It shall be unlawful for any person to furnish, operate, advertise or otherwise engage or profess to be engaged in the operation of an emergency ambulance upon the streets of Hillsboro unless said person is:
A member of the City of Hillsboro EMS unit officially on duty;
An employee of a political subdivision or agency of the state;
A person providing service to or from a hospital located in the City of Hillsboro going to or from a hospital located outside of the city limits of Hillsboro;
Any person meeting requirements of the State of Texas for personnel, vehicles and equipment who responds to a request of the Hillsboro Fire Department, EMS unit or director of public safety to lend assistance when a major disaster or other occurrence results in emergency calls exceeding the capacity of City of Hillsboro EMS vehicles; or
Ambulance transfer service franchise holder under Division 3 herein.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
There shall be and it is hereby created, a service to the people to be called the City of Hillsboro Emergency Medical Service (EMS), which service shall be provided by the Hillsboro Fire Department under the authority of the director of public safety.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
Emergency medical service shall be available to all persons within the city limits of the City of Hillsboro.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
No insane or mentally ill person will be transported without an attendant or nurse accompanying such person. The City of Hillsboro shall not be responsible for obtaining any nurse or attendant.
Any drunk, disorderly or unruly person ordered by a doctor or police officer to be transported in an ambulance may be refused by the city unless such person shall be accompanied by a police officer in said ambulance.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
Any person who uses the emergency medical service of the city shall pay the city for such services. Charges for emergency medical services shall include but not be limited to standing time, standby time, oxygen, medication and other related expenses incurred by the City of Hillsboro EMS. The city council shall by resolution set the rates for emergency medical services, including but not limited to emergency calls, standing time and emergency pre-hospital care provided by the City of Hillsboro EMS.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
All requests for standby emergency medical service shall be made to the City of Hillsboro EMS at least twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the time such services will be necessary. City Hillsboro EMS shall not be required to provide standby service, but may provide such services where feasible. In the event the standby vehicle is used to transport a person to a hospital or other medical facility from the standby site, each person transported shall be charged for an emergency call and any additional services rendered.
The city council shall by resolution set the rates for standby service as described in subsection (a) above.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
With the sole exception of insurance assignments for Medicare and Medicaid, the City of Hillsboro shall not accept any insurance assignments as a method of payment for ambulance services performed.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)
Any person who utilizes the ambulance services of the city who fails to pay for such services within (60) days after a statement of costs for such services has been mailed to the address of the user or parent (in the event a minor is the user) in accordance with the address which is supplied to the operator of the ambulance or which is obtained from the hospital where such person is delivered, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Ordinance 93-12-21 adopted 12/21/93)