Good outdoor lighting at night benefits everyone and enhances the City’s nighttime character. New lighting technologies have produced lights that are extremely powerful, and these types of lights may be improperly installed so that they create problems of excessive glare and light trespass that reduce residents’ privacy. Excessive glare can be annoying and may cause safety problems. There is a need for lighting regulations that recognizes the benefits of good outdoor lighting and provides clear guidelines for its installation so as to help maintain and complement the City’s character and which strives to provide linkage between the built and natural environment and acknowledges and sustains the unique nature of the City’s corporate-commercial, suburban and rural lifestyles. Appropriately regulated, and properly installed, outdoor lighting will contribute to the safety and welfare of the residents of the City.
Outdoor lighting for nonresidential uses and multifamily uses has the following objectives:
It is intended to reduce the problems created by improperly designed and installed outdoor lighting in those areas zoned for nonresidential uses and multifamily uses;
It is intended to eliminate problems of glare and minimize light trespass by establishing regulations which limit the area that certain types of outdoor light fixtures can illuminate and by limiting the total allowable illumination of lots located in the City;
All lighting installed in nonresidential uses and multifamily uses should be designed with the idea of being a good neighbor, thereby eliminating or reducing unnecessary direct light from shining onto abutting properties or streets;
It is the declared purpose of this division that nonconforming luminaries be eliminated and be required to conform to the regulations of this division within a reasonable time.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
New fixtures or additional lighting.
This division shall apply to all installations of new fixtures or additional lighting to any new or existing nonresidential or multifamily use or structure.
Nonconforming Lighting.
Luminaries installed prior to the adoption of the Ordinance from which this division is derived shall immediately be re-aimed or shielded such that the fixture no longer creates a nuisance as defined in Article II SECTION 201.1. Shielding may be accomplished by louvers, baffles, visors, or shields placed on the luminaries, or any other method whereby the light therefrom does not constitute a nuisance as defined in ARTICLE II SECTION 201.1.
Street lighting installed by a governmental agency for public benefit on public rights-of-way; and
Public outdoor recreational sport fields and sport courts complex.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The enforcement of the rules and the provisions of this division shall be by the City Manager or his designee.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Metering Equipment.
Lighting levels shall be measured in footcandles with a direct-reading, portable light meter.
Method of footcandle measurement.
The meter sensor shall be not more than six (6) inches above ground level in a horizontal position. The reading shall be taken only after the cell has been exposed long enough to provide a constant reading.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
The following lighting is prohibited. No owner or occupant of land shall permit any of the following conditions to exist:
An unshielded light source, including bare bulbs, above 600 lumens, except for temporary seasonal lighting;
The operation of searchlights, strobes, or pulsating lights;
The use of low pressure sodium bulbs as a light source;
The use of a partial cutoff light source;
The use of a drop lens;
Luminaires located within the compatibility buffer between dissimilar uses;
Any luminaire that produces a disability glare;
Any light or combination of lighting that creates an outdoor lighting nuisance as defined in Article II Section 201.1.
Any lighting installed to illuminate an unimproved surface or private outdoor recreational activities that exceed requirements set forth in this Ordinance without an approved variance, as set forth in Article V DIVISION 4 Section 541.4.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Maximum height for light pole standards shall be as follows:
In parking areas containing zero (0) to one hundred fifty (150) parking spaces, maximum height of lighting pole standards shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet.
In parking areas containing one hundred fifty-one (151) or more parking spaces, maximum height of lighting pole standards shall not exceed thirty-five (35) feet.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
All building mounted luminaires exceeding six hundred (600) lumens shall be directed down with a full cutoff fixture.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Luminaires used for floodlighting shall not direct the luminance above the facade of the object being lighted.
Spotlights and floodlights mounted overhead on poles or building walls and used for area lighting, including but not limited to residential areas, shall be installed so that the fixture is full cutoff as defined herein, with no light above ninety (90) degree nadir.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
At all building entry points average projected footcandle readings as determined by the point method photometrics shall not exceed a measurement of five (5) footcandles.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
All canopy lighting shall be fully recessed fixtures with full cutoff lens and shall not exceed forty-five (45) footcandles at any point under the canopy.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
In parking areas containing zero (0) to one hundred fifty (150) parking spaces, minimum spacing of lighting pole standards shall be no less than two times the height of the standard.
In parking areas containing one hundred fifty-one (151) or more parking spaces, minimum spacing of lighting pole standards shall be no less than four times the height of the light standard, a ratio of four (4) to one (1).
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Parking area lighting shall not exceed a measurement of fifteen (15) footcandles at any point in the parking area. The average projected footcandle reading as determined by the point method photometrics shall not exceed two (2) footcandles.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Any person violating any provision of this division shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine as set by the City. A separate offense shall be deemed committed of [on] each day during or on which a violation or failure to comply occurs or continues to occur.
A footcandle reading, as performed in accordance with ARTICLE V DIVISION 4 SECTION 540.4, in excess of those amounts defined in ARTICLE V DIVISION 4 SECTIONS 540.5 through 541.2, shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this division.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
A variance as to the height restriction may be permitted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the replacement of luminaries installed prior to the adoption of the Ordinance from which this division is derived if such luminaires are damaged, destroyed, or otherwise become inoperable.
A variance is permissible for such replacement luminaries only in those situations where more than one luminaire existed prior to the adoption of the Ordinance from which this division is derived. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may grant a variance, upon application by the property owner or his designee, if the Zoning Board of Adjustment determines that the replacement of a damaged, destroyed, or otherwise inoperable luminaire with a luminaire conforming to the height requirement set forth in this division would:
Create a nuisance as defined in Article II Section 201.1; or
Be aesthetically inconsistent with the remaining luminaires[;] in determining whether a replacement luminaire would be aesthetically inconsistent, the Zoning Board of Adjustment may consider the following factors:
The location of the replacement luminaire on the subject property;
The type of construction material of the replacement luminaire;
The location of the subject property; and
The outdoor lighting used on adjacent and surrounding property.
Under no circumstances may the replacement luminaire exceed thirty-five (35) feet in height.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
For spotlights and floodlights mounted at or near ground level and used to light a building wall, sign, or other structure, the axis of illumination shall be adjusted to minimize the amount of light escaping above, below, and to the side of the illuminated object.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)
Landscape lighting installed for nonresidential uses and multifamily uses shall be installed according to the following:
Any lighting that is to be placed in the canopy of a tree shall be directed in a downward position to simulate natural light received by the area.
The fixture shall be shielded so that all of the light is directed downward and shall not be directed toward the tree, to reduce light intrusion.
All proposed lighting that is to be placed in a tree shall be affixed to the trunk or branch through the use of an adjustable bracketing system that will allow for the continued growth of the tree.
The mounting height of landscape lighting shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet.
No lighting shall be bolted, nailed, or glued to the trunk or any appendages of the tree, and such unauthorized attachment will be treated as a violation.
(Ordinance 6051-12 adopted 5/17/12)