The map, attached to Ordinance 22-0104 adopted 1/4/21, marked and labeled City of Johnson City Zoning Map, is hereby adopted as the official zoning map of the city. The map shall be maintained in the office of the city secretary. The map may be amended and corrected from time-to-time by the city council. The zoning districts and boundaries indicated upon said map are hereby declared to be the official zoning districts and boundaries for the city. All properties shown on the map as within a particular zoning category are hereby declared to be within the zoning district and zoned accordingly to comply with the requirements of the zoning ordinance of the city. All prior zoning maps and designations conflicting with the attached map are hereby repealed to the extent of conflict only. The city secretary shall keep the official zoning map among the permanent records of the city available for inspection and review during regular business hours.
(Ordinance 22-0104 adopted 1/4/21)
All zoning changes after the effective date of this article may, in addition to being adopted by ordinance, be reflected on the official zoning map upon completion of the zoning amendment. Should the map be annotated, the official zoning map shall indicate:
The date of the zoning change;
The number of the ordinance or resolution, if any, by which the change was made; and
A reference to the minutes, ordinances, or resolutions records in which the ordinance or resolution is recorded in full.
(Ordinance 22-0104 adopted 1/4/21)
The zoning ordinance, Ordinance 16-0303, adopted by the city on February 1, 2016, as amended, is included at the end of this chapter as exhibit A. Due to the nature of the zoning ordinance and the technicalities involved in adopting or amending it, such ordinance is printed herein as enacted, with only nonsubstantive formatting and style changes. Capitalization, punctuation and numbering of articles, sections and subsections have been retained as enacted. Subsequent amendments will be inserted in their proper place and denoted by a history note following the amended provisions. The absence of a history note indicates the material is unchanged from the original. Obviously misspelled words have been corrected without notation. Any other material added for purposes of clarification is enclosed in brackets.
(Editorially supplied)