The purpose of this article is to supplement state statutes and regulations governing day care centers by providing standards for operation of day care centers in the city to protect the health, safety and welfare of the occupants and patrons of day care centers.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
The provisions of the current rules or rules as amended, known as the “Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers”, found in Title 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 715, Section 401 through 429 are herein adopted together with the additions, deletions, and amendments hereinafter contained, as part of Article II, Day Care Centers, of the “Health and Sanitation” Chapter of the Code of the City of Euless.
An un-abridged copy of the “Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers” shall be kept on file in the office of the city secretary. The provisions of the “Minimum Standards for Day Care Centers” shall apply, as though such regulations were copied at length herein, except where specific other provisions are expressed within this article.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Building official:
The officer or other designated authority charged with the administration and enforcement of this Code, or the building official’s duly authorized representative.
A person under 18 years of age.
City of Euless.
City code:
The Code of Ordinances of the City of Euless, as amended from time to time.
Day care center:
A facility that provides care for more than five children under 14 years of age, who are not the natural or adopted children of the owner or operator of the day care center, for less than 24 hours a day.
The Texas Department of Health.
Food service:
The preparation or serving of meals or snacks.
Handwashing lavatory:
A basin with hot and cold running water for the washing of hands.
Health department:
The City of Euless Health Services (Code Services).
Health department permit:
A certificate issued by the City of Euless Health Services upon application and inspection of a day care center which at the time of issuance complied with applicable city ordinances.
A child younger than 18 months old.
Isolation area:
An area or room apart from other facilities which shall be available for use by children who become sick or injured.
A person having any legal or equitable interest in the business or operation of a day care center. A person is deemed to be an owner for purposes of this chapter if that person operates, conducts, manages, maintains or controls, either directly or indirectly, a day care center.
An individual or any other legal entity.
A tract of land with the buildings thereon, or a building or part of a building with its grounds or other appurtenances.
Children between two and five years of age.
All wastes resulting from domestic, commercial or industrial operations incidental to urban life, except sewage, but including garbage, brush and trash.
A self-contained enclosure with a door on it, containing at least one lavatory and one commode.
The liquid waste, which may or may not contain solids, from the plumbing facilities or sanitary conveniences of a building, dwelling unit, business building, factory or institution.
Single-purpose sink:
A sink that is used for only one purpose, said purpose being specifically designated by the facility and approved by health services. Types of single-purpose sinks include, but are not limited to: handwashing lavatories at diaper changing stations, handwashing lavatories in restrooms, wastewater disposal sinks, and sinks required for food service preparation in accordance with the rules on food service sanitation.
Any child between 18 and 23 months of age.
The term “child care” shall not apply to:
A state-operated facility;
An agency foster group home or agency foster home as defined by the Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 42;
A facility that is operated in connection with a shopping center, business, religious organization or establishment where children are cared for during short periods while parents or persons responsible for the children are attending religious services, shopping or engaging in other activities on or near the premises, including but not limited to retreats or classes for religious instruction;
A school or class for religious instruction that does not last longer than two weeks and is conducted by a religious organization during the summer months;
A youth camp licensed by the Texas Department of Health;
A hospital licensed by the Texas Department of Health and Mental Retardation or the Texas Department of Health;
An educational facility accredited by the Texas Education Agency or the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission that operates primarily for educational purposes in grades kindergarten and above;
An educational facility that operates solely for educational purposes in grades Kindergarten through at least Grade 2, that does not provide custodial care for more than one hour during the hours before or after the customary school day, and that is a member of an organization that promulgates, publishes and requires compliance with health, safety, fire and sanitation standards equal to standards required by state, county and municipal codes.
Kindergarten or preschool educational program that is operated as part of a public school or a private school accredited by the Texas Education Agency or the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission, that offers educational programs through Grade 6, and that does not provide custodial care during the hours before or after the customary school day;
A family home as defined by the Texas Human Resources Code, Chapter 42;
An educational facility that is integral to and inseparable from its sponsoring religious organization or an educational facility, both of which do not provide custodial care for more than two hours maximum per day, and that offers educational programs for children age five and above in one or more of the following: Kindergarten through at least Grade 3, elementary or secondary grades; provided, however, that a religious organization, such as that described in subsection (3) above, where children are cared for during short periods while parents or persons responsible for the children are attending religious services or engaged in other activities on or near the premises, may provide custodial care for more than two hours per day; or
After-school care facilities in public schools that provide care before or after the usual school day, or full day care for the same children on school holidays or during summer vacation for more than five children, ages five through 13 years, for children enrolled in the public school provided that the facility is properly licensed by the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
A day care center shall be inspected by health services prior to issuance of a day care permit.
No person shall operate or cause to be operated a day care center in the city without first obtaining a day care permit.
Health services is hereby authorized to issue a day care permit in the city when it finds that the owner or operator of the day care center has complied with the requirements of this article and all other applicable sections of the city code. If the day care center is in compliance, the owner or operator of the day care center as provided above shall be issued a day care permit.
If at the time of inspection, a day care center is found to not be in compliance with this Code, a day care permit will be suspended or will not be issued. After notification of the violations or deficiencies which were detected, the owner shall be required to remedy the conditions of violation or deficiencies within a reasonable period of time as prescribed by the director, but not to exceed 30 days.
If a day care permit is denied by health services, the applicant may appeal by following the procedure specified in section 42-56.
Health services shall keep on file, the reports of inspections made of the day care center as well as appropriate notices or directives to the owner or operator of any violations or deficiencies observed in the inspection.
The owner or operator of the day care center shall operate the facility or cause it to be operated at all times in compliance with the provisions of this article and other applicable sections of the city code. The owner or operator of the day care center shall correct or cause to be corrected within the time period specified any violation or deficiency that is identified by the building official.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
Application for a permit to operate a day care center shall be submitted by the owner on a form specified by the Euless Health Services.
The permit application shall state the owner’s name, address and telephone number and the name and social security account numbers of all employees and staff members of the day care center.
The permit application shall indicate the name, street and mailing addresses of the day care center, status of food service provided for children, and times of operation.
Upon change of ownership, a new application shall be made for a permit as required in this section. Health services shall inspect the day care center prior to its beginning operation to determine compliance with the requirements of this article. Failure to comply with the requirements of this article may result in denial, suspension, or revocation of a permit.
The owner shall affirm that a certificate of occupancy has been applied for with the Euless Building Inspection Department, its issuance contingent in part on the successful application for a day care center permit.
Failure to provide all required information, or falsifying information required on the application may result in denial, suspension, or revocation of the permit.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
Whenever a day care center is constructed or extensively remodeled and whenever an existing structure is converted to use as a day care center, properly prepared plans and specifications for such construction, remodeling or conversion shall be submitted to the city building department for review and approval before construction, remodeling or conversion is begun. The plans and specifications shall indicate the layout and arrangement of any proposed food service areas, indoor and outdoor areas to be used for the day care center including mechanical plans; construction materials; plumbing fixtures; the type of fixed equipment; and playground and fall zone specifications. The building department shall approve the plans and specifications if they meet the requirements of the adopted city codes.
No day care center shall be constructed, extensively remodeled or converted except in accordance with plans and specifications approved by the building department. The approved plans and specifications must be followed in construction, remodeling, or conversion.
Whenever plans and specifications are required to be submitted, the building department shall inspect the day care center prior to its beginning operation to determine compliance with the approved plans and specifications and with the requirements of this article.
Failure to follow the approved plans and specifications may result in permit denial, suspension, or revocation.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
A day care center permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance, unless suspended or revoked as hereinafter provided. Any incorrect information in the records of the Euless Health Services for the day care center shall be corrected before the permit may be renewed.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
Health services is hereby authorized to deny, suspend, or revoke a day care center permit for a violation of any provision of this article. Denial, suspension or revocation of a permit shall be effected by notice, in writing, setting forth the reasons therefor and specifying any requirements or schedules of time for further action related to the suspension or revocation.
The following actions shall constitute cause for denial or suspension:
Failure to respond within specified limits of time regarding violations observed during a Euless Health Services inspection of the premises and operation;
Any violation of this article which poses a safety or public health hazard to any child entrusted to the care of the day care center;
Failure to possess a valid day care center license or accreditation issued by Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services according to Chapter 42 of the Human Resources Code.
Failure to meet the requirements of Chapter 42 of the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services, Human Resources Code, related to the requirements for criminal history check and background search of central registry of reported cases of child abuse for all persons who are present while children are in care.
The following actions shall constitute cause for revocation:
Failure to correct a violation following suspension of the permit; and
Knowingly submitting false information, or allowing false information to be submitted, in the application for a permit.
Whenever a permit is denied, suspended or revoked, the permit holder or person in charge shall cease operations. Parents or legal guardian shall be immediately notified of the denial, suspension, or revocation by the day care center so that alternative child care arrangements can be made. Operations shall not resume until such time as a re-inspection determines that conditions no longer exist causing denial or suspension. The permit holder shall notify health services when the conditions causing the denial or suspension have been corrected. The center may not resume operations until health services verifies that the conditions have been corrected and written authorization given. A sign shall be posted by health services at the entrance of the building clearly visible to a reasonably observant person which states “Closed By Euless Health Services”. Signs posted by the building official or his designee shall not be altered or removed unless authorized by the building official or his designee.
A permit that has been revoked shall not be reissued.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
No permit issued under this article shall be used for any purpose other than that for which it was issued, nor be transferred or assigned to, or in any manner used by, any person, firm or corporation other than the one to whom issued by the building official.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
The day care center permit shall be conspicuously posted on an inside wall of the main facility and shall be continuously displayed in public view.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
For purposes of this section, “change of ownership of the business of any day care center” is defined as the sale, transfer, or exchange of any legal or equitable interest in the business operating a day care center to another person. It shall not be considered a “change of ownership of the business of any day care center” for purposes of complying with the requirements of this section if the owner of the business changes only the type of business entity holding ownership and the owner remains a controlling partner or officer in the new entity.
Whenever a change in the ownership of the business of any day care center occurs, the existing certificate of occupancy shall be automatically revoked, and the new owner:
Shall submit to the building department a scale drawing of the floor plan of the facility including, but not limited, to the following proposed room usage, equipment schedule, room finish schedule, plumbing schedule, and outdoor play area and play equipment;
Shall pay the applicable floor plan review fee; and
Shall obtain a new certificate of occupancy.
The requirements of this section are in addition to a building permit or any applicable inspections or reviews by any other city department.
In the event of a change of ownership of the business of any day care center, it shall be unlawful for a new owner to operate or cause to be operated a day care center without first complying with all the requirements of this article.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated a day care center in the city without first obtaining a building permit, certificate of occupancy, or any other certificate or permit which may be required by any applicable article or chapter of the city code of the city. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or cause to be operated a food service establishment or temporary food service establishment at a day care center without adhering to all rules for operation of such food service establishment, although said facility need not obtain a separate permit for said use from Euless Health Services. An owner of a day care center shall also comply with all applicable city code requirements before a permit is issued.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements shall be as follows:
All day care centers in which food is prepared for human consumption shall comply with the pertinent food service regulations set forth in the city code and in the Rules on Food Service Sanitation (1977), as amended, set forth by the Texas Department of Health, and a copy of which is on file with the city secretary. Day care centers in which food is prepared on site must comply with all applicable food service regulations.
Food service establishment permits or temporary food service establishment permits shall not be required in day care centers which do not prepare food on site, which have children bring their own lunches, which serve only pre-packaged single service snacks, or which prepare no food other than infant formula.
All off-site food services used by a day care center must be permitted as a food service facility by an appropriate health department or authority in the jurisdiction in which the food is prepared. Furthermore, facilities receiving food from such food service entities must have adequate and appropriate provisions for the holding and serving of food and for the washing of utensils in accordance with the requirements of the adopted city code.
At all day care centers where food is prepared for human consumption, residential type refrigerators, freezers and ranges shall not be used for food preparation or storage in the food preparation area. Only equipment that meets or exceeds the standards established by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) will be approved for use, except that, in areas other than food preparation areas, residential type refrigerators may be used for storage of infant formula, juices and medications requiring refrigeration. Day care centers in operation upon adoption of this ordinance which were equipped with residential type equipment may continue to use such equipment until such equipment is replaced. All replacement equipment must meet or exceed the standards established by the NSF.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements shall be as follows:
No owner, employee or volunteer who has a communicable disease, as defined by the Communicable Disease Prevention and Control Act, or who is in a contagious state, or who is afflicted with boils, infected wounds, sores, or acute diarrhea shall be permitted to care for children, come into contact with children, prepare food, or be allowed to work in any capacity where he or she can transmit the communicable disease or infect other individuals in the facility.
Owners, employees and volunteers shall wear clean clothing and maintain a state of personal cleanliness while at the facility.
Owners, employees and volunteers shall thoroughly wash their hands with soap and warm water before starting work, during work as often as necessary to keep them clean, after smoking, eating, drinking, or using the toilet.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements shall be as follows:
Animals kept on or brought to day care center premises shall be licensed and vaccinated against rabies if required by the adopted city code. Documentation of such vaccinations and registration shall be kept on file at the facility.
The day care center and premises shall be kept free of stray animals.
Animals and their living spaces at a day care center shall be kept clean.
Turtles and psittacine birds shall not be kept at or brought to day care center premises. No “prohibited animals,” as that term is defined by the adopted city code, shall be kept at or brought to day care center premises.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
All staff shall clean their hands and exposed portions of their arms with a cleaning compound by vigorously rubbing together the surfaces of their lathered hands and arms for at least 20 seconds and thoroughly rinsing with clean water and shall pay particular attention to the areas underneath the fingernails and between the fingers. Staff shall keep their fingernails trimmed, filed, and maintained so the edges and surfaces are cleanable and not rough.
Staff must wash before preparing or serving food, before feeding a child or handling food, after caring for a sick child, after diapering, after assisting a child with toileting, after coughing and sneezing, after cleaning soiled surfaces, and after engaging in other activity that contaminates the hands.
Staff must assist children to ensure that their hands are thoroughly washed before eating, after using the toilet, after a diaper change, after playing outdoors, after playing with pets, after coughing or sneezing, or after any activity that contaminates the hands.
Permanent signs shall be conspicuously posted by all handsinks including those in the restrooms, food service areas, and classrooms, so as to be noticed by normally observant individuals, reminding all persons to wash hands. Permanent signs, including pictorial messages, shall be posted for communication with children unable to read.
Employees and staff members shall have received a Mantoux tuberculosis skin test, with negative results, within the last two years. In the case of a positive result or when a Mantoux tuberculosis skin test cannot be administered, a tuberculosis examination shall be conducted by a physician and the person found not to be a risk for the communication of tuberculosis. Subsequent testing may be required by health services if the person is exposed to tuberculosis.
Employees and staff members shall not present themselves for work when ill with a contagious virus or other disease that may affect the health of other persons. Persons shall not be permitted in the day care center whose health status or behavior suggests a hazard to the health, safety and welfare of others, including symptoms of a contagious illness, a dangerous mental or physical condition or symptoms of drug or alcohol intoxication.
Any child with symptoms of a communicable disease such as oral fever at or above 100.4F, uncontrolled diarrhea (two or more loose, watery stools in 24 hours) or vomiting (two or more episodes in 24 hours) shall be isolated from other children at the day care center. Extra attention must be given to handwashing and sanitation until the child can be picked up by a parent or other person(s) authorized by the parent according to subsection 42-51(c) of this chapter.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
A day care center shall not be located in a manufactured home or in any part of a building other than the ground level unless approved by the Euless Building and Fire Officials.
A day care center shall maintain an adequate amount of first-aid supplies including, but not limited to soap, antiseptic solutions, absorbent cotton, cotton-tip applicators, sterile gauze, adhesive tape and adhesive bandages. One medium-sized package or container of each of these first-aid supplies shall be maintained in unopened reserve at all times. A magnifying glass, thermometer and tweezers shall also be available. First-aid procedures and supplies shall be applied, including cleaning and bandaging, for any cut or bleeding abrasion of the skin.
The day care center shall take effective measures to maintain the structure and grounds free of insect and rodent infestation. Pest control services shall be provided by an individual or business that is properly licensed by and in compliance with the Texas Structural Pest Control Board requirements. Pest control records must be maintained by the day care center for a period of two years and must be available for review by Euless Health Services.
All equipment and furnishings such as high chairs, chairs, tables, cribs, swings, or playpens shall be in good repair and shall be free of entrapment and entanglement hazards.
The interior of the building shall be maintained free of debris and filth. Walls and floors shall be maintained in good repair, structurally sound and free of holes, dangerous protrusions or other obvious hazards. The floors including carpeting, tile or other coverings shall be kept clean and free of accumulation of debris and filth.
Grounds around the child care facility must be maintained free of debris, unnecessary items or any harborage for rodents or mosquitoes.
All fences, bridges, railings, and other ornaments or equipment on the grounds that are accessible to the children must not pose an entrapment or entanglement hazard. They shall comply with adopted city codes.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements.
All stairs, porches, platforms and step elevations greater than 30 inches shall provide handrails or guardrails for usage by children in accordance with the adopted city codes.
All glazing (including windows and doors) shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the adopted city code.
All electrical outlets, which are or may be accessible to or by children younger than five years old shall be protected by childproof covers or safety outlets. All 220-volt electrical connections, which are or may be accessible to or by children younger than five years old shall be protected by a screen or guard.
The lead level of the water from each water tap and water cooler in the facility, from which water is accessible to or consumed by children, must be at or below the maximum levels allowed by the Texas Safe Drinking Water Act, as amended.
Room finishes.
All surfaces of kitchen and restroom doors shall be smooth and easily cleanable. All splash areas in kitchens and bathrooms and the walls immediately adjacent thereto, shall have smooth and easily cleanable surfaces. “Easily cleanable” shall mean that surfaces are readily accessible and made of such materials and finish and so fabricated that residue may be effectively removed by normal methods.
All floors shall be smooth, easily cleanable and free of the following: Cracks, bare concrete, splinters, sliding rugs, telephone jacks, and electrical outlets.
Carpets shall be closely woven, of short nap and kept clean and in good repair. All carpets and carpeted areas shall be vacuumed daily and shampooed as needed. Carpet use is prohibited in restrooms and kitchens.
Sanitation control measures for fixtures and facilities.
All toilet fixtures and facilities shall be installed and maintained in accordance with the adopted city plumbing code.
Commodes and urinals shall be located inside bathrooms and equipped so that children are able to use them independently in accordance with the city plumbing code. Bathroom doors must have no locks within the children’s reach.
Handicap access and toilet facilities must be installed and maintained in accordance with the city building code.
There shall be at least one toilet and one handwashing lavatory for every 17 children.
There shall be separately designated restrooms for male and female.
All handwashing lavatories shall be provided with hot and cold water under pressure, tempered by means of a mixing valve or combination faucet. The facility must ensure that the temperature of hot water available to children is no higher than 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Self-closing or metering faucets shall provide a flow of water for at least 15 seconds without having to be reactivated. Soap and a hand-drying device or disposable towels shall be provided for use by both staff and children.
Restroom facilities shall be cleaned and sanitized at least once daily and more often if necessary. Carpet use is prohibited in restrooms. Restrooms shall be mechanically ventilated to control odors. Installation and maintenance of mechanical vents shall be in accordance with the city mechanical code.
All toilets shall be equipped with open front toilet seats in accordance with the adopted city plumbing code.
Each sink shall be designated as a “single-purpose use” sink. Combination fixtures, such as faucet/water fountains, are prohibited. Each day care center shall have the following sinks:
There shall be at least one handwashing lavatory in each restroom or immediately adjacent to each restroom.
If the facility has a diaper changing station, there must be a handwashing lavatory in every room where there is at least one diaper changing station.
If the facility engages in food preparation, there must be a three-compartment sink in the food preparation area.
The source of potable water shall be from a public water supply, maintained and operated according to Texas Department of Health Drinking Water Standards. Water under pressure shall be provided in adequate supply to meet the provisions of the Texas Department of Health Drinking Water Standards.
All sewage shall be discharged into a public sanitary sewer system.
All refuse shall be kept in containers constructed and maintained of durable material with tight fitting lids or covers, nonabsorbent and free from leaks. All containers shall be kept covered when not in use. A sufficient number of containers shall be available to hold all refuse. Refuse shall be stored in clean areas, away from the children and shall be inaccessible by flies, insects, rodents and other pests.
All outer openings of a facility shall be protected against the entrance of flies, insects, rodents and other pests by outward opening and self-closing doors, closed windows, screens, or other effective means of protection and control as approved by the regulatory authority.
Toxic substances, both indoors and out, shall be inaccessible to children at all times. All containers holding toxic substances shall be clearly labeled to identify the toxic substance contents.
All toxic substances shall be dispensed and used in such a manner so as to prevent the toxic substance from constituting a hazard to the children or staff.
In the event that laundering is done on the premises, all clothes dryers shall be vented to the exterior of the building in accordance with the adopted city mechanical code.
In all day care centers, all light fixtures shall either be properly shielded or shall contain only shatterproof light bulbs. At least 50 footcandles of light shall be provided in all areas of any room to which children have access.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements:
All equipment, materials and furnishings shall be of sturdy and safe construction, easy to clean, free of sharp points or corners, splinters, protruding nails, loose rusty parts, and paint which contains lead or other poisonous materials.
Each child shall be provided with individual storage space for personal belongings.
Sleeping space and play areas may be used interchangeably so long as adequate space for orderly storage of cots, bedding and play equipment is provided. All cots, cribs and mats shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary manner. Hand contact areas of cribs shall be sanitized daily. Each child shall have his or her own sleeping apparatus, which shall be placed in such a manner so as to allow at least one foot of open space on all sides of the apparatus except where such apparatus is adjacent to a wall or partition.
Individual cribs, portable cribs or playpens used for sleeping shall be of safe and sturdy construction and equipped with mattresses covered with waterproof material that can be cleaned. Crib sides shall have secure latching devices. Vertical slats on cribs shall not be spaced more than two and one-half inches apart. There shall be no more than one and one-half inches of space between the mattress and bed frame when the mattress is pushed flush to any one corner of the crib.
Linens shall be laundered at least once per week and more often if necessary. Linens shared by children shall be laundered after each use. Linens used exclusively by one child shall be stored separately from those of other children.
Isolation area:
All day care centers shall provide an isolation area or room for the use and comfort of any child who becomes ill or is injured while at the facility. While the isolation area or room is in use by an ill or injured child, the area or room must be kept free of other children.
Diapering and toileting:
Infants and toddlers shall be diapered at a diaper station which is in a central diapering area on a sanitized surface.
Diaper changing stations shall be located adjacent to handwashing lavatories equipped with hot and cold water through mixing faucets as required in the adopted city plumbing code and supplied with soap and disposable towels. Hands of the diapered child and persons changing the diaper shall be washed before and after each diaper change. The surface of all diapering areas shall be sanitized after each use.
Disposable diapers, once used, shall be placed in a cleanable container with a tight fitting lid. The container shall be lined with a moisture-proof disposable liner which may not be reused. When the container is full, the liner and the used diapers shall be removed to a clean area, away from the children, and shall be inaccessible by flies, insects, rodents, and other pests. Cloth diapers, once used, shall be laundered or removed from the facility daily.
Diaper changing stations shall be used only for the purpose of diaper changing.
Use of crib or floor as diaper changing station is prohibited.
A child’s hands shall be washed immediately prior to and immediately after consuming any food or beverage.
Food and beverages shall be served in separate containers for each infant or child. Food and beverages shall not be served directly to a child from the original container, unless it is a single portion, single-use container. Once served to a person, portions of leftover food or beverages shall not be served again, except that packaged foods or beverages, other than potentially hazardous food, that are still packaged and are still in sound condition, may be reserved.
Bottled infant formula shall be properly capped when not in use and shall be identified with the child’s name. Formula, once prepared or opened, shall be refrigerated. Any formula prepared but not utilized on the day it is opened or mixed shall be discarded at the end of that day.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
General requirements shall be as follows:
Exterior premises shall be well-drained and maintained free of high grass, poisonous plants, and pest harborages and breeding sites.
Exterior premises shall be free from cisterns and cesspools, and from unprotected wells, grease traps, utility equipment, nuisances, and any other object or condition which may be hazardous to children.
Outdoor play areas shall be surrounded by a fence. The fence shall be so constructed as not to have openings, holes or gaps larger than four inches in any dimension except for doors and gates; and if a picket or iron fence is erected or maintained, the horizontal dimension shall not exceed four inches. The fence shall have at least two exits. An entrance to the building may count as one exit, but one exit must be away from the building. Such fence shall comply with provisions of the zoning ordinance and other applicable city codes and ordinances.
Playground equipment constructed with protruding nails, screws, sharp edges, splinters (rough, unsanded wood or other materials) and toxic paints (e.g., lead-based paints) is strictly prohibited.
All playground equipment shall be securely assembled and, where applicable, securely anchored with unexposed anchors. Such equipment shall be installed, situated, and maintained so as to prevent accidents and collisions.
Swimming and wading pools more than 24 inches deep shall be enclosed by a fence no less than six feet in height which has a self-closing, self-locking gate. When a swimming or wading pool is not in use, it must be kept out of the reach of children.
A minimum free residual chlorine of 1.0 part per million units of water shall be maintained in every swimming pool and wading pool when in use. No water in any swimming pool or wading pool when in use shall be permitted to show an acid reaction to a standard pH test.
All pool chemicals and equipment shall be stored in a place and manner which are at all times inaccessible to children.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)
The building official shall have the authority and responsibility to enforce the provisions of this article and applicable state statutes regarding day care centers.
Health services shall have the authority to inspect or visit all day care centers at all reasonable times and as is determined necessary to ascertain if they are being maintained and operated in conformity with this article or if any conditions exist at a facility which require correction. An inspection shall be made at least once each year to ensure that the facilities, grounds, and equipment are maintained in compliance with this article and in a safe sanitary and healthy condition for the welfare of the occupants and patrons of the day care center.
Health services shall have the authority to give written notice to the owner of a day care center of any violation of this article and/or requirement to comply with the provisions of this article. If a day care center is found to be in operation without a day care permit, health services shall have the authority to give written notice to the owner of said facility to cease child caring activities immediately, irrespective of how the facility is maintained or operated. Health services may permit the day care center to remain in operation with the provision that the facility obtain a day care permit within a reasonable time, but said reasonable time may not exceed 30 days.
Health services shall have the authority after giving written notice to suspend the day care permit if it ascertains any violation causing immediate danger to a child regarding: Construction of the facility and on-premises buildings, restrooms, sanitation of the facility, preparation, storage and handling of food, storage of chemicals or any harmful solution, infectious diseases, and hazards in outdoor play areas. Suspension of the permit shall require the operator to cease all child-caring immediately and to bring the day care center into compliance with the directives from the department within a prescribed time period. Failure to rectify designated problems at the day care center within the prescribed time period shall lead to revocation of the permit.
Health services shall have the authority to revoke any permit if they ascertain that an owner or operator has failed or refused to comply with the minimum requirements set forth in this chapter for a day care center, providing that the following procedure is adhered to:
Health services, in writing by certified mail or by personal service, shall notify the owner of the manner in which the owner or the day care center fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter, and shall specify a reasonable time by which the owner shall remedy said failure.
If the owner fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter within the time specified, health services shall give notice in writing to the owner of the day care center that the permit issued for the operation of the day care center is revoked. This action of revocation is in addition to any criminal enforcement of this article.
The notice of revocation or a denial of a permit shall become final after the expiration of ten days from the date of service upon the owner or operator of the day care center in question, unless on or before the expiration of ten calendar days the owner or his duly authorized agent shall file with the office of health services a written letter of appeal briefly stating therein the basis for such appeal. A hearing shall be held on a date no more than 15 days after receipt of the letter of appeal unless extended by mutual agreement of the parties.
The hearings provided for in this chapter shall be conducted by the city manager who will designate the time and place for the hearing. Based upon the recorded evidence of such hearings, the city manager shall make a finding and shall sustain, modify or rescind any notice or order considered in the hearing.
This hearing shall be deemed to exhaust the administrative remedies of the person aggrieved.
A violation of any of the terms or requirements of this article shall be treated as a violation of an ordinance governing fire safety, zoning or public health and sanitation, subject to enhanced penalties under chapter 1 general provisions, section 1-12 of this Code.
(Ordinance 1524, 3-26-02)