[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
A final plat prepared by a professional land surveyor shall
be required for all subdivisions. It shall comply in all respects
with the requirements of Chapter 236 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The plat shall show correctly on its face, in addition to the
information required by § 236.20 of the Wisconsin Statutes,
the following:
(a) Length and bearing of the centerline of all streets. The lengths
shall be given to the nearest 0.01 foot and bearings to the nearest
one second of arc. The arc, chord, and radius lengths and the chord
bearings, together with the bearings of the radii at the ends of the
arcs and chords, shall be given for all curved streets.
(b) Street width along the line of any obliquely intersecting street
to the nearest 0.01 foot.
(c) Active and abandoned railway rights-of-way within and abutting the
exterior boundaries of the plat.
(d) Building or setback lines required by the Plan Commission or other
approving or objecting agency, including those that are more restrictive
than the regulations of the zoning district in which the plat is located,
or which are proposed by the subdivider to be included in recorded
private covenants.
(e) Easements for any public sanitary sewers, water supply mains, stormwater
management facilities, drainageways, or access ways.
(f) All lands reserved for future public acquisition or reserved for the common use of property owners within the plat. If property reserved for common use is located within the subdivision, the information required by §
74-2.6 shall be submitted with the final plat, together with any associated deed or plat restrictions required by the Plan Commission.
(g) Shoreland boundaries and boundaries of the one-percent-annual-probability
(100-year recurrence interval) floodplain and related floodplain regulatory
stages, as determined under the effective FEMA Flood Insurance Study
or other technical document. Where such floodplain data are not available,
the floodplain boundaries and related stages shall be determined by
a professional engineer retained by the subdivider and the sealed
engineer's report providing the required data shall be subject to
review and approval by the Public Works Director, WDNR, and FEMA.
When approved accordingly, the Village floodplain zoning map shall
be revised in accordance with the amendment provisions set forth in
the Village Floodplain Zoning Ordinance to incorporate the new approved
one-percent-annual-probability flood profile. The contour line lying
a vertical distance of two feet above the floodplain shall also be
(h) Location, easements, and rights-of-way of existing and proposed streets,
utilities, and bicycle and pedestrian/recreational ways.
(i) Notations or any restrictions required by the Plan Commission or
other approving or objecting agency relative to access control along
any public ways within or adjacent to the plat; the provision and
use of planting strips; or provisions for the protection of any existing
wetlands or other environmentally significant lands within the exterior
boundaries of the plat.
(j) Any additional information requested by the Public Works Director,
Plan Commission, and other affected Village and County departments.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The Village may require that deed restrictions be prepared by
the owner or subdivider and filed and recorded with the final plat.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The Public Works Director shall examine all final plats within
the Village and may make, or cause to be made by a professional land
surveyor under the supervision or direction of the Public Works Director,
field checks for the accuracy and closure of survey, proper type and
location of monuments, and liability and completeness of the drawing.
In addition:
(a) The maximum error of closure before adjustment of the survey of the
exterior boundary of the subdivision shall not exceed that which is
permitted by § 236.15(2) of the Wisconsin Statutes. When
a satisfactory closure of the field measurements has been obtained,
the survey of the exterior boundary shall be adjusted to form a closed
geometric figure.
(b) All street, block, and lot dimensions shall be computed as closed
geometric figures based upon the control provided by the closed exterior
boundary survey.
(c) The Village Board shall receive the results of the Public Works Director's examination prior to approving the final plat. The Public Works Director may, however, in accordance with §
74-2.7(c) of this Ordinance, waive the placing of monuments for a reasonable time, not to exceed one year, on condition that the subdivider provide a letter of credit, certified check, or surety bond equal to the estimated cost of installing the monuments, to ensure the placing of such monuments within the time required by statute. In that case, the Public Works Director's examination required under this section and any related field checks shall be made after the required monuments have been installed. The letter of credit, certified check, or surety bond concerned shall not be released until the Public Works Director is satisfied with the accuracy of the land surveying concerned.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
All final plats shall meet all surveying and monumenting requirements
of § 236.15 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
The plat shall be tied directly to a minimum of two adjacent
section or quarter-section corners defining a quarter section line
located, monumented, and placed on a coordinate system authorized
under § 236.18 of the Wisconsin Statutes. The grid bearing
and distance of each tie shall be determined by field measurements.
The coordinates, together with a description of the monuments marking
the section or quarter-section corners to which the plat is tied,
shall be shown on the plat. All distances and bearings shall be referenced
to a coordinate system and a horizontal datum approved by the Public
Works Director, and shall be adjusted to the control survey network.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
All final plats shall provide all the certificates required
by § 236.21 of the Wisconsin Statutes; and, in addition,
the surveyor shall certify full compliance with all the provisions
of this Ordinance and, if applicable, Chapter 703 of the Statutes.
[2-28-2022 by Ord. No.
(a) The final plat shall be submitted for recording in accordance with §
74-3.5(g) of this Ordinance.
(b) The County Register of Deeds shall record the plat as provided by
§ 236.25 of the Wisconsin Statutes.
(c) The subdivider shall file a copy of the final plat with the Village
Clerk, as provided by § 236.27 of the Wisconsin Statutes.