This article provides for the general regulation of all city parks and recreational areas of the city, to include the parks, tennis courts, sports fields, swimming pool, pavilions, recreational facilities, and other city-owned areas (“city parks”). The rules contained in this article shall be in force in all parks and recreational areas located within the corporate limits of the city or extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ).
The city manager shall be responsible for the enforcement of this article relating to the use of city parks and recreational facilities and thus shall enforce all rules relating to the same. The city manager or designated representative is hereby authorized to designate certain areas in parks and recreational areas, as he/she deems necessary or appropriate, where alcoholic beverages may be allowed to be consumed and possessed.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-1)
The rules set out in this article shall be in force in all parks and recreational areas located within the corporate limits of the city and the extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of the city.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-3)
All other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent that they are in conflict. However, rules and regulations previously adopted under Ordinance No. 374-97 will remain in effect unless changed as provided for herein in subsequent resolutions.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-7)
The violation of any provision of this article shall be a class C misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, the violator shall be punished by a fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) and not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00).
(1978 Code, sec. 15-8)
The city shall exercise the power to control activities, hours of use, and days and times of opening of city parks, pools, and recreational areas in order to properly protect the citizens of this community. The city parks and recreational areas shall be under the direct supervision of the city manager or designated representative.
The city parks and recreational areas shall be open to the public between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each and every day, unless otherwise determined by the city manager or designated representative for purposes of special facility hours, rehabilitation, cleaning, or general danger to the public.
In order to use the city parks or recreational areas before 6:00 a.m. or after 10:00 p.m., a special permit must be secured from the city manager or designated representative for anyone to so use the same during those extra hours.
The police department of the city is charged with maintaining law and order in the city parks and recreational areas. In order to carry out this provision, the police department, and any and all officers therein, shall have the authority to make any arrests for violations of any state law or city ordinance.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-6)
Overnight camping.
Overnight camping within any publicly owned park or playground within the jurisdiction of the city is expressly prohibited without a permit issued by the city manager or his designated agent. Camping shall be limited to designated areas within the city or its ETJ. Organized city events are expressly excepted from this provision.
Erection of tents.
Erection of tents by campers upon public property within the jurisdiction of the city is expressly prohibited unless within a designated camping area.
Overnight parking of camping units.
Overnight parking of any camping unit of any type or any motor vehicle within any publicly owned park or playground within jurisdiction of the city is expressly prohibited, with the exception of the area designated as the city recreational vehicle park.
Closed hours.
There shall be no person, vehicle, equipment, or activity conducted within any publicly owned park or playground within the jurisdiction of the city between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m. each day except where camping is allowed as set out above or otherwise without a written permit.
Diving or jumping into waterway from trees, bridges, etc.
It is a violation of this article for any person to enter a river, stream, or waterway by jumping, diving, or doing any other dangerous act on or off any bridge, street, highway, appurtenance, publicly owned land, or public right-of-way within the jurisdiction of the city. It shall likewise be illegal for any person to jump, dive, or do any other dangerous act from trees, platforms, high banks, dams, or other walkways to enter streams, rivers, or waterways along, over or part of public property or public right-of-way within the jurisdiction of the city.
Wading or swimming in Cedar Creek or city-owned ponds.
It is an offense and a violation of this article for any person, child, or adult to enter, wade, swim, or engage in any aquatic activity other than fishing in any portion of Cedar Creek within the jurisdiction of the city or city-owned ponds.
Depositing rubbish.
It shall be unlawful for any person to throw, deposit, place, or drop loose paper, cans, bottles, sacks, boxes, clothes, waste materials, or any kind of rubbish on or alongside any roadway, body of water, playground, or recreational area of any park or recreational area within the jurisdiction of the city.
Operation of motor vehicles prohibited in certain areas.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive any motor vehicle into, along, or across any grassy area of a public park, playground, or recreational area which is owned, operated, or maintained by the city. No such vehicles shall be driven upon any hiking or biking trail, footpath, or footbridge spanning a creek or stream located therein. This section shall not apply to vehicles being used strictly for the purpose of loading and unloading freight therein or in the construction, maintenance, or repair of said public parks, public playgrounds, or public recreational areas which are owned or maintained by the city.
Speed limit.
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle on any street, drive, roadway, or surface within any city park, playground, or recreational area at a speed greater than ten (10) miles per hour.
Parking for certain purposes prohibited.
No person shall park a vehicle upon any public roadway, park lands, public playground, or public recreational area which is owned, operated, or maintained by the city for the principal purpose of:
Displaying such vehicle for sale;
Washing, greasing, or repairing such vehicle, except making repairs necessitated by an emergency.
Removing or injuring vegetation; removing downed wood.
It shall be unlawful for any person other than city personnel to willfully pick, pull, pull up, tear up, dig up, or out, mutilate, break, bruise, injure, burn, remove, carry away, or destroy any tree, shrub, plant, vine, flower, moss, foliage, berries, fruit, grass, turf, humus, cones, or dead or downed wood within city parks, except by written approval issued by the city manager or designated representative for scientific or educational purposes.
Glass beverage containers prohibited.
It shall be unlawful for any person to exhibit, use, carry, or dispose of any glass beverage containers in any city parks, playgrounds, pools, or recreational areas.
Alcoholic beverages.
Possession, use, or consumption of any alcoholic beverage is prohibited in all city parks, playgrounds, pools, and recreational facilities except in designated areas or upon permit issued by the city manager. Alcohol use shall conform to city ordinances and laws of the state. Where alcohol consumption is by special permission of the city manager, proper security and assurances will be required of the permittee.
The use or display of any weapon, firearms, knife, fireworks, or any other dangerous item within any city owned or maintained city park, public playground, public pool, or public recreational area is prohibited.
Additional offenses.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation using city parks, playgrounds, pools, or recreational areas to either perform or permit to be performed any of the following acts:
Willfully mark, deface, disfigure, injure, tamper with, or displace or remove any building, tables, benches, fireplaces, railings, paving or paving material, water lines or other public utilities or appurtenances thereof, signs, notices or placards, whether temporary or permanent, monuments, stakes, posts, or other boundary markers or other structures or equipment, facilities or property or appurtenances whatsoever, either real or personal;
Bring in or dump, deposit or leave any bottles, broken glass, ashes, paper, boxes, cans, dirt, rubbish, waste, garbage or refuse, or other trash. No such refuse or trash shall be placed or left anywhere on the grounds thereof, but shall be placed in the proper receptacles where these are provided; where receptacles are not so provided, or the receptacles provided are not adequate, all such rubbish or waste shall be carted away from the pavilion by the person responsible for its presence, and properly disposed of elsewhere;
Disturb the peace; use any profane, obscene, or indecent language; or use any amplification system without the proper permit obtained from the city manager or designated representative;
Endanger the safety of any person by any conduct or act;
Commit any assault, battery, or act of aggression;
Violate any rule for the use of the city parks, playgrounds, pools, or recreational areas.
Amusements or activities for profit.
No amusement or activity for gain or profit shall be conducted in the city parks, playgrounds, pools, or recreational areas without the written consent of the city manager or designated representative, and such amusement must be conducted in accordance with the rules pertaining to the use of same.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-4)
City parks, playgrounds, pavilions, pools, and recreational areas may be reserved for special occasions and other events through the city parks and recreation department at the Navasota Center. Non-reservable areas will be available to all citizens on a first-come, first-served basis.
Fees for reserving the exclusive use of a city park or other such facility shall be set by resolution of the city council.
Application for a reservation shall be filed with the city parks and recreation department not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior to, and no more than one (1) year in advance of, the date on which it is proposed to conduct any such activity. Such application shall state the following:
The name of the person or organization wishing to conduct such activity;
If the activity is proposed to be conducted for, on behalf of, or by an organization, the name, address, and telephone number of the headquarters of the organization, and of the authorized and responsible head of such organization;
The name, address, and telephone [number] of the person who will be the chairman or in charge of such activity and who will be responsible for its conduct;
The name, address, and telephone number of the person or organization to which the permit is desired to be issued;
The date when such activity is to be conducted;
Estimated attendance;
The hour when such activity will start and terminate.
Reservation fees may be refunded under the following conditions:
Refund of a reservation fee payment may be authorized by the city manager, designated representative, or parks and recreation department if cancellation is received in writing by the city manager, designated representative, or parks and recreation department during normal business hours seven (7) days prior to the date of use of the reserved area; and
At the conclusion of the event, if, after inspection by the city, no damage to the facilities has occurred and no trash, garbage, or other refuse is remaining on the premises so reserved not otherwise in proper refuse containers.
A reservation fee will not be refunded if, after the termination of the event and upon inspection by the city, damages have occurred to any park facility or the park facility is not left in a clean and appropriate condition; expenses of cleanup and repair will be deducted from the reservation fee if litter and other items are left for the parks crew to clean. Failure to clean facilities may result in forfeiture of the right to rent park facilities in the future, as determined by the city manager, designated representative, or parks and recreation department.
A “Reserved” sign may be placed at the area of reservation. These “Reserved” signs shall include the name of the party, time, and date of reservation and shall be removed after the function is ended.
No person shall engage in, participate in, aid, form, or organize any assembly or group of people or make any speeches or conduct any musical program or festival in said parks unless a special permit in writing has been obtained from the city manager or designated representative and unless such permit is carried by the person heading or leading such activity.
Each special permit shall state the following as to each event or activity:
The date of such event or activity;
The hour when such event or activity will start and terminate;
The name and contact information of the person and/or organization to which it is issued.
The city manager or designated representative shall act upon the application for a special permit within five days after the filing of same.
Softball tournaments must be specially permitted. Groups requesting special permission to allow possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages on the grounds of city parks during tournament play must secure and pay for the cost of a security officer (an off-duty city police officer), who must be in attendance at all times during tournament play. The scheduling of this officer must be done through the city police department.
(1978 Code, sec. 15-5)
RV’s may be parked at the RV park up to a maximum of fourteen (14) days within any forty-five-day period.
Special permit required to park an RV for longer than the fourteen (14) days may be obtained upon application by letter to and approval by the city parks and recreation department.
Departure time is 12:00 noon.
Failure to pay daily rental fees may result in removal of RV’s at owner’s expense.
(Ordinance 654-11 adopted 6/13/11)