01/14 – Initial adoption of rules for the new city council.
02/14 – Amend Rule 17 so that maintenance requests do not have to be reported to the mayor’s office before they can appear on the agenda and the worksheet items are referred to their respective departments. (C0004-14)
02/14 – Amend Rule 7.5 so that it does not imply that the approval of the city solicitor’s office is required before an executive session may be entered into; however, the advice of the city solicitor’s office shall be sought if any member questions the validity of the reason for entering into such executive session. (C0003-14)
04/14 – Added Rule 80 - Expenses for members; reimbursement. (C0030-14)
05/14 – Added Rule 11A – Require paper copies of presentations to the city council to be distributed to each member prior to the meeting at which such presentation shall be made. (C0153-12)
Amend Rule 23 – Update the reconsideration rule so that it more accurately describes the process and, specifically, as the rule now applies to enrolled ordinances. (C0166-14)
Add Rule 26A - Add new rule which specifies requirements to be met when considering the approval of all orders and ordinances. (C0167-14)
Amend Rule 27 – Delete the requirement that all orders and ordinances require a roll call vote as that requirement was moved to the new Rule 26A. (C0167-14)
Amend Rule 30 – Update the president’s responsibilities to include reviewing of the business agenda to determine which newly added measures are to be considered routine matters. (C0154-14)
Amend Rule 46 – Update the committee process so that measures can remain in committee for up to six weeks without further city council approval. (C0155-14)
10/14 – Amend Rule 4 – Prohibit the scheduling of formal sessions of the city council prior to 6:00 P.M. except with the approval of the president. Prohibit the scheduling of special formal sessions at the same time as previously scheduled committee meetings. (C0254-14)
Amend Rule 41 – Prohibit the scheduling of committee meetings of the city council prior to 6:00 P.M., except with the approval of the president. (C0254-14)
01/15 – Amend Rule 37 – Reduce the membership of committees from five to four members to limit the possibility of being in conflict with the open meeting law due to the number of city council members participating in the committee meeting at any one time. (C0023-15)
02/15 – Amend Rule 42 – Allow the president’s attendance at a committee meeting as an ex-officio member to be utilized to establish and/or maintain a quorum. (C0026-15)
06/16 – Amend Rule 42 – When the president’s attendance at a committee meeting, as an ex-officio member, is utilized to establish and/or maintain a quorum, they shall have all voting and debating rights afforded to a committee member. (C0308-16)
02/17 – Amend Rule 37 – Establish a city council public utilities committee. (C0026-17)
12/18 – Update City Council Rules. (C0054-18)
10/19 – Amend Rule 8 – Add subsection D. - Limitations on the discussion of new business (C0285-19)
10/19 – Amend Rule 8 – Add subsection E. - Completion of reading places a measure before the city council for debate and/or vote (C0286-19)
12/20 – Amend Rule 7.1(C) – Change the submission deadline for items to be included on a regular meeting agenda from Thursday at 11:00 AM to Wednesday at 5:00 PM (C0423-20)
03/21 – Add Rule 7.6 – Add remote video conference meetings rule; conduct and decorum. (C0096-21)