It is the purpose of this division to provide for the recovery of costs from users of the city’s water and wastewater disposal system for the implementation of the program established in this chapter.
(Code 1974, § 16-20)
Prior to receiving service, each consumer shall, upon being connected to the system, pay the appropriate connection fees, as set forth in chapter 30, including impact fees, tap fees, meter box fees, meter fees, sprinkler meter fees and sprinkler box and fitting fees.
Sewer impact fees shall be paid solely for the privilege of connection to the system. The cost of installing such connection shall be borne by the user. The impact fee shall be as set forth in chapter 30. If there is no water meter serving the property, sewer impact fees shall be calculated based on the size of water meter which would be required for the uses existing on the property.
Impact fees regulations.
For further information on impact fees, see division 3, impact fees, of this article I.
(Code 1974, § 16-21)
All applicants for water service will be required to make a meter deposit (payment security deposit) for each water service connection. Such deposit shall remain with the city throughout the term of the service contract. The amount of such deposit shall be as set forth in chapter 30.
For unoccupied properties, a master deposit may be placed by realtors, rental agents and similar applicants in the amount of twice the current residential deposit. This deposit will be held on file until the customer wishes it to be refunded. Customers must request service starts and disconnects in writing. No master deposits are allowed on commercial accounts.
In lieu of a cash deposit an applicant may provide a surety bond in favor of the City of Euless in the amount of such required deposit and in the form acceptable to the City of Euless from a surety company that:
Is authorized and admitted to write surety bonds in Texas,
Holds a certificate of authority from the United States Secretary of the Treasury to qualify as a surety on obligations permitted or required under federal law, and
Has an A.M. Best & Company rating of A-6 or higher.
Deposits shall be refunded or the surety bond returned or, if a balance is due, applied against the final bill for services required upon termination of the contract. The city will not pay interest on deposit funds.
(Code 1974, § 16-22; Ordinance 1091, § 2, 9-8-92; Ordinance 1139, § I, 6-28-94; Ordinance 1397, § 1, 12-14-99; Ordinance 1419, § 1, 4-11-00)
The schedule of monthly rates for water, sewer, abnormal sewage surcharge, and industrial cost recovery charge shall be as set forth in chapter 30.
(Code 1974, § 16-23)
Where services have been disconnected for nonpayment, there shall be a charge for reconnection and an additional deposit, as set forth in chapter 30, and full payment of outstanding bills before reconnection of service.
(Code 1974, § 16-24)
The superintendent shall establish a monitored group class, consisting of those customers whose wastewater strength is, in his judgment, abnormally high or low, and charges to customers in this class shall be computed in accordance with the rate schedule set forth in chapter 30.
The monitoring charge shall consist of all cost for personnel, material and equipment used to collect and analyze samples from the customer’s wastewater to determine the strength of the wastewater produced. The monitored customer’s wastewater shall be tested a minimum of once per year, but may be tested on a more frequent basis if deemed necessary by the superintendent or if the mentioned customer requests more frequent testing.
The rate schedule provided for in this section shall replace all other charges previously made for industrial waste strength.
(Code 1974, § 16-25)
Construction costs.
In providing a waste treatment system which includes the treatment of industrial wastes, either independently or in conjunction with other wastes, the water department shall have the authority to collect from such industrial users all or any part of the construction costs of such waste treatment system reasonably attributed to such industrial wastes. The apportionment of such costs shall be equitable as among industrial users, and such costs may be collected by assessment, connection fee, periodic charges, or in other manners or combinations thereof as in the judgment of the director of public works is equitable and will assure such industrial cost recovery. Implementation of industrial cost recovery shall be contingent on notification of apportionment and actual billing by the Trinity River Authority and as mandated by state or federal requirements.
Industrial user.
An industrial user is any nongovernmental user of the city’s sanitary sewage system, identified in the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, 1972, published by the Office of Management and Budget, as amended and supplemented, under the following divisions:
Division A-Agriculture, forestry and fishing.
Division B-Mining.
Division D-Manufacturing.
Division E-Transportation, communications, electric, gas and sanitary services.
Division I-Services.
Any industrial user may be excluded if it is determined that it will introduce primarily segregated domestic wastes or wastes from sanitary conveniences.
Annual recovery.
The annual amount to be recovered from each industrial user shall be predicated on the following formula:
[(G × A/D) + (H × B/E) + (I × C/F)]/J = Annual payment ($/year)
Eligible federal grant allocable to flow (Q), in dollars.
Eligible federal grant allocable to BOD, in dollars.
Eligible federal grant allocable to SS, in dollars.
Total design flow (Q), in 1,000 gallons per day.
Total design BOD, in pounds per day.
Total design SS, in pounds per day.
Industrial users’ flow discharge to system, in 1,000 gallons per day.
Industrial users’ BOD, discharge to system, in pounds per day.
Industrial users’ SS discharge to system, in pounds per day.
Amortization period of 30 years.
Annual payment.
For the purpose of computing the industrial user’s annual payment, a cost recovery period of 30 years is hereby established.
Monthly billing.
The industrial user shall be billed monthly on the basis of his computed annual industrial cost recovery payment divided by 12.
Industrial cost recovery fund.
Funds collected under industrial cost recovery shall be deposited into a special fund to be known as the industrial cost recovery fund, which is hereby established. On an annual basis, 100 percent of the amounts recovered, together with interest earned thereon, shall be returned to the governmental agency responsible for treatment of such industrial waste.
Annual review.
Industrial users shall be reviewed annually by the city for quality and strength of waste, and industrial cost recovery adjusted accordingly.
(Code 1974, § 16-26)