The City Council shall appoint the City Secretary, by at least five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council. The City Council shall consider the City Manager’s recommendations regarding the appointment of the City Secretary.
The City Secretary shall:
Give notice of all official public meetings of the City Council as consistent with this Charter and State law;
Attend all public meetings and hearings of the City Council;
Keep the minutes of the proceedings of all public meetings and hearings of the City Council as prescribed by the City Council consistent with applicable law;
Act as custodian of all official records of the City Council;
Hold and maintain the seal of the City and affix this seal to all appropriate documents;
Authenticate and record all ordinances, resolutions and proclamations of the City by signature and seal;
Perform other duties as may be required by the City Council;
Shall conduct all municipal elections;
Act as agent for the purposes of serving civil process;
Assist the City Manger with the maintenance and public information request of all records as directed by the City Council;
Prepare and recommend to the City Council the annual budget for the office and staff of the City Secretary; and
Work with the City Manager in performing additional duties, as may be necessary, to assist in carrying out the day to day functions of the City.
The City Council shall fix the compensation, salary and benefits of the City Secretary in accordance with the City Secretary’s experience, qualifications and performance.
The Municipal Judge shall be removed, with or without cause, by five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. H, adopted 5/6/21; Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. I, adopted 5/6/21)
The City Council shall appoint by five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council such Municipal Judges of the Municipal Court as may be necessary, all of whom shall be competent, duly qualified attorneys licensed and practicing for at least two (2) years in the State. The Municipal Judge(s) shall be appointed by ordinance of the City Council and their salary may be fixed by ordinance or resolution. The Municipal Judge(s) shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years and may be appointed to additional consecutive terms.
The Municipal Judge shall:
The Chief Judge of said Municipal Court shall have the power to punish for contempt to the same extent and under the same circumstances as the Justice of the Peace may punish for contempt of criminal cases.
The Municipal Judge shall preside over any associate judge(s) who shall be a licensed attorney(s) in the State.
The Municipal Judge(s) shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City Council.
The Municipal Judge shall be removed, with or without cause, by five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. J, adopted 5/6/21; Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. K, adopted 5/6/21)
The City Council shall appoint by five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council a competent, duly qualified licensed and practicing attorney in the State who shall serve as the City Attorney.
The City Attorney shall:
Serve as the legal advisor to the City Council;
Represent the City in litigation and legal proceedings as directed by the City Council;
Review and provide opinions as requested by the City Council on contracts, legal instruments, and ordinances of the City and other City business; and
Serve as the legal advisor to the officers and their departments, as directed by the City Council.
Special Counsel.
The City Council shall have the right to retain special counsel at any time that it may deem necessary and appropriate to collect delinquent and ad valorem taxes and liens or for such purposes the City Council deems appropriate.
The City Attorney and Special Counsel shall receive compensation as may be determined by the City Council.
Additional Counsel.
The City Attorney, with the approval of the City Council, may select additional attorneys to act for said City Attorney and the City in its representation and/or litigation.
The City Attorney may be removed, with or without cause, by five (5) affirmative votes of the City Council.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. L, adopted 5/6/21; Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. M, adopted 5/6/21)
The directors of all administrative departments whose duties include the handling of monies, and all employees whose duties include the handling of monies belonging to the City shall, before entering upon the duties of their office or employment, make bond in a responsible surety company, acceptable to the City Council for such amount as the City Council may prescribe, the premium of such bond shall be paid by the City; the City Council may also require any such surety bond to be further conditioned that the principal thereon will faithfully perform and/or discharge the duties of said person’s office and if there are provisions of State law bearing upon the functions of said person’s office under which the execution of a surety bond is required, it shall be further conditioned to comply therewith.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. N, adopted 5/6/21)