[L.L. No. 2-2022]
As used in this article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A hive or hive-like structure having removable frames specifically designed, constructed and maintained for purposes of housing a bee colony.
Any life stage of the common, domestic, non-aggressive honey bee, Apis mellifera species.
An aggregate of bees consisting principally of workers, but having, when perfect, one queen and at time many drones, including brood, combs, honey, and the receptacle inhabited by the bees within an apiary.
A hobbyist who is an owner of and responsible for one or more bee colonies in an apiary or multiple apiaries.
Practices associated with the keeping, operation, harboring and/or maintenance of a bee colony or colonies by a beekeeper.
The keeping of honey bees is permitted upon registration with the Village of Tuckahoe, subject to the following:
Apiaries, which shall constitute a hive or hive-like structure having removable frames specifically designed, constructed and maintained for purposes of housing a bee colony. The apiary's entrance must face away from the property line closest to the beehive and must be situated to avoid unreasonable interference with pedestrian traffic. In instances where an abutting or adjacent resident provides medical documentation of a serious allergy to bee stings, the keeping of honey bees is prohibited. An apiary shall be located at least 20 feet from any property line in the rear yard of the residence; no apiaries are permitted in the front yard. All bee colonies shall be kept in appropriately sized, designed and maintained. Apiaries shall be kept and maintained at all times in a sound and usable condition, hive bodies shall be no higher than five feet tall, and there shall be a barrier placed within five feet of the opening of the apiary to insure that the bees' flight path to and from the apiary will be at a higher level. The prospective beekeeper shall have, or cause to have, a physical barrier such as a solid fence (example: wooden or PVC material) or hedgerow along an appropriate portion or entirety of the nearest property line of the apiary. The orientation and location of the hives and applicable physical barrier shall be inspected by and be to the satisfaction of the Village of Tuckahoe.
Applicants must notify abutting or adjacent property owners and current residents, by United States mail, both by first class and by certified return receipt, at least one month prior to the registration process with the Village of Tuckahoe, notifying them of their intent to register and maintain an apiary or apiaries. A list of mailings shall be submitted as part of the Village registration process.
On lots less than 5,000 square feet no apiaries are permitted. On lots 5,000 square feet to 9,999 square feet, no more than one apiary shall be permitted. Lots 10,000 square feet or greater are permitted a maximum of two apiaries.
Commercial signage associated with any apiary is prohibited.
It shall be the duty of every beekeeper: a) to be educated in and strictly adhere to best management practices; b) to maintain bees, bee colonies and apiaries in a location and condition that will prevent diseases and/or abandonment of the apiary; c) must report outbreaks of bee disease and pests in accordance with Article 15 of the NYS Agriculture and Markets Law; d) evidence of completed educational/training programs by the prospective beekeeper must be provided in connection with the applicable registration form to the satisfaction of the Village of Tuckahoe.
All apiaries shall be registered annually on forms provided or approved by the Village; the purposes of such registration being: to maintain a record of the number and location of each apiary, to obtain the most current contact information in connection with each beekeeper and to obtain a certification from each beekeeper acknowledging receipt of a copy of this article and the most current rules and regulations that may be promulgated pursuant to this article. A beekeeper shall provide to the Village of Tuckahoe any updates to the information contained in the annual registration within 10 days of any change, including but not limited to the abandonment or potential change in location of any apiary.
Any beekeeper who violates any provisions of the registration/beekeeping process is subject to a revocation of their registration by the Village of Tuckahoe following a finding that the beekeeping activity unreasonably interferes with persons residing on adjacent property and/or constitutes a nuisance. If a beekeeper continues to operate an apiary after their registration has been revoked or if a beekeeper fails to register their apiary the beekeeper shall, upon conviction, be punished by a penalty as prescribed in Ch. 1, § 1.7; and each day on which such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense.