It shall be unlawful to park vehicles at an angle not greater than 45 degrees to the line of traffic at such places in the city as the city council shall by resolution determine that angle parking shall be permitted and shall cause such places to be marked or signed, and in all places where sidewalks have been set back and provisions made for parking vehicles across or inside of the usual curbline on any street in the city. In leaving such angle parking space, vehicles shall not be backed into the traffic lane any further than necessary to get straightened out and faced in the proper direction for traffic between such space and the center of the street.
(Code 1974, § 14-111)
No truck shall be parked in any residential area, provided, however, a truck shall be permitted to park in a residential area only for the time necessary for loading, unloading or the delivery of goods, wares and merchandise.
(Code 1974, § 14-112(c))
No person shall park a vehicle upon any public street in the city in the same location for more than 24 continuous hours.
(Code 1974, § 14-112(d))
No person shall park or allow to remain standing on any parking lot, public street or any other property within the city any truck, truck tractor, trailer, or bus unless permitted by chapter 84 (Unified Development Code) or such vehicle is operated by and carries some external identification of a business located on such property or served by such parking lot. It shall be a defense to prosecution under this section that such vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer rig, trailer or bus was involved in a delivery from such vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer rig, trailer or bus to a business located upon such property or served by such parking lot. Any vehicle in violation of this section is subject to the vehicle being towed pursuant to section 82-41.
(Code 1974, § 14-112(e); Ordinance 1684, § 3, 4-12-05)
Adoption of state law.
The provisions of Vernon’s Ann. Civ. St. art. 6675a-5e.1, both as to public and private property, are hereby adopted and shall be applicable within the jurisdiction of the city.
Identification of spaces on private property.
Parking spaces on private property which have been designated by the owner or person in control thereof for the exclusive use of vehicles transporting disabled persons, as that term is defined by state law, shall be identified in the manner set forth in the rules promulgated by the state purchasing and general services commission for the identification of such parking spaces on public property. One copy of such rules, marked Exhibit “A”, is incorporated in this section by reference and has been filed in the office of the city secretary for permanent record and inspection.
Offenses and punishment.
The provisions of Vernon’s Ann. Civ. St. art. 6675a-5e.1, § 10, relating to offenses and punishment, shall apply to any parking space or area for the disabled located on private property within the city, which has been identified in compliance with the preceding subsection.
(Code 1974, § 14-115)
As used in this section the following definitions shall apply.
means water recreational vehicle.
means a motor driven passenger vehicle, 25 feet or greater in length which has the capacity to accommodate more than 15 persons.
On-street parking permit
means written governmental permissions, authorized by the chief of police or appointed designee, empowering the holder thereof to park or store a bus, recreational vehicle, boat and/or trailer on a public street within a residential zoning district for a temporary period of time not to exceed one week or seven consecutive days in duration. Said permit shall identify the owner or operator of such vehicle, nearest street address or precise description of location where the vehicle is to be parked or stored, the date the permit was issued, date of expiration and any other information, conditions or special restrictions deemed necessary by the chief of police at the time of issuance.
Recreational vehicle
means any vehicular type portable structure without permanent foundation, which can be towed, hauled or driven and primarily designed to serve as temporary living accommodations for recreational, camping or travel use and including but not limited to travel trailers, camping trailers, converted buses and self-propelled motor homes. This definition does not include pick-up trucks equipped with camper units, pick-up trucks with bed caps or vans that have a manufacturer’s rated carrying capacity of three-quarter-ton or less.
means any vehicle that is towed and used for hauling goods, boats, equipment or refuse.
It shall be unlawful for any person to park or store any bus, trailer, boat or recreational vehicle on a public street within any area of the city zoned for residential uses. This provision shall not prevent the temporary parking or standing of such vehicles engaged in the expeditious loading or unloading of passengers or contents. Neither shall this provision prevent the temporary parking of vehicles on residential streets in order to allow for the typical maintenance of residential properties such as lawn mowing, edging, house painting, etc.
It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution for parking or storing a bus, trailer, boat or recreational vehicle on public streets within areas zoned for residential uses if a valid “on-street parking permit” has been issued to the owner or operator of the vehicle and the parking or storage of the vehicle in no way violates any other pertinent state statute, city code, ordinance, section or provision.
The chief of police or an appointed designee shall have sole authority to issue, revoke or extend any “on-street parking permit” and may impose any additional conditions or restrictions at time of issuance deemed necessary to ensure that the health, safety and welfare of the residents and guests of the city are not jeopardized.
No more than three “on-street parking permits” may be issued to allow a bus, trailer, boat or recreational vehicle to parked on the same address or street location within the same calendar year, unless otherwise deemed necessary by the chief of police.
See chapter 84, subsection 84-85(n)-”Home occupations” for further regulations.
(Ordinance 1185, § I, 8-22-95; Ordinance 1684, § 4, 4-12-05)