If any person shall make an affidavit before the municipal secretary or judge of the municipal court that any dog has bitten any person within the limits of the municipality, it shall be the duty of the animal control officer or his or her deputies or a police officer to direct the owner or keeper of such dog to keep the dog securely confined for not less than ten days and to release the dog only upon written permission of a duly licensed veterinarian, and the failure of such owner or keeper to comply with such directions shall constitute a misdemeanor.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.014), adopted 1/12/04)
The animal control officer, health officer, or any law enforcement officer shall have the right to shoot or kill any rabid dog or dangerous dog in the streets which shall manifest a disposition to bite or render itself inaccessible to impounding.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.015), adopted 1/12/04)
No person shall willfully or knowingly keep or permit any dog on his or her premises or in or about his or her premises that barks or howls repeatedly in such a manner as to disturb the peace and quiet of the neighborhood or the occupants of adjacent premises. A person shall be deemed to have willfully and knowingly violated the terms of this section if such person shall have been notified by the animal control authority or any law enforcement officer of any such disturbance and shall have refused, for a period of 24 hours, to correct such disturbance and prevent its reoccurrence.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.016), adopted 1/12/04)
It shall be the duty of the animal control authority or any police officer to cause all dogs running at large within the limits of the municipality to be impounded, to keep and properly care for all dogs impounded, to put to death or destroy all dogs that have not been redeemed or sold, and to perform such duties as may be directed by the mayor under the terms of this chapter.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.017), adopted 1/12/04)