This division creates the Keep Navasota Beautiful commission. The purpose of the commission shall be to assist the city council in establishing a citywide policy for decreasing the amount of loose refuse in the city, enhancing and preserving the city’s natural beauty and encouraging the use of landscaping and the improvement of deteriorating features. The commission shall consist of seven (7) or more members who shall be residents of the city and who shall serve without compensation. The commission shall consist of representatives from:
Business and industry.
Community organizations.
Press and media.
The Navasota Garden Club.
The county agricultural extension service.
Interested residents.
City staff.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-141)
The members of the Keep Navasota Beautiful commission shall be appointed by the city council. The term of office of each member shall be two (2) years, except for the initial members if the city council staggers their terms. The city council may stagger the terms of the members initially so that all members’ terms do not end at the same time. In addition, a representative of the city manager shall serve as liaison between the commission and the city council, but shall have no voting rights.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-142)
The commission shall annually elect one (1) of its members as chair, and shall establish its own rules and procedures, which shall include the following:
A quorum shall consist of the majority of the voting members of the commission and an affirmative vote of the majority of those present shall be necessary to pass upon pending questions, the chair being entitled to vote upon questions.
Regular meetings shall be held once each month on the day to be set by the commission.
Special meetings may be called by the chair or a majority of commission members.
Minutes of all meetings shall be kept as required by law and filed with the city secretary.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-143)
The Keep Navasota Beautiful commission shall be and is hereby vested with the following duties:
Recommend to the city council methods to preserve and enhance the aesthetic qualities associated with scenic beauty;
Conduct an education program designed to motivate citizens to keep their city clean;
Recommend to the city council methods for control and elimination of litter, trash and waste materials;
Encourage citizen involvement and participation in commission efforts;
Encourage compliance with city codes;
Initiate studies and undertake review of aesthetic problems in the city;
Make an annual report to the city council showing the activities of the commission for the current year;
Perform such other duties as the city council shall from time to time authorize.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-144)
Membership on the Keep Navasota Beautiful commission shall be accompanied by active participation in the activities of the commission, and any member who is absent for three (3) consecutive regularly scheduled monthly meetings of the commission without valid excuse, as determined by the chair of the commission, shall automatically be dismissed from membership. The commission shall at once notify the city council that a vacancy exists, whether by resignation or dismissal. Vacancies occurring on the commission, for whatever reason, shall be filled by appointment by the city council for the remainder of the unexpired term. Members of the commission who miss a significant number of meetings may be removed by a majority vote of the city council, after due notice has been given to the member to allow for a public hearing and after due cause has been assigned in writing by the council to the member.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-145)
To exercise the powers and accomplish the duties outlined above, the commission may establish subcommittees. Each subcommittee shall be chaired by a Keep Navasota Beautiful commission member, with an unspecified number of community volunteers chosen by the commission as working subcommittee staff.
(1978 Code, sec. 2-146)