The following words and terms defined in this section shall, when used in this article, except the manner and use show clear intent otherwise, have the meanings given in this section:
Common access route.
A private way which affords the principal means of access into the interior of the park and to the structures or lots therein.
Dwelling, single-family.
A building designed for single-family occupancy and constructed on-site as a permanent improvement to a legal lot.
HUD-code manufactured home.
A HUD-code manufactured home as defined in chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time. Also referred to herein as “HUD home.”
A written license issued by the city permitting a person to operate and maintain a manufactured home park under the provisions of this article and the regulations issued hereunder.
Licensee (operator).
Any person licensed to operate and maintain a manufactured home park under the provisions of this article.
Manufactured home.
A mobile home or a HUD-code manufactured home as defined in chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time.
Manufactured home park.
A unified development for manufactured housing spaces arranged on a tract of land in compliance with the city’s subdivision ordinance and this article, with the individual lots or parcels being held under a common ownership and rented or leased to the occupants. Unless specifically provided otherwise or the context requires otherwise, reference to a “manufactured home park” in this article shall include “manufactured home subdivision.”
Manufactured home subdivision.
A unified development for manufactured housing spaces arranged on a tract of land in compliance with the city’s subdivision ordinance and this article, with the individual lots or parcels being developed and sold to occupant owners.
Mobile home.
A structure constructed before June 15, 1976; built on a permanent chassis; designed for use as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when the structure is connected to the required utilities; transportable in one or more sections; and, in the traveling mode, at least eight body feet in width or at least 40 body feet in length or, when erected on-site, at least 320 square feet. The definition of mobile home includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems of the home. In the event of a conflict between the definition of “mobile home” in this article and the definition set forth in chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, shall control.
Modular component.
A component of a structure as defined in chapter 1202, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time.
Nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home.
A HUD-code manufactured home as defined in chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, which use shall be limited solely as a business or commercial office for a lawful business purpose and shall not be used as a dwelling or for any other residential purpose.
Nonresidential modular component.
A component of a structure as defined in chapter 1202, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, which use shall be limited solely as a business or commercial office for a lawful business purpose and shall not be used as a dwelling or for any other residential purpose.
An individual or a partnership, company, corporation, association, or other group, however organized.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
The definitions of “mobile home,” “HUD-code manufactured home” and “manufactured home” set forth in this article and in the Texas Manufactured Housing Standards Act, as amended from time to time, are binding on all persons. A mobile home is not a HUD-code manufactured home and a HUD-code manufactured home is not a mobile home for any purposes under this article or any ordinance of the city.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Mobile homes, manufactured homes, modular components, and HUD homes shall not be placed, installed or located within the city except in areas designated and approved for such purpose by this article.
Placement of HUD homes.
HUD-code manufactured homes may, upon the issuance of a permit for a specific lot, in appropriate circumstances, be located, placed and installed in those areas of the city set forth and described in subsection (8)(C) of this section.
Age regulations for HUD homes.
No HUD home that was manufactured more than five years earlier than the date that the HUD home is proposed to be installed, located, or occupied within the city shall be installed, located or occupied within the city after the effective date of this article.
Occupancy of recreational vehicles.
Recreational vehicles shall not be used as residences, nor connected to city utilities as permanent dwellings. Use of recreational vehicles at residential properties within the city limits for transient guests shall be limited to no more than 10 (ten) consecutive days in any four-month period. Such vehicles must dispose of waste at licensed dump stations.
Mobile homes prohibited.
No mobile home shall be installed, placed, located, or occupied within the city limits after the date of adoption of this article, except as provided in section 3.06.006.
Exception for existing manufactured homes and mobile homes.
Nothing in this article shall affect mobile homes or manufactured homes lawfully located within the city as of the effective date of this article, except as provided in section 3.06.006 (nonconforming uses).
Lot area, yards and setbacks.
The following shall be the minimum requirements for any lot, tract or parcel of land to be eligible for any building permit or specific use permit for a HUD-code manufactured home:
Yards and setbacks.
Front yard.
There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet. Where lots have a double frontage, extending through from one street to another, the required front yard shall be provided on both streets.
Side yard.
There shall be a side yard of not less than ten (10) feet in width on each side of the lot. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet. No side yard for allowable nonresidential uses shall be less than twenty-five (25) feet.
Rear yard.
There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet measured from the rear lot line.
Setback from existing structures.
The minimum setback from existing structures shall be twenty (20) feet.
Size of lot.
Lot area.
Lots served by the city wastewater collection system shall have a minimum of four thousand nine hundred (4,900) square feet.
Lot width.
Lots shall have a minimum width of forty (40) feet at the building line and for a distance of at least forty (40) feet behind the building line.
Lot depth.
The average depth of the lot shall not be less than eighty (80) feet, except a corner lot, having a minimum width of not less than sixty (60) feet, may have an average depth of less than eighty (80) feet provided that the minimum depth is no less than sixty (60) feet and all yard requirements are met.
Existing lots.
The location of a manufactured home is not prohibited on a lot that existed on November 21, 2006, because, on such date, the lot had less than the required area, width and/or depth.
Additional regulations.
Minimum size of manufactured home.
No manufactured home with less than six hundred (600) square feet is permitted.
Manufactured homes must be skirted within thirty (30) days from the date placed on a lot. Skirting must meet city guidelines for materials.
Manufactured homes must be tied down securely and in compliance with applicable state and federal regulations prior to occupancy.
No manufactured home or modular component may be located in any area of the city that is not set forth and described in this article or in an approved manufactured home park.
Installation standards.
The standards set forth in section 3.06.007 shall be applicable.
Building permit; eligible areas.
The city administrator or designee may grant, deny or conditionally approve building permits for HUD-code manufactured homes within certain designated areas of the city, as set forth in this section. Because of the nature of the use and the possible adverse impact on neighboring properties of the use, review, evaluation and exercise of planning judgment relative to the location and site plan of the proposed use are required.
Procedure for approval.
The city administrator or designee may issue a building permit for a HUD home or modular component pursuant to the procedures and in the areas provided in this section.
Eligible areas.
The city administrator or designee may authorize a building permit for HUD-code manufactured homes or modular components only within the following designated areas of the city. The areas listed are general geographic areas bounded by the named streets, as more particularly shown in the map appended to Ordinance 042109 as exhibit A. In the event of a conflict between the descriptions in this section and the map, the map shall control. Manufactured housing may only be placed on lots located within the given boundaries.
West Area, 1.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked “Area #1” on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows:
Beginning with the intersection of Hall Street and Fifth Street, and thence in a northeasterly direction along the south side of Fifth Street to a point intersecting with Banks Street;
Thence southwest along Banks Street for one block to the intersection of Banks and Sixth Streets;
Thence along the south side of Sixth Street to a point intersecting with Front Street;
Thence to the southwest along Front Street to a point intersecting with Fourteenth Street;
Thence to the southwest along Fourteenth Street to a point intersecting with the extension of Hall Street, but to include the 7.5 AC Tract 1 of R17493 to the west of the extension of Hall Street and the north of the centerline of the extension of Fourteenth Street, ending at the intersection of Hall and Twelfth Streets;
Thence along Hall Street to the northwest to the intersection of Hall Street and Fifth Street, to the point of beginning.
By Amendment 2, adopted on December 5, 2006, the following territory is to be eliminated from the areas allowed for use of manufactured housing in the city: The area bounded by Eighth Street, at the corner of Temple and Eighth to the corner of Eighth and Front Street; Front Street from the corner of Eighth to the corner of Front and Twelfth Streets; Twelfth Street from the corner of Front to the corner of Temple and Twelfth Streets; and Temple Street from the corner of Twelfth to the corner of Eighth Street and Temple Street.
South Area, 2A.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked “Area #2” on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows:
Beginning at the intersection of Harvey Street and the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way, running to the southwest along the right-of-way to the intersection of the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way with the BNSF railroad right-of-way (at the corner of the property identified as R16379);
Thence to the southeast along the curve of the BNSF railroad right-of-way to the intersection of the railroad right-of-way with the extension of Pear Street (at the corner of the property identified as R16315);
Thence along the extension of the centerline of Pear Street to the intersection of Pear and Oak Streets;
Thence along Oak Street to the northwest to the intersection of Oak and Freeman Streets;
Thence along Freeman Street to the southwest to the intersection of Freeman and Harvey Streets;
Thence to the northwest along Harvey Street to the intersection of Harvey Street and the Union Pacific Railroad right-of-way and to the point of beginning.
South Area, 2B.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked “Area #2B” on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows, excluding all properties enclosed or partially enclosed within the geographical area with frontage on or access directly from State Highway 36, unless specifically noted otherwise, as modified herein by Amendment 1, adopted on December 5, 2006:
Beginning at the corner of South Pecan Street and the property identified as R16402 and heading southwest along South Pecan to the intersection of South Pecan and Oak Streets;
Thence to the southeast along Oak Street to the intersection of Oak and Pear Streets;
Thence along Pear Street to the intersection of Pear Street with the west right-of-way of State Highway 36 South;
Thence along the west and north lines of the properties fronting on State Highway 36 South to a point at the corner of the property identified as R16402 and South Pecan Street as shown on exhibit A;
Thence along South Pecan Street to the intersection of South Pecan with the west right-of-way of State Highway 36, and to the point of beginning.
South Area, 3.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked “Area #3” on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows, excluding all properties enclosed or partially enclosed within the geographical area with frontage on or access directly from State Highway 36:
Beginning at the intersection of Holly Street with the east right-of-way of State Highway 36;
Thence in an easterly direction along Holly Street to the intersection of the east corporate limit line of the city;
Thence along the meanders and jogs of the corporate limit line, heading generally south and west to the intersection of the corporate limit line with the east right-of-way of State Highway 36;
Thence in a northerly direction along the meanders of the east right-of-way of State Highway 36 as shown on exhibit A to the intersection of Holly Street and to the point of beginning.
North Area, 4.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked “Area #4” on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows and shall not include any properties fronting on or accessed from State Highway 36 North or State Highway 21:
Beginning with the intersection of Shaw and OSR and heading southeast along Shaw, to include properties on both sides of the street with access exclusively on Shaw Street, to a point of the intersection of Shaw and the property line of the properties identified as R16556, R16559, and R16560, extending to the north northeast to the intersection of this line with the centerline of Porter Street;
Thence along Porter Street to the northwest, and including properties on both sides of the street with access and frontage exclusively on and from Porter Street, and continuing along that line past the terminus of Porter Street to the intersection of said line with the extension of the centerline of OSR;
Thence along OSR to the southwest to the intersection of OSR and Shaw
Street and the point of beginning.
Fairgrounds, 5.
The area of the city cross-hatched and marked Area #5 on exhibit A. Such area is generally described as follows:
The area designated for temporary location of recreational vehicles within the boundaries of the Burleson County Fairgrounds, located to the east of State Highway 36. Location on the property is subject to all rules and regulations of the fairground operator and the city.
Application for permit; site plan.
Any person proposing to begin to obtain a building permit under this section shall file an application accompanied by a site plan. The site plan may be a sketch or drawing on one or more pages, generally to scale, with distances marked, and is not required to be prepared by an engineer. The site plan, along with the application, will become a part of the building permit, if approved. The accompanying site plan shall provide the following information:
Data describing the processes and activities proposed and involved in the proposed use, and the type and date of construction of the HUD-code manufactured home, modular component, or accessory building,
Boundaries of the area covered by the site plan and the address or legal description of the area.
The location of each existing and proposed building and structure in the area covered by the site plan and the number of stories and gross floor area.
The location of existing drainageways and significant natural features.
The location, height, and type of walls and fences.
Permit fee.
The application shall be accompanied by fees as set out in the schedule of building permit fees of the city's adopted fee schedule. The fee for the placement or removal of a nonresidential manufactured home shall be the same as for any other manufactured home. Additions to nonresidential manufactured homes shall be subject to the fees for commercial projects, unless the addition is the placement of a modular unit with no other alterations to either structure. If the placement of a nonresidential manufactured home is part of a larger site improvement project, the fee for the work shall be the larger of the commercial fee for the project as a whole or the manufactured home fee.
Issuance of permit.
The city administrator or designee shall authorize a building permit for a manufactured home or modular component in an area designated in subsection (c) of this section in response to a completed application submitted to the city that complies with this section, provided that the manufactured home or modular home complies with this article and all applicable state and city regulations. An application to install a new HUD home for use as a dwelling is considered to be granted unless the city administrator or designee in writing denies the application and states the reason for the denial no later than the 45th day after the application is received by the city administrator.
Any person making application for a building permit pursuant to the terms and conditions of this section may appeal to the board of adjustments a decision of the city administrator or designee to deny such application and building permit.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 09-2022C adopted 9/20/2021)
This section provides the city council the opportunity to grant, deny or conditionally approve specific use permits for manufactured homes, modular components or HUD-code manufactured homes within the city. Because of the nature of the use and the possible adverse impact on neighboring properties of the use, review, evaluation and exercise of planning judgment relative to the location and site plan of the proposed use are required.
The city council, after a public hearing and proper notice to all parties affected, may authorize the issuance of a specific use permit for a manufactured home, modular component or HUD-code manufactured home pursuant to the procedures in this section.
Application for a specific use permit to locate a manufactured home, modular component or HUD-code manufactured home within any area other than those designated in section 3.06.003(8)(C) shall be made to the city council. Such application shall be filed with the city secretary and shall include the sketch plan and all other information required in section 3.06.003(8).
Notification and hearing.
The notification and public hearing process for specific use permits under this section shall be as follows:
A public hearing shall be held by the city council prior to the issuance of any such permit;
A written notice of the application shall be sent by U.S. mail to the last known owner or occupant of each property within two hundred feet (200') of the tract or parcel of land for which the specific use permit is requested;
Such written notice shall be mailed at least fifteen (15) days prior to the date of a public hearing to be held with respect to the application; and
Not more than thirty (30) nor less than ten (10) days prior to the date of the public hearing a notice shall be published in the official newspaper giving notice of the application and the public hearing to be held with respect to such application.
Required findings.
A specific use permit shall be authorized only if all the following conditions have been found:
The specific use permit will be compatible with and not injurious to the use and enjoyment of the property, or neighboring properties, nor materially diminish or impair property values within the immediate vicinity;
The establishment of the specific use will not impede the normal and orderly development and improvement of surrounding vacant property;
Adequate utilities, access roads, drainage, and other necessary support facilities have been or will be provided;
The location and arrangement of all required driveways and parking spaces provide for the safe and convenient movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic without adversely affecting the general public or adjacent development;
There is sufficient landscaping and screening to insure harmony and compatibility with adjacent property;
The applicant shall establish that the use and occupancy will comply with all applicable terms of this article; and
The city council finds it is not in conflict with the public interest to grant such permit.
A building permit or certificate of occupancy will not be issued for any modular home, HUD-code manufactured home, or manufactured home, or any use proposed which requires a special use permit under this article, unless a permit has first been authorized in accordance with the provisions of section 3.06.003(8).
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Refer to the city's adopted fee schedule for the manufactured home specific use permit fee.
(Ordinance 021908, sec. 2, adopted 2/19/08; Ordinance adopting Code; Ordinance 09-2022C adopted 9/20/2021)
General policy.
The general public and the city council are directed to take note that nonconformities in the use and development of land and buildings are to be avoided, or eliminated where now existing, whenever and wherever possible, except:
When necessary to preserve property rights established prior to the date these regulations become effective as to the property in question; and
When necessary to promote the general welfare and to protect the character of the surrounding property.
Nonconforming structures.
Where a lawful structure exists on the effective date of the adoption or amendment of this article that could not be built under the terms of this article by reason of restrictions on permitted use, area, lot coverage, height, years, its location on the lot, or other requirements concerning the structure, such structure may be continued as long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
No such nonconforming structure may be enlarged or altered in a way which increases its structural nonconformity, but any structure or portion thereof may be altered to decrease its structural nonconformity.
Should such nonconforming structure or nonconforming portions of a structure be damaged by any means to an extent of more than fifty (50) percent of its replacement cost at the time of destruction, it shall not be reconstructed except in conformity with this article.
Should such structure be moved for any reason for any distance whatsoever, it shall thereafter conform fully to the rules and regulations provided in this article.
Nonconforming uses.
A nonconforming use may be continued as long as it remains otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions:
No existing structure devoted to a nonconforming use shall be enlarged, extended, constructed or reconstructed.
The use of the structure shall only be changed to a use permitted in the area in which it is located.
A nonconforming use that has been discontinued may be resumed only if there has been no other use of the premises or structure since the nonconforming use was discontinued, and such use was not discontinued for a period of ninety (90) days or more.
Any nonconforming use may be extended throughout any parts of a building which were manifestly arranged or designed for such use at the time of adoption or amendment of this article, but no such use shall be extended to any land outside such building.
Removal or destruction of a structure containing a nonconforming use shall eliminate the nonconforming use status, except to the extent, if any, otherwise provided by law. Destruction for the purpose of this subsection is defined as damage equal to more than fifty (50) percent of the replacement cost of the structure.
A nonconforming use shall terminate upon any sale or conveyance of the property, except to the extent, if any, provided otherwise by law.
Repairs and maintenance.
On any nonconforming structure, or nonconforming portion of a structure, containing a nonconforming use, no work may be done in any period of twelve (12) consecutive months on ordinary repairs, or on repair or replacement of non-loadbearing walls, fixtures, wiring or plumbing, to an extent exceeding twenty-five (25) percent of the current replacement cost of such structure or nonconforming portion of such structure.
If fifty (50) percent or more of the nonconforming structure containing a nonconforming use becomes physically unsafe or unlawful due to lack of repairs or maintenance, and is declared by a duly authorized official to be a dangerous building as defined in chapter 3 of the city’s Code of Ordinances by reason of physical condition, it shall not thereafter be restored, repaired or rebuilt except in conformity with the regulations set forth in this article.
Nonconforming lots.
A lot shall be nonconforming if it does not meet the requirements of this article.
Existing structures in designated area.
A HUD-code manufactured home or modular component located within an area listed in section 3.06.003(8)(C) shall be a conforming use; and any such structure that, on the effective date of this article, is located within any area listed in section 3.06.003(8)(C) and within any geographic area of the city listed therein may, upon making application for and receiving a specific use permit, as provided in section 3.06.004, become a conforming structure.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Standards for structure.
The installation, occupancy, and maintenance of HUD-code manufactured homes and modular components (“manufactured home”) within the city limits shall be subject to the following provisions:
The manufactured home shall be constructed, installed, maintained, and altered in compliance with chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, and any applicable state, federal, or local regulations. If the HUD home does not have a label as defined in chapter 1201, Texas Occupations Code, as amended from time to time, but meets all other requirements of state, federal, and local regulations, the manufactured home may be accepted as safe and quality construction provided that it meets the following criteria:
All electrical material, devices, appliances, and equipment are in sound and safe condition. Aluminum conductors are not acceptable.
All mechanical systems, including space and water heating, are in sound and safe condition.
All plumbing, gas piping, and wastewater systems are in sound and safe condition.
The unit is in sound and safe structural condition. Uncompressed finish floorings greater than 1/8 inch in thickness beneath loadbearing walls that are fastened to the floor structure are not acceptable. Any such structure that shows signs of fire damage is not acceptable.
The determination of the foregoing acceptance of any noncertified unit shall be made jointly by the city administrator, the fire marshal or any other city personnel designated by the city administrator.
The exterior siding material, excluding skirting, shall be nonmetallic.
No outside horizontal dimension shall be less than 14 feet, except for original extensions or subsequent additions containing less than 50 percent of the total enclosed floor area.
Manufactured homes shall be installed in accordance with the following criteria:
The frame shall be supported by, and tied to, a foundation system capable of safely supporting the loads imposed as determined from the character of the soil. The minimum acceptable foundation design shall be a series of eight-inch grout-filled concrete block piers spaced no more than eight feet on center and bearing on 12" x 12" solid concrete footings. A tie-down and anchoring system separate and apart from the foundation ties shall be provided as recommended by the manufacturer, if different from the foundation ties.
Axle and hitch assemblies shall be removed at the time of placement on the foundation.
Each manufactured home shall be totally skirted in accordance with the provisions of this article, subject to inspection and approval.
Electrical power supply shall be made from a meter installation on the manufactured home, or from a permanent meter pedestal.
Garage and carport additions are permitted for residential structures, provided they cover a paved parking area and are connected to a street by a paved drive, meet the minimum building setback requirements, and have roof and siding material compatible with the primary structure.
Patio and porch covers are permitted for residential structures, provided they cover an improved patio, deck, or porch, and meet the minimum building setback requirements.
Living area additions are permitted, provided they meet the minimum building setback requirements, have roof and siding material that is compatible with the primary structure, and comply with the same structural standards as the primary structure.
Connection to municipal utilities.
No mobile home, manufactured home, or other modular component will be connected to any municipal utility system until such mobile home, manufactured home, or other modular component complies with all applicable provisions of the city’s ordinances, including skirting requirements.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
The city administrator or designee is authorized and directed to make such inspections as are necessary to enforce the provisions of this article.
The city administrator or designee shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any private or public property to inspect and investigate conditions relating to this article.
The city administrator or designee may, in the performance of his/her inspection duties, review the register of the residents of the manufactured home park.
The manufactured home park operator shall allow access to the park by the city administrator or designee at all reasonable times to carry out required duties.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Use permitted.
Nonresidential HUD-code manufactured homes or modular components may be placed, installed or located within the city.
Placement, occupancy, construction and installation.
The minimum requirements and regulations set forth in section 3.06.003(2), section 3.06.003(7)(A), (B), and (C), and section 3.06.007, save and except subsections (b)(6) and (b)(7) of section 3.06.007, are applicable to the placement, installation, or location of a nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home or modular component in the city. Setbacks for nonresidential HUD-code manufactured homes or modular components located on property used solely for commercial purposes shall conform to the setbacks for structures with similar use and purpose.
Building permit.
The city administrator or designee may grant, deny, or conditionally approve building permits for nonresidential HUD-code manufactured homes or modular components within the city as set forth in this subsection. Because of the nature of the use and the possible adverse impact on neighboring properties of the use, review, evaluation and exercise of planning judgment relative to the location and site plan of the proposed use are required.
The city administrator or designee may issue a building permit for a nonresidential HUD home or modular component pursuant to the procedures provided in this subsection.
Any person proposing to begin to obtain a building permit under this subsection shall file an application accompanied by a site plan. The site plan may be a sketch or drawing on one or more pages, generally to scale, with distances marked, and is not required to be prepared by an engineer. The site plan, along with the application, will become a part of the building permit, if approved. The accompanying site plan shall provide the following information:
Data describing the processes and activities proposed and involved in the proposed use, and the type and date of construction of the nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home, modular component, or accessory building.
Boundaries of the area covered by the site plan and the address or legal description of the area.
The location of each existing and proposed building and structure in the area covered by the site plan and the number of stories and gross floor area.
The location of existing drainageways and significant natural features.
The location, height, and type of walls and fences.
The application shall be accompanied by the fee set out in the schedule of permit fees for the location or removal of a manufactured home in the city's adopted fee schedule.
Compliance with state and federal requirements.
The applicant for a permit for the placement, remodel, repair, or removal of a nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home shall demonstrate that all state and federal requirements for accessibility and barrier-free construction and asbestos management as applicable to the occupancy or type of construction have been met prior to the issuance of a permit.
The city administrator or designee shall authorize a building permit for a nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home or modular component in response to a completed application submitted to the city that complies with this subsection, provided that the nonresidential HUD-code manufactured home or modular component complies with this article and all applicable state and city regulations.
Any person making application for a building permit pursuant to the terms and conditions of subsection may appeal to the board of adjustments a decision of the city administrator or designee denying such application and building permit.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09; Ordinance 09-2022C adopted 9/20/2021)
Prior to the abandonment of a manufactured home park or site, proper notice must be given to the city administrator or designee to facilitate the proper removal of utility connections.
Securing of abandoned utility connections.
All abandoned utility connections shall be secured in a manner which will protect the city’s utility system and the public health, safety, and welfare. The owner or occupant of the manufactured home site or the owner or operator of the manufactured home park shall have the secured abandoned utility connections inspected by the city. Refund of municipal utility deposits shall be contingent upon passing such inspection, and subject to any other city ordinances affecting refund of utility deposits. All costs for securing abandoned utility connections shall be borne by the owner of the manufactured home park or the home.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Provision is hereby made for the city council to authorize and approve manufactured home parks within the city.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
Requirements for use of property as manufactured home park.
Property and areas of the city may not be used and occupied as a manufactured home park, or for the installation and location of HUD-code manufactured homes, except as provided in this article. The owner or operator of such park shall be licensed by the city to operate and maintain such property as required in this division and in accordance with other ordinances as applicable. Property and areas shall not be approved as a manufactured home park, or for the installation and/or occupancy by HUD-code manufactured homes, without a specific use permit, unless such property and areas are planned, used, approved, platted and occupied as a manufactured home park. Land and areas of the city authorized for use as a manufactured home park and having an approved subdivision plat or site plan for a manufactured home park may be used for HUD-code manufactured homes as provided in this division.
Permitted uses.
One HUD-code manufactured home on each approved space or lot.
Approved accessory buildings located on a lot for use by the owner or occupant of a structure that is located on such lot; provided that aggregate square footage of the manufactured home and accessory building is limited to the maximum impermeable cover requirement for each space or lot, and setbacks are to be maintained in compliance with section 3.06.044(b).
Recreational, civic and/or commercial facilities designed for exclusive use of the occupants of the manufactured home park.
Accessory buildings for use by the owner or manager of the manufactured home park.
One single-family dwelling unit on a 6,000 square foot or larger lot for use as the owner’s or manager’s residence.
Spaces for recreational vehicles must be listed in the application for permit and must meet city standards for hook-ups and dump sites. No recreational vehicle shall remain in any manufactured home park for more than thirty (30) days consecutively, nor more than ninety (90) days cumulative per calendar year.
The requirements for manufactured home parks are established for the protection of the public health, safety and welfare, and for the following purposes:
To provide adequate space and site diversification for residential purposes that are planned to accommodate the design criteria of manufactured homes.
To protect against pollution, environmental hazards and other objectionable influences.
To make adequate provisions for vehicular and pedestrian circulation.
To promote housing densities appropriate to and compatible with existing and proposed public support facilities.
To promote the most desirable use of land and direction of building development, to promote stability of development, to protect the character of neighborhoods, to conserve the value of land and buildings, and to protect the city’s tax base.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
It shall be unlawful for any person to construct, alter or extend any manufactured home park within the city limits unless this person has applied for and been granted a valid license by the city for the specific construction, alteration or extension proposed.
All applications for licenses for manufactured home parks shall be made upon standard forms provided by the city and should contain the following:
Name and address of the applicant;
A site plan containing the following information:
The area and dimensions of the tract of land to be developed, with identification of location and boundaries;
The number, location, and size of all manufactured home spaces;
Location, width, and specifications of driveways, roadways, and walkways;
The location and specifications of water lines, sewer lines, and riser pipes;
Locations and details of lighting, electrical, and, gas systems;
Locations and specifications of all buildings to be constructed by the operator;
Existing and proposed topography and drainage of the manufactured home park;
Location of fire mains, including size and materials, the hydrants and any other equipment which may be provided; and
Such other information as city administrator or designee may require.
All applications for construction, renovation, or expansion of a manufactured home park to the city shall be accompanied by a fee as set forth in the city's adopted fee schedule.
Hearing on denial.
Any person affected by the refusal of the city inspection officials to issue a permit under the provisions of this division may request and shall be granted a hearing on the matter before the board of adjustments, provided that such person shall file a written request for a hearing within ten days after the date the permit was refused. The filing shall include reasons for requesting the hearing and show proof why the permit should be granted. Upon receipt of the request the city secretary shall place this item on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled board of adjustments meeting and inform the petitioner of the date of such hearing. At the specified hearing the petitioner shall be given an opportunity to be heard and show cause for modification or withdrawal of the refusal.
Noncompliance with order of board of adjustments.
After such hearing the board of adjustments shall issue an order in writing sustaining, modifying or withdrawing the refusal. Upon failure to comply with an order by the board of adjustments sustaining or modifying a decision thereof, the manufactured home park, if in operation or occupied, shall be shut down for any future operations or rental of spaces and the utilities shall be terminated. In the case of a new park under construction, occupancy shall not be allowed until the operator brings the park into compliance with the orders of the board of adjustments and applicable ordinances.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09; Ordinance 09-2022C adopted 9/20/2021)
General standards.
A development designed as a manufactured home park or recreational vehicle park shall meet all requirements of this division, section 3.06.007, and any applicable sections of the city’s subdivision ordinance. Said facility so designed shall be for the explicit purpose of renting or leasing of manufactured home sites and shall not be construed to permit the sale of such spaces as lots.
A development designed as a manufactured home subdivision shall meet all requirements of the city’s subdivision ordinance and any applicable sections of this article. To the extent of a conflict between this division and the city’s subdivision ordinance, the more restrictive regulation shall control. Such subdivision shall have as its major purpose the sale and conveyance of property rights and ownership of individual lots to consumers.
At no time may an existing manufactured home park be converted to a manufactured home subdivision without first meeting all requirements of the city’s subdivision ordinance and receiving approval by the city council.
As of the date of this division, existing manufactured home parks may not issue new leases to any manufactured housing unit not meeting the requirements of this division. This does not prevent the continuance of an existing lease to a unit currently legally installed and occupied in an existing park. Such use shall be allowed to continue subject to the requirements in section 3.06.006 (nonconforming uses).
Area regulations.
Front yard.
There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet.
Side yard.
There shall be a side yard of not less than ten (10) feet in width on each side of the lot. A side yard adjacent to a side street shall not be less than fifteen (15) feet.
Rear yard.
There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than ten (10) feet measured from the rear lot line.
Size of lot.
Lot area.
Lots served by the city wastewater collection system shall have a minimum of three thousand two hundred (3200) square feet.
Lot width.
Lots with a minimum of three thousand two hundred (3,200) square feet shall have a minimum width of forty (40) feet at the building line and for a distance of at least forty (40) feet behind the building line.
Lot depth.
The average depth of the lot shall not be less than eighty (80) feet.
Lot size to be calculated for type of vehicle.
Size of the lots shall be calculated for the type of vehicle to be located on the lot, subject to the lot size regulations set forth in subsection (b)(1) above, and use of the minimum widths, depths, and areas above shall not be construed as a license to place a manufactured home or accessory building within the required setbacks on a given plot or lot.
Off-street parking.
Adequate off-street parking shall be provided for each site. The parking shall in no way interfere with traffic flow or create a hazard. Adequate space must be provided to insure that fire and emergency vehicles have access to all areas of the park at all times.
Additional design standards.
The standards set forth in section 3.06.007 shall apply.
No through traffic shall be permitted in a manufactured home park.
A perimeter fence shall be required, unless exempted for good cause by the city council.
Curbs and gutters shall be required and shall conform to the requirement for city streets.
Utility installations and service must comply with existing city requirements.
All construction or additions must comply with city requirements and no work may be started until a building permit is issued.
Garbage will be collected by city sanitation crews either at the home sites or at a central location as preauthorized by the license for the manufactured home park. All garbage and trash is subject to the requirements of the sanitation regulations of the city.
Interior streets, drives and corners must be laid out to provide the maneuvering and access clearances necessary for sanitation trucks and city firefighting and emergency equipment.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
The licensee or his agent shall operate the park in compliance with this division and all other applicable ordinances and shall provide adequate supervision to maintain the park and its facilities and equipment in good repair and in a clean and sanitary condition.
The licensee or his agent shall notify all park occupants of all applicable provisions of this division and inform them of their duties and responsibilities under this division.
The licensee or his agent shall maintain a register of park occupancy which shall contain the names and addresses of park residents, location of each manufactured home within the park by space or lot number, and date of arrival and departure with a forwarding address.
All responsibilities set out elsewhere in this division.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)
The manufactured home owner shall be responsible for securing a manufactured home permit for placement of a manufactured home in a manufactured home park.
The occupant shall be responsible for proper placement of the home in the assigned space or lot. The occupant shall also be responsible for proper utility installation to city requirements.
The occupant is responsible for the space or lot maintenance and to ensure all facilities, structures, and equipment therein are maintained in a clean and sanitary condition.
(Ordinance 042109, sec. 2, adopted 4/21/09)