[Ord. of 8-5-1964, § 4; Ord. No. 78-1, 6-7-1978; Ord. No. 82-17, 11-3-1982]
The owner, occupant or tenant of every property fronting upon or alongside of any streets in the Township, is hereby required to cause a path with a minimum width of 2 1/2 feet along the paved sidewalk for their respective premises to be cleared of snow, ice and other obstructions when, and so often as, the same shall fall or appear on said sidewalks, within 24 hours after the same shall have ceased to fall or to form. The snow and ice shall not be placed upon the traveled cartway of the adjoining road or street. The property owner has a continuing responsibility to keep the required minimum path of 2 1/2 feet free of snow and ice.
[Ord. of 8-5-1964, § 4]
The owner of any property shall be responsible for conforming to the requirements of Section 16-1 where such property is occupied by such owner or is unoccupied; the tenant or occupier thereof shall be responsible for such conformance where such property is occupied by such tenant or occupier only; and the owner thereof shall be responsible for such conformance where the property is a multiple-business or multiple-dwelling property, occupied by more than one tenant or occupier.
[Ord. of 8-5-1964, § 6; Ord. No. 898-3, § 4, 10-7-1998]
In any case where the owner, occupant or tenant, as provided for in Section 16-2, shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions of Section 16-1 within the time limit prescribed therein, the Township authorities may proceed immediately top clear all snow and/or ice from the sidewalks of such delinquents, and to collect the expenses thereof from such owner, occupant or tenant, as the case may be with a penalty of 10%, together with the maximum interest allowed by law, for the collection of municipal claims, either by filing a lien or by action of assumpsit or in any other authorized manner.
[Ord. of 8-5-1964, § 6; Ord. of 11-3-1971; Ord. No. 78-1, 6-7-1978; Ord. No. 82-17, 11-3-1982]
Any person, form, association, corporation or the officers thereof, violating any of the provisions of Section 16-1, shall be subject to the general penalty provisions set forth in Section 1-9 of the Code of Ordinances of West Pottsgrove Township. Provided, that each refusal or neglect to comply with the terms of Section 16-1 shall constitute a separate offense.
[Ord. of 12-8-1925; Ord. No. 86-5, §§ 1D, 2, 10-1-1986]
It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive on or across any of the pavement or sidewalks in this Township.
Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter and/or article shall be guilty of a summary offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as prescribed in Section 1-9.
[Ord. of 7-7-1971, §§ 1 — 4; Ord. No. 78-4, 6-7-1978; Ord. No. 86-5, §§ 1E, 2, 10-1-1986]
The portion of any alley or cartway established by deed, easement or prescriptive use and adjacent to two or more parcels of land an ordinarily used for vehicular travel.
The portion of a street or highway improved, designed or ordinarily used for vehicular travel exclusive of the berms or shoulder.
The entire width between the boundary lines of every publicly maintained street or highway when any part thereof is opened to the use of the public for purposes of vehicular travel.
Every partnership, corporation, company or association in charge of or in control of any building or lot of land within the Township fronting or abutting on any street alley or roadway whether its owner, tenant, occupant, lessee or otherwise shall at all times refrain from obstructing or preventing the entry of any public vehicle or emergency vehicle from using said street, roadway or alleyway.
The Township of West Pottsgrove, through its Roadmaster, its Police or its Commissioners, may at all times, demand access to any street, roadway or alley for the purpose of removing weeds, for the purpose of patrolling, for Police access, for fire lane access, spraying equipment access, snow removal equipment access and such owner, tenant, occupant, lessee shall remove any obstruction as may exist upon verbal notice of the Roadmaster of the Police; or upon written notice of any Commissioner an for failure to remove said obstruction within 15 minutes after notice has been given shall upon conviction, pay the fine and penalty provided for herein.
All such owners, tenants, occupants and lessees shall upon 24 hours' written notice of the Roadmaster or Police, refrain from obstructing any such street, roadway or alleyway which would prevent the parking of vehicles used in connection with repairs and installation of services to adjacent buildings so as to permit their being parked in alleyways and lanes would cause the least interference with the flow of traffic throughout the Township. Failure to do so shall be deemed to be a violation of this chapter [section] and upon conviction, [such] owner, tenant, occupant or lessee shall pay the fine and penalty provided for herein.
Penalty. Any person found guilty of violating any of the provisions of this chapter and/or article shall be guilty of a summary offense and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as prescribed in Section 1-9.
[Ord. of 12-8-1925, § 8]
No open areaways, railings, steps or any portion of a building or structure shall be constructed to project beyond the building line. This section, however, shall not apply to reconstruction of steps of buildings already erected which it would be impossible to reconstruct in accordance with above specified regulations. In such case they may be reconstructed to extend over the pavement or sidewalk not more than 1/3 of such pavement or sidewalk, but in no case over a greater space than five feet. No steps of any building shall project more than 18 inches on either side of the door jam. Areaways or openings covered with iron doors not more than three feet in width with rough surface, set flush with the pavement, may project not more than 1/4 of the pavement, but in no case more than three feet measuring from inside face of areaway to building line.
[Ord. No. 73-7, 9-5-1973; Ord. No. 11-05, 11-2-2011]
The following streets are laid out, opened, accepted and ordained as public highways; said streets as more fully set forth in detail in the plans attached on file and made a part hereof; and the streets shall hereafter be public streets of West Pottsgrove Township:
Howard Street from Berks Street to Elm Street, having a right-of-way width of 40 feet, a cartway width of 24 feet, and being 559.3 feet in length;
Linden Street from Race Street to Lemon Street, having a right-of-way width of 50 feet, a cartway width of 30 feet, and being 350.0 feet in length;
Pulaski Street from Glasgow Street to Von Stuben Drive, having a right-of-way width of 50 feet, a cartway width of 30 feet, and being 609.85 feet in length;
Von Stuben Drive from Glasgow Street to Anthony Wayne Drive, having a right-of-way width of 50 feet, a cartway width of 30 feet, and being 1205.43 feet in length;
Nagle Road from Levengood Road to Oakview Drive, having a right-of-way width of 50 feet, a cartway width of 30 feet, and being 988,43 feet in length.
Upland Square Drive from a point 700 feet from the intersection of PA State Route 100 to Sell Road, having a variable right-of-way width ranging from 50 to 90 feet, and being 3,835.61 feet in length. As of May 3, 2012, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation adopted Upland Square Drive as part of the state highway system.
[Ord. No. 83-4, 12-7-1983]
By reference to Ordinance No. 83-4, the Commissioners may designate those streets within the Township which they desire to improve through grading, curbing, guttering, widening, paving, or otherwise improving, including the installation of necessary drainage, during the fiscal year and shall provide necessary allocations for such work.
[Ord. No. 83-4, 12-7-1983]
The improvements to the streets shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by the Township Engineer. Street improvements as designated in Ordinance No. 83-4 shall include grading, curbing, guttering, paving, widening, or otherwise improving said streets or highways including the installation of necessary drainage therein.
[Ord. No. 83-4, 12-7-1983; Ord. No. 94-2, 6-20-1994; Ord. No. 98-3, § 4, 10-7-1998]
The total assessable cost of street improvements, or any part thereof, as herein above described and the total assessable cost of the drainage facilities, or any part thereof, shall be assessed and collected from the owners of the real estate abutting on a street or streets in which the improvement is located by assessment according to the front foot rule and each assessable property along the aforementioned street or streets shall be assessed on a front foot basis for the total length of such side or sides or portion thereof abutting upon, adjacent to or fronting on the street in which the assessable improvements are located.
Upon completion of said improvement, the total cost and expenses, or any part thereof, including engineering services thereof, shall be determined and 2/3 or less of said cost and expenses shall be assessed by Township ordinance against the owners of said real estate abutting thereon by an assessment based on the front foot rule and collected in accordance with the assessing ordinance. West Pottsgrove Township shall assume 1/3 or more of the total cost for such street improvements.
Any assessment authorized under Ordinance No. 83-4 shall be payable within one month from the date thereof, and after the expiration of said period of one month, interest thereon at the maximum rate allowed by law will be added thereto.
If any assessment authorized under Ordinance No. 83-4 shall not have been paid in full, said assessment shall become due and it shall be the duty of the Township Solicitor to collect the same with interest 30 days after the said notice, by an action in assumpsit, or by a lien to be filed and collected in the same manner as municipal claims.
All such charges assessed hereunder shall be in a lien against such properties and said charges shall be assessed and collected and the liens enforced in the same manner provided by law. The Solicitor shall file a municipal lien against any property owner or owners not paying their assessment in full within 30 days of the date the notice of assessment is received by said owner, the cost of the filing of said lien and the satisfaction thereof to be paid by the owners of the assessed property.
[Ord. No. 83-4, 12-7-1983]
Upon receipt of the Township Engineer's certification of completion of street improvements as aforesaid, the Commissioners shall direct the Township Manager to collect from the owner or owners of the aforementioned real property the amount of the costs as assessed pursuant to the aforementioned front foot rule in the manner hereinabove provided and to provide that payment of the said assessment shall be made payable to the Township Treasurer for the use of the Township, and the Commissioners shall direct the Solicitor of the Township to secure the payment of the assessment together with filing and satisfaction expenses by the filing of the lien in the manner hereinabove set forth.
[Ord. No. 83-4, 12-7-1983; Ord. No. 85-6, 7-3-1985; Ord. No. 94-2, 6-20-1994; Ord. No. 95-5, 11-29-1995; Ord. No. 2002-1, 3-6-2002; Ord. No. 2002-2, 6-5-2002]
South Grosstown Road.
The Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township hereby authorize the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of South Grosstown Road from its intersection with Old Reading Pike to West High Street (with the exception of that portion of South Grosstown Road containing the existing railroad bridge). Upon completion of said improvement, the total cost and expenses as aforesaid shall be determined, and 2/3 of said cost and expense shall be assessed by Township ordinance against the owners of real estate abutting thereon by assessment based on the front foot rule in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 83-4.
The Board of Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township having ascertained that the total costs of Engineering services and construction allocable to the new construction work on South Grosstown Road for the grading, paving, drainage and other road installation work on said roadway, from its intersection with Old Reading Pike Road to the south end of the bridge approach (Station 17 + 00 to 24 + 35 as set forth in the construction plans) is $45,440.35. the board further finds that the assessable amount of said construction cots to be $30,293.57, and that the assessable frontage along said road is 1,291.77 feet, and hereby establish the front foot assessment of $23.45 per front foot, which assessment shall be assessed on a front foot basis and collected from abutting property owners in accordance with the provisions of the assessment ordinances of West Pottsgrove Township.
Fairview Street.
The Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township hereby authorize the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of Fairview Street, from its intersection with School lane to Elm Street. Upon the completion of said improvement, the total cost and expenses as aforesaid shall be determined and 2/3 or less of said cost and expenses shall be assessed by Township ordinance against the owners of real estate abutting thereon by assessment based on the front foot rule in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 83-4, as amended.
The Board of Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township has ascertained that the total cost of Engineering services and construction allocable to the new construction on Fairview Street for the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of Fairview Street, from its intersection with School Lane to Elm Street is $176,785.65. The board further finds that the assessable cost of said construction costs to be $13,971.74 and the assessable frontage along said road is 2,180.38 feet and hereby establishes the front foot assessment of $6.41 per front foot, which assessment shall be assessed on a front foot basis and collected from abutting property owners in accordance with the provision of the assessment ordinance of West Pottsgrove Township.
Linden Street.
The Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township hereby authorize the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of Linden Street, from its intersection with Howard Street to Grosstown Road. Upon the completion of said improvement, the total cost and expenses as aforesaid shall be determined and 2/3 or less of said cost and expenses shall be assessed by Township ordinance against the owners of real estate abutting thereon by assessment based on the front foot rule in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 83-4, as amended.
The Board of Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township has ascertained that the total cost of Engineering services and construction allocable to the new construction work on Linden Street for the grading, paving, curbing and drainage on said roadway from its intersection with Howard Street to Grosstown Road is $132,658.85. The board further finds that the assessable amount of said construction costs to be $10,484.31 and that the assessable frontage along said road is 1,636.11 feet and hereby establishes the front foot assessment is $6.41 per front foot, which assessment shall be assessed on a front foot basis and collected from abutting property owners in accordance with the provisions of the assessment ordinances of West Pottsgrove.
School Lane.
The Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township hereby authorize the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of School Lane from its intersection with Grosstown Road to Howard Street. Upon the completion of said improvement, the total cost and expenses as aforesaid shall be determined and 2/3 or less of said cost and expenses shall be assessed by Township ordinance against the owners of real estate abutting thereon by assessment based on the front foot rule in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 83-4, as amended.
The Board of Commissioners of West Pottsgrove Township has ascertained that the total cost of Engineering services and construction allocable to the new construction on School Lane for the grading, paving, curbing and drainage of School Lane, from its intersection with Grosstown Road to Howard Street is $56,856.35. The Board further finds the assessable cost of said construction costs to be $6,343.33 and the assessable frontage along said road is 909 feet, and hereby establishes the front foot assessment of $6.98 per front foot, which assessment shall be assessed on a front foot basis and collected from abutting property owners in accordance with the provisions of the assessment ordinances of West Pottsgrove Township.