For the purpose of regulating food service and food service establishments, the unabridged form of the 1962 Edition of the "United States Public Health Service Food Service Sanitation Ordinance and Code," copies of which are on file in the office of the city secretary is hereby adopted and made a part of this code as if fully set out herein, and the provisions thereof shall govern all matters covered therein within the city, except those provisions which may be in conflict with other provisions of this code; provided however, that in said ordinance and code, all parenthetical phrases referring to grading and all of subsection H.2e. shall be understood to be deleted; and, provided further that subsections H.7. and H.B. shall be understood to be deleted.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 12-53)
In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the code adopted by this article and applicable provisions of this code of ordinances, state law or city ordinances, rules or regulations, the provisions of this code of ordinances, state law or city ordinances, rules or regulations shall prevail and be controlling.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 12-54)
Whenever the word "municipality" or the word "city" is used in the code adopted by this article, it shall be construed to mean the City of Hillsboro, Texas.
Whenever the term "corporate counsel" or "city attorney" is used in the code adopted by this article, it shall be construed to mean the city attorney of this city.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 12-55)
Any person who shall violate any provision of the ordinance and code adopted by the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished in accordance with the general penalty provision as set forth by Section 1.109 of this code. Each day such violation continues shall be deemed a separate offense.
(1974 Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12, Section 12-56)