This article is adopted pursuant to the provisions of chapter 395 of the Texas Local Government Code, as well as under the authority of article 11, section 5, of the state constitution. This article implements a policy of the city to impose fees upon each new development project to pay the costs of constructing capital improvements and facility expansions necessary to serve new developments.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97)
For purposes of this article, the following words and phrases shall have the meanings respectively ascribed to them by this section:
Advisory committee.
The members of the planning and zoning commission and the representatives appointed by the city council as required by the enabling legislation for this article.
The determination of the amount of the maximum impact fee which can be imposed on new developments pursuant to this article.
Capital improvements.
Any of the following facilities that have a life expectancy of three or more years and are owned and operated by or on behalf of the city:
Water supply and distribution facilities, wastewater collection facilities, and stormwater, drainage, and flood control facilities as they relate to the construction of roadway facilities, whether or not they are located within the service area; and
Roadway facilities.
Capital improvements plan.
A plan contemplated by this article that identifies capital improvements or facility expansions for which impact fees may be assessed.
The amount of the reduction of an impact fee for fees, payments or charges for or construction of the same type of facility.
Facility expansion.
The expansion of the capacity of an existing facility that serves the same function as an otherwise necessary new capital improvement, in order that the existing facility may serve new developments. The term does not include the repair, maintenance, or modernization of an existing facility to better serve existing developments.
Final plat approval or approval of a final plat.
The point at which the applicant has complied with all conditions of approval and the plat has been released for filing with the county clerk.
Impact fee.
A charge or assessment imposed as set forth in this article against a new development in order to generate revenue for funding or recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions necessitated by and attributable to the new development. The term includes amortized charges, lump sum charges, capital recovery fees, contributions in aid of construction, and any other fee that functions as described by this definition. The term does not include:
Dedication of land for public parks or payment in lieu of the dedication to serve park needs;
Dedication of rights-of-way or easements or construction or dedication of on-site or off-site water distribution, wastewater collection or drainage facilities, or streets, sidewalks, or curbs if the dedication or construction is required by a valid ordinance and is necessitated by and attributable to the new development;
Lot or acreage fees to be placed in trust funds for the purposes of reimbursing developers for oversizing or constructing water or sewer mains or lines; or
Other pro-rata fees for reimbursement of water or sewer mains or lines extended.
Impact fee study.
The report prepared by Birkhoff, Hendricks & Carter, L.L.P dated January, 2023. titled Water and Roadway Impact Fee Update: 2022-2032 Lucas, Texas, a true and correct copy of which is on file in the office of the city secretary and is incorporated herein by reference.
Land use assumptions.
A description of the service area and projections of changes in land uses, densities, intensities, and population in the service area over at least a 10-year period which has been adopted by the city and upon which the capital improvements plan is based.
New development.
The subdivision of land, the construction, reconstruction, redevelopment, conversion, structural alteration, relocation, or enlargement of a structure, or any use or extension of the use of land, any of which increases the number of service units.
For impact fee assessment purposes only, located entirely on property which is not included within the bounds of the plat being considered for fee impact purposes.
For impact fee assessment purposes only, located at least partially on the plat which is being considered for impact fee.
Roadway facilities.
Arterial or collector streets or roads that have been designated on an officially adopted roadway plan of the city, together with all necessary appurtenances. The term includes the city’s share of costs for roadways and associated improvements designated on the federal or state highway system, including local matching funds and costs related to utility line relocation and the establishment of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, drainage appurtenances, and rights-of-way.
Service area.
The area within the corporate boundaries or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, to be served by the capital improvements or facilities expansions specified in the capital improvements plan, except roadway facilities and stormwater, drainage, and flood control facilities. For roadway facilities, the service area is limited to an area within the corporate boundaries of the city and shall not exceed six miles. For stormwater, drainage, and flood control facilities, the service area may not exceed the area actually served by the stormwater, drainage, and flood control facilities designated in the capital improvements plan and shall not extend across watershed boundaries.
Service unit.
That standardized measure of consumption, use, generation, or discharge attributable to an individual unit of development calculated in accordance with generally accepted engineering or planning standards and based on historical data and trends applicable to the city during the previous ten years. The applicable service units shall be shown on the conversion table in the capital improvements plan and impact fee calculation which can be converted to equivalent single-family residential p.m. peak-hour average vehicle trip ends per acre for roadway facilities and water meter equivalents, as the context indicates, which also serves as the standardized unit of measure or consumption or discharge for water and wastewater facilities.
Water facility.
An improvement for providing water supply, treatment and distribution service, including, but not limited to, land easements for water treatment facilities, water supply facilities, or water distribution lines. “Water facility” excludes water lines or mains which are constructed by developers, the costs of which are reimbursed from pro-rata charges paid by developers or owners of property in other subdivisions as a condition of connection to or use of such facility.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97; Ordinance 2001-12-00458, sec. 1, adopted 12/10/01; Ordinance 2016-01-00827 adopted 1/7/16; Ordinance 2023-03-00974 adopted 3/16/2023)
The capital improvements advisory committee (advisory committee) shall consist of the planning and zoning commission. If the advisory committee does not include at least one representative of the real estate, development or building industry who is not an employee or official of a political subdivision or governmental entity, the city council shall appoint at least one such representative as an ad hoc voting member of the advisory committee. If any impact fee is to be applied in the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, a representative from the area shall be appointed by the city council.
The advisory committee serves in an advisory capacity and is established to:
Advise and assist in the adoption of land use assumptions;
Review the capital improvements plan and file written comments;
Monitor and evaluate implementation of the capital improvements plan;
File semiannual reports with respect to the progress of the capital improvements plan and report to the city council any perceived inequities in implementing the plan or imposing the impact fee; and
Advise the city staff and council of the need to update or revise the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan and impact fee.
All professional reports concerning the development and implementation of the capital improvements plan shall be made available to the advisory committee.
The advisory committee shall elect a chairperson to preside at its meetings and a vice-chairperson to serve in his absence. All meetings of the advisory committee shall be open to the public and posted at least 72 hours in advance. A majority of the membership of the advisory committee shall constitute a quorum.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97)
The land use assumptions and capital improvements plan upon which impact fees are based shall be updated at least every five years. The initial five-year period begins on the day the capital improvements plan was adopted, May 12, 1997. Alternatively, the city council may determine that no change to the land use assumptions, capital improvements plan, or impact fee is needed, pursuant to the provisions of section 395.075 of the Local Government Code.
(Ordinance 2001-12-00458, sec. 2, adopted 12/10/01)
Impact fees shall be assessed to new development at the time of recordation of the subdivision plat or other plat required by the subdivision ordinance of the city. If the city has water and wastewater capacity available, impact fees shall be collected at the time the city issues a building permit; or, for land platted outside the corporate boundaries, the city shall collect the fees at the time an application for an individual meter connection to the city’s water or wastewater system is filed; or, where the city lacks authority to issue a building permit in an area where an impact fee applies, the fee shall be collected at the time an application is filed for an individual meter connection to the city’s water or wastewater system. Impact fees for properties platted prior to the adoption of this article shall be collected at any time after one year of adoption of this article (May 12, 1997) and shall be due and payable prior to or at the time of issuance of the building permit or connection to the city’s water and wastewater system, whichever occurs first.
Additional impact fees or increases in fees shall not be assessed unless the number of service units to be developed on the tract increases. Should the service units be increased, impact fees shall be increased in an amount equal to the current impact fee per service unit multiplied by the difference in number of service units.
Except for roadway facilities, impact fees may be assessed but not collected for property where service is not available unless:
The city commits to commence construction of necessary facilities identified in the capital improvements plan within two years and have service available in a reasonable time not exceeding five years; or
The city agrees in writing to permit the owner of the property to construct or finance the required capital improvement or facility expansion and agrees that the cost incurred or funds advanced will either:
Be credited against the impact fees otherwise due from the new development;
Reimburse the owner for such costs from impact fees paid from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions, in which case fees shall be reimbursed to the owner at the time collected as other new development plats are recorded; or
The owner voluntarily requests that the city reserve capacity to serve future development and the city and the owner enter into a valid written agreement.
The owner of the property for which there is a recorded plat may enter into a written agreement with the city providing for the time and method of payment of impact fees, which agreement shall prevail over any contrary provision of this article.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97; Ordinance 2016-01-00827 adopted 1/7/16)
Road impact fees: See appendix C, article 10.000 titled “road impact fees by land use.”
Water impact fees: See appendix C, article 11.000 titled “water impact fees by meter size.”
The city and the owner may enter into an agreement providing that, in addition to the credit, the owner will be reimbursed for all or a portion of the costs of such facilities from impact fees as received from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions.
An owner shall be entitled to a credit against any category of impact fee as provided in any written agreement between the city and the owner.
No credit for construction of any facility shall exceed the total amount of impact fees due from the development for the same category of improvements.
(Ordinance 2018-11-00886, sec. 2, adopted 11/1/18)
Any construction of, contributions to, or dedications of any facility appearing on the capital improvements plan which is required by the city to be constructed by the owner as a condition of development shall be credited against the impact fees otherwise due for the same category of impact fees otherwise due from the development. Credit for impact fees due an owner in one category of impact fees (i.e., water and thoroughfares) may not be used as an offset for impact fees due in another category of impact fees.
The city and the owner may enter into an agreement providing that, in addition to the credit, the owner will be reimbursed for all or a portion of the costs of such facilities from impact fees as received from other new developments that will use such capital improvements or facility expansions.
An owner shall be entitled to a credit against any category of impact fee as provided in any written agreement between the city and the owner.
No credit for construction of any facility shall exceed the total amount of impact fees due from the development for the same category of improvements.
The capital improvements plan must contain specific enumeration of the items contained in section 395.014 of the Local Government Code, including a plan for awarding:
A credit for the portion of ad valorem tax and utility service revenues generated by new service units during the program period that is used for the payment of improvements, including the payment of debt, that are included in the capital improvements plan; or
In the alternative, a credit equal to fifty percent of the total projected cost of implementing the capital improvements plan.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97; Ordinance 2001-12-00458, sec. 5, adopted 12/10/01)
All impact fees collected shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts clearly identifying the category of capital improvements or facility expansions within the service area for which the fee is adopted.
Interest earned shall be credited to the account and shall be subject to the same restrictions on expenditures as the funds generating such interest. Impact fees and the interest earned thereon may be spent only for the purposes for which such fees were imposed as shown in the capital improvements plan.
The records of the accounts into which impact fees are deposited shall be open for public inspection and copying during ordinary business hours.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97)
Upon written application of an owner of property upon which impact fees were assessed, the city council shall consider appeals to the interpretations of or errors in the application of the impact fee regulations or schedules which are used to calculate the fees or credits.
(Ordinance 1997-05-00335, sec. 2, adopted 5/12/97)