The chief of police may refuse to approve the issuance or renewal of a police pull permit or may suspend or revoke a police pull permit previously issued for one or more of the following reasons:
Any false statement or omission of information made by the applicant as to a material matter in an application for a permit or permit renewal or in a hearing concerning the permit.
Conviction of the applicant, permit holder or an employee of the applicant or permit holder for a violation of a provision of this article.
Revocation pursuant to this section of a permit issued to the applicant or any owner, partner or corporate officer of the applicant within three (3) years preceding the application.
Conviction of the applicant or permit holder of a felony, assault, fraud, burglary, theft, DWI or other offense involving moral turpitude within five (5) years preceding the application.
Suspension of a license on three occasions within the preceding twelve (12) months, more than three days on each occasion.
Habitual failure to respond to the scene of an accident within twenty (20) minutes notification.
Failure to comply with any of the requirements of this article.
(Ordinance 96-12-03 adopted 12/3/96)