Editor’s note–Former sections 31.20 through 31.24 deriving from Ordinances 1988-11 and 2002-07, pertaining to the road advisory committee were repealed in their entirety by Ordinance 2011-01 adopted March 29, 2011.
This subchapter may be cited as the “Fair Board Subchapter” and may be cited herein as “this subchapter.”
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
The purpose of this subchapter is to establish the county fair board as an advisory body to the board of county commissioners, charged with the promotion and development of youth, agriculture, home economics, creative art skills and similar activities of interest in the county by holding an annual fair and other public exhibits as may be determined by the fair board.
It is the intent of this subchapter that the fair board be an advisory body to the board of county commissioners with the administrative authority as the board of county commissioners may delegate to it from time to time.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
There shall be established the fair board, which shall serve as an advisory body to the board of county commissioners and shall coordinate its activities with the board of county commissioners or its designee.
The fair board shall recommend to the board of county commissioners or its designee all actions that it deems fit to be taken in furtherance of its mission, including property and facility maintenance, development and leasing, contracting for services and acquiring equipment and facilities.
In the exercise of any administrative authority, the fair board shall act on behalf of the board of county commissioners and shall enjoy all powers and immunities granted to, and follow all laws, ordinances and procedures applicable to the board of county commissioners, including the Open Meetings Act, NMSA section 10-15-1 et seq., Procurement Code, NMSA section 13-1- 21 et seq., and Anti-Donation Clause, NM Const., article IX, section 14.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
The chairperson of the board of county commissioners shall appoint board members based on recommendations by the fair board.
The appointments shall be subject to confirmation by the board of county commissioners.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
Membership is open to all residents of the county 18 years and older.
There shall be no less than nine, nor more than 13, members of the fair board.
There shall be the chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, treasurer and five to nine members at large.
The fair board shall establish policies concerning the management, conduct and activities of the fair board, subject to approval by the board of county commissioners.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
The term for all members of the fair board shall be for two years or until that member’s respective successor has been duly appointed and qualified.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
Members of the fair board shall serve at the pleasure of the board of county commissioners and may be removed at any time, with or without cause. Fair board members shall not, by virtue of their membership on the fair board, be deemed employees of the county, nor shall they be entitled to benefits granted to employees of the county.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
Upon the death, removal, resignation, change of residence from the county or inability of a member of the fair board to act, a vacancy on the fair board shall exist.
This vacancy shall be filled by appointment by the chairperson of the board of county commissioners for the unexpired term of the member, based on the recommendation of the fair board and subject to confirmation by the board of county commissioners.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
The fair board shall hold regular, open meetings pursuant to the State Open Meetings Act, NMSA, sections 10-15-1 et seq., and shall abide by the rules and regulations for the conduct of public meetings as promulgated by the board of county commissioners.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)
The fair board or any person serving at the direction of the fair board shall promptly remit all funds collected to the county treasurer and shall account for the same to the finance department.
The fair board shall submit all purchase requests, contracts for services or other pledges of money or credit to the board of county commissioners or its designee for approval.
(Ordinance 2000-05 adopted 4/25/00)