Authority to summon special police.
Whenever the mayor shall deem it necessary in order to enforce the laws of the city and avert danger to persons or property or to suppress a mob or outbreak or to prevent a public disturbance, or when he has good reason to believe or well-grounded fears of serious violation of law or good order or any outbreak or any other danger of a serious character to the city or the inhabitants thereof, he shall cause to be summoned into service a special police force of such number as in his judgment may be necessary for the preservation of the peace and good order in the city, and such special police while in service shall be subject to the orders of the mayor and shall perform such duties as he may require and while on duty shall have the same power and authority as is conferred upon the city police [and any person so summoned and failing to appear or obey such summons, or failing to perform] any duty required by this subsection, upon conviction, shall be fined as provided in section 1.01.009.
Authority to close public houses and places of business.
The mayor shall have authority in case of riot or serious outbreak or disturbance of the peace, with the view to preserve the peace and good order in the city, to order and enforce the closing of any theater, alcoholic beverage establishment, ballroom or other public house or place of business and may arrest in person or cause the arrest of any person refusing to obey such orders.
(1978 Code, secs. 2-4, 2-5)