Authority having jurisdiction.
The city fire chief shall be the head administrator and authority having jurisdiction. The city fire chief is hereby authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter and other applicable provisions of this code and shall have the authority to render interpretations of same, and to adopt policies, procedures, rules and regulations in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, policies, procedures, rules and regulations shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code and shall not have the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided for in this code. Under the fire chief’s direction, the fire department is authorized to enforce all state laws, city ordinances and executive orders of the jurisdiction.
Fire prevention division.
The division of fire prevention is established within the jurisdiction under the direction of the fire chief. The function of the division shall be the implementation, administration and enforcement of the provisions of this code. The fire chief and members of the fire prevention division have the powers of a police officer in performing their duties under this code. When requested to do so by the fire chief, the chief of police is authorized to assign available police officers as necessary to assist the fire department in enforcing the provisions of this code.
Fire marshal.
The office of fire marshal is hereby established. Such office shall be a division of the city fire department and shall report directly to the fire chief. Such office shall be filled by appointment by the fire chief.
Fire chief.
The fire chief may detail such members of the fire department to perform duties necessary to the fire prevention division, including a fire prevention captain, fire inspectors, fire investigators, arson investigators, and other technical officers as shall from time to time be necessary and each member so assigned shall be authorized to enforce the provisions of the International Fire Code.
Arson investigator.
The position of arson investigator shall be an employee position with the city subject to the city’s personnel policies and shall at all times be a peace officer certified by the commission on law enforcement officer standards and education as set out in chapter 1701 of the Occupations Code.
(Ordinance 355-2007 adopted 12/11/07; 2008 Code, pt. II, art. 21, sec. 2.01; Ordinance 869-2020 adopted 8/11/20)
All of the duties performed within each classification are necessary to the mission of the city fire department and are of equal status. The fire chief, in his or her discretion, may assign each member those duties or responsibilities within the classification of the member as the fire chief deems necessary to accomplish the mission of the fire department.
The fire chief shall:
Carry out the functions of the fire department related to public safety and enforcement of the fire code, ordinances, state and federal laws; organize the fire department in conformity with the laws of the state and ordinances of the city; and promulgate directives, orders, rules, regulations and procedures for the operation of the department and administration of discipline within the department;
Be responsible for the stationing and transfer of all firefighters and other officers and employees constituting the fire force, under such policies and regulations as may be established by the city manager, to whom the fire chief shall be immediately responsible, or according to ordinances of the city.
Arson investigator:
The arson investigator shall investigate the cause, origin and circumstances of every fire occurring within the city by which property has been destroyed or damaged and shall especially make investigation as to whether such fire was the result of carelessness or design. Such investigation shall be begun within 24 hours after the extinguishment of such fire. The arson investigator shall keep in his office a record of all fires, together with all facts, statistics and circumstances, including the origin of the fires and the amount of the loss, which may be determined by the investigation required by this article.
When it is the opinion of the arson investigator that further investigation is necessary, the following actions may be taken:
The testimony, on oath, of all persons supposed to be cognizant of any facts or to have means of knowledge in relation to the matter under investigation, and shall cause the same to be reduced in writing; and
If the arson investigator shall be of the opinion that there is evidence sufficient to charge any person with the crime of arson, or of conspiracy to defraud, or criminal conduct in connection with such fire, the arson investigator shall cause such person to be lawfully arrested and charged with such offense or either of them, and shall furnish to the prosecuting attorney all such evidence, together with the names of witnesses and all of the information obtained by him, including a copy of all pertinent and material testimony taken in the case.
(Ordinance 355-2007 adopted 12/11/07; 2008 Code, pt. II, art. 21, sec. 2.02; Ordinance adopting 2019 Code; Ordinance 869-2020 adopted 8/11/20)
The fire chief, or his designated representative, is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of this chapter, including without limitation the fire code, as amended, adopted under section 6.02.001. Enforcement may be by the issuance of warnings or citations, filing of a complaint in municipal court, by legal proceedings to enjoin nuisances, or in any other manner authorized by law. An authorized official or personnel of the fire department or of the police department is authorized to issue citations for a violation of this chapter including but not limited to the fire code.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any person being issued a citation for a violation of this article, to be filed in municipal court or any civil proceeding, to intentionally or knowingly fail to give the fire department official or police department official his or her true name and address or to intentionally or knowingly fail to appear in accordance with the terms of a citation issued by the fire department official or police department official. For purposes of this section, a person shall be in violation upon failure to provide the requisite identification information upon a request for identification being issued by a person known to be a fire department official or police department official.
The owner, lessee or occupant of the property or structure where a violation of this chapter takes place shall be deemed responsible for such violation.
If the individual who is to receive the citation is not present, the fire department official or police department official may send the citation to the owner of the property by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. If said citation should come back unclaimed, the citation shall be sent regular mail. If this regular mailing does not come back unclaimed, then service shall be deemed completed.
Any violation of any of the terms of this chapter, including without limitation the fire code, as amended, adopted under section 6.02.001 and incorporated herein as if set forth in full, whether or not such violation is denominated in this chapter as unlawful, shall be deemed a misdemeanor. Any person convicted of any such violation shall be fined in an amount not to exceed $2,000.00 for each incidence of violation or the highest amount allowed by law, whichever is less. Each violation is considered a separate offense and will be punished separately.
(Ordinance 869-2020 adopted 8/11/20)
Permits shall be required as set forth in sections 105.8 through 105.8.3 of the International Fire Code. Complete plans and specifications for fire alarm systems; fire-extinguishing systems, including automatic sprinklers and wet and dry standpipes; halon systems and other special types of automatic fire-extinguishing systems; basement pipe inlets; and other fire protection systems and appurtenances thereto shall be submitted to the fire chief for review and instruction as to how to obtain approval prior to system installation. Plans and specifications for fire alarm systems shall include, but not be limited to, a floor plan; location of all alarm-initiating and alarm-signaling devices; alarm control and trouble-signaling equipment: annunciation; power connection; battery calculations; conductor type and sizes; voltage drop calculations; and manufacturer, model numbers and listing information for all equipment, devices and materials. All submitted plans shall also meet the requirements as specified by the adopted NFPA standards and this code. The provisions of this code shall govern in the event of conflicts and/or differences between this chapter and the NFPA standards.
(Ordinance 869-2020 adopted 8/11/20)
The city council has adopted the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code including appendix B through J, but not including appendix A. The fire chief or his designee is hereby authorized and directed to enforce all provisions of the International Fire Code as adopted and amended herein.
The city council has previously adopted the North Central Texas Council of Governments recommended amendments (Option B) as applied to the 2015 International Fire Code, and as further amended by the local amendments adopted under this section.
The city council hereby adopts the city’s local amendments to the 2015 International Fire Code. To the extent of any conflict between said local amendments and the North Central Texas Council of Governments recommended amendments, the local amendments shall govern. Said local amendments are as set forth in section 6.02.002.
(Ordinance 373-2008 adopted 4/8/08; Ordinance 661-2014 adopted 6/24/14; Ordinance 730-2016 adopted 10/11/16; 2008 Code, pt. II, art. 8, sec. 7, art. 21, sec. 1; Ordinance 869-2020 adopted 8/11/20; Ordinance 928-2021 adopted 8/10/21)
Note: The city has adopted the North Central Texas Council of Government recommended amendments (Option b) to the 2015 international fire code (“NCTCOG amendments”). To the extent of any conflict between the following local amendments and the NCTCOG amendments, these amendments shall govern.[1]
(Ordinance 928-2021 adopted 8/10/21)
Editor's note–The 2015 IFC Amendments are included as an attachment to this chapter.