No wiring, devices or equipment for the transmission, distribution or utilization of electrical energy for light, power and/or heat, shall be installed within or on any building or structure, nor shall any alteration or addition be made in such existing wiring, device or equipment without first securing a permit therefor from the city secretary.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.045)
No permit required by this article shall be issued unless the applicant therefor is the holder of a registration to perform the class of work described in such permit or is authorized by this article.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.046)
No permit shall be required under the provisions of this article for the installation of wiring, devices or equipment for telephone, telegraph, district messenger or teleautograph systems, or any signaling systems operating at 48 volts or less.
No permit shall be required for the installation of electric wiring, devices or equipment installed for or by the city electric department for or by a public utility corporation operating under a franchise from the city to transmit and sell electrical energy; provided such wiring, devices or equipment are for the use of the electric department or the corporation in its operation as a public utility as provided for in its franchise.
No permit shall be required to replace any electrical fixtures or appliances which require no change in the electric wiring for such fixture or appliance.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.047)
Application for a permit required by the provisions of this article, describing the work to be done, stating the location of the work, whether the work will consist of a new installation or addition to, or alteration of, an old installation, and the name of the owner or occupant shall be made in writing to the city secretary by the person installing the work. The person making application for such permit shall state in the application the sizes of conductors to be used in or upon any building for all services, mains, feeders, and subfeeders, the areas to be served by such conductors, also showing the basis used in computing the required site of such conductors and shall, when required by the electrical inspector, file with him complete plans and specifications for the installation necessary to determine whether the installation as described will be in conformity with the requirements of the provisions of this article.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.048)
All permits shall be obtained at the rates determined and listed within the city master rate and fee schedule.
(Ordinance 2021-24 adopted 9/9/21)
Upon approval of the application for a permit required by the provisions of this article and the plans and specifications of the work to be done, if submitted, the permit shall be issued therefor.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.050)
The permit, when issued under the provisions of this article, shall be for such installation as is described in the application, and no deviation shall be made from the installation so described without the written approval of the electrical inspector.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.051)
Permits issued by the city secretary under the provisions of this article shall include an original and three copies. The original copy shall go to the applicant for permit. The first copy shall go to the city secretary to file as a voucher for fees received. The second copy shall be mailed to the owner when the work has been completed and approved. The third copy shall remain in the permit file for record.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.052)
There shall be two inspections of all electrical work done pursuant to the provisions of this article, as follows:
A rough-in inspection, or before any work, wire or device shall have been concealed; and
A final inspection after all work has been completed.
Requests for any such inspections shall be made by the person performing the work 24 hours in advance.
(1995 Code of Ordinances, Title XV, Chapter 151, Section 151.053)