[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
This article shall be known and may be cited as the "West Pottsgrove Township Pawnbrokers Ordinance."
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
It is the specific intent of this article to promote the safety, morals and general welfare of the inhabitants of West Pottsgrove Township in their person and property by holding pawnbrokers accountable for the proper reporting procedures deemed necessary by the Police Department to assist in recovering the stolen property of its inhabitants.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
In interpreting and applying the provisions of this article, minimum requirements for the promotion of the public safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare should be followed. Where the provisions of this article impose greater restrictions than those of any statute, other ordinance or regulation, the provisions of this article shall be controlling. Where the provisions of any statute, other ordinance or regulation impose greater restrictions than this article, the provisions of such statute, other ordinance or regulation shall be controlling.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
The following words and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section:
Any individual, partnership, association, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, common law trust, joint-stock company or any group of individuals, however organized, applying for a license to act as a pawnbroker under this article and/or any person appearing as owner, partner, officer, director, trustee or other official of a partnership, association, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, common law trust, joint-stock company or any group of individuals, however organized, on such application for license under this article.
A valid identification document issued by a state or federal government, bearing a photograph and containing identifying data such as name, date of birth, gender, physical description, and current address of the person bearing the card, and, if available, at least one other corroborating means of identification; otherwise, identification sufficient to reliably establish the person's true identity.
Any person who:
Engages in the business of lending money on the deposit or pledge of personal property, securities or written evidences of indebtedness;
Purchases personal property with an expressed or implied agreement or understanding to sell back at a subsequent time at a stipulated price; or
Lends money upon goods, wares or merchandise pledged, stored or deposited as collateral security.
The business of a pawnbroker, as defined in this article.
An individual, partnership, association, business corporation, nonprofit corporation, common law trust, joint-stock company or any group of individuals, however organized.
An article or articles deposited with a pawnbroker as security for a loan in the course of his/her business as defined in this article.
The person who obtains the loan from a pawnbroker and delivers a pledge into the possession of a pawnbroker, unless such person discloses that he/she is or was acting for another, in which case "pledger" means the disclosed principal.
A purchase, sale or loan by a pawnbroker.
Weekdays Monday through Friday, but not including any national holidays.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
License. No person shall act as a pawnbroker in West Pottsgrove Township unless licensed by the Township to engage in such business. No license shall be issued to the applicant by the Township unless the applicant has been licensed first by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as required by the Pawnbrokers License Act, 63 P.S. § 281-1 et seq., as amended.
License Certificate. No person shall be licensed to act as a pawnbroker in West Pottsgrove Township unless he/she has obtained a license certificate from the Township for each location from which he/she seeks to engage in business as a pawnbroker. The license certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place in the pawnbroker's place of business so that it is easily visible to members of the public.
Renewal. A person seeking to obtain a license certificate shall pay an annual license certificate fee for each location from which he/she seeks to engage in business as a pawnbroker.
The license year begins January 1. All licenses expire January 1 next following the date of issuance, regardless of the date of issuance, and must be renewed by the applicant on or before the date of expiration with the Township, for a fee.
The license certificate fee is as set from time to time by resolution of the Commissioners.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
Pawnbrokers shall create and maintain digital records of all business transactions. These records are to be kept in the English language.
Identification of Pledger. All records shall contain an accurate description of the person making the pledge, including:
The name, age and address of the pledger, which the pawnbroker shall verify by requiring proper identification to ensure the accuracy of the represented information;
A scan or digital photocopy of the identification furnished by the pledger to verify his/her identity;
An accurate physical description of the pledger, including race, gender, eye and hair color and identifying marks;
A digital photograph of the pledger. The photograph shall be in color and shall be of the front of the pledger's face, not his/her profile. When possible, the person's torso should also be visible in the photograph; and
A clearly visible thumbprint of the pledge on a form approved by the West Pottsgrove Township Police Department.
Record of Transaction. All records shall contain an accurate description of the pledge and the transaction, including:
The make, model, serial number, model number, description, color and special markings of the pledge, along with the date, time and location of the transaction and the currency amount paid to the pledger; and
A digital photograph of the pledge, which shall be in color and of sufficient clarity to enable identification of the pledge.
Remittance. A copy of all records required by this article shall be forwarded to the West Pottsgrove Township Police Department within five working days of the transaction.
Retention. All records required by this article shall be retained for a period of two years after the date of the payment of any loan, or when the loan is not paid, two years after the date of the sale of the pledge. These records shall be available for inspection by any law enforcement officer during this period.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
A pawnbroker may seize any property offered in the pledge which he/she has reason to believe is stolen property. The pawnbroker shall issue a seizure receipt to the person presenting such property in pledge and shall immediately deliver the seized property, together with a copy of the seizure receipt, to the West Pottsgrove Township Police Department. If the property is identified stolen by the Police Department, such property shall be held until there is a final resolution as to the ownership of the property; or, in the case of an individual claiming ownership, the pawnbroker shall immediately notify the Police Department and such property shall be held until there is a final resolution as to the ownership of the property. A property receipt of the pledge seized and held as such shall be issued to the pawnbroker by the Police Department.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
Holding Period. The pledge shall be kept in an unaltered condition and available for inspection by law enforcement officials in the course of their law enforcement duties for 10 working days after report of its purchase has been filed with the Police Department. During the holding period, the pledge shall be segregated from other inventory to ensure that it is not placed in an area or section where personal property is offered for sale. Where any item is held off-premises, the pawnbroker shall make the item available for inspection within 24 hours after receiving a request for inspection by law enforcement officials.
Inspection. A search warrant shall not be required unless the inspection is made during hours other than those when the pawnbroker is open for business. Any law enforcement official who has reason to believe any item was not sold or exchanged by the lawful owner may direct the pawnbroker to hold the item for a reasonable length of time that the law enforcement official considers necessary to identify it.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
A pawnbroker shall not accept a pledge from any person under the age of 18 years.
[Ord. No. 2016-03, 9-7-2016]
Fines. Any person, firm or corporation who violates or fails, neglects or refuses to comply with any provision of this chapter shall pay a fine not exceeding $600 plus costs and, in the event of default on payment thereof, to a term of imprisonment not to exceed 90 days. Each day that a violation of this chapter continues or, in the case of multiple violations of this chapter, each day that a violation of each section of this chapter continues shall constitute a separate offense.
Suspension of License. In addition to the fines listed in Subsection A, a pawnbroker who violates this chapter or any section thereof shall be subject to suspension of his/her operating license for a period of 30 days.
Pursuant to the Pawnbrokers License Act, 63 P.S. § 281-1 et seq., as amended, the Township shall provide written notice of the suspension to the Secretary of Banking for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The Secretary of Banking shall then conduct a hearing to ascertain if the pawnbroker's license shall be revoked.
No license certificate shall be issued when any pawnbroker's license has been revoked by the Secretary of Banking for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, where the pawnbroker retains a property interest in the location where the license was suspended or where the pawnbroker retains a pecuniary interest in the corporation or any affiliated business entities therein.
Cease Operations. During any period of license suspension, the pawnbroker shall cease operation at each and every location of the pawnbroker's business.
Cease Operations Order. The Code Enforcement Officer or his designee shall issue a cease operations order for each business location operated by the pawnbroker whose license(s) has/have been suspended in accordance with the West Pottsgrove Township Code.
The cease operations order shall identify the prohibited operations and shall state that the applicable license has been suspended for a violation(s) of the Code.
The cease operations order shall be in force for the full period of any license suspension and shall set forth the period in the order.
The Code Enforcement Officer or his designee shall not remove any posted cease operations order until he/she is satisfied that all suspended licenses have been restored, or the property interests in the location have changed so that neither the person under license suspension nor any member of that person's immediate family, or in the case of a corporation, the corporation or any affiliated business entities, retain a pecuniary interest therein.
License at Cease Operations Location. No person shall be issued a license for a business location that has been posted with a cease operations order, as long as any person under a license suspension or revocation, or any member of that person's immediate family, or in the case of a corporation, the corporation or any affiliated business interests, retain a pecuniary interest in the property at that location.