses which is privately owned but open to the public for a fee and operated as a commercial venture.
Halfway House -
A home for not more than six persons who have demonstrated a tendency toward alcoholism, drug abuse, antisocial or criminal conduct, together with not more than two persons providing supervision and other services to such persons, all of which live together as a single housekeeping unit.
Health Club (Weight/Aerobic Center) -
A facility where members or non-members use equipment or space for the purpose of physical exercise.
Heliport -
An area of land or water or a structural surface which is used, or intended for use, for the landing and taking off of helicopters, and any appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for use for heliport buildings and other heliport facilities.
Helistop -
A landing pad for occasional landing and taking off of helicopters where no regularly scheduled stops occur. No temporary or permanent storage, refueling, maintenance or repairs shall take place on-site. Helicopters may only be located on the landing pad for start-up, shut-down, passenger loading or unloading and restocking of supplies. Generally, helicopters shall not be located on the landing pad for more than 45 minutes at a time.
Home Occupation -
An occupation, which is secondary to the primary use of a dwelling as a residence, conducted on residential premises solely by an occupant of the residence[.]
Hospital -
An institution providing health services primarily for human inpatient medical or surgical care for the sick or injured and including related facilities such as laboratories, outpatient departments, training facilities, central services facilities, and staff offices which are an integral part of the facilities.
Hospital for Insane/Narcotic Related Illnesses -
A facility that provides residence and/or outpatient care, with supervisory personnel, to persons regardless of legal relationship, who have demonstrated a tendency towards mental illness, alcoholism or drug abuse.
Industrial Manufacturing/Fabrication/Assembly, Enclosed, Light -
Industrial and manufacturing plants including the processing or assembling of parts for production of finished equipment where the process of manufacturing or treatment of materials is such that no dust, odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted with no outside storage.
Industrial Manufacturing/Fabrication/Assembly, Enclosed, Heavy -
Any industrial use whose operation, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, involves a much higher than average risk to public health and safety. There shall be no outside storage.
Industrial Manufacturing/Fabrication/Assembly, Outside Storage, Light -
Industrial and manufacturing plants including the processing or assembling of parts for production of finished equipment where the process of manufacturing or treatment of materials is such that no dust, odor, gas, smoke or noise is emitted and not more than 20% of the lot or tract is used for the open storage of products, materials or equipment.
Industrial Manufacturing/Fabrication/Assembly, Outside Storage, Heavy -
Any industrial use whose operation, in the opinion of the Fire Chief, involves a much higher than average risk to public health and safety. Outside storage is permitted.
Kennels (Indoor Pens) -
An establishment with indoor pens in which more than four (4) dogs or domesticated animals more than one year old are housed, groomed, bred, boarded, trained or sold for commercial purposes.
Kennels (Outdoor Pens) -
An establishment with outdoor pens in which more than four (4) dogs or domesticated animals more than one year old are housed, groomed, bred, boarded, trained or sold for commercial purposes.
Key/Locksmith Shop -
A shop that specializes in making, selling and repairing keys, locks and associated material.
Kiosk -
A small, freestanding, one-story structure having a maximum floor area of 350 square feet and used for commercial purposes, such as automatic teller machines or the posting of temporary information and/or posters, notices and announcements. If a kiosk is to be occupied, it shall have a minimum floor area of 25 square feet.
Laboratory, Medical -
A facility used in the research or testing of items related to the physical well-being of a human being or animal, but not including manufacturing.
Landfill (commercial) -
A commercial use for the disposal of garbage, rubbish, etc., by burying it under a shallow layer of ground.
Laundromat, Self-Serve -
A facility where patrons wash, dry or dry clean clothing and other fabrics in machines operated by the patron.
Library, Public -
Buildings and structures open for the general public, for which a fee may or may not be charged for the use of book collections.
Machine Sales And Storage, Heavy -
A building or open area, other than a right-of-way or public parking area used for the display, sale, rental or storage of heavy machinery, either machines in general or a group of machines which function together as a unit.
Manufactured Home (HUD-Code Manufactured Home) -
A dwelling designed to be transported on its own chassis on the highway in one or more sections by a prime mover and which is constructed with a base section so as to be independently self-supporting and not requiring a permanent foundation for year-round living.
Manufactured Home (HUD-Code) Display, Sales and Services -
The offering for sale, storage, or display of trailers or manufactured homes (HUD-Code) on a parcel of land but excluding the use of such facilities as dwellings either on a temporary or permanent basis.
Manufactured Housing Park (HUD-Code) -
A parcel of land not less than five (5) acres nor greater than twenty-five (25) acres which has been designed, improved, or intended to be used or rented for occupancy by one or more mobile homes or trailer houses in designated spaces.
Manufactured Housing Subdivision (HUD-Code) -
A parcel of land which has been designed, platted, improved, and is intended for the placement of individually owned mobile home units on platted lots which can be purchased outright by the owners of the mobile home units.
Manufacturing -
(See “Industrial” Categories)
Massage Establishment -
Any place of business in which massage therapy is practiced by a massage therapist, as defined and licensed by State law. “Massage Therapy,” as a health care service, means the manipulation of soft tissue for therapeutic purposes. The term includes, but is not limited to, effleurage (stroking), petrissage (kneading), tapotement (percussion), compression, vibration, friction, nerve strokes, and Swedish gymnastics, either by hand or with mechanical or electrical apparatus for the purpose of body massage. Massage therapy may include the use of oil, salt glows, heat lamps, hot and cold packs, tub, shower or cabinet baths. Equivalent terms for “massage therapy” are massage and therapeutic massage. Massage and “therapeutic” do not include diagnosis, the treatment of illness or disease, or any service or procedure for which a license to practice medicine, chiropractic, physical therapy, or podiatry is required by law.
Mausoleum -
Property used for the interring of the dead and where bodies are interred above ground in stacked vaults.
Medical Offices, Professional -
A room or group of rooms used for the provision of executive, management, or administrative services for medically related activities.
Micro-Distillery -
A duly-licensed establishment primarily engaged in on-site distillation of spirits in quantities not to exceed 75,000 gallons per year. The distillery operation processes the ingredients to make spirits by mashing, cooking, and fermenting. The micro-distillery operation does not include the production of any other alcoholic beverage. This establishment will also sell or offer without charge, on the premises of the Micro-Distillery, to ultimate consumers for consumption on or off those premises, spirits produced by the establishment, in or from a lawful container, to the extent the sales or offers are allowed under the establishment’s other permits or licenses.
Model Home Sales Office -
A single-family dwelling in a developing subdivision located on a legal lot of record that is limited to temporary use as a sales office for the subdivision and to provide an example of the dwellings which have been built or which are proposed to be built in the same subdivision.
Monument and Headstone Sales -
A retail establishment offering for sale stone monuments produced off-premises.
Mortuary or Funeral Parlor -
A place for the storage of human bodies prior to their burial or cremation, or a building used for the preparation of the deceased for burial and the display of the deceased and ceremonies connected therewith before burial or cremation.
Motel or Hotel -
A building or group of buildings designed for and occupied as a temporary dwelling place of individuals and providing four or more room units where customary hotel services such as linen, maid service, telephone, and upkeep of furniture is provided.
Motorcycle Sales and Service, New -
The display, sale and servicing, including repair work, of motorcycles.
Municipally Owned Facilities and Uses -
Any area, land, building, structure, and/or facility owned, used, leased, or operated by the City of Granbury, Texas.
Nursery, Retail w/Outside Storage -
An establishment, including a building, part of a building or open space, for the growth, display and/or sale of large plants, shrubs, and trees, and other materials used in indoor or outdoor planting.
Office Center -
A building or complex of buildings used primarily for conducting the affairs of a business, profession, service, industry or government, or like activity that may include ancillary services for office workers such as a coffee shop, newspaper or candy stand.
Office, Professional General -
A room or group of rooms used for the provision of executive, management, or administrative services. Typical uses include administrative offices, and services including real estate, insurance, property management, investment, personnel, travel, secretarial services, telephone answering, and business offices of public utilities, organizations and associations, but excluding medical offices.
Office-Showroom/Warehouse -
An establishment with a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of its total floor area devoted to storage and warehousing, but not accessible to the general public. The remaining area may include retail and wholesale sales areas, sales offices, and display areas for products sold and distributed from the storage and warehousing areas.
Paint Shop -
A commercial establishment where painting services are performed.
Park and Ride -
The temporary storage of automobiles on a daily basis for persons traveling together to and from work either through carpools, van-pools, bus-pools or mass transit.
Park or Playground, Public -
A recreation facility, recreation center, or park owned or operated by a public agency such as a City or School District and available to the general public.
Park or Recreation Facility, Private -
A recreation facility operated for the exclusive use of private residents or neighborhood groups and their guests, and not the general public.
Pawn Shop -
An establishment where money is loaned on the security of personal property pledged in the keeping of the owners (pawnbroker). Retail sales also take place of primarily used items.
Pet Shop -
A retail establishment offering small animals, fish or birds for sale as pets and where all such creatures are housed within the building.
Petroleum Extraction (Oil & Gas Mining) -
The process of extracting petroleum from the earth.
Portable Building Sales -
An establishment which displays and sells structures capable of being carried and transported to another location, but not including mobile homes.
Printing or Reprographic Shop -
A small establishment which reproduces, in printed form, individual orders from a business profession, service, industry or government organization and occupies less than 4,000 square feet. A printing company shall be any printing business which operates in a space of 4,000 square feet.
Produce Sales (Inside) -
The retail sales of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, plants, herbs, or other foodstuffs such as: jams, jellies, pickles, sauce and baked goods located within a building (which meets the architectural and building standards for construction).
Produce Stand -
A partially enclosed or open-aired structure used for the retail sales and display of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs or plants. May also involve the accessory sales of other foodstuffs such as: jams, jellies, pickles, sauces or baked goods. May also include wood or other seasonal items for sale.
Public or Municipally Owned Facility or Uses -
Any building (except a building used primarily for general office purposes) which is owned, leased, primarily used and/or primarily occupied by the State of Texas, the United States, the City of Granbury, or any subdivision or agency of the State of Texas, the United States or the City of Granbury, or by any public or quasi-public utility.
Racetrack, Horse -
A measured course where horses are entered in competition against one another or against time, including tracks used only in the training of animals.
Raceway, Motor -
A measured course where automobiles compete against one another or against time.
Radio/Television Broadcasting, Without Tower -
A building or portion of a building used as a place for radio or television broadcasting.
Railroad Track and Right-Of-Way -
The right-of-way and track used by a railroad, but not including railroad stations, sidings, team tracks, loading facilities, dockyards, or maintenance areas.
Recreation Center, Private -
A place designed and equipped for the conduct of sports, leisure time activities and other customary and usual recreational activities.
Recreation Vehicle Park -
A parcel of land reserved for the location of recreational vehicles for recreational, transient lodging including buildings and sites set aside for related recreational purposes.
Recreation Vehicle Sales, New -
The primary sale of new recreation vehicles in a structure or on open lot with secondary sales of used recreation vehicles.
Recreation Vehicle Sales and/or Service, Used -
Retail sales and/or repair or service of used recreation vehicles.
Recycling Center -
A facility that is not a wrecking yard and in which recoverable resources, such as newspapers, glassware, and metal cans are collected, stored, flattened, crushed, or bundled, essentially by hand within a completely enclosed building.
Recycling Collection Center -
An incidental use that serves as a neighborhood drop-off point for temporary storage of recoverable resources. No processing of such items would be allowed. This facility would generally be located in a shopping center parking lot or in other public/quasi-public areas such as in churches and schools.
Recycling Plant -
A facility that is not a junkyard and in which recoverable resources, such as newspapers, magazines, books, and other paper products; glass; metal cans; and other products, are recycled, reprocessed, and treated to return such products to a condition in which they may again be used for production.
Restaurant, Cafe or Cafeteria -
An eating establishment where customers are primarily served at tables or self-served and food is consumed on the premises, which may include a drive-through window.
Restaurant (Drive-In Type) -
An eating establishment where primarily food or drink is served to customers in motor vehicles or where facilities are provided on the premises which encourage the serving and consumption of food in automobiles on or near the restaurant premises.
Restaurant, Incidental to Primary Use -
An eating establishment primarily for the incidental use of the primary use.
Retail or Service, Incidental -
The rendering of retailing or services incidental to the primary use. In the Office District, such uses include a barber or beauty shop, smoke shop, candy counter, restaurant, pharmacy or other incidental activity secondary to the primary office occupancy.
Retail Sales, General -
This major group includes retail stores which sell a number of lines of merchandise including but not limited to dry goods, apparel and accessories, florist, furniture and home furnishings, antiques, small wares, small appliances, hardware, and general grocery sales. The stores included in this group are known as department stores, variety stores, general merchandise stores, general stores, etc. and which may include services incidental to the sale of such goods.
Retirement Home -
A residential complex containing multi-family dwellings designed for and principally occupied by senior citizens. Such facilities may include a congregate meals program in a common dining area, but exclude institutional care such as medical or nursing care, and are distinguished from convalescent, rest or nursing homes as elsewhere defined.
Rock Quarries, Sand, Gravel or Earth Extraction -
The process of extracting sand, gravel and stone from the earth.
Sanitarium -
An institution providing health facilities for inpatient medical treatment or treatment and recuperation making use of natural therapeutic agents.
School, Home -
Educational activities consisting of a defined curriculum with the purpose of satisfying the state educational requirements and said educational activities being conducted in the home of a student living in the home. Said educational activities shall be considered a part of the housekeeping activities of a family.
School, Home Day -
Educational activities consisting of a defined curriculum with the purpose of satisfying the state educational requirements and said educational activities being conducted in the home but not necessarily in the home of the student living therein. There shall be no more than six (6) unrelated students not living in the home in which the educational activities are being conducted. The total number of students living in the home in which the activities are being conducted shall not exceed twelve (12) at any given time.
School, Institutional, Rehabilitation Training -
A facility that provides rehabilitation and training operated or sponsored by chartered educational, religious or philanthropic organizations, but excluding uses such as trade schools, which are operated primarily on a commercial basis.
School, Nursery -
An establishment providing for the care, supervision and protection of children.
School, Parochial or Private -
A school under the sponsorship of a private agency or corporation or religious agency providing elementary or secondary curriculum, but not including private trade or commercial schools.
School, Private Boarding -
Any building or group of buildings with dormitories, dining rooms and other accessory uses for the boarding of students, the use of which meets state requirements for primary, secondary, or higher education and which does not secure the major part of its funding from any governmental agency.
School, Public, Primary or Secondary -
A school having a curriculum generally equivalent to public elementary or secondary schools.
Schools, Business or Trade -
Establishments, other than public or parochial schools, private primary or secondary schools, or colleges, offering training or instruction in a trade and/or an occupation.
Self-Service or Mini-Warehouse -
A building or group of buildings in a controlled access and fenced area consisting of various sized industrial, compartmentalized and controlled access self-contained units that are leased or owned for the storage of business and household goods or contractor supplies.
Servant’s Quarters -
An accessory dwelling in a residential district for the sole use and occupancy of a member of the immediate family or a person or persons employed on the premises by the occupant on a full-time basis as domestic help, such as a maid, yard-man, chauffeur, cook or gardener, but not involving the rental of such facilities or the use of separate utility connections.
Service and Repair Shops General -
Establishments primarily engaged in the provision of repair and services to individuals and households, rather than businesses, but excluding automotive equipment repair use types. Typical uses include appliance repair, shoe repair, watch and jewelry repair and repair of musical instruments, seamstress and tailor shops.
Shooting Range, Indoor -
A completely enclosed firing range with targets for the supervised discharge of rifles or handguns for practice.
Shopping Center -
A group of primarily retail and service commercial establishments planned, constructed and managed as a total entity with customer and employee parking provided on-site, provision for goods delivery separated from customer access, provision of aesthetically appropriate design and protection from the elements.
Short-term Rental (STR), Commercial -
A premises or portion thereof within a building and used for lodging accommodations for occupants for a period of less than thirty (30) consecutive days and rented for compensation.
Short-term Rental (STR), Residential Unhosted -
A residential principal building or portion thereof within the principal building and used for lodging accommodations for occupants for a period of less than thirty 30 consecutive days and rented for compensation.
Small Engine & Appliance Repair -
A service facility which provides for the servicing and repair of small engines, lawnmowers and other lawn related equipment, generators and household appliances, such as washers, dryers, dishwashers.
Small Tractor and Small Implements -
Any utility, compact or subcompact tractor, and implement tractor attachments used for mowing, landscaping, gardening, clearing, and animal management; used in small areas for small farms, small ranches and residential properties; although not used for large industrialized commercial farming or industrial farming operations. Examples of small utility tractor implement attachments include and are not limited to: disc harrows configurated for low horsepower standard duty; mountable mowers; landscape rakes; hay spears; backhoe; front end loader. This use also includes skid steer equipment.
Stable, Commercial -
A stable used for the rental of stall space or for the sale or rental of horses or mules.
Stable, Private -
An area used solely for the owner’s private purposes for the sale or keeping of horses, mules or ponies, and not kept for remuneration, hire or sale.
Storage Yard -
A building, part of a building, or land area for the construction or storage of materials, equipment, tools, products, and vehicles.
Street Vending, Temporary -
The sale of merchandise from a temporary facility located on public right-of-way, or private property, within a front or side yard area at disassociated periods of time. Street vending shall include any merchandise which is displayed to be sold in an open, or partially open, facility and is not designated as a seasonal item or is associated with any outside display of merchandise offered for sale by the primary use of the lot or tract on which it is located. This definition shall also include any street vendors regarding food preparation and sales to the general public. Special events sponsored by public and nonprofit agencies are exempt from this definition (but will be required to register or permit with the Health Officer). Permanent Street Vending or street vending outside of this definition is strictly prohibited.
The term for the permit shall be for a period of fourteen consecutive days within a twelve-month period and must include the written consent of the property owner. A site plan or other information may be required by the Chief Building Official upon the review of the temporary permit providing evidence of compliance with parking, access and maneuvering and other site or use related requirements prior to the permit.
Studios, Professional -
A building or portion of a building used as a place of work by professionals including but not limited to dancers, photographers, musicians or artists.
Tank Farm -
An open air facility containing a number of above-ground, large containers for the bulk storage, in liquid or gas form, of petroleum, butane, propane or other gas products.
Tattoo Parlor/Body Piercing Studio -
An establishment whose principal business activity, either in terms of operation or as held out to the public, is the practice of one or more of the following: (1) placing of designs, letters, figures, symbols, or other marks upon or under the skin of any person, using ink or other substances that result in the permanent coloration of the skin by means of the use of needles or other instruments designed to contact or puncture the skin; (2) creation of an opening in the body of a person for the purpose of inserting jewelry or their decoration.
Tattoo Parlor, Cosmetic -
An establishment where trained personnel apply micro-injections of pigment to the dermal layer of skin such that facial cosmetics are applied on a permanent basis. This does not include a tattoo parlor.
Taxidermist Shop -
A service and retail establishment for a taxidermist to practice on-site. The service shall include the art of preparing, stuffing, and mounting the skins of animals, and offering the products for sale to the general public.
Terminal, Bus -
Any premises for the transient housing or parking of motor-driven buses and the loading and unloading of passengers.
Terminal, Freight or Truck -
An area and building where cargo is stored and where trucks, including tractors and trailer units, load and unload cargo on a regular basis. May include facilities for the temporary storage of loads prior to shipment.
Terminal, Railroad -
Any premises for the transient housing of trains and the loading and unloading of passengers.
Terminal, Transfer Storage and Baggage -
A facility for the storage of baggage and other items in transit.
Theater, Indoor -
A building or part of a building devoted to the showing of motion pictures, or for dramatic, musical or live performances.
Theater, Outdoor -
An open lot with its appurtenant facilities devoted primarily to the showing of motion pictures or theatrical productions on a paid admission basis, which may include patrons seated in automobiles during the theater performance.
Tire Retreading and Capping -
The process by which tires are treated with a new tread.
Trailer Rental -
The display and offering for rent of trailers designed to be towed by light load vehicles.
Transportation and Utility Structures and Facilities -
Permanent facilities and structures operated by companies engaged in providing transportation and utility services including but not limited to railroad track rights-of-way, sewage pumping stations, telephone exchanges, transit station turnarounds, water reservoirs and water pumping stations.
Travel Trailer Park -
A parcel of land reserved for the location of travel trailers for recreational, transient lodging including buildings and sites set aside for related recreational purposes.
Truck and Bus Rental Leasing -
The rental of new or used panel trucks, vans, trailers, recreational vehicles or motor-driven buses in operable condition and where no repair work is done.
Truck and Bus Repair and Overhaul -
An establishment providing major and minor repair services to heavy load vehicles.
Truck Parking Lot -
Area for parking heavy load vehicles.
Truck Sales, Heavy Trucks -
The display, sale or rental of new or used heavy load vehicles in operable condition.
Truck Stop -
Any building, land, area, or premise, or portion thereof used for the retail dispensing or sales of fuels, lubricants and accessories commonly utilized by heavy load vehicles, but not including those uses listed under Major Automobile Repair, as applying to heavy load vehicles.
Towing Company Office with Towed Vehicle Storage Yard -
An office used for an individual, association, corporation, or other legal, licensed entity that controls, operates, or directs the operation of one or more tow trucks over a public roadway. A tow truck is defined within the Towing Administrative Rules of the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation. This definition shall include an area designated for the storage of towed vehicles.
Towing Company Office without Towed Vehicle Storage Yard -
This definition shall be the same as above but shall exclude the allowance for an area designated for the storage of towed vehicles. Company vehicles, including wreckers and tow trucks shall be permitted.
Utilities, Public and Private -
A closely regulated enterprise with a franchise for providing to the public a utility service deemed necessary for the public health, safety, and welfare. Such public services include but are not limited to water pump stations, water storage tanks, sewage treatment plants, gas regulatory stations and electrical substations.
Veterinarian Clinic, with Outside Pens -
An establishment, including outside pens, where animals and pets are admitted for examination and medical treatment.
Veterinarian Clinic, without [Outside] Pens -
An establishment, not including outside pens, where animals and pets are admitted for examination and medical treatment.
Warehouse, Chemical & Toxic Materials Storage -
The storage of certain types and volumes of materials (as both primary and supplemental warehousing to support the primary) which would constitute a public health and safety concern as determined by local, State and Federal Fire, Building and Health Codes.
Warehouse/Showroom with Office -
A building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials with showroom and office space as secondary uses.
Warehouse, Wholesale, Enclosed -
A building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials in a fully enclosed building or area.
Warehouse, Wholesale, w/Outside Storage -
A building used primarily for the storage of goods and materials with outside storage facilities.
Wine Tasting Facility (Winery) -
An establishment that manufactures, bottles, labels, and packages wine to dispense free for consumption on the winery premises or for sale to ultimate consumers for 1.) consumption on the Winery premises, and 2.) unbroken package off-premise consumption.
Wireless Antenna Facilities -
See Article 9, Wireless Antenna Facilities Regulations.
Wrecking, Salvage, Reclamation Yard -
The reclamation and storage of used products or materials.
Wrecking Yard (Junkyard) -
Any lot upon which two or more motor vehicles of any kind, which are incapable of being operated due to condition or lack of license, have been placed for the purpose of obtaining parts for recycling or resale.
Wireless Antenna Facilities Definitions
Amateur Radio Antenna:
A radio communication antenna used by a person holding an amateur station license from the Federal Communications Commission.
A device used in communications, which transmits or receives radio signals.
Antenna, Building Attached:
Antenna attached to an existing structure in either of two general forms: (1) roof-mounted, in which antennas are placed on the roofs of buildings, or (2) building-mounted, in which antennas are placed on the sides of buildings. These antennas can also be mounted on structures such as water tanks, billboards, church steeples, electrical transmission towers, etc.
Antenna Facility:
Any structure, monopole, tower, or lattice tower used to support antennas.
The act of locating wireless communications equipment for more than one use on a single antenna facility.
Equipment Storage Building:
An unmanned, single-story equipment building used to house radio transmitters and related equipment.
A self-supporting antenna facility composed of a single spire used to support communications equipment or other visible items.
Satellite Receive-Only Antenna:
An antenna that enables the receipt of television signals transmitted directly from satellites to be viewed on a television monitor. Such antennas are commonly known as a satellite dish, television receive-only antenna, dish antenna, parabolic antenna, or satellite earth station antenna.
Stealth Facility:
An antenna facility that is virtually transparent or invisible to the surrounding neighborhood. Stealth facilities may include totally enclosed antennas, wireless facilities that replicate or duplicate the construction of common structures such as flagpoles, and camouflaged wireless facilities that are constructed to blend into the surrounding environment.
Tower, Lattice:
A self-supporting tower having three or four support legs with cross-bracing and the capacity to hold a number and a variety of antennas.
TV Antenna:
An antenna that enables the receipt of television signals transmitted from broadcast stations.
Signs Definitions
Abandoned sign:
Any sign which pertains to a time, event or purpose which has expired or is no longer valid; any sign which was erected for or by the owner, occupant or business on a property and is now unrelated to the present use of this property; any sign, except a real estate sign, which is located on property which becomes vacant and unoccupied for a period of three months or more.
Advertising Matter:
The placement on, anchoring of or suspension from any building, pole sign, sidewalk, parkway, driveway, lawn, area or parking area of any goods, wares, merchandise or other advertising object which is, but not limited to, light, inflatable objects, pennants, or flags for the purpose of calling attention to.
The changing of copy of any existing sign shall be deemed an alteration. The changing of movable parts of a sign which are designed for changing, or the repainting of display matter, or the repairing in place shall not be deemed to be alteration.
The presentation of pictorials and graphics, displayed in a progression of frames which give the illusion of motion.
An architectural projection, which provides weather protection, identity or decoration, and is supported by the building to which it is attached. It is composed of a lightweight rigid or retractable skeleton structure over which another cover is attached which may be of fabric or other materials. An awning may be illuminated. Sign text and logos on awnings are included in the wall signage area, but only the area of the sign (not the entire awning area). An “awning” less than 24" (two feet) in depth is not considered a functional awning and therefore is only considered a wall sign and all of the surface area of it is counted as sign area.
Balloon (Inflatable Advertising):
A non-porous, flexible inflated device utilized to garner the attention of the general public or as general advertising.
Banner Sign:
A temporary sign intended to be hung either with or without a frame, possessing characters, letters, illustrations, or ornamentations applied to paper, plastic, or fabric of any kind.
Billboard, Digital (LED):
A freestanding digital sign that produces static images changed via computer containing at least 128 square feet of face area and owned by a person who engages in the business of selling the advertising space on that sign. This definition shall not include mechanically changed billboards that rotate advertising by a motor.
Billboard, Manual Copy Change:
A freestanding sign containing at least 128 square feet of face area and owned by a person who engages in the business of selling the advertising space on that sign. The advertising is altered through repainting or recovering.
Builder’s Directional Sign:
A sign providing direction or instruction to guide persons to sites where new homes are under construction, usually off-premise.
Building Official:
The officer or other persons with the City of Granbury charged with the administration and enforcement of the Sign Ordinance (Chief Building Official).
Business Sign:
An on-site sign which directs attention to, and/or is used to identify a business, profession, organization, institution, commodity, service, activity, entertainment, or other nonresidential use conducted, sold, or offered on the premises where such sign is located, or within the building to which such sign is affixed.
A canopy is a roof-like structure that shelters a drive lane use such as, but not restricted to, a gasoline pump island. A canopy is open on two or more sides and may be supported by either columns or by being attached to the building to which it is an accessory.
Changeable Copy Sign:
A sign that is utilized year-round, but the copy is changed periodically, advertising different specials associated with retail sales.
Commercial Monument Sign:
A monument style sign which is wrapped with rock, brick, masonry or approved masonry-like material. Alternate, accent material to compliment the building or structure surrounding the sign may be utilized but shall not exceed 20% of the material of the sign. The base must be solid, at a minimum the width of the sign cabinet or advertising area. This sign shall provide for no greater than two spaces for advertising for each of the two sides of the monument sign. The sq. footage of landscaping around the sign shall equal or exceed the sq. footage of the total sign area.
Construction Sign:
A temporary sign identifying individuals or companies involved in the design, construction, wrecking, or improvements of the premises where work is under construction.
Decorative Flag:
A flag or banner that may contain names, initials, logos, insignia or similar items, used to attract attention.
Development Sign:
A temporary on-site sign providing identification on information pertaining to residential or commercial development to include the builder, property owner, architect, contractor, engineer, or mortgage and/or project name.
Dilapidated or Deteriorated Condition:
Where structural support or frame members are visibly bent, broken, dented, deteriorated or contain torn sign copy materials and/or paint to such an extent that a danger of injury to persons or property is created, or where the sign or the structure is not in compliance with the building code or ordinances adopted by the City.
Directional Sign:
Any sign, other than a highway marker or any sign erected and maintained by a public authority, which is erected for the purpose of directing persons to a place, structure or activity not located on the same premises as the sign.
Directory Sign:
A sign listing the occupants of a building, or group of buildings on the same parcel, and/or identifying the location of and providing directions to any establishment on the same parcel.
Electronic Message Board Sign:
A sign composed of a matrix of individual bulbs or lights which are capable of displaying lights in a running or continuous fashion so as to provide transient pictures or information. This definition does not include Gasoline Pricing Sign that is only capable of displaying still frame numerical digits or text.
Enclosed Frame/Changeable Copy Sign:
See Changeable Copy Sign.
To build, construct, attach, hang, place, suspend or affix, and shall also include the painting of the signs on the exterior surface of a building or structure.
A piece of cloth or fabric usually rectangular in shape, of distinctive color and design, used as a symbol, a standard or signal to attract attention. Exemptions to this are patriotic flags, i.e. U.S., State, and City flags.
Flashing Sign:
An illuminated sign on which the artificial source of light is not maintained stationary or constant in intensity and color at all times when such sign is illuminated. For the purpose of this ordinance, any moving illuminated sign affected by intermittent lighting shall be deemed to be a flashing sign.
A support structure which meets all existing wind and load requirements as stated in the City’s ordinances, designed to secure a banner or an interchangeable copy on all sides.
Freestanding Sign:
A sign not attached to a building. A freestanding sign may be either a pole (pylon) sign or a monument sign.
Gasoline Pricing Sign:
An outdoor advertising display with changeable copy or LED numerals that displays the current price of fuel or gasoline for sale. LED gasoline pricing signs may only be located on a freestanding sign or fuel canopy.
Height Measurement:
The height of any sign shall be measured vertically at 90 degrees from the ground at the base of the sign.
Illegal Signs:
Any sign erected or maintained in violation of this ordinance.
Illuminated Sign:
A sign which has characters, letters, figures, or designs illuminated by electric lights, luminous/neon tubes or other means that are specifically placed to draw attention to, or provide nighttime viewing of, the subject matter on the sign face.
Illumination, External:
Lighting by means of an unshielded light source, (including neon tubing, etc.) which is effectively visible as an external part of the sign.
Illumination, Internal:
Lighting by means of a light which is within a sign having translucent background, or silhouetting opaque letters or designs, on which is letters or designs, which are themselves made of translucent material.
Incidental Sign:
Small sign, less than two (2) square feet in surface area, of a noncommercial nature, intended primarily for the convenience of the public. Included are signs designating restrooms, address numbers, hours of operation, entrances to buildings, directions, help wanted, public telephones and so forth. Also included in this group of signs are those designated to guide or direct pedestrians or vehicular traffic to an area or place on the premises of a business building by means of a directory designating names and addresses only.
Landscaped Sign:
Living vegetation that has been arranged or manicured in a manner to display a commercial message, including letters or symbols. The vegetation shall be maintained in accordance with Section 8.5.A of this Ordinance.
LED (Light Emitting Diode) Sign:
A sign comprised of a semiconductor device that emits visible light in the form of a picture or message.
Lighted Sign:
See Illuminated Sign.
A “logo” is any design or insignia of an organization, individual, company, or product which is commonly used in advertising to identify that organization, individual, company or product.
All signs and support structures, together with all their supports, braces, guys, and anchors, shall be kept in good repair and in proper state of preservation. The display surfaces of all signs shall be kept neatly painted or posted at all times. No sign will be allowed to become frayed, discolored or torn.
Menu Board:
A sign displaying the menu for a drive-up window for a food establishment.
Monument Sign:
A permanent ground sign which is wrapped with rock, brick, masonry or approved masonry-like material. Alternate, accent material to compliment the building or structure may be utilized surrounding the sign but shall not exceed 20% of the material of the sign. The base must be solid, at a minimum the width of the sign cabinet or advertising area. This sign shall provide for no greater than two spaces for advertising for each of the two sides of the monument sign.
Movable Sign:
See Portable Sign.
Multi-Tenant Monument Sign (Retail Plaza Sign):
A monument style sign which is wrapped with rock, brick, masonry or approved masonry-like material. Alternate, accent material to compliment the building or structure may be utilized but shall not exceed 20% of the material of the sign. The base must be solid, at a minimum the width of the sign cabinet or advertising area. This sign shall provide for no less than three spaces for advertising (one for each tenant) for each of the sides of the monument sign, not to exceed the number of tenants in the structure. The sq. footage of landscaping around the sign shall equal or exceed the sq. footage of the total sign area.
A graphic displayed on the exterior of a building generally for the purposes of decoration or artistic expression, including, but not limited to painting, fresco, or mosaic.
Non-illuminating wall signs, not over one (1) square foot in area, displaying the name and profession of the occupant of the building.
New Business Sign:
A sign for purpose of announcing the opening of a new business including, but not limited, to signs announcing ““Coming Soon” or “Now Open.”
Nonconforming Sign:
Any sign lawfully constructed which fails to conform to the provisions of this article [Article 7].
Off-Premise Sign:
The term “off-premise sign” means a sign which is issued [used] or intended to be used to attract attention to activities, commodities, services or other endeavors not offered on the premise on which the sign is located.
On-Premise Sign:
The term “on-premise sign” means a sign which promotes or advertises activities, commodities, services, or endeavors which are offered on the premise on which such sign is located.
Outdoor Sales or Rental Advertising:
All forms of temporary advertising permitted by this Ordinance including but not limited to banners, pennants, balloons, flags or rigid signs for those uses or facilities requiring outdoor display of vehicles or equipment for rent or sale such as automobile, ATV, golf cart and boat dealerships. Prohibited signs listed in Section 7.2.F of this Ordinance are not included in this definition.
Pennants, Decorative:
A wind device usually made of a lightweight plastic, fabric or other material whether or not containing a message of any kind, usually triangular in shape and attached to a common cord. This definition also includes streamers attached to a common cord.
Pole Sign:
A freestanding sign supported by a pole or poles having no guys or braces to the ground or to any other structure.
Political Sign:
As defined in the Texas Election Code, as amended, title 15, chapter 259, subsection 259.001(e).
Portable (or movable) Sign:
Those signs that are not firmly attached to the ground, a building, or other structure, and those that can be easily moved or carried about and reused numerous times at different locations; includes signs mounted on trailers and sandwich board signs.
Projecting Sign:
A sign that projects from a building or wall to which it is affixed, by more than twelve (12) inches.
Pylon Sign:
See Pole Sign
Reader-board Sign:
A changeable copy sign with strips attached to the face of the sign to hold removable display letters and numerals for the purpose of identifying products sold or services provided by the related business tenant on the same premise.
Real Estate Land Sale:
A temporary sign announcing the sale of real estate on parcels in excess of one acre.
Real Estate Sign:
A temporary sign pertaining to the sale, lease or rental of real property.
Residential Construction:
A temporary real estate sign announcing the construction of residential development.
Roof Sign:
A sign erected upon or above a roof or parapet of a building or structure.
Every sign, name, number, identification, description, announcement, declaration, demonstration, device, display, flag, banner, pennant, illustration, logo, balloon, streamer, valance, advertising display, poster, light or insignia, affixed directly or indirectly to or upon any building, window, door or outdoor structure, calling attention to any object, product, service, place, or activity.
Sign Area:
Calculation means the area of the sign to be computed by drawing a line or lines around the sign in such a way as to form a rectangle oriented horizontally. The sum square footage of these figures shall be considered as the total area of the sign face. A sign face may be single-sided or double-sided, as with a typical pole sign; however, to calculate the area of a multi-sided sign, the sum of all sides of the sign shall not exceed twice the area specified for sign face.
Sign Box:
The rectangle used to calculate the sign area.
Snipe Sign:
A sign made of any material when such sign is tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or otherwise attached to trees, poles, fences, or other objects, and the advertising matter appearing thereon is not applicable to the use of the premises upon which such sign is located.
Spell on Display Mode:
The display mode where each word is spelled cut [out] until the entire message [appears].
Temporary Sign:
Any sign constructed of cloth, canvas, plastic, light fabric, wallboard or other material with or without frames intended to be displayed for a limited period of time only.
Temporary Signs for Community Special Events:
Temporary signs for special events are permitted and can be placed in or over State rights-of-way within the City of Granbury and its ETJ. All signs referred to in this section must meet Texas Department of Transportation, (TXDOT) requirements and must be permitted by TXDOT and be in accordance with the Policy & Requirements for Community Special Event Signs including Banners as administered by the City of Granbury.
The approved permit issued by TXDOT must be submitted to, reviewed and accepted by the City of Granbury before any signs are installed. Only temporary signs promoting events which are hosted by or benefitting groups or organizations that are 501(c) charitable organizations, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service, will be permitted.
The events must be community related. “Community related” shall mean an event that will be held in Granbury and/or the Hood County community at large and that will benefit an organization that operates in or provides a service to the citizenry of Granbury and Hood County. Any private for-profit venture or event would be prohibited to apply for these signs by this definition. A private person(s) or business(s) may donate to the nonprofit host for the community event, and that contributor’s logo and/or name may be used on signs for the event. Font used to identify sponsors must be a smaller font than that conveying the name of the event and may not dominate a sign. An applicant may choose to hire a private contractor to install the signs. Private contractors placing signs must be insured. If the applicant desires to have City crews install the sign, the applicant seeking the sign permit shall be required to pay installation fees as established by the fee schedule as adopted and amended by the Granbury City Council.
Vehicular Sign:
Any sign attached to a trailer, skid, or similar mobile structure, where the primary use of such structure is to provide a base for such sign or constitute the sign itself.
Vertical Banner:
Any sign of a lightweight fabric or similar material that is mounted to a pole in a vertical fashion secured at top and bottom of banner.
Wall Area:
The area of the wall from the finished floor elevation (or top of foundation) to the top of the parapet wall or to the bottom of the eave, whichever is highest. This wall area is as shown on the architectural elevation of the wall including glass area and recessed wall areas.
Wall Area, Multistory Building:
The sign wall area calculation for multistory buildings shall be based upon the height of the first story (including any mezzanine level).
Wall, Primary:
The wall determined to be the primary signage wall, subject to its incorporating either the major entrance or the common street address.
Wall, Secondary:
The wall of a building which is determined to be of secondary importance to the single business or establishment occupying the premises, and only facing onto a street, right-of-way or parking lot.
Wall Sign:
A sign which is attached or affixed to the wall of a building or is an integral part of the wall of a building with the exposed face of the sign in a plane parallel to and not extending more than twelve (12) inches from said wall. A wall sign shall not extend above the wall/parapet to which the sign is attached. For the purpose of this section, awnings, canopy fascias, and mansards extending along a building side shall be considered a part of the wall. The roof (including mansard and fake mansard roofs) and roof area are not included in the wall area.
Weekend Builder’s Advertising:
A temporary sign pertaining to the sale or property displayed on weekends only.
Window Sign:
A sign attached to, placed upon or painted on the window or door of a building which is intended for public viewing from the exterior of such building.
Adult Entertainment Enterprise Definitions
Adult Bookstore:
An establishment or commercial enterprise having [as] ten percent (10%) or more of its stock in trade videos, tapes, cassettes, photographs, books, magazines or other periodicals, or combination thereof, which are distinguished by a predominant emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult Cabaret:
An establishment whose portion of business is the offering to customers of live entertainment which is intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to customers, including but not limited to dancing, posing, modeling, or acting, and which is distinguished by or characterized by a predominant emphasis on matter depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult Drive-In Theater:
A drive-in theater used for presenting motion picture film, videocassettes, cable television, or any other such visual media distinguished or characterized by a predominant emphasis or matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Adult Encounter Parlor:
An establishment where customers either congregate, associate, or consort with employees who engage in specified sexual activities with or in the presence of such customers, or who display specified anatomical areas in the presence of such customers with the intent of providing sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to such customer.
Adult Lounge:
An adult “cabaret” as defined above which is permitted or licensed pursuant to the Alcoholic Beverage Code where alcoholic beverage may be served or sold.
Adult Motion Picture Theater:
An establishment or commercial enterprise which has an enclosed building with a capacity of more than five (5) persons and is used for presenting material distinguished or characterized by a predominant emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by patrons.
Adult Retail Store:
A retail establishment in which:
Ten percent or more of the stock in trade consists of items, products or equipment distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas; or
Any person is excluded by virtue of age from all or part of the premises generally held open to the public where products or equipment [are displayed] distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas.
Movie Arcade:
A film or videotape viewing device or booth subject to these provisions is defined as:
Viewing Booth/Arcade:
An establishment or commercial enterprise which has within its structure any electrical or mechanical device, which projects or displays film, videotape or reproduction into a viewing area obscured by a curtain, door, or other enclosure which is designed for occupancy by no more than five persons and is used for presenting material distinguished or depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas for observation by five (5) or fewer people[.]
“Specified Anatomical Areas”:
Any of the following that are exposed or less than completely opaquely covered:
human genitals, pubic regions
female breast, below a point immediately above the top of the areola; and
human genitals in a discernable erect state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
“Specified Sexual Activities”:
human genitals in a state of sexual stimulation or arousal; or
acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse, sodomy, or bestiality;
fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttock or female breast.
Outdoor Lighting Definitions
Cut-Off, Eighty Degree (80°):
A fixture that allows no emission above a horizontal plane through the fixture.
The assembly that holds the lamp in a lighting system. It includes the elements designed to give light output control, such as a reflector (mirror) or refractor (lens), the ballast, housing and attachment parts.
A unit of illuminant amounting to one lumen per square foot.
Fully Shielded:
A luminary constructed or shielded in such a manner that all light emitted by the luminary either directly from the lamp or indirectly from the luminary, is projected below the horizontal plane through the luminary’s lowest light-emitting part as determined by photometric test or certified by the manufacturer.
Direct lighting emitted from a luminary that causes reduced vision or temporary blindness.
Halogen Lamp:
Also known as tungsten-halogen, is a specialized type of incandescent lamp which has a significantly hotter filament than conventional incandescent lights. Rather than filling the bulb with an inert gas, the halogen bulbs use a highly reactive element. The resulting reaction produces a significantly brighter light and at extremely high temperatures.
High Pressure Sodium (HPS):
A high intensity discharge lamp where radiation is produced from sodium vapor at relatively high partial pressures (100 tore). HPS is essentially point source light.
Horizontal Plane:
A line horizontal to the lowest point on the fixture from which light is emitted.
Illuminating Engineering Society of North America.
Incandescent Lamp:
Any lamp that produces light by heating a filament through use of an electric current.
Light Source:
A device (such as a lamp) which produces visible energy as distinguished from devices or bodies which reflect or transmit light such as a luminary.
Light Trespass:
Light from an artificial light source that is intruding into an area where it is not wanted or does not belong.
Low Pressure Sodium (LPS):
A discharge lamp where the light is produced by radiation from sodium vapor at a relatively low partial pressure (about 0.001 tore). LPS is a “tube source” monochromatic light.
The physical quantity corresponding to the brightness of a surface (e.g. lamp, luminary, sky, or reflecting material) in a specified direction. It is the luminous intensity of an area of the surface divided by that area. The unit is a candela per square meter.
A device or fixture containing a light source and means for directing and controlling the distribution of light from the source.
Mercury Lamp:
A high intensity discharge lamp where light is produced by radiation from mercury vapor.
Metal Halide Lamp:
A high intensity discharge lamp where light is produced by radiation from metal halide vapor.
Non-essential lighting:
Lighting that is not required to ensure the security, safety and the general welfare of the public and the premises.
Partially Shielded:
Shielding so that the lower edge of the shield is at or below the centerline of the light source or lamp so as to minimize light transmission above the horizontal plane, or at least 90% of the emitted light projects below the horizontal plane as evidenced by the manufacturer’s photometry data.
Quantitative measurements of light levels and distribution.
Searchlight (or Skylight):
Any apparatus capable of projecting a beam or beams of light for the purpose of attracting attention to a commercial establishment. Searchlights (skylights) are prohibited in the City of Granbury, except by written permission received either from the Granbury City Council or for a temporary event or festival.
A physical structure intended to restrict emitted light.
Spill light:
Light emitted by the lighting installation that falls outside the boundaries of the property on which the installation is sited.
Value measurement, maximum:
Represents the measurement of light measured horizontal to the ground and three feet from the ground at the point of greatest intensity between light sources.
Value measurement, minimum:
Represents the measurement of light measured horizontal to the ground and three feet from the ground at the point of least intensity between light sources. Minimum values are also the measurements taken for inside structure measurements or in areas of generally uniform coverage such as canopies, ball fields, tennis courts, etc.
Oil & Gas Drilling Definitions (See Article 14)
All technical industry words or phrases related to the Drilling and production of Gas Wells not specifically defined shall have the meanings customarily attributable thereto by prudent Operators in the Gas industry. For the purposes of this section [Article 14], the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
“Abandonment” as defined by the Railroad Commission and includes the plugging of the Well and restoration of the Drill Site as required by this section [Article 14].
A person to whom a permit or certificate for the Drilling, operation and production of a Well, or the installation or operation of a pipeline, is issued under this section [Article 14], including, but not limited to, his or her heirs, legal representatives, successors or assigns.
Compressor Station:
Those facilities that compress natural gas after production-related activities occur.
Drill Site:
The area used for Drilling, completing, or reworking a Well.
Any digging or boring of a New Well to develop or produce Gas or to inject gas, water, or any other fluid or substance into the earth.
Means and includes the re-entry of an abandoned Well. Drilling does not mean or include the re-entry of a Well that has not been abandoned.
Environmentally Sensitive Area:
An area under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers where scientific, ecological, cultural or aesthetic features have been identified by the Corps of Engineers.
Geologic or geophysical activities, including, but not limited to, surveying and seismic Exploration, related to the search for Gas or other subsurface hydrocarbons.
Gas or natural Gas, as such terms are used in the rules, regulations, or forms of the Railroad Commission.
Gas Well:
Any Well drilled for the production of Gas or classified as a Gas Well by the Texas Natural Resources Code or the Railroad Commission.
Gas Well Inspector:
An independent qualified Gas consultant familiar with and educated in the Gas industry who has been retained by the City.
Gas Well Permit:
A permit applied for and issued or denied pursuant to this section [Article 14] authorizing the Drilling, production, and operation of one or more Gas Wells.
Gathering Station:
The site where the gathering lines for all the Wells converge.
Hazardous Materials Management Plan:
The hazardous materials management plan and hazardous materials inventory statements required by the Fire Code.
New Well:
A New Well bore or new hole established at the ground surface and shall not include the reworking of an existing Well that has not been abandoned unless the reworking involves Drilling to a deeper total depth.
Operation Site:
The area used for development and production of Gas and all related operational activities after Drilling activities are complete.
For each Well, the person listed on the Railroad Commission Form W-1 or Form P-4 for a Gas Well, that is, or will be, actually in charge and in control of Drilling, maintaining, operating, pumping or controlling any Well including, without limitation, a unit Operator. If the Operator, as defined herein, for any Gas Well is not the lessee of any premises affected by the provisions of this section [Article 14], then such lessee shall also be deemed to be an Operator. In the event that there is no Gas lease relating to any premises affected by this section [Article 14], the owner of the fee mineral estate in the premises shall be deemed the Operator.
Pipeline Easement Map:
A map indicating all gathering line easements. The easements must be located separately from other utility easements.
Railroad Commission:
The Railroad Commission of Texas.
Road Repair Agreement:
A written agreement obligating the Operator to repair damage, excluding ordinary wear and tear, if any, to public streets, including, but not limited to, bridges, caused by the Operator or its employees, agents, contractors, subcontractors or representatives in the performance of Drilling or production of any Gas Wells authorized by the City.
A hole or bore to any horizon, formation, or strata for the purpose of producing Gas or other hydrocarbons.
Tree Preservation Definitions
Landscaping and Tree definitions shall be as defined in Article 3.22, Landscape Requirements of Chapter 3, Building Regulations of the City of Granbury Code of Ordinances, as adopted and amended, and this ordinance.
Buildable Area:
That portion of a building site exclusive of the required yard areas on which a structure or building improvements may be erected and including the actual structure, driveway, parking lot, pool and other construction as shown on a site plan.
Building Pad:
The actual foundation area of a building and a reasonable area around the foundation necessary for construction and grade transitions.
Clear Cutting:
The removal of all trees or a significant majority of the trees within an area.
Construction Drawings:
Engineering or architectural drawings which have been prepared by an authorized individual and approved by the authorized authority, that describe in detail by measurements and specifications the method and manner in which a building, structure, utility, street or physical alteration to land or structure is to be accomplished.
Any self-supporting woody perennial plant which will attain a trunk diameter of three inches (3") DBH and normally attains an overall height of at least fifteen (15) feet at maturity, usually with one (1) main stem or trunk and many branches. It may appear to have stems or trunks as in several varieties of oaks.
(Ordinance 16-65 adopted 12/6/16; Ordinance 17-24, ex. A, adopted 4/18/17; Ordinance 17-41, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 17-42, ex. A, adopted 7/18/17; Ordinance 18-31, ex. A, adopted 5/1/18; Ordinance 18-50, ex. A, adopted 8/7/18; Ordinance 19-03 adopted 1/8/19; Ordinance 19-04 adopted 1/8/19; Ordinance 19-18 adopted 3/5/19; Ordinance 19-63 adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 19-64 adopted 9/3/19; Ordinance 19-86 adopted 12/3/19; Ordinance 20-02 adopted 1/7/20; Ordinance 21-67 adopted 11/2/21; Ordinance 22-32 adopted 7/5/2022; Ordinance 23-07 adopted 1/3/2023; Ordinance 24-25 adopted 8/6/2024)