To leave unattended for more than seventy-two (72) hours.
Any living creature, including but not limited to: dogs, cats, cows, horses, birds, fish, mammals, reptiles, insects, fowl, and livestock, but specifically excluding human beings.
Animal Control Officer.
Any individual employed, contracted with or appointed by the town for the purpose of aiding in the enforcement of this chapter or any other law or ordinance relating to the licensure of animals, control of animals, or seizure and impoundment of animals and includes any state or local law enforcement officer or other employee whose duties in whole or in part include assignments that involve the seizure and impoundment of any animal.
Animal Shelter.
A facility operated by the town or with which the town has contracted for the purpose of impounding or caring for animals held under the authority of this chapter or state law.
At Large.
When an animal is not confined to the premises of its owner by fence of sufficient strength and/or height to prevent the animal from escaping therefrom, inside the house or other enclosure, or secured on such premises by a leash of sufficient strength to prevent the animal from escaping from the premises, and so arranged that the animal will remain upon such premises when the leash is stretched to full length in any direction. An animal shall not be considered “at large” when held and controlled by a person of adequate strength by means of a leash, cord, chain, or rope of proper strength and length to control the action of the animal, or while confined within a vehicle. An “invisible fence” will suffice as sufficient restraint so long as the animal is not found outside the premises of the owner and the invisible fence is registered with the animal control department.
Any abrasion, scratch, puncture, tear or piercing of skin caused by an animal.
All domestic species or varieties of felis catus, male or female, alive or dead.
Dangerous Dog.
Any dog that, according to the records of the appropriate authority:
Has aggressively bitten, attacked, or endangered or has inflicted severe injury on a human being on public or private property;
Has more than once severely injured or killed a domestic animal while off the owner’s property;
Has been used primarily or in part for the purpose of dog fighting or is a dog trained for dog fighting; or
Has, when unprovoked, chased or approached a person upon the streets, sidewalks, or any public grounds in a menacing fashion or apparent attitude of attack, provided that such actions are attested to in a sworn statement by one or more persons and dutifully investigated by the appropriate authority.
Dangerous Wild Animal.
Shall mean:
a lion;
a tiger;
an ocelot;
a cougar;
a leopard;
a cheetah;
a jaguar;
a bobcat;
a lynx;
a serval;
a caracal;
a hyena;
a bear;
a coyote;
a jackal;
a baboon;
a chimpanzee;
an orangutan;
a gorilla; or
any hybrid of an animal listed in this subsection.
All domesticated members of the canis familaris, male and female, alive or dead.
Enforcement Officers.
Those authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter, including but not limited to the local health authority representative, any animal control officer, or any police officer.
Harboring of Animals.
The keeping and caring, including but not limited to feeding and providing water, for an animal.
Humanely Euthanize.
To cause the death of an animal by a method which:
Rapidly produces unconsciousness and death without visible evidence of pain or distress; or
Utilizes anesthesia produced by an agent which causes painless loss of consciousness with death following such loss of consciousness.
To seize and hold in the custody of the local health authority or other authority such as a veterinarian.
Invisible Fence.
Any fence which cannot be seen with the human eye but that is designed to keep an animal enclosed in a space by means of laser technology or sound technology. Such invisible fence must not be capable of causing pain or discomfort to any human being that crosses its path.
Law Enforcement Officer.
Those authorized to enforce the provisions of this chapter, namely, the local health authority, the local health authority representative, any animal control officer, or any peace officer.
Horses, mules, cows, hogs, goats and sheep of any and all kinds and shall include both the male and female species of such animals.
Local Health Authority.
The animal control officer is designated as the local health authority and has authority to appoint representatives to enforce the provisions of this chapter, to receive reports of animal bites, investigate animal bites, insure quarantine of possibly rabid animals and otherwise carry out provisions of the Texas Law pertaining to control and eradication of rabies. This term includes animal control officers, law enforcement officers and enforcement officers as defined herein, including their respective designees.
Observation Period.
The ten (10) days following a biting incident during which an animal’s health status must be monitored.
A person who harbors, keeps, possesses, or permits to be harbored, kept, or possessed, an animal in his care, on or about his premises, without regard to title, purchase, or acceptance of animal as a gift.
Any individual, firm, association, partnership, or corporation or any other legal entity.
Police Dog.
Any dog used by a law enforcement agency or its officers in the administration of official duties.
Pot-Bellied Pig.
Shall refer to a variety of swine that is no more than eighteen inches (18") in height at shoulder level when full grown, has short erect ears, and a straight tail. Swine shall not be considered a pot-bellied pig if its weight exceeds sixty (60) pounds or unless registered with a licensed breeder.
Prohibited Animals.
An animal not normally considered domesticated including, but not limited to, venomous lizard, poisonous snake, boa, python, raccoon, skunk, fox, bear, elephant, kangaroo, monkey, chimpanzee, antelope, deer, any protected, threatened, or endangered species as defined by the Texas Wildlife Commission and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, or any other wild animal capable of, or inclined to do, serious bodily harm to humans or other animals or fowl.
Proper Enclosure of a Dangerous Dog.
While on the owner’s property, a dangerous dog is securely confined indoors or in a securely enclosed and locked pen or structure, suitable to prevent the entry of young children (nine (9) years of age or younger) and designed to prevent the animal from escaping. Such pen or structure shall have secure sides and, where appropriate, a secure top to prevent the dog from escaping over, under, or through the structure and shall also provide protection from the elements.
Public Nuisance Animal.
Any animal or animals that unreasonably annoy(s) humans, endanger(s) the life or health of other animals or humans, or substantially interfere(s) with the rights of citizens, other than their owners, to the enjoyment of life or property. The term “public nuisance animal” shall mean and include, but is not limited to, any animal that:
is repeatedly found at large;
damages the property of anyone other than its owner;
chases vehicles;
excessively makes disturbing noises, including, but not limited to, continued and repeated howling, barking, whining, or other utterances causing unreasonable annoyance, disturbance or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored;
causes fouling of the air by odor and thereby creates unreasonable annoyance or discomfort to neighbors or others in close proximity to the premises where the animal is kept or harbored;
causes unsanitary conditions in enclosures or surroundings where the animal is kept or harbored; or attacks other domestic animals.
Strict confinement under restraint by closed cage or padlock or in any other manner approved in this chapter or state law on the private premises of the owner or at a facility approved by the state board of health or its designee, or the city animal shelter.
Rescue Organization.
Any licensed or certified association or group in which the purpose is to care for particular breeds of dogs or cats, or both, temporarily until permanent adoptive homes are found.
Severe Injury.
Any physical injury that results in broken bones, multiple bites, or disfiguring lacerations requiring sutures or reconstructive surgery.
Stray Animal.
Any animal for which there is no identifiable owner or harborer.
An action by an animal that is not in response to being tormented, abused, teased or assaulted by any person; in response to pain or injury; or in protection for itself or its food, kennel, immediate territory, or nursing offspring.
Properly injected with a rabies vaccine licensed for use in that species by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by a veterinarian licensed to practice in the State of Texas in an amount sufficient to provide an immunity.
Vaccinated and Current.
Vaccinated and satisfying the following criteria:
The animal must have been at least three (3) months of age at the time of vaccination;
At least thirty (30) days have elapsed since the initial vaccination; and
Not more than thirty-six (36) months have elapsed since the most recent vaccination.
A veterinarian licensed to practice veterinary medicine.
Vicious Animal.
Any individual animal that has on two previous occasions, without provocation, attacked or bitten any person or other animal, or any individual animal which the local health authority or his representative has reason to believe has a dangerous disposition likely to be harmful to humans or other animals.
Wild Animals.
Shall include all species of animals that commonly exist in a natural unconfined state and are usually not domesticated. This shall apply regardless of state or duration of captivity. The term shall include but is not limited to: foxes, panthers, wolves, alligators, crocodiles, apes, elephants, rhinoceroses, and all forms of poisonous or constricting reptiles, and other like animals.
(Ordinance 03-003 adopted 4/7/03)