The purpose of a specific use permit is to provide the council the opportunity to deny or to conditionally approve those uses for which specific use permits are required. These uses may have unusual physical or operational characteristics or may be of a public or semi-public character often essential or desirable for the general convenience and welfare of the community. Because, however, of the nature of the use, the importance of the uses’ relationship to public planning policies, or possible adverse impact on neighboring property of the use, heightened review, evaluation, and exercise of planning judgment relative to the location and site plan of the proposed uses are required.
Permit required.
No land or building shall be used or occupied by any use requiring a specific use permit, as specified in Table 4-A herein, unless a specific use permit has first been issued in accordance with the provisions of this section.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-900), 3-22-94)
An application for a specific use permit shall be filed with the city planning department on a form prepared by the city. The application shall be accompanied by the following:
A completed application form signed by the property owner;
An application fee as established by the city’s latest adopted “schedule of fees”;
A certificate stating that all city and school taxes have been paid current-to-date;
A property description of the area where the specific use permit is proposed to apply;
A site plan complying with the requirements stated herein which will become a part of the specific use permit, if approved, and;
Any other material and/or information as may be required by the planning and zoning commission, the city council or the city manager to fulfill the purpose of this subsection and to ensure that the application is in compliance with the ordinances of the City of Euless.
A site plan shall contain, at a minimum, the following information:
Boundary of the area covered by the site plan;
A description of all processes and activities involved in the proposed use;
Existing and proposed buildings and structures, including their height, roof line, gross floor area, location of entrances and exits, areas for storage, and areas where work is performed;
Existing drainage ways and significant natural features, such as large trees, tree clusters, steep slopes, etc.;
Proposed landscaping and screening buffers;
Location and dimensions of all curb lines, public and private streets, easements, parking and loading areas, pedestrian walkways, lighting facilities, and outside trash storage facilities;
The location, height, and type of wall, fence and/or other type of screening; and
The location, height and size of all proposed signs.
The following additional information shall be provided prior to approval subject to the provisions of section 84-152.
Any final environmental assessment and/or final environmental impact statement that may be required pursuant to state or federal statutes;
Copies of studies or analyses upon which have been based projections for need or demand for the proposed facility;
Copies of studies or analyses upon which alternatives have been considered and evaluated;
Description of the present use, assessed value and actual value of the land affected by the proposed facility;
Description of the proposed use, anticipated assessed value and supporting documentation;
A description of any long term plans or master plan for the future use or development of the property;
A description of the applicant’s ability to obtain needed easements to serve the proposed use;
A description of the type, feasibility and cost of any proposed mitigation necessary to make the proposed use compatible with current and future land use patterns;
A description of any special construction requirements that may be necessary for any construction or development on the subject property;
If the proposed use will result in a significant increase in traffic, a traffic impact analysis prepared by a certified professional engineer qualified in the field of traffic engineering and forecasting;
If the proposed use will result in the production of noise of 50 DBa at the property line from 10:00 p.m. through 7:00 a.m., or 55 DBa at the property line from 7:00 a.m. through 10:00 p.m., a map showing projected noise at 55, 60, 65, 70 and 75 ldn noise contours, data showing projected distribution of single event noise events for each half hour throughout the day, including expectant decibel levels and duration of noise events, and projected cumulative noise totals from all facility-related noise.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-901), 3-22-94)
Upon petition by the applicant showing that full compliance with the application requirements would be unreasonably burdensome and that the proposed building, structure, use, development or activity will have an insubstantial impact on the surrounding area, the city council, upon recommendation by the planning and zoning commission, may waive any part, or all, of the application requirements imposed by section 84-151.
The city council may grant such a waiver only upon finding that the information submitted is sufficient to determine that the proposed building, use, structure, development or activity will have an insubstantial impact on the surrounding area and that providing the information required by the submittal requirements is unreasonably burdensome on the applicant.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-902), 3-22-94)
A specific use permit shall not be recommended for approval by the planning and zoning commission unless the commission finds that all of the following conditions have been found to exist:
The proposed use complies with all the requirements of the zoning district in which the specific use permit is located;
The proposed use as located and configured will contribute to or promote the general welfare and convenience of the city;
The benefits that the city gains from the proposed use outweigh the loss of or damage to any homes, businesses, natural resources, agricultural lands, historical or cultural landmarks or sites, wildlife habitats, parks, or natural, scenic, or historical features of significance, and outweigh the personal and economic cost of any disruption to the lives, business and property of individuals affected by the proposed use;
Adequate utilities, road access, drainage and other necessary supporting facilities have been or shall be provided;
The design, location and arrangement of all public and private streets, driveways, parking spaces, entrances and exits shall provide for a safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic without adversely affecting the general public or adjacent developments;
The issuance of the specific use permit does not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of neighboring vacant property;
The location, nature and height of buildings, structures, walls and fences are not out of scale with the neighborhood;
The proposed use will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of neighboring property, nor significantly diminish or impair property values within the vicinity;
Adequate nuisance prevention measures have been or shall be taken to prevent or control offensive odors, fumes, dust, noise, vibration and visual blight;
Sufficient on-site lighting is provided for adequate safety of patrons, employees and property and that such lighting is adequately shielded or directed so as not to disturb or adversely affect neighboring properties;
There is sufficient landscaping and screening to ensure harmony and compatibility with adjacent properties;
The proposed operation is consistent with the applicant’s submitted plans, master plans, projections, or where inconsistencies exist, the benefits to the community outweigh the costs;
The proposed use is in accordance with the city’s comprehensive plan.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-903), 3-22-94)
In authorizing a specific use permit, the planning and zoning commission may recommend, and the city council may impose, additional reasonable conditions necessary to protect the public interest and the welfare of the community, including by way of example and without limitation thereto conditions that the specific use permit extend only to the applicant or for a specified term.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-904), 3-22-94; Ordinance 1232, § 3, 4-8-97)
Upon petition of the applicant, the city council may officially recognize that the applicant is immune from the requirements of complying with the city’s zoning ordinance for a proposed building, structure, use, development or activity, (a) if required by state or federal statutes, or (b) in the absence of such statutes, upon consideration and balancing of all relative factors, including:
The impact of zoning compliance upon a proposed building, structure, use, development or activity;
The impact of a proposed building, structure, use, development or activity on the city;
Whether the site selected is the most prudent and feasible location for the proposed building, structure, use, development or activity;
The need of the applicant and the region for the proposed use, development or activity.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-905), 3-22-94)
A specific use permit issued under this section shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of issuance and shall become null and void unless construction or use is substantially under way during the two-year period, or unless an extension of time is approved by the city council.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-906), 3-22-94)
A specific use permit may be revoked or modified, after notice and hearing for either of the following reasons:
The permit was obtained or extended by fraud or deception;
One or more of the conditions imposed by the permit has not been met or has been violated.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-907), 3-22-94)
The procedure for amending a specific use permit shall be the same as for a new application, provided, the administrator may approve minor variations from the original permit which do not increase density, change traffic patterns, or result in an increase in external impacts on adjacent properties or neighborhoods.
(Ordinance 1133, § 1(4-908), 3-22-94)