It shall be unlawful for any person owning chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guineas, or other fowl to permit such fowl to run at large within the corporate limits of the municipality.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.050), adopted 1/12/04)
No person shall maintain fowl within the municipal limits unless the following requirements are met:
Maximum number; enclosure requirements.
There shall be a minimum of five square feet for each fowl kept in the municipal limits. An enclosure shall be provided on the premises, which shall be no closer than 100 feet to any dwelling. The enclosure must be of such construction as will allow for ease in cleaning and airing and kept in such a manner as not to become offensive to adjacent neighbors or the public. No more than 25 fowl may be maintained on any single lot or tract.
Storage of manure.
Each premises where fowl are kept shall be required to have built an impervious (for example, concrete) bin which will act as a storage place for all manure from such fowl. It shall be covered with an approved cover that will not allow the ingress or egress of flies and will prevent any water from entering it. The bin shall be a minimum of 30 cubic feet in size.
Sanitary condition required.
It shall be the duty of every person raising, keeping, or harboring any fowl to keep the premises or pen or other enclosure in a sanitary condition.
(Ordinance 031208-6, sec. 1 (90.051), adopted 1/12/04)