Qualified voters of the City shall, on at least two (2) separate regular meetings of the City Council within a sixty (60) day period, request adoption of an ordinance (except one appropriating money, levying a tax, issuing bonds, or zoning). In the event the City Council fails to enact such an ordinance, such voters may submit a petition to the City Council which, after approval as to legal form by the City Attorney, requests that the ordinance be passed by the City Council, or, if not passed, it be submitted to a vote of the qualified voters of the City. Said petition must be signed by qualified voters of the City equal in number to twenty percent (20%) of the number of votes cast at the last regular municipal election, or 250, whichever is greater, and each copy of the petition shall have attached to it a copy of the proposed ordinance.
The petition must state the residence of each signer and bear the oath of one of the Petitioners that each signature thereon is the genuine signature of each person whose name it purports to be subscribed thereon.
The petition shall be filed with the City Secretary and within twenty (20) business days after such filing the City Secretary shall check the signatures on the petition against the county voter registration lists and attach thereto the City Secretary certificate showing the results of such examination.
Any person who has filed an insufficient petition shall be notified within three (3) business days upon discovery of such insufficiency and may present additional signatures within ten (10) business days after such notice or may file a new petition at any time.
Within twenty (20) business days after the City Secretary finds such a petition to be sufficient, the City Council shall either pass the ordinance as submitted or order an election to submit the proposed ordinance to a vote of the qualified voters of the City who shall vote on the question: “For the Ordinance” or “Against the Ordinance.” If a majority of the qualified voters at such election vote for the ordinance, it shall thereupon be an ordinance of the City.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
Qualified voters of the City may require that any ordinance, with the exception of ordinances appropriating money or levying taxes, passed by the Council be submitted to the voters of the City for approval or disapproval, by submitting a petition for this purpose within thirty (30) days after final passage of said ordinance, or within thirty (30) days after its publication. The petition shall be signed in the same manner as recall petitions are signed, as provided in this article, and shall be verified by oath in the manner and form provided for recall petitions in this article and shall be submitted to the City Secretary. Immediately upon the filing of such petition, the City Secretary shall present to the Council. Thereupon the Council shall immediately reconsider such ordinance and, if the Council does not entirely repeal the same, shall submit it to the popular vote as provided in this charter. Pending the holding of such election, each ordinance shall be suspended from taking effect and shall not later take effect unless a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon at such election shall vote in favor thereof.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
The City Council, upon its own motion and by the affirmative vote of a majority of the full membership of the City Council, may submit to popular vote at any election for adoption or rejection any proposed ordinance, or may submit for repeal any existing ordinance, in the same manner and with the same force and effect as provided in this Article for submission of petition, and may at its discretion call a special election for this purpose.
The ballots used when voting upon such proposed and referred ordinance, resolution or measures, shall set forth their nature sufficiently to identify them and shall also set forth upon separate lines the words:
“For the Ordinance” or
Against the Ordinance”
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
Prior to the date early voting shall begin in any election on an initiative or referendum, the City Secretary shall cause the caption of the particular ordinance to be published in at least one issue of the official newspaper of the City or a printed copy thereof mailed to each qualified voter of the City as appears on the tax roll of the City on the 1st day of January of the year the petition was presented and the City Secretary shall do such other things relative to such election as are required in general municipal elections or by the order calling said election.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
If a majority of the qualified voters voting on any proposed ordinance shall vote in favor thereof, it shall thereupon or at any time fixed therein, become effective as a law or as a mandatory order of the Council.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
If the provisions of two (2) or more proposed ordinances approved at the same election are inconsistent, the ordinance receiving the highest number of votes shall prevail.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
No ordinance which may have been passed by the Council upon a petition or adopted by popular vote under the provisions of this article shall be repealed or amended except by the Council in response to a referendum petition or by submission as provided by this charter.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
The City Council may pass ordinances or resolutions providing other and further regulations for carrying out the provisions of this Article consistent herewith.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)
Nothing contained in this Article shall be construed to be in conflict with any provisions of this charter pertaining to ordinances granting franchises when valuable rights shall have accrued thereunder.
(Ordinance 2021-05-00934, prop. Q, adopted 5/6/21)