This definition is unique to this regulation.
Any person owning, keeping or harboring one or more animals. An animal shall be deemed to be “harbored” if it is fed or sheltered or found on the premises of such person on three (3) consecutive days or more.
(1999 Unified General Code, ch. 4, art. IV, div. I, sec. 1.00)
Vicious animals are declared to be public nuisances. Any vicious animal shall be immediately picked up and impounded. Vicious animals shall be destroyed if:
Necessary to prevent immediate injury to a human being or another animal;
Such animal, in the opinion of the city officer and one licensed veterinarian, is likely, if released, to again commit any act which alone or in conjunction with other similar acts would satisfy the definition of the term “vicious” as used in this regulation;
Such animal and its owner come within the terms of section 2.02.136; or
Such animal has previously injured any person prior to the act in question.
(1999 Unified General Code, ch. 4, art. IV, div. I, sec. 1.01)
It shall be unlawful to raise, keep or pen any:
Poultry; or
Any type of reptiles;
upon any premises within the city.
(1999 Unified General Code, ch. 4, art. IV, div. I, sec. 1.02)
It shall be unlawful to knowingly allow any livestock to run at large within the city, and it is declared to be a nuisance.
(1999 Unified General Code, ch. 4, art. IV, div. I, sec. 1.03)