This article shall be known as the city public meetings policies.
(Ordinance 2011-01-10-11, sec. 1, adopted 1/10/11)
Unless a particular meeting of the city council or a board, commission or panel contains or requires a public hearing on the topic under consideration, the mayor or other presiding officer may, as provided by these rules, limit or prevent public participation in any consideration of the topic or subject before the body.
The members of the city council, board, commission or panel may, by a majority vote, override the decision by the presiding officer to limit public participation, thus allowing the public participation.
(Ordinance 2011-01-10-11, sec. 2, adopted 1/10/11)
The mayor or other presiding officer of the city council or city board, commission or panel may give preference to residents of the city over nonresidents in participation in any comments in public meetings involving city business; provided that the mayor or other presiding officer shall not unreasonably discriminate.
(Ordinance 2011-01-10-11, sec. 3, adopted 1/10/11)
The city council establishes the following meeting rules for and limits on the amount of time allotted to citizen comments or participation in discussion of items on the agenda and for items not on the agenda where there is no compliance with open meetings notification and where no action can be taken:
The mayor or other presiding officer may hold a comment period at the beginning of the first regular council meeting of each month for comments not related to a public hearing on the agenda.
Any citizen may sign up to address the council prior to the meeting. A sign-in sheet will be available twenty (20) minutes before the meeting.
The topic will be listed on the sign-in sheet and the comments shall pertain to the topic listed.
The citizen may address the council for a maximum of two (2) minutes.
The council is interested in hearing about problems and possible solutions.
Personal attacks on elected officials, appointed officials, or employees will be prohibited.
All comments will be made at the podium in front of the council. The citizen shall state their name and physical address before beginning their comments.
This is not a question and answer session. The mayor or councilmembers are not obligated to answer questions or comment on your remarks.
In the interest of time, multiple people who come to speak on a single topic are asked to choose a spokesperson to represent the group.
If requested, the city staff will reply to your concerns in writing within the next month. Staff replies will be copied to the mayor and council.
If a citizen would rather make written comments, the comments will be dispersed to the mayor and council after the meeting.
Except at public hearing or citizen comment time, the audience shall refrain from comments unless recognized by the mayor or other presiding officer.
(Ordinance 2011-01-10-11, sec. 4, adopted 1/10/11)
The mayor or other presiding officer of the city council, board, commission or panel shall have the right to limit discussions, comments, signs or public outbursts in any public meetings in order to facilitate the conduct of business of the city.
(Ordinance 2011-01-10-11, sec. 5, adopted 1/10/11)