In this article, the following words shall have the meanings ascribed to them below:
Any occurrence that renders a vehicle wrecked or disabled.
Consent to tow.
The towing of a vehicle at the request of the owner or operator.
Director of public safety or his designee.
The director of the city’s police and fire departments, the director of public safety/chief of police, or his authorized representative.
Disabled vehicle.
A motor vehicle that has been rendered unsafe to be driven as the result of some occurrence, including but not limited to mechanical failure or breakdown, fire or vandalism, or a motor vehicle that is in a safe driving condition but whose owner or operator is not present, able, or permitted to drive so as to reasonably necessitate that the vehicle be removed by a wrecker.
Motor vehicle.
Any motor driven or propelled vehicle required to be registered under the laws of this state. Texas Transportation Code section 501.002(17)(18).
Nonconsent tow.
The towing of a vehicle without the prearranged knowledge and consent of the owner or operator of said vehicle. Examples include, but are not limited to: vehicles towed when the driver is incapacitated following an accident, vehicles towed when the driver has been arrested, and vehicles removed from public or private property without pre-notification to the vehicle owner.
Nonresident wrecker or tow truck operator.
A wrecker or tow truck operator registered with the state who does not maintain a place of business within the corporate limits of the city.
An individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.
Submitting the proper information on each wrecker vehicle to the city police department for recordkeeping purposes.
Registration holder.
An individual, applicant, or owner who has registered and been issued a receipt by the police department to operate in the city.
Every mechanical device in, upon or by which any person or property is or may be transported or drawn upon a public highway, except devices moved by human power or used exclusively upon stationary rails or tracks.
Wrecked vehicle.
A discarded, abandoned, junked, wrecked or worn-out motor vehicle that is not in a condition to be lawfully operated on a public road.
A vehicle designed for use primarily for removing wrecked or disabled vehicles.
Wrecker or tow truck operator.
A person engaged in the business of using a wrecker to tow, winch, or otherwise move a motor vehicle.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.603)
A person commits an offense if he:
Operates a wrecker service or drives or operates a wrecker within the city without valid registration;
Drives or operates a wrecker or uses any equipment within the city that is not in compliance with section 4.09.006;
Fails to maintain insurance as required in section 4.09.013;
Violates or fails to comply with the provisions of section 4.09.007.
A person who commits an offense under this article shall be fined in accordance with the general penalty provision found in section 1.01.009 of this code. Each day that a violation exists shall constitute a separate offense.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.619; Ordinance adopting Code)
It is unlawful for a person to operate, or employ another to drive or operate, any wrecker over any street in the city for the purpose of towing a consent or nonconsent vehicle within the city without first registering with the city and obtaining a receipt, except as provided by this article.
Every person desiring to provide a wrecker or towing service to render nonconsent tows in any situation involving the city public safety division shall first register with the city, submit the required registration fee, obtain a receipt, and be contracted on rotation with the city.
A person who charges a fee for towing nonconsent vehicles, whether by the use of a wrecker or by the use of any other vehicle utilizing ropes, chains, or other mechanisms, shall be considered to be engaging in a wrecker or towing business, and must register with the city and submit the required registration fee. This shall not be construed to include a service car or other vehicle not equipped with mechanical devices for transporting wrecked vehicles and not used for such purpose, such as service cars equipped with compressed air containers and tools for performing minor repairs not involving towing or transportation of wrecked or disabled vehicles.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.601)
Registration is not required for the following activities:
The transportation of a vehicle by a nonresident wrecker operator from some point outside the city to some destination within the city.
The transportation of a vehicle by a nonresident wrecker operator from some point outside the city and traversing the city to some other destination outside of the city.
The transportation of a vehicle by a nonresident wrecker operator at the request of the owner or operator of a vehicle.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.602)
Each wrecker service applicant, whether wishing to participate in the police department rotation schedule, wishing to provide consent and/or nonconsent tows, or operating a place of business in the city limits, must file a written registration application with the director of public safety or his designee. The application shall be verified by the applicant and be on a form furnished by the police department; only completed applications will be accepted.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.604)
Each wrecker truck for which a receipt is issued shall meet the following minimum requirements:
Each wrecker shall not be less than one ton in size.
Each wrecker shall position the registration receipt where it is clearly visible in the vehicle’s front window, either hanging from the inside rear window or secured inside face-out next to the state inspection and registration stickers.
Each wrecker shall be equipped with a power or hand-operated winch line and boom or lifting device with a factory-rated capacity of not less than five thousand pounds single capacity.
Each wrecker shall have inscribed on each side the name, address and telephone number of the wrecker business in letters not less than three inches in height.
Each wrecker shall carry as standard equipment safety chains, a fire extinguisher, wrecking bar, broom, axe, shovel, either flares or traffic-control reflectors, a wheel dolly and a container to carry debris.
Each wrecker shall be equipped so as to provide two-way voice communication by mobile telephone or radio with the registration holder’s base station at all times.
Each wrecker shall be equipped with overhead flashing emergency lights, visible from one thousand five hundred feet.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.605)
The city shall have the right to contract with one or more wrecker service providers for the towing or impoundment of any vehicle made necessary in the exercise of the city’s police and governmental functions.
The city shall have the right to authorize a wrecker service rotation list/schedule.
The city may call any wrecker service or use any wrecker service in cases where the contractor is unable to respond as required by this article, during emergency situations, or when deemed necessary by the director of public safety or his designee.
In the event the number of service providers on the police rotation schedule becomes less than two, the city is authorized to go outside the city limits for additional services.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.606)
Each wrecker service wishing to participate in the police department rotation schedule must be registered with the city, complete the rotation wrecker service application, and comply with the vehicle requirements established above, all state laws regarding wreckers and vehicle storage facilities, and the requirements listed below:
Meet all city and state qualifications and requirements, and be registered as a wrecker service with the city and comply with all city ordinances.
Operate a principal place of business in the city limits, and have a storage facility within a five-mile radius of the city limits.
Arrive at the scene within twenty minutes upon notification. Three instances of failure to respond as outlined above, within a twelve-month period, is just cause for suspension, revocation, or refusal to approve the issuance or renewal of a wrecker registration.
Deliver wrecked or disabled vehicles to a location designated by the owner or operator of the vehicle or by the police department.
Must not release any police department requested towed vehicle without proper documentation from the police department.
Upon arrival at an accident scene, promptly clear the wreckage and debris from the traveled portion of the roadway and confine wreckage and debris to the smallest possible portion of the traveled roadway. In a manner to minimize the duration of the interference with normal traffic flow, completely remove from the site of the accident all resulting wreckage or debris, including all broken glass, excluding the truck’s or vehicle’s cargo, before leaving the site.
To the extent feasible, comply with all traffic regulations in removing any vehicle from the scene of an accident. Under no circumstances shall a vehicle be moved or towed in such a manner as to jeopardize the safety of other vehicles on the roadway.
Depart the scene of an accident at the request of a police officer when such wrecker has not been called to the scene in compliance with this article.
Keep and maintain wrecker vehicles and towing equipment in a safe and working condition to insure that said wrecker and equipment are adequate to perform towing services.
Must have ability to access at least one tile-bed [flat-bed] vehicle capable of handling the safe movement of motorcycles and front wheel drive cars.
Must provide proof of ability to access, upon receipt of notice, a wrecker that is capable of towing a tractor-trailer and other large vehicles.
Must operate wreckers equipped with an overhead flashing non-emergency (red) light that is visible from one thousand five hundred feet.
Shall provide pickup and towing services for city vehicles, within the city at no charge to the city, and for vehicles outside the city but within Tarrant and Parker counties, and those counties contiguous to Tarrant and Parker counties, at the minimum rate provided by state law.
Shall provide storage at no cost to the city for city-owned vehicles.
Shall not charge the city for storage of vehicles towed and/or stored without the owner’s consent but shall charge the owner.
Maintain its certificates of convenience and necessity as issued by the state department of transportation and the United States Interstate Commerce Commission.
Shall employ and maintain, or have the ability to access in the time outlined above (twenty minutes), a sufficient number of personnel to accommodate a minimum of two wrecker units at the same time.
Shall furnish a list of any liens, judgments, or other encumbrances against the registering company owned by applicant. The list shall include the amount secured by each lien, judgment, or encumbrance, the amount due, the character of such lien, judgment, or encumbrance, and the names and address of the holder of such lien, judgment, or encumbrance.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.607)
Each registration holder shall maintain books and records reflecting its operation in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles as may be necessary for verification of the registration holder’s compliance with the terms of this article. The registration holder agrees to make such records available at reasonable times to the director of public safety or his designee upon request.
Members of the police department may inspect each wrecker and/or storage facility used by the registration holder at reasonable times during the application or permit period to insure compliance with the requirements of this article.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.608)
Upon payment of the applicable registration fees, the director of public safety or his designee shall review the registration application. The director of public safety or his designee shall issue a receipt to each qualifying applicant complying with the provisions of this article, all rotation schedule regulations and requirements, and all wrecker and towing services [regulations] which have been promulgated by the city and the state. In addition, the director of public safety or his designee shall issue a receipt for each wrecker operated by the applicant.
Registrations shall expire on December 31st in the year in which it is issued.
The receipt shall not be transferable or used on any wrecker other than the one for which issued.
The annual fee for wrecker registration shall be as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code.
Qualifying wrecker services may join the rotation schedule at any time throughout the year.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.609)
The director of public safety or his designee may refuse to approve the issuance or renewal of a wrecker registration, or may suspend or revoke a wrecker registration previously issued, for one or more of the following reasons:
The making by the applicant of any false statement or omission of information as to a material matter in an application for registration or registration renewal or in a hearing concerning the registration.
Conviction of the applicant, the registration holder or an employee of the applicant or registration holder for a violation of a provision of this article.
Revocation of registration issued to the applicant or any owner, partner or corporate officer of the applicant within three years preceding the application pursuant to this section.
Conviction of the applicant or registration holder of a felony, assault, fraud, burglary, theft, DWI or other offense involving moral turpitude within five years preceding the application.
Suspension of a state license for any reason.
Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this article.
If the director of public safety or his designee denies an application for registration, written notice shall be mailed to the applicant, at the address shown on the application, by certified mail, return receipt requested. The notice shall state the reason for denial.
No registration shall be suspended or revoked without notice to the registration holder and an opportunity for a hearing. A registration holder who receives notice of a proposed suspension or revocation may file a written request for a hearing with the director of public safety or his designee within ten days from the date of the notice. The director of public safety or his designee shall conduct a hearing and shall thereafter determine whether to suspend or revoke the registration.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.610)
Any person whose application for a wrecker registration has been denied, suspended, or revoked by the director of public safety or his designee shall have the right to appeal in writing such action to the city manager within ten calendar days after notification of such action. The city manager shall review the matter and may uphold, modify, or reverse the action of the wrecker registration. The decision of the city manager shall be final.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.611)
The city shall not issue a permit unless the wrecker operator shall procure and keep in full force and effect automobile liability insurance and either garagekeeper’s liability insurance or truck cargo insurance written by an insurance company authorized to do business in the state, acceptable to the city, and issued in the standard form approved by the state department of insurance. Such policies of insurance shall require at least thirty days’ written notice to the city of any cancellation or termination or of any material change in the terms of the insurance coverage. The insurance policies shall contain appropriate provisions to cover all wreckers and wrecker operators conducting business under the permit.
The automobile liability insurance must provide combined single limits of liability for bodily injury and property damage of not less than one hundred thousand dollars for any person killed or injured, five hundred thousand dollars for more than one person killed or injured in any one accident, and one hundred thousand dollars for property damage and theft coverage on all vehicles removed or impounded. The automobile liability insurance must also meet the minimum requirements under the laws of the state.
The garagekeeper’s liability insurance or tow truck cargo insurance, whichever is maintained, must provide limits of liability for any one loss of not less than fifty thousand dollars.
A copy of the required insurance policies shall be submitted to the city at the time of application for a wrecker permit and a current copy of such policies shall be maintained with the director of public safety or his designee throughout the term of the permit.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.612)
No person may drive a wrecker to the scene of an accident on the streets of the city unless the person has been called to the scene by a police officer or the owner or operator of the vehicle.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.613)
The wrecker service shall first notify the city police department of intent to remove and store before removing from its location in the city to another location a wrecked or disabled vehicle in which the owner and/or operator of the vehicle has not given his consent.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.614)
No person may solicit in any manner, directly or indirectly, on the streets of the city, the business of towing a vehicle which is wrecked or disabled, regardless of whether the solicitation is for the purpose of soliciting business of towing, removing, repairing, storing, trading or purchasing the vehicle.
Proof of the presence of a person engaged in the wrecker business, either as owner, operator, employee or agent, on a street in the city, at or near the scene of an accident, who has not been called to the scene by the police department or the owner or operator of the vehicle, within one hour after the happening of an accident is prima facie evidence of a solicitation in violation of this section.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.615)
No police officer or other employee of the city shall recommend to any person, directly or indirectly, the name of any particular person engaged in wrecker business for which solicitation is prohibited, nor shall any police officer or other city employee attempt to influence in any manner a decision of a person in selecting a wrecker operator.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.616)
A registration holder shall notify the police department of any and all personnel changes for those persons who will operate the wrecker vehicles within three working days of such personnel changes. The registration holder shall immediately notify the police department of any change in ownership of the wrecker company, any change in the number of wreckers or location of a storage facility, or any other material change in the information provided on the application. The current registration will immediately expire and become void.
New owners, the addition of wrecker trucks or location of storage facility, or any other material change in the information provided on the application for permit requires immediate and additional registration.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.617)
Each garagekeeper must provide to the police department on the required police department form an inventory listing of stored vehicles by Tuesday of every week.
Requests for notification to the owner/lienholder of abandonment by the police department must be submitted on the police department requested tow or non-police department requested form.
In accordance with Texas Transportation Code section 683.032, to compensate the city for the postal expense necessary to process the required notification of abandonment to owners/lienholders, a minimum fee shall be charged to the wrecker service on each notification sent from the police department office. To compensate the city for the administrative and other expenses necessary to process the release, either to the owner/lienholder or by way of an auction, of a vehicle towed and stored, on both police department requested tows and non-police department requested tows, a fee as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code shall be charged. The city reserves the right to reimbursement of expenses for sales and auctions of abandoned vehicles as outlined by the Texas Transportation Code, section 683.015 and section 683.034.
As provided in Texas Transportation Code section 683.076, an owner or operator whose vehicle is removed without consent from a location within the city and placed in a vehicle storage facility is entitled to a hearing on whether probable cause existed for the removal and placement of the vehicle before a city municipal court judge. The police department will not support a wrecker service’s claim of legality on non-police department requested tows.
(2001 Code, sec. 4.618)