The following appointive offices of the city are hereby established, together with the duties respectively outlined and shown for each of same below.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a))
All of the offices of the city described in this article, except members of the governing body (five (5) aldermen and a mayor), shall be filled by appointment by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(b))
The city police officer shall be chief of police and may appoint one or more deputies, subject to the approval of the city council. Said city police officer shall, in person or by deputy, attend upon the municipal court while in session, and shall promptly and faithfully execute all writs and process issued from said court. He shall have like power, with the sheriff of the county, to execute warrants; he shall be active in quelling riots, disorder and disturbance of the peace within the city limits and shall take into custody all persons so offending against the peace of the city and shall have authority to take suitable and sufficient bail for the appearance before the municipal court of any [person] of the city. It shall be his duty to arrest, without warrant, all violators of the public peace, and all who obstruct or interfere with him in the execution of the duties of his office or who shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct or disturbance whatever; to prevent a breach of the peace or preserve quiet and good order, he shall have authority to close any theater, ballroom or other place or building of public resort. In the prevention and suppression of crime and arrest of offenders, he shall have and possess such other powers and authority as the city council may by ordinance require and confer, not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of this state. The city police officer shall give such bond for the faithful performance of his duties as the city council may require. He shall receive such salary or fees of office, or both, as may be fixed by the city council.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(1))
Office created.
The city has created the position of director of public works, which is effective November 20, 2006, and further defines said position and job duties included under the responsibilities of director of public works as outlined as follows. The duties listed below are intended only as illustrations of the various types of work that may be performed. The omission of specific statements of duties does not exclude them from the position if the work is similar, related or a logical assignment to the class.
Job summary.
Under general supervision, serves as a first-line working supervisor leading a maintenance crew in daily water distribution, wastewater collection, sewer, street, and drainage maintenance and repair and other maintenance tasks by planning, organizing, directing and integrating the city’s public works and utilities activities and functions.
Ability to plan, organize, supervise and inspect the work of professional and technical personnel; establish and maintain good working relations with developers, engineers, contractors, citizen groups and various boards and commissions; define problems, collect data, establish facts and draw valid conclusions; determine the appropriate course of action in situations where policy guidelines may not be available; and prepare and monitor the department budget.
An incumbent of this class is a department head with responsibility for policy development, program planning, fiscal management, administration and operation direction of the city’s public works, water distribution and wastewater collection system maintenance functions. The incumbent is responsible for accomplishing department objectives and goals within guidelines established by the mayor.
Essential duties and responsibilities.
Oversees the day-to-day work activities of laborers within the utility division, to include training, assigning work tasks, and monitoring and inspecting the work of laborers; and provides direction and guidance in work tasks.
Assists, as directed, and makes recommendations to management in executing personnel/employee related tasks, to include hiring, training, setting worker goals and objectives, scheduling work crews, and evaluating, counseling, and disciplining employees.
Performs continual inspections of operational and personnel functions and activities to identify any inefficiencies and ineffectiveness and makes recommendations to management for corrective workable solutions.
Trains workers in the safe and proper operation of equipment and tools and performing job tasks and ensures workers wear appropriate safety equipment.
Instructs workers in the proper and most expedient method to accomplish assignments.
Identifies and reports hazards and liability exposures and immediately takes action for corrective measures.
Makes special reports and recommendations to the supervisor as needed.
Recommends items, supplies, tools, equipment, and other material needed for maintenance operations.
Assists supervisors in determining purchasing needs for upcoming projects and secures price quotes for purchase of equipment, supplies, materials, etc.
Informs supervisors of potential hazards, problem areas, public inquiries and the status of other work activities.
Performs the duties of utility laborers, tasks to include: constructing, maintaining, and replacing water or sewer mains and/or service lines; inspecting, diagnosing, and repairing failures in water and sewer mains; building and adjusting manholes and cleanouts; installing fire hydrants and valves; preparing trenches; and rodding and cleaning sewer lines, repair and maintenance of roadways, mowing, weed eating and edging of park areas and rights-of-way.
Adheres to personnel, safety, and department policies and procedures.
Develops, implements and monitors long-term plans, goals and objectives focused on achieving the city’s mission and mayor/council priorities.
Advises the mayor, city council, citizen groups, individuals, contractors and others on departmental issues; assembles necessary resources to solve a broad range of programmatic and service delivery problems in the delivery of public works and utilities services; assists in the preparation of new city ordinances and the revision of existing ordinances.
Coordinates, reviews and approves the work of the city’s contract city engineer and a wide variety of independent service providers, including traffic engineers, rubbish collectors, public works maintenance and construction contractors, landscape architects and landscaping contractors, tree maintenance contractors and others.
Reviews and advises on development plans and permits for work in city rights-of-way.
Monitors developments related to public works and utilities matters, evaluates their impact on city operations, and implements policy and procedure improvements.
Performs other duties as assigned.
Knowledge, skills and abilities.
Must have a good working knowledge of the operation and maintenance of light to heavy construction equipment, water and sewer utility operations, and proper safety procedures. Must be able to exercise good judgment, make competent decisions, handle multiple projects, prioritize and organize work assignments, meet deadlines, and work well under pressure and stress. Must have good leadership, organizational, supervisory, problem solving, and training skills. Must be able to analyze complex engineering and maintenance issues and problems, evaluate alternative solutions and develop sound conclusions, recommendations and courses of action; understand, interpret, explain and apply local, state and federal law and regulations governing public works and utility services; develop, clear, concise and comprehensive technical reports, correspondence and other written materials; exercise sound, expert independent judgment within general policy guidelines; and establish and maintain effective working relationships with the city council, officials, other governmental and regulatory officials, staff, private and community organizations, developers, contractors and others encountered in the course of work.
Physical and mental demands.
To perform the essential functions of the job, must be able to talk, read, see, walk, and hear; have good hand/foot/eye coordination to operate and repair equipment and vehicles; follow oral and written directives; perform strenuous physical activities, to include exerting up to 100 lbs. of pressure; lift, push, pull, and carry heavy objects, equipment, and supplies up to 100 lbs. several times a day; shovel; crawl; bend; kneel; dig holes for several hours per day; climb on and off equipment; operate vibrating equipment; work indoors, underground, outdoors, in confined spaces, in trenches, on level, slippery, sloping, unstable and muddy terrain, and under constantly noisy conditions; and work in adverse environmental conditions, to include inclement weather such as rain, sleet, snow, heat, sun exposure and hazardous conditions such as street traffic, fume odor, dust/mist, chemical, and toxic waste hazards, and other solid waste substances, and exposure to insects, noxious plants, and snakes. Must work extensive hours and respond within 30 minutes to an on-call or emergency callback.
Education, experience and certification.
A high school diploma or general equivalency diploma (GED) is required. Must have five or more years of water/wastewater utility maintenance and distribution work experience and two or more years of supervisory or leading a work crew experience. Must have a valid Texas CDL “B” driver’s license, and driving record must be in compliance with town policy, and a Class C groundwater plant operator and Grade C Wastewater or Class II Wastewater Collection certificate of competency as issued by TCEQ.
(Ordinance 0030-11-2006, adopted 10/16/06)
The city secretary shall attend every meeting of the city council, and keep accurate minutes of the proceedings thereof in a book to be provided for that purpose, and engross and enroll all laws, resolutions and ordinances of the city council, keep the corporate seal, take charge of and preserve and keep in order all the books, records, papers, documents and files of said council, countersign all commissions issued to city officers and licenses issued by the mayor and keep a record or register thereof, and make out all notices required under any regulation or ordinance of the city. He shall draw all the warrants on the treasurer and countersign the same and keep an accurate account thereof in a book provided for the purpose. He shall be the general accountant of the corporation, and shall keep in books regular accounts of the receipts and disbursements for the city, and separately, under proper heads, each cause of receipt and disbursement, and also accounts with each person, including officers, who have money transactions with the city, crediting accounts allowed by proper authority and specifying the particular transaction to which such entries apply. He shall keep a register of bonds and bills issued by the city, and all evidence of debt due and payable to it, noting the particulars thereof, and all facts connected therewith as they occur. He shall carefully keep all contracts made by the city council and he shall perform all such other duties as may be required by him by law, ordinance, resolution or order of the city council. He shall receive for his services such annual salary payable at stated period, and such additional fees, as the city council may hereafter allow.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(3))
Either the city secretary (if hereafter so required by the city council) or an official designated by the city depository (subject to the approval of the city council) shall have the power and perform the duties of the city treasurer. The treasurer shall give bond in favor of the city in such amount and in such form as the city council may require, with sufficient security to be approved by the city council, conditioned for the faithful discharge of his duties. He shall receive and securely keep all moneys belonging to the city, and make all payments for the same upon the order of the mayor, attested by the secretary under the seal of the corporation. No order shall be paid unless the order shall show upon its face that the city council has directed its issuance, and for what purpose. He shall render a full and correct statement of his receipts and payment to the city council, at their first regular meeting in every quarter, and whensoever at other times he may be required by them so to do. At the end of every half year he shall cause to be published, at the expense of the city, a statement showing the amount of receipts and expenditures for the six months next preceding, and the general condition of the treasury. He shall do and perform such other acts and duties as the city council may require.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(4))
The city secretary shall be the purchasing agent for the city, and shall have and perform all of the rights, powers and duties given to and prescribed for the purchasing agent herein. The purchasing agent shall purchase all supplies and materials for the city. Before a purchase order shall be issued by the purchasing agent for any supplies or materials, a requisition order signed by the head of the department in which such supplies and/or material are to be used shall be filed with said purchasing agent. The purchasing agent shall receive all bids on orders for supplies and/or materials. The purchasing agent of the city shall purchase whenever practicable the best quality of supplies and/or materials, at the lowest cost possible.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(5))
The office of city engineer is hereby established. The city engineer shall have such powers as are now or hereafter prescribed and provided by ordinance. The city engineer shall offer assistance to the mayor or his designee relating to the construction, repair or planning of the city’s infrastructure (water, sewers, stormwater, streets, alleys, easements, or otherwise as may directed by the mayor).
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(6))
Qualifications; duties.
The city attorney shall be a qualified practicing attorney of the county who is a member in good standing of the state bar association. It shall be the duty of the city attorney, either in person or by representative, to prosecute all cases in all courts for the city, and to represent and defend the city in all courts. He shall advise the officers of the city government, and give his opinion on such legal matters and questions affecting the interests of the city as may from time to time be referred to him by the city council or any member thereof; he shall draw up all contracts for the city, and prepare all official bonds; he shall also prepare all resolutions and ordinances of the city, upon instruction by the city council. The city attorney shall appoint all persons employed in his department, including an assistant city attorney, if needed, subject to the approval of the city council.
Appointment; term; removal.
The city shall appoint a city attorney to serve and act on behalf of the city at their direction and in their interest in all matters requiring legal representation or for the purpose of rendering opinions to the governing body at their request on matters concerning litigation or possible litigation or on matters which are, in the opinion of the governing body, of a legal nature. Further, the city attorney shall advise the planning and planning and zoning commission, the board of adjustments, if any, and other city agencies, boards, commissions, and officers at the request of the governing body of the city. The appointment of the city attorney shall be by majority vote of the governing body and shall be for renewable terms of two years each, running concurrently with the term of the mayor of the city and the city attorney, and he shall be automatically deemed reappointed by operation of law if notice of termination is not given by either party sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of any term. Either the city upon an affirmative vote of four (4) members of the governing body may terminate this appointment during or within a term of office, or the city attorney may resign within or during a term of office pursuant to terms or conditions set out in a contract of employment negotiated between the city attorney and the governing body, or, in the absence of such contract, upon good cause, by providing written notice allowing for sixty (60) days from date of notice to date of termination.
The services of the city attorney being professional in nature, the level and manner of compensation paid to the city attorney shall be determined by contract between the city attorney and the city. The nature and direction of the legal representation or services to be performed shall be at the sole discretion of the governing body of the city, subject to the requirements of law.
Assistant city attorney.
The city attorney may appoint an assistant city attorney, with the advice and consent of the governing body, whose term shall be concurrent with that of the city attorney and shall expire or terminate upon the expiration or termination of the term of office of the city attorney unless sooner terminated by the city attorney pursuant to this section or the contract for services between the city attorney and the governing body. The assistant city attorney shall serve under the control and supervision and at the pleasure of the city attorney and shall, under the direction of the city attorney or in the event of the absence of the city attorney or should the city attorney otherwise be unable, act in the same capacity and for the same purposes as the city attorney. All services by said assistant city attorney shall also be pursuant to contract or as provided herein.
(1998 Code, art. 8.1000; 1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(7); Ordinance adopting Code)
There shall be a city tax assessor and collector of the city. The city secretary shall have the power and perform the duties of assessor and collector of taxes for the city. In this capacity, he shall make up the assessment of all property taxed by the city, and make duplicate rolls thereof, and on completion of the rolls shall deliver one of them to the city secretary. He shall collect all the taxes due the city, and in the event of the nonpayment of any taxes shall proceed to sell the property to raise the amount of taxes so due, and shall, in performance of his duties, observe the provisions of V.T.C.A. Local Government Code, and the ordinances of the city relating thereto. He shall give a good bond in such amount and form as the city council may prescribe. The council may require a new bond whenever they deem the existing bond insufficient, and when such bond is required he shall perform no official act until said bond shall be given and approved. He shall, at the end of every week, pay to the treasurer all money by him collected, and shall report to the city council at the first meeting in every month all money so collected and paid and perform all such other duties in such manner as the council may prescribe. The assessor and collector is authorized to require the owners of all property subject to taxation to render a correct account of the same under oath, to be administered by him. He shall receive such compensation as may be allowed hereafter by the city ordinances.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(8))
There is hereby created and established the office of the city health officer. The office of city health officer shall be filled by a competent practicing physician, legally qualified to practice medicine in the state. Such health officer shall be appointed when the city council shall determine that a need for such service exists. The city health officer shall have the power, upon warrant or other sufficient process, to arrest and take into custody, or cause the arrest, of any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section. He may arrest without warrant any person resisting him in the discharge of his official duties. He may enter, without permission, any place or premises when in the discharge of his official duties. The city health officer shall have the authority to stop, examine and detain any and all persons infected with, or suspected of being infected with, or coming from a place infected with or suspected of being infected with,
any contagious or infectious disease. He shall have the authority to prevent any such person from entering the city, and he shall have the authority to move any such person outside of the city. The city health officer shall inspect all places and premises in the city, and upon finding any insanitary or unhealthful condition or conditions shall give the owners, owner, or occupants of such place or premises a five-day written notice to abate such condition or conditions. If such condition or conditions have not been abated at the end of such time, the city health officer may abate same himself or cause same to be done. It shall be unlawful for any person receiving such a notice to fail to abate such condition or conditions.
(1998 Code, art. 8.200(a)(9))
Office created.
The position of city administrator is hereby created.
The city administrator shall be appointed on the basis of merit with due regard to training, experience, administrative ability and general fitness for the office by a majority vote of the city council. The person so appointed shall hold such position at the pleasure of the city council and under such terms and conditions as hereafter set forth.
The city council may remove the city administrator at any time with or without cause by a majority vote of its members.
(Ordinance 2018-02-01 adopted 2/5/18)