It shall be unlawful for any person to conduct a special event without first having obtained a permit from the city and paying the prescribed fee. The fee for issuance of such permit shall be in accordance with the city's current fee schedule.
A person seeking a special event permit shall file an application with the city upon forms provided by the city. The special events manager shall ensure that other licenses and permits, restrictions, regulations, fees for the city services, safeguards or other conditions deemed necessary by individual city departments for the safe and orderly conduct of a special event be requested, submitted and approved before the permit is granted (by way of example, health permit applications, agreement with police department for police coverage, agreement with fire department for fire and emergency services, and/or agreement with public works department regarding costs associated with street closures).
A complete permit application for a parade or special event shall be submitted to the city not less than 60 days prior to the date and time of the commencement of the parade or special event. The special event manager and/or the special event review committee may waive the 60-day filing requirements for a parade or special event if the special event manager and/or the special event review committee determines that the permit application can be processed in less than 60 days, taking into consideration the type of parade or special event. If the parade or special event permit application is submitted later than the required time as stated above, an expedited review fee may be required. The amount shall be outlined in the city's fee schedule approved by city council. Within ten business days of receipt of the complete permit application the committee shall notify the applicant if the permit is approved or denied.
Parade or special event permit applications will be processed on a first come basis and no parade or special event will be considered an annual event tied to a specific date. Parade or special event permit applications will not be accepted more than a year in advance for a specific date.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)
The application for a special event permit shall set forth as a minimum the following information:
The name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and copy of a valid state or federal issued government photo identification of the person seeking to conduct the event;
If the event is to be held for or by an organization, the name, address, and telephone number(s) of the headquarters of the organization and the authorized and responsible heads of such organization, including a local or regional contact;
If the event is to be held by or for any person other than the applicant, the applicant shall file a written statement from that other person showing authority to make the application;
The name, address, telephone number, date of birth, and copy of a state or federal government issued photo identification of the person who will be the event chairman and who will be responsible for its conduct;
The name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, and copy of state or federal government issued photo identification of the property owner(s) authorizing the use of the property for a special event;
The proposed location and parking areas for the event;
The approximate number of persons who are attending, including peak attendance and duration of peak and, if applicable, the number and types of animals and vehicles which will constitute such event;
The location and size of tents, awnings, canopies, food service booths, stage, sound system, merchandise booths, barricades, traffic cones, proposed structures, fences, signs, banners, restroom facilities, or other temporary structures shall be shown;
Details for any planned signage shall be included;
When loudspeakers/stage sound system will be used, the location and orientation of those speakers shall be shown;
The time at which on-site activities in preparation for the event will begin;
The date(s) and time(s) the special event will start and terminate;
A description of the parade or special event and the requested dates and hours of operation of the parade or special event;
The time and location of street closings, if any are requested for the parade or special event;
Details of how the applicant will clean up the area used after the parade or special event;
The parade's commencement and termination time, the starting and termination points, and the specific route to be traveled provided in written format including detailed directions as well as in an illustrated map format;
A general schedule of the order of parade participants;
The estimated number, if any, of animals, animals and riders, animal-drawn vehicles, floats, motor vehicles, motorized displays, and marching units or organizations such as, but not limited to bands, color guards, and drill teams;
If the event is to be held on private property, written permission shall be provided with contact information for the holding of the event from the owner of the property or his authorized representative;
An itinerary for all activities occurring during the special event;
Admission pricing;
List of vendors and merchandise, food or alcoholic beverages to be sold including name, address, phone number, insurance coverage certificates, required permits, of the vendors;
List of live entertainment to be provided;
Requirement for electricity, water, and other utilities;
List of vendor and program for fireworks and/or pyrotechnic display(s) (such programs are subject to fire department review and approval);
List of aerial events (including but not limited to helicopters and hot air balloons) to be provided. Aerial events are subject to fire department review and approval, liability insurance requirements, and inspection permits;
List of amusement/carnival rides and attractions. Carnival rides and activities are subject to fire department review and approval, liability insurance requirements, and inspection permits;
Prior approval by the parks and recreation department to use the park facilities for a special event, if applicable;
Proof of nonprofit status;
Copy of contract, agreement, or details outlining arrangement between applicant upon request;
Copies of permits and agreements with all city departments shall be included with the application for a special event permit; and
Any other information which the city shall find necessary relating to public health, safety and welfare.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)
When considering approval of a permit application, the special event review committee may consider (without limitation) the following factors:
Whether the permit application allows for ample opportunity to properly plan and prepare for the parade or special event;
Whether, police, fire and other city services will be unduly burdened or adversely affected by the parade or special event;
Whether the parade or special event is reasonably likely to cause injury to persons or property, to provoke disorderly conduct or create a disturbance;
Whether the special event will substantially interrupt the safe and orderly movement of traffic near its location or route; and
Whether there will be adequate sanitation and other necessary public health facilities in or adjacent to any public assembly areas.
The applicant should consider the parade or special event approved upon receipt of the permit application indicating approval executed by the special event review committee or special event manager prior to the start of the special event for (without limitations) the plans described below.
The city, by approving such plans, assumes no liability or responsibility therefor.
The special event review committee may prescribe licenses and permits required by other city ordinances, or applicable law, restrictions, regulations, cost for city services, safeguards, and other conditions necessary for the safe and orderly conduct of a parade or special event, to be incorporated into the permit before issuance.
The special event review committee shall provide the special event manager the estimated cost for city services provided by their respective department to ensure the safe and orderly operation of the parade or special event. The special event manager will prepare and provide the applicant with an invoice detailing these estimated costs. Payment will be required not less than five (5) days prior to the date of the parade or special event. If the actual costs for city services are less than estimated, the city will issue a refund to the special event applicant no less than two weeks after the special event.
Special events and parades sponsored by the city or school district(s) within the city will be exempt from fees associated with this article; however, nonprofit organizations will not be exempt from fees associated with this article unless otherwise granted an exception by the special events committee.
In consultation with the police chief, the special events manager may provide for the issuance of permits for the use of golf carts, all-terrain vehicles, or similar vehicles for use at special events or parades. Such use shall be limited to those times and places indicated on the permit.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)
The special events manager may deny a special event permit if:
The event will conflict in time and location with another event for which a permit has already been granted;
The applicant/permittee fails to comply with, or the proposed parade or special event will violate an ordinance of the city or any other applicable law, unless prohibited conduct or activity would be allowed under this article;
The applicant makes or permits the making of a false or misleading statement or omission of material fact on an application for a special event;
The applicant has been convicted of violating this article, or has had a permit revoked within the preceding twelve (12) months or fail to pay a special event fee;
The applicant fails to provide proof of a license or permit required by this article or another city ordinance or by state law;
The event, in the opinion of the police chief, fire chief or the special event committee, would severely hinder the delivery of normal or emergency services or constitutes a public threat;
The applicant submits an incomplete application or fails to pay and special event fees;
If a parade crosses or uses as a route, or as part of a route, any of the following:
SH 289/Preston Road.
FM 121/Main Street.
The event will unreasonably disrupt the orderly flow of traffic and no reasonable means of rerouting traffic or otherwise meeting traffic needs is available;
The event begins and/or ends outside the city limits, unless or until the applicant receives approval from the adjacent city or county jurisdiction where the parade or special event begins or ends;
The applicant fails to adequately provide for:
The protection of event participants;
Maintenance of public order in and around the special event location;
Crowd security, taking into consideration the size and character of the event;
Emergency vehicle access; or
Safe sanitary conditions for preparation or operation of food concessions;
The applicant fails to provide a certificate of liability insurance naming the city as additional insured in the amount designated by the mayor. Applicant must also provide the certificate of liability insurance and an endorsement agreement not less than ten days prior to the date of the parade or special event;
The applicant fails to provide proof that he possesses or is able to obtain all licenses and/or permits required by this article or other city ordinances or by other applicable law for the conduct of all activities included as part of the parade or special event;
The applicant fails to notify the businesses affected by the parade or special event, in writing, of proposed street closures fourteen (14) days prior to the event;
The applicant fails to submit the required fees and agrees in writing to reimburse the city for the estimated costs for the proposed parade or special event;
The proposed parade or special event would unduly burden city services;
The applicant failed to provide a certificate of liability insurance and endorsement agreement naming the city as additional insured in the amount designated ten (10) days prior to the event; or
The applicant failed to pay any outstanding fees or estimated costs owed to the city for the parade or special event permit.
Should the applicant for a parade or special event permit reveal that the route requested would interfere with the orderly flow of vehicular and pedestrian traffic, the special event review committee shall have the authority to establish a reasonable alternate route and regulate the width of the event.
The special events manager or other designated city official shall revoke a special event permit if:
There are findings that any of the provisions of this article, another city ordinance, or state law is being violated;
In the judgment of the special events manager, a violation exists which requires immediate abatement;
The applicant made or permitted to be made a false or misleading statement or omission of material fact on an application for a special event permit;
The applicant fails to comply with the special event permit, an ordinance of the city, or any other applicable law; or
The parade fails to begin in a timely manner as determined by the police chief, fire chief, special event manager, or their designees.
No permit application shall be denied solely on the basis of the content or particular message of any event.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)
If the special events manager or the special event review committee denies the issuance of or revokes a permit application, the special event manager shall send to the applicant or permit holder, by certified mail, return receipt requested, written notice of the denial or revocation and of the right to an appeal within a reasonable period of time not to exceed more than five (5) business days after the committee renders its decision. The decision of the special events manager or special event review committee is final unless the applicant or permit holder appeals the decision within three business days to the Mayor, in writing. The Mayor shall, within three (3) business days after the appeal is filed, consider all the evidence in support of or against the action appealed and render a decision either sustaining or reversing the denial or revocation. The decision of the Mayor shall be final.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)
The permit granted under the terms of this article shall not exceed a period of fourteen (14) days.
(Ordinance 2016-06-09-03 adopted 6/9/16)