The purpose of an interior or exterior grease interceptor is to remove grease or oil from sewage prior to discharge to the public sanitary sewer. These interceptors serve as a small flotation chambers where grease rises to the water surface and is retained, while the clearer water underneath is discharged. The use of word “interceptor” is interchangeable with the word “trap.”
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
No water or wastewater containing substances which may solidify or become viscous at temperatures between 32°F and 150°F shall be discharged into any public sanitary sewer
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98 Penalty, see section 10.99)
The size and type of grease interceptor shall be subject to the approval of the county’s building inspection department.
The grease interceptor shall be installed in a line separate from other sanitary plumbing facilities.
In general, all grease interceptors shall be designed for exterior installation of capacity sufficient to service those grease generating fixtures connected thereto. Wastes other than those requiring separation shall not be discharged into the grease interceptor.
Grease traps shall be designed, located and constructed in a manner that will permit easy access and maintenance by the user and allow inspection by the department.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
The minimum requirements for interceptor sizing, construction, materials and other features shall be those required by the Uniform Plumbing Code, latest edition and any modifications, revisions or amendments made by the county’s building inspection department.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
Grease interceptors existing upon the adoption of this chapter shall not be exempt from the provisions in this subchapter.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)
Grease traps shall be cleaned at or before the receptacle reaches 75% of its design capacity.
The operator of a grease trap shall maintain a log book of all maintenance activities and evidence of grease disposal in accordance with county, state and federal regulations. Grease traps shall be subject to unannounced inspection by the department’s personnel at any time during their operation.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98 Penalty, see section 10.99)
All restaurants, cafeterias, institutional kitchens and other installations having facilities for the preparation and serving of food in quantity, laundromats, carwashes, gas stations, auto machinery garages and carwashes and art shops or art galleries where the potential for discharge of grease, oils and waxes into the sanitary sewer system exists, whose location is within the county’s sanitary sewer service area shall be required to install a grease interceptor.
Any facility as listed above, that is currently operating without the required grease interceptor, even though there may have been no history of blockages caused at or downstream from their location, shall be required to install a grease interceptor.
Customer shall submit to the county, plans or technical drawings to install a grease trap as required in this section, within three months after receiving notice of noncompliance.
Customer shall then have up to six additional months to install the grease interceptor, upon approval of the drawings by the county’s building inspection department.
An application for a new water or sewer service connection may be denied pending installation of a grease interceptor.
Any commercial or industrial facility, currently on an on-site sewer system and making an application to connect to the POTW, shall install or show proof of installation of a grease interceptor, according to the parameters of this section, prior to approval of the application.
When any commercial or industrial facility that is found to have grease traps which are inadequate to meet the requirements of this section, is connected to the POTW and/or is in the process of changing owners, lessees or renters, the fee simple owner shall be required to update the system in compliance with these rules and regulations before the new owner or operator will be allowed to commence discharge.
(Ordinance 1998-16 adopted 12/8/98)