The fiscal year of the city shall begin on the first day of each October and end on the last day of September of the succeeding year. All funds collected by the city during any fiscal year, including both current and delinquent revenues, shall belong to such fiscal year and, except for funds derived to pay interest and create a sinking fund on the bonded indebtedness of the city, may be applied to the payment of expenses incurred during such fiscal year, except as provided in this charter. Any revenues uncollected at the end of any fiscal year, and any unencumbered funds actually on hand, shall become resources of the next succeeding fiscal year.
Copies of the budget adopted shall be public records and shall be made available to the public for inspection upon request.
Content: The budget shall provide a complete financial plan of all city funds and activities and, except as required by law or this charter, shall be in such form as the city manager deems desirable or the council may require. A budget message explaining the budget both in fiscal terms and in terms of the work programs shall be submitted with the budget. It shall outline the proposed financial policies of the city for the ensuing fiscal year; describe the important features of the budget, indicate any major changes from the current year in financial policies, expenditures and revenue, with reasons for such changes. It shall also summarize the city's debt position and include such other material as the manager deems desirable. The budget shall begin with a clear general summary of its contents; shall show in detail all estimated income, indicating the proposed property tax levy, and all proposed expenditures, including debt service for the ensuing fiscal year. The proposed budget expenditures shall not exceed the total of estimated revenues. The budget shall be so arranged as to show comparative figures for actual and estimated revenues and expenditures of the current fiscal year and actual income and expenditures of the preceding fiscal year, compared to the estimate for the budgeted year. It shall include in separate sections:
An itemized estimate of the expense of conducting each department, division and office.
Reasons for proposed increases or decreases of such items of expenditure compared with the current fiscal year.
A separate schedule for each department, indicating tasks to be accomplished by the department during the year and additional desirable tasks to be accomplished if possible.
A statement of the total probable income of the city from taxes for the period covered by the estimate.
Tax levies, rates and collections for the preceding five (5) years.
An itemization of all anticipated revenue from sources other than the tax levy.
The amount required for debt service payments on the city's bonds and other debt obligations.
The total amount of outstanding city debts, with a schedule of repayment.
Such other information as may be required by the council.
Anticipated net surplus or deficit for the ensuing fiscal year of each utility owned or operated by the city and the proposed method of its disposition; subsidiary budgets for each such utility giving detailed income and expenditure information shall be attached as appendices to the budget.
A capital program, which may be revised and extended each year to indicate capital improvements pending or in process of construction or acquisition, and shall include the following terms:
A summary of proposed programs;
A list of all capital improvements which are proposed to be undertaken during the five (5) fiscal years next ensuing, with appropriate supporting information as to the necessity for such improvements;
Cost estimates, method of financing and recommended time schedules for each such improvement; and
The estimated annual cost of operating and maintaining the facilities to be constructed or acquired.
Submission: On or before the first day of August of each year, the manager shall submit to the council a proposed budget and an accompanying message. The council shall review the proposed budget and revise as deemed appropriate prior to general circulation for public hearing.
Public notice and hearing: The council shall post in the city hall and publish in the official newspaper a general summary of their proposed budget and a notice stating:
The times and places where copies of the message and budget are available for inspection by the public; and
The time and place, not less than two (2) weeks after such publication, for a public hearing on the budget.
Amendment before adoption: After the hearing, the council may adopt the budget with or without amendment. In amending the budget, it may add or increase programs or amounts and may delete or decrease any programs or amounts, except expenditures required by law or for debt service or for estimated cash deficit, provided that no amendment to the budget shall increase the authorized expenditures to an amount greater than the total of estimated income plus funds available from prior years.
Adoption: The budget shall be finally adopted not later than the twenty-seventh day of the last month of the fiscal year. Adoption of the budget shall constitute a levy of the property tax therein proposed. Should the council take no final action on or prior to such day the budget, as submitted, together with its proposed tax levy, shall be deemed to have been finally adopted by the council. No budget shall be adopted or appropriations made unless the total of estimated revenues, income and funds available shall be equal to or in excess of such budget or appropriations, except as otherwise provided in this article. Immediately after adoption of the budget the city manager shall file, or cause to be filed, true copies of the budget with any and all governmental authorities as may be required under the laws of the State of Texas.
Payments and obligations prohibited: No payment shall be made or obligation incurred against any allotment or appropriation except in accordance with appropriations duly made and unless the city manager or his designee first determines that there is a sufficient unencumbered balance in such allotment or appropriation and that sufficient funds therefrom are or will be available to cover the claim or meet the obligation when it becomes due and payable. However, this prohibition shall not be construed to prevent the making or authorizing of payments or making of contracts for capital improvements to be financed wholly or partly by the issuance of bonds, time warrants, certificates of indebtedness, or certificates of obligation, or to prevent the making of any contract or lease providing for payments beyond the end of the fiscal year, provided that such action is made or approved by ordinance.
Budget amendments: At any time in any fiscal year, council may, if it determines that emergency conditions have arisen which could not reasonably had been foreseen in the normal process of planning the budget, amend or change the budget to provide for any additional expense to protect the public health, safety or welfare. These amendments shall be made only upon recommendation of the city manager and shall be by ordinance, which ordinance shall be an attachment to the original budget.
Transfer of funds: Notwithstanding anything contained in this Section to the contrary, upon written recommendation of the city manager, the city council may at any time transfer any unencumbered appropriation or allotment balance or any portion thereof within a department, office or agency to another.
Financial reports: The city manager shall submit to the council at its second regular meeting each quarter the financial condition of the city by budget item, budget estimate versus actual accruals for the preceding quarter, and for the fiscal year to date, along with comparative figures of the preceding year.
In the absence of unappropriated available revenues or other funds to meet emergency appropriations provided for under the preceding Section 8.04, the council may by resolution authorize the borrowing of money to meet such deficit as provided by law.
In any fiscal year, in anticipation of the collection of the ad valorem property tax for such year, whether levied or to be levied in such year, the council may by resolution authorize the borrowing of money, not to exceed in any fiscal year an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the budget for that fiscal year. Such borrowing shall be by the issuance of negotiable notes of the city, each of which shall be designated, "Tax Anticipation Note for the Year 19__" (stating the tax year). Such notes shall mature and be payable not later than the end of the fiscal year in which issued.
All monies received by any person, department or agency of the city for or in connection with affairs of the city shall be deposited promptly in the city depository or depositories, which shall be designated by the council in accordance with such regulations and subject to such requirements as to security for deposits and interest thereon as may be established by ordinance. All checks, vouchers or warrants for the withdrawal of money from the city depositories shall be signed by the mayor and countersigned by the city manager or city secretary. Provided that the council, under such regulations and limitations as it may prescribe, may by ordinance authorize the use of machine-imprinted facsimile signatures of said mayor and city manager on such checks, vouchers and warrants.
All purchases made and contracts entered into by the city shall be pursuant to a requisition from the head of the office, department, or agency whose appropriation will be charged and no contract or order shall be binding upon the city unless the city manager or his designee approves the same. All purchases made and contracts entered into by the city shall be in accordance with the procedural requirements of the Constitution and laws of the State of Texas, intending hereby to adopt the competitive bidding procedures as set forth in the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended from time to time. Provided however, that the council or the city manager in such cases as he is authorized to contract for the city, shall have the right to reject any and all bids. Contracts for personal or professional services shall not be let on competitive bids. No individual purchase or contract requiring payment in excess of three hundred dollars ($300.00) shall be paid by the city until examined and approved by at least two (2) members of the city council.
At the close of each fiscal year, and at such other times as it may be deemed necessary, the council shall cause an independent audit to be made of all accounts of the city by a certified public accountant. The certified public accountant so selected shall have no personal interest, directly or indirectly, in the financial affairs of the city or any of its officers. Upon completion of the audit, the summary thereof shall be published immediately in the official newspaper of the City of Hillsboro and copies of the audit placed on file in the city secretary's office as public record.