No person, partnership, or corporation shall open or operate a commercial animal establishment without first obtaining a permit in compliance with this chapter and the city zoning code.
The city shall publish these regulations for the issuance of permits and shall include requirements for humane care of all animals and for compliance with the provisions of this chapter and other applicable laws. The city may amend such regulations from time-to-time as deemed desirable for public health and welfare and for the protection of animals.
Upon a showing by the applicant for a permit that they are willing and able to comply with the regulations published by the city, a permit shall be issued upon payment of the applicable fee.
The permit period shall begin on January 1st of each year and shall run for one year. Fees will be prorated for applications received during the year.
If there is a change in ownership of a commercial animal establishment, the new owner may have the current permit transferred to his name upon payment of a transfer fee.
Annual permit fees will be charged in accordance with the most recent adopted fee schedule passed and approved by the city council.
A permit may be revoked upon violation by the permit holder of any provision of this chapter.
Denial of a permit application or revocation of a permit may be appealed to the city council who shall hear the appeal, after proper posting, at the next scheduled regular council meeting.
(Ordinance 22-0205 adopted 2/1/22)
Structural strength.
Housing facilities shall be structurally sound and shall be maintained in good repair to protect and contain animals and restrict the entrance of other animals.
Fencing shall be solidly anchored to the ground to prevent animals from escaping by digging under the fence and sufficient height to prevent animals from escaping.
Water and electricity.
Adequate potable water and reliable and adequate electric power shall be available.
Food and bedding supplies shall be stored in facilities which protect them against infestation or contamination by vermin. Refrigeration shall be provided for perishable food items.
Waste disposal.
Provisions shall be made for the removal and disposal of food and animal wastes, bedding, and debris. Disposal facilities shall be so provided and operated as to minimize vermin infestation, odors, and disease hazards.
Facilities, such as washrooms, basins, or sinks, shall be provided to maintain cleanliness among animal caretakers.
Indoor facilities.
Indoor housing facilities shall be sufficiently warm enough to protect animals from cold.
Sufficient clean bedding material and other means of protection shall be provided when the ambient temperature falls below the temperature to which an animal is acclimated.
Indoor housing facilities shall be adequately ventilated to provide for the health and comfort of the animals at all times. Fresh air shall be provided by means of windows, doors, vents, or air conditioning and shall be ventilated so as to minimize drafts, odors, and moisture condensation. Auxiliary ventilation, such as exhaust fans and vents or air conditioning, shall be provided when the ambient temperature is 85 degrees Fahrenheit or higher within the facility.
Indoor housing facilities shall have ample light by natural or artificial means. Such lighting shall provide uniformly distributed illumination of sufficient light intensity to permit routine inspection and cleaning during the entire working period.
The interior building surface shall be constructed and maintained so that they are substantially impervious to moisture and may be readily sanitized.
A suitable method shall be provided to rapidly eliminate excess liquid from indoor housing facilities. If drains are used, they shall be properly constructed and kept in good repair to avoid foul odors. Closed drainage system, shall be equipped with traps and so installed as to prevent any backup of sewage onto the floor of the room.
Outdoor facilities.
Shelter from sunlight.
When sunlight is likely to cause overheating or discomfort, sufficient shade shall be provided to allow all animals to protect themselves from the direct rays of the sun.
Shelter from rain.
Adequate shelter shall be provided to allow animals to remain dry.
Shelter from cold.
Adequate shelter shall be provided for all animals when the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Sufficient clean bedding material or other means of protection from the weather elements shall be provided when the ambient temperature falls below that temperature to which an animal is acclimated.
A suitable method shall be provided to rapidly eliminate excess liquid.
Space requirements.
Primary enclosures must be large enough so that animals may obtain adequate exercise. Separate kennels used as sleeping quarters must provide sufficient space to allow each animal to turn about freely, stand easily, sit, and lie in a comfortable, normal position.
A primary enclosure shall never house more than 12 dogs.
Dog kennel houses and primary enclosures shall meet the following minimum space requirements:
Dog’s Weight
Primary Width
Sq. Ft.
House Width
Sq. Ft.
Up to 15 lbs
2.0 ft.
1.5 ft.
15 to 35 lbs.
2.5 ft.
2.0 ft.
35 to 65 lbs.
3.0 ft.
2.5 ft.
65 to 95 lbs.
3.0 ft.
2.5 ft.
95 to 130 lbs.
3.5 ft.
3.0 ft.
Over 130 lbs.
4.0 ft.
3.5 ft.
If the primary enclosure or kennel contains more than one dog, the minimum number of square feet required is the sum of the square feet requirements for each individual dog.
Food and water.
Animals shall be provided food which shall be wholesome, palatable, free from contamination, and of sufficient quantity and nutritive value to meet the normal daily requirements for the condition and size of the animal.
Food receptacles shall be accessible to all animals and shall be located so as to minimize contamination by excreta. Feeding pans shall be durable and clean. Food receptacles shall be sanitized at least once every two weeks. Self-feeders may be used for dry food, and they shall be sanitized regularly to prevent molding, deterioration or caking of feed.
Clean potable water shall be available to the animals at all times, unless restricted for veterinary care. Containers shall be designed to prevent tipping and spilling of water. Containers shall be clean and sanitized at least once every two weeks.
Feces shall be removed daily to prevent contamination of the animals and to reduce disease hazards and odors. Rugs, blankets, and other bedding material shall be kept clean and dry.
Prior to the introduction of animals into empty previously occupied enclosures, such enclosures shall be sanitized to prevent an accumulation of debris, feces, or any disease hazard, and shall be repeated at a minimum of once every two weeks. Cages, rooms, and hard surfaced pens and runs shall be sanitized by washing them with hot water (180 degrees Fahrenheit) and soap or detergent; by washing all soiled surfaces with a detergent solution followed by a safe and effective disinfectant; or by cleaning all soiled surfaces with live steam. Pens and runs using gravel, sand, or dirt shall be sanitized by removing the soiled gravel, sand, or dirt and replacing it as necessary.
Premises shall be kept clean and in good repair in order to protect the animal from injury and to facilitate prescribed husbandry practices. Premises shall remain free of accumulations of trash, debris, or feces.
Pest control.
An effective program for the control of insects, parasites, and vermin shall be established and maintained.
A sufficient number of caretakers shall be utilized to maintain the standards set forth in this section.
Classification and separation.
Animals housed in the same enclosure shall be maintained in compatible groups with the following restrictions:
Females in season (estrus) shall not be housed in the same enclosure with males, except for breeding purposes.
Any animal exhibiting a vicious disposition shall be housed individually.
Dogs shall not be housed with cats, nor shall dogs or cats be house with other species, except at the request of the owner.
Puppies and kittens shall not be housed with adult dogs or cats, other than their dames, except at the request of their owner.
Animals under quarantine or treatment for a communicable disease shall be separated from other animals in such a manner so as to minimize dissemination of the disease.
Animals with substantial injuries shall be housed separately from other animals.
The kennel operator shall keep available for inspection a record that shows the name, address, and telephone number of owners of each animal at the kennel; the description, age, breed, sex, and color of each animal; and a current rabies certificate for each animal.
The city has the right to inspect the facilities. As a condition of the issuance of a permit, each operator agrees to allow such inspection.
(Ordinance 22-0205 adopted 2/1/22)