In January 2014 the city was designated a state Main Street city this was the initial establishment of the city Main Street advisory board, referred hereunto as the “Main Street advisory board,” and such board shall formulate policies and make recommendations for the city designated Main Street district, under the supervision and control of the city administrator or designee. Such board may recommend the formulation of such rules and regulations, not in conflict with any existing state law or city ordinance, as it may deem necessary for the orderly and efficient use of the downtown improvements or facilities. The board shall consist of eleven (11) members, thereof shall be appointed by the city council.
For the purposes of this section, the city’s designated “Main Street district” is determined by the Main Street advisory board pursuant to section 1.03.064(b)(1) below.
(Ordinance 12-2021-02 adopted 12/21/21)
The Main Street advisory board shall consist of seven (7) voting members, plus 4 ex-officio members to take effect no later than 2023. The members are to be appointed by the city council for the term of three (3) years and allowed two consecutive terms. In order to provide for staggered terms of its members, the city council shall initially appoint members for varying terms. All members shall serve without compensation.
(Ordinance 12-2021-02 adopted 12/21/21)
Vacancies occurring in the Main Street advisory board shall be filled by the city council to complete the unexpired term of the member in whose position the vacancy is created.
In the event of a vacancy or the expiration of a term, the member then holding office shall continue as a member until his or her successor is appointed by the city council. Continued absence of any member from regular meetings of the board shall, at the discretion of the city council, render any such member liable to immediate removal from office.
(Ordinance 12-2021-02 adopted 12/21/21)
Meetings shall be held by the Main Street advisory board as follows:
The Main Street advisory board shall meet, with advance notice posted according to the Texas Open Meetings Act, as often as necessary to conduct the business of the board, or upon call by the board chair or city administrator, or upon petition of a simple majority of board members.
An annual meeting shall be held in November, at which the Main Street advisory board shall elect from its members a chair and vice-chair to serve for a term of two years. It shall be the duty of the chair to preside over all meetings. It is the duty of the vice-chair to serve in place of the chair in their absence from the meeting, or if the chair is no longer able to serve, to assume the responsibilities of the chair until a new chair is elected.
All meetings are to be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act.
Five (5) members present shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business and all issues shall be decided by a majority of its members present and voting. In the absence of the chair and vice-chair, the members shall select from the members present a single-meeting chair to conduct the meeting.
Resignation from the Main Street advisory board shall be presented to the chair in writing. The chair will promptly advise the city council of all resignations.
The board shall adopt appropriate rules and regulations for the conduct of its business and the election of a chair, and vice-chair.
The minutes of each meeting shall be kept by the designated staff member and filed in the office of the city secretary, in accordance with the Public Information Act.
The Main Street advisory board shall make recommendations to city council, but shall have no power to obligate the city in any manner whatsoever; its finances shall be handled in the same manner as any division of the city government.
The Main Street advisory board shall exercise the following duties:
To define the geographic boundaries of the Main Street project district.
To enter into agreements with the financial institutions of city for the creation and administration of a low interest loan program to benefit the Main Street district.
To review, advise and make recommendations to the city council concerning planning considerations, and downtown projects to support the Main Street district.
To review, advise and make recommendations to the appropriate city departments concerning any alterations to the exterior of any buildings in Main Street district.
To assist the designated staff member in developing an annual report of the activities of the city Main Street program and shall submit that report to the city council at the December council meeting.
To keep the community informed and aware of the progress of the city Main Street program.
To work with the program manager, the city administrator and the city council to develop and maintain a healthy, vital downtown, emphasizing the Main Street America four point approach.
Any other matters designated by city ordinance.
(Ordinance 12-2021-02 adopted 12/21/21)