As used in this article, the following words and terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, unless the context of their usage clearly indicates another meaning:
means any person who does any one or more of the following shall be deemed to be conducting business in an enterprise:
Operates a cash register, cash drawer or other depository on the premises of the enterprise where cash funds or records of credit card or other credit transactions generated in any manner by the operation of the enterprise or the activities of the premises of the enterprise;
Displays or takes orders from any customer for any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered on the premises of the enterprise;
Delivers or provides to any customer any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered on the premises of the enterprise;
Acts as a door attendant to regulate entry of customers or other persons into the premises of the enterprise; or
Supervises or manages other persons in the performance of any of the foregoing activities on the premises of the enterprise.
means any person who:
Is allowed to enter an enterprise or any portion of an enterprise in return for the payment of an admission fee, membership fee or any other form of consideration or gratuity;
Enters an enterprise or any portion of an enterprise and purchases, rents or otherwise partakes of any merchandise, goods, entertainment or other services offered therein; or
Is a member of and on the premises of an enterprise operating as a private or membership club or an enterprise that reserves any portion of the premises of the enterprise as a private or membership club.
means the Chief of Police and such employee(s) of the police department as he may designate to perform the duties of the director under this article.
means any person who renders any service whatsoever to the customers of an enterprise, works in or about an enterprise or who conducts any business in an enterprise and who receives or has the expectation of receiving any compensation from the operator, or customers of the enterprise. By way of example, rather than limitation, the term includes the operator and other management personnel, clerks, dancers, models and other entertainers, food and beverage preparation and service personnel, door persons, bouncers, and cashiers. It is expressly intended that this definition cover not only conventional employer-employee relationships but also independent contractor relationships, agency relationships, and any other scheme or system whereby the ‘employee’ has an expectation of receiving compensation, tips, or other benefits from the enterprise or its customers in exchange for services performed.
means an adult bookstore, adult cabaret, adult encounter parlor, adult lounge, adult modeling studio, adult movie theater or any establishment whose primary business is the offering of a service or the selling, renting or exhibiting of devices or any other items intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to its customers, and which is distinguished by or characterized by an emphasis on matter depicting, describing or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. The term “enterprise” shall include any premises for which a permit is required under either or both of Articles II and III of this chapter. However, the term ‘enterprise’ shall not be construed to include:
Any business operated by or employing licensed psychologists, licensed physical therapists, licensed athletic trainers, licensed cosmetologists, or licensed barbers performing functions authorized under the licenses held;
Any business operated by or employing licensed physicians or licensed chiropractors engaged in practicing the healing arts; or
Any retail establishment whose major business is the offering of wearing apparel for sale to customers.
means any employee of an enterprise who performs or engages in entertainment.
means any act or performance, such as a play, skit, reading, revue, fashion show, modeling performance, pantomime, role playing, encounter session, scene, song, dance, musical rendition or striptease that involves the display or exposure of specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. The term “entertainment” shall include any employee or entertainer exposing any specified anatomical areas or engaging in any specified sexual activities whatever in the presence of customers.
means any person who supervises, directs or manages any employee of an enterprise or any other person who conducts any business in an enterprise with respect to any activity conducted on the premises of the enterprise, including any “on-site manager.”
means any person charged by an owner or operator of an enterprise with the responsibility for direct supervision of the operation of the enterprise and with monitoring and observing all areas of the enterprise to which customers are admitted at all times during which the enterprise is open for business or customers are on the premises of the enterprise.
means the manager or other natural person principally in charge of an enterprise.
means the proprietor if a sole proprietorship, all general partners if a partnership, or the corporation if a corporation.
means the current, valid permit issued by the director pursuant to the terms of this article.
means any portion of the interior of an enterprise separated from any other portion of an enterprise by any wall, partition or other divider.
Less than completely and opaquely covered:
Human genitals, pubic region or pubic hair;
Female breast or breasts or any portion thereof that is situated below a point immediately above the top of the areola; or
Any combination of the foregoing; or
Human male genitals in a discernibly erect state, even if completely and opaquely covered.
Human genitals in a discernible state of sexual stimulation or arousal;
Acts of human masturbation, sexual intercourse or sodomy;
Fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region or pubic hair, buttock or female breast or breasts; or
Any combination of the foregoing.
means an individual who holds a Temporary Entertainer’s Permit
means an Entertainer’s Permit that is valid for a reduced period of time, as set forth in this Article.
means an individual who holds a Temporary Floor-Manager’s Permit.
means a Floor-Manager’s Permit that is valid for a reduced period of time, as set forth in this Article.
means an individual who holds a Temporary Manager’s Permit
means an Entertainer’s Permit that is valid for a reduced period of time, as set forth in this Article.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
The provisions of this Article are expressly made cumulative of other applicable laws including, without limitation to the entire chapter.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
It shall be unlawful for any person who does not hold a permit or temporary permit to act as an entertainer or a manager of or in an enterprise.
It shall be the duty of the operator and owners of each enterprise to ensure that no person acts as an entertainer or manager of or in the enterprise unless that person holds a permit or temporary permit.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
Any person who desires to obtain an original or renewal permit shall make application to the director in person at the Police Department between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, city observed holidays excepted. The application shall be made under oath upon a form prescribed by the director and shall include:
The name, home street address and mailing address (if different) of the applicant;
Proof of the date of birth of the applicant and the identity of the applicant, including at least one photographic identity card issued by a governmental agency;
A list of any criminal charges pending, convictions, and time of service in jail or prison as related to any applicable offense that is specified in Section 18-82 of this Article; and
Each application shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable processing fee of $60.00. Each applicant shall be required to obtain from the Texas Department of Public Safety a copy of their criminal history report and surrender it to the Police Department upon making application.
The Director shall issue the permit within three business days from the date of filing of the application unless he finds that the applicant has been convicted of or spent time in jail or prison for an offense specified in the applicable provisions of Section 18-82 of this Article within the time specified therein. If the application is not granted, then the applicant shall be mailed notice of the grounds and of their right to provide evidence and request a hearing as provided by Section 18-87 of this Article, within ten days from the date of filing of the application.
Each permit issued by the Director shall consist of two photographic identification cards, a personal card and an on-site card.
Any applicant whose application is denied and who requests a hearing on the denial shall be granted a hearing within thirty days following the receipt of the request by the Chief of Police. The hearing shall be conducted as provided in Section 18-89 of the Article. If the Hearing Officer rules against the applicant, then the applicant shall be given notice of the right to seek an injunction or judicial review of the decision as provided in Section 18-89 of this Article.
In the event that the director fails to issue or deny a permit application within the time specified in subsection (c) or to provide a hearing within the time specified in subsection (e), then the applicant shall, upon written request, be immediately issued a temporary permit which shall be valid until the third day after the applicant is given notice of the decision of the director or the hearing officer.
If any personal card or on-site card is lost or stolen, the holder thereof shall immediately notify police department and request a replacement, which shall be issued for a fee of $35.00 within three days following verification of the identity of the holder.
No permit application shall be accepted nor shall a permit be issued to any person who does not provide proof that he is at least 18 years old. Any permit issued by virtue of any misrepresentation or error to any person under age 18 shall be void, and the holder of such permit shall be subject to criminal prosecution.
A temporary manager’s permit or temporary entertainer’s permit shall be issued within twenty-four hours of the application when:
The application has been completed and submitted to the Police Department.
The applicant supplies a copy of a valid and lawful photographic identification card that was issued to the individual by a governmental authority of the United States of America or any State, possession, commonwealth, or territory thereof;
A preliminary investigation indicates that the applicant is otherwise qualified under this Article for the issuance of a temporary permit; and
The applicant has not applied for or been granted a temporary permit in the year preceding the application.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
A permit is valid for two years from the date of its issuance.
A temporary entertainer’s permit or temporary manager’s permit shall be valid for thirty calendar days.
A permit is personal to the named permit holder and is not valid for use by any other person.
Each permit holder shall notify the police department of his new address within ten days following any change of address.
Permits shall be portable from location to location, so long as each such location is a validly licensed Sexually Oriented Business.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
Each manager or entertainer shall conspicuously display his personal card upon his person at all times while acting as an entertainer or manager of or in an enterprise.
Each manager or entertainer shall provide his on-site card to the manager or on-site manager in charge of the enterprise to hold while the manager or entertainer is on the premises.
In any prosecution under Section 18-105 of this Article, it shall be presumed that the actor did not have a permit unless the permit was in display as required under section (a) of this subsection.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
In the event that the director has reasonable grounds to believe that any permit holder has been convicted of or spent time in jail or prison for an offense as specified in the applicable provision of Section 18-82 of this Article within the time specified therein, then the Director may revoke the permit following a notice of the grounds pursuant to Section 18-87. The permit holder has a right to an administrative hearing pursuant to Section 18-89. In the event that the hearing officer determines that the permit should be revoked, then he or she shall issue render a decision pursuant to Section 18-89 following the mailing of notice of the decree to the permit holder in order to allow the permit holder an opportunity before the permit must be surrendered to seek an injunction or judicial review of the decision as authorized in Section 18-89 of this Article.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
It shall be unlawful for an individual to intentionally or knowingly appear in a state of nudity within 50 feet of a public place or establishment that serves or permits the consumption of alcohol.
It shall be unlawful for an individual to intentionally or knowingly appear in a state of semi-nudity within 50 feet of a public place or establishment that serves or permits the consumption of alcohol.
It shall be unlawful for an individual, person, corporation, or association that manages, or operates a Sexually Oriented Business to intentionally or knowingly allow an individual to appear on the premises of said establishment in a state of nudity.
It shall be unlawful for an individual, person, corporation, or association that manages, or operates a Sexually Oriented Business to intentionally or knowingly allow an individual to appear on the premises of said establishment in a state of semi-nudity.
It shall be unlawful for an owner-operator of a Sexually Oriented Business to intentionally or knowingly allow an individual to appear on the premises of said establishment in a state of nudity.
It shall be unlawful for an owner-operator of a Sexually Oriented Business to intentionally or knowingly allow an individual to appear on the premises of said establishment in a state of semi-nudity.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)
It shall be the duty of the operator of a Sexually Oriented Business to:
ensure that at least two conspicuous signs, visible from a public right-of-way, stating that no loitering is permitted on the premises are posted on the exterior of the structure;
designate one or more employees to monitor the parking lot of the premises by the use of video cameras and monitors, which shall operate and record continuously at all times that the premises are open for business. The monitors shall be installed within a manager’s station, and the operator of a Sexually Oriented Business shall preserve the recordings of the parking lot of the premises for a period of not less than thirty (30) days before the recordings may be erased. Recordings maintained under this Section are subject to the inspection requirements set forth in Section 18-83.
No Sexually Oriented Business shall erect a fence, wall, or similar barrier that prevents any portion of the parking lot(s) for the establishment from being visible from a public right-of-way.
It shall be unlawful for a person having a duty under this section to intentionally or knowingly fail to fulfill that duty.
(Ordinance 1844, 3-24-09)