Productive and harmonious relationships between County employees and management can best be achieved with respect to working conditions if relationships and policies are clearly set forth. The following shall be considered the official policy of the County relating to employee- employer relations:
The County, in accordance with Maryland State Law, does not accept any employee organization as the sole spokesman for any category of employees;
Employees or employee representatives of employee groups will be afforded the right to present suggestions and make statements on any issue relating to conditions of work;
Strikes and work stoppages by County employees will not be permitted. Instigation of, participation in or giving leadership to a strike, slowdown or work stoppage shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal; and
Infractions of work rules, including unauthorized absences from work, shall be grounds for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
The County Administrator is hereby designated as the spokesman for the County in matters concerning employee-employer relations under ordinary conditions. The County Administrator, or a designee, is hereby empowered to meet and confer with employees. The final determination of employee-employer relations policy rests with the County Commissioners.