For the purpose of this article, a “sign” shall mean a lettered and/or a combination of lettering, pictures and symbology applied to a rigid surface/fixture, for public display and for the purpose of communicating by reading a message and/or identity of a particular property, location, person, firm, activity or event.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98)
All signs will be classified as temporary or permanent, and further categorized as follows:
Class I - Private use.
Class II - Off-premises public and private use.
Class III - New construction, subdivision development and retail.
Class I - Municipal official use.
Class II - Subdivision identification.
Class III – Commercial.
Class IV - Private advisory.
Permitted purposes for each category is as follows:
Temporary Class I.
Intended primarily for the direct benefit and use of private citizens for noncommercial purposes. Such signs may only be posted upon the premises of the location of the property or event. Permitted uses are:
The sale, lease or rental of privately owned real property.
Garage, yard or estate sales.
The sale of a motor vehicle, boat, lawn tractor or trailer or similar private property.
The identification of a privately owned residence for family reunions, birthdays, weddings and similar private social events.
A building contractor’s sign while engaged in work for the property owner, for repair, renovation or remodeling, and for which a building permit is required.
Political signs promoting a particular candidate or party.
Temporary Class II.
For off-premises display, and for specific short term noncommercial private and public events such as:
Directional signs and/or “arrows” which guide motorists to the site of a for sale “open house,” a garage, yard or estate sale, private social event, and similar activity, and which supports the activities authorized under temporary Class I signs. Temporary Class II signage includes signs posted by private organizations such as clubs, teams, and municipal departments whose membership is made up of town residents. The purpose of such signs is to direct and/or invite the citizenry-at-large to participate in or attend a specific shortterm public event. Examples include: DOVFD aluminum pickup, DOWC benefit breakfast or similar events, and the mayor’s “Pot Hole Day.”
Temporary Class III.
Applicable to subdivision developers, new construction, building contractors, representative real estate agents, lending institutions and other persons, firms or activity associated directly or indirectly with a new development or construction, and where a sign is displayed upon such sites identifying such persons or firms, and where the purpose of such signage is to sell the property.
For the owners and/or their agents of undeveloped land with an area of one or more acres, when a sign is displayed upon the property which announces that the property is for sale, lease or rent.
Banner Signs.
A permit for a temporary banner sign for commercial advertisements is required and will be valid for a maximum of 14 days. Temporary banner sign permits may be issued a maximum of 12 times per year with at least a 14-day gap between permits for the same business or location. Allowed temporary banner sign materials are either cloth or canvas, may have a maximum square footage of 40 feet, and shall be professionally constructed and designed. Signs must be firmly attached to the building in such a way so as to prevent the sign from moving freely in the wind or detaching under adverse weather conditions. Banners shall not be attached to trees or utility poles. A permit application containing the language as stated on the banner, general design, location and date to be erected and removed shall be required. A permit fee is required.
Permanent - Municipal Class I.
For official municipal use to aid in identification and to promote public safety. Such uses are:
Town boundary/location identification.
Town building/facility identity and location.
Street identification.
Motor vehicle traffic control.
And such other signage as the town council may direct to promote the public safety, welfare and convenience.
Permanent - Subdivision Class II.
For the identification of fully developed and/or established developing residential subdivisions within the corporate limits of the town.
Permanent - Commercial Class III.
Outdoor signs of all types are to be regulated to protect property values, create a more attractive economic and business climate, enhance and protect the physical appearance of the town and preserve the scenic and natural beauty of the town. It is further intended to reduce visual clutter, distractions, and obstructions that may contribute to traffic accidents, to reduce hazards that may be caused by signs overhanging or projecting over public rights-of-way, and to provide more open space.
Government signs (signs erected and/or maintained by the state or federal government or an instrumentality or political subdivision thereof) are exempt. For the purposes of this article, “sign” does not include signs erected and maintained pursuant to and in discharge of any governmental function or required by law, ordinance, or governmental regulation. All other signs and outdoor advertising are hereby regulated.
No commercial Class III sign shall be erected, placed, or located except in accordance with the following standards:
Zoning Districts.
Commercial signs are allowed only in the following zoning districts:
Business (B).
Office (O).
Retail (R).
Planned Development (PD).
Specific Use Permit (SUP) (nonresidential areas only).
Sign Permits.
No sign shall be constructed, erected, remodeled, relocated, or expanded until a sign permit for such sign has been issued by the town. No sign permit shall be issued unless the sign complies with the provisions of this article. Fees for commercial signs are contained in the town’s fee schedule and may be updated from time to time as deemed necessary or appropriate by the town.
Structural Types of Signs.
Awning, Canopy and Marquee Signs.
A sign that is mounted, printed, or painted on, or attached to, an awning, canopy or marquee that is otherwise permitted by this article. No such sign shall project above, below, or beyond the physical dimensions of the awning, canopy or marquee.
Monument or Ground Signs.
A sign permanently erected on or supported by the ground independent of the principal building or structure on the property. The height of the sign, including the base, shall be measured from ground level (average grade). A monument sign shall be solid from the ground up; pole(s) or support(s) shall be concealed. A monument sign within a business development or retail area must be of a uniform appearance in nature and be complementary to the exterior composition of the buildings or structures within the property, area or development. All monument signs must conform to the following regulations:
Monument signs shall be constructed of 100% masonry material or a combination of masonry and translucent materials. Monument signs shall not have moveable lettering.
One hundred percent masonry signs may be illuminated by external, shielded florescent lights located at ground level. Signs constructed of masonry perimeters and translucent central sections may be internally illuminated. Monument signs may be illuminated up to 24 hours per day. No other lighting other than that provided by this section will be allowed for monument signs.
Maximum Size (Including Foundation and Edging).
One monument sign per building (excluding accessory buildings) will be allowed with a maximum height of 5 feet and maximum length of 8 feet with a maximum interior sign size of 3 feet high by 6 feet wide.
Monument signs shall be at least 10 feet from the property line.
Pole Signs.
A sign mounted on a freestanding pole or tree. Pole signs are not allowed.
Roof Signs.
A sign fastened to or resting on the roof of a structure. Roof signs are not allowed.
Sandwich Board Signs.
A fold-out freestanding, portable sign, which is hinged at the top and placed on the ground or pavement so as to be self supporting, located at the exterior of a building. Sandwich board signs are not allowed.
Building Wall-Mounted Signs.
A sign fastened to or painted on a wall of a building or structure such that the wall becomes merely the supporting structure or forms the background surface. Building wall-mounted signs shall not project more than 12 inches from the wall of such building. One wall-mounted building sign per business may be permitted. For a condominium-style office building, if constructed with an entrance or entrances into a common lobby for all businesses, one building-mounted sign may be permitted. If the condominium-style office building is constructed with individual external entrances with each business having a separate entrance and exit to the exterior of the building, then one individual building wall-mounted sign per business may be permitted, limited to a maximum size of 5 square feet. All building wall-mounted signs shall conform to the following regulations:
Building signs may be internally or externally lit. No flashing, intermittent, or moving lights will be permitted.
Maximum size.
All signs shall be limited to two-thirds (2/3’s) of the width of the building (or leased space) frontage or face. A building wall-mounted sign can be no more than 3 feet in height at any point. Building wall-mounted signs shall be limited to a maximum of 40 square feet of building signage as measured by the area of the smallest rectangle that encloses the sign. (Canopies, awnings, or marquees will be included in the maximum 40 square feet allowed.) The building wall-mounted sign may not protrude above the roofline or parapet at any point along the building exterior or project more than 12 inches from the building.
Portable Commercial Billboards or On-Site Business Signs.
Any sign which is supported by the ground but not attached to the ground or a permanent structure, which is used primarily to advertise to the general public for commercial purposes, is not allowed.
Window Signs.
All window signage shall be limited to no more than 10% of the aggregate size of the window excluding informational (e.g., hours of operation) and/or enforcement (e.g., no weapons allowed) signs. Window signs may be lit during posted business hours or 10:00 p.m., whichever is later.
General Standards.
Obsolete and Abandoned Signs, and Signs in Disrepair.
All signs, including all awnings, canopies, and marquees, that are considered to be obsolete or to be abandoned, including but not limited to signs identifying or advertising businesses, services, or products no longer available at the location where the sign is erected, shall be removed within 30 days of notice by the town, at the owner’s or occupant’s expense or at the expense of the individual or company to whom the last sign permit was issued. Signs that are in disrepair or that have not been maintained so as to be unsafe or in disrepair shall be immediately repaired or removed. If such sign is not repaired or removed after notice thereof has been issued by the town, the town may, at the owner’s or occupant’s expense, cause the removal of the sign.
Miscellaneous Construction.
No permanent sign or part thereof shall contain or consist of banners, strings of lights, pennants, ribbons, streamers, spinners or other similar moving objects. Inflated or floating objects or temporary portable signs of a commercial or advertising nature are likewise prohibited. Commercial signs of a temporary nature shall be allowed only as permitted by Temporary Class III sign regulations.
Illuminated Signs.
Any illuminated sign or lighting device shall be of constant intensity and no sign shall be illuminated by or contain flashing, intermittent, rotating, moving, or scrolling lights. In no event shall an illuminated sign or lighting device be directed on or illuminate a public street, highway, sidewalk, or adjacent premises so as to cause glare or reflection that may constitute a traffic hazard or nuisance as determined by the building official. All sign lighting shall be screened from residential structures and premises.
Exceptions from the requirements of this article may be approved by the town council after a specific finding that the exception is reasonable and necessary under special circumstances for which the exception is requested and that such exception will not violate the intent of this article. The town council may stipulate conditions it deems necessary to protect the public health, safety and welfare.
Minor deviations from the original permitted sign may be approved by the design review committee.
Holiday Lights and Decoration.
Temporary lights and holiday decorations shall be exempt from the provisions of this article provided that they are installed no sooner than mid-November and removed no later than January 5th of the next calendar year.
Permanent Private Class IV.
For private residential use and or public advisory/warning purposes only, such as signs indicating “Beware of Dog,” “No Trespassing,” “Protected by ABC Security,” etc. No time limit nor permit required.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 1, adopted 6/18/07; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 2, adopted 6/18/07; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 3, adopted 6/18/07; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 4, adopted 6/18/07; Ordinance 19-08 adopted 10/7/19)
Temporary - Class I Private.
No permit or fee required.
Maximum sign size is six (6) square feet in area and 60" in height.
One sign for each authorized purpose is permitted for a maximum of two signs at any one time.
Sign display time limits are as follows:
Maximum Time
Sale of real property
Until property is sold
Garage sale
2 days
Private social
2 days
Private property sale days
Until property is sold or 30 [days]
Until day after election day
Private contractor (Renovation & repair)
Until work is completed or maximum of 30 days thereafter
No temporary Class I private signage may be tacked to municipal sign posts or upon utility poles.
Under penalty of fine, all off-premises directional signage under this category must be removed within 24 hours after the event.
Temporary Class II - Off-Premises Public and Private Events.
No permit or fee required.
Maximum sign size is six (6) square feet in area and 60" in height.
Maximum of six directional (arrow) signs permitted for private events, not to exceed two days of display.
Public event signs may be posted at all public roadway entrances/exits to the town for a maximum of seven (7) days prior to the event.
All signs in this category must be removed within 24 hours after the specific event.
Temporary Class III - Subdivision Development and New Construction.
Permits and fees are required (see Section 3.1304).
The time limit for this category of sign is one (1) year, renewable upon payment of an additional annual fee.
Only one sign per new residential building site is permitted, and shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area nor be greater than 60" in height.
Subdivision development signs are permitted which do not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area and ten (10) ft. in height. A maximum of one sign per public roadway entrance to the subdivision is permitted.
Signs for the sale of undeveloped land located near private residences are restricted in size to six (6) square feet of area, and not higher than 60".
Permanent Class I – Municipal.
Exempt from permits and fliers. Sign sizes and time limitations are in compliance with state and county laws.
Permanent Class II - Established Subdivision.
One-time permit and fee. See Section 3.1304.
Indefinite time limit.
Maximum twenty (20) square feet of sign area (each sign) not to exceed 72" in height.
One sign permitted per each direct physical entrance/exit to subdivision.
Permanent Class III - Commercial.
Same as permanent Class II.
Permanent Class IV - Private Advisory.
Maximum 4 square feet of each sign area.
No permit.
No time limit.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 5, adopted 6/18/07)
A sign permit is required for the following classifications of sign:
Temporary Class III - New subdivision and/or construction.
Permanent Class II - Established subdivision.
Permanent Class III - Commercial.
Requests for sign permits will be submitted to the town secretary in the form of a drawing of the proposed sign showing its dimensions, wording, color scheme, design and its exact proposed location on the new construction site or subdivision development. (Except for Class III - Commercial)
Upon approval and payment of a sign fee at the rate as set forth in the fee schedule in the appendix of this code, a permit will be issued for each sign.
Sign permits for temporary Class III signs are valid for 1 year from the date of issue. Renewal for an additional year is permitted upon payment of the annual fee. Further renewals of temporary Class III signs will require town council approval.
Permits for permanent Class II (Subdivision) and Class III (Commercial) signs are issued for an indefinite period. Payment of a one-time fee as set forth in the fee schedule in the appendix of this code for each sign is required.
Owners of Class II and Class III signs must certify in writing, at the time of permit issuance, that such signs will be maintained in a clean, neat, [and] attractive manner.
Permits issued and fees paid for signs posted prior to the effective date of this article are exempt from the provisions of this section.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 6, adopted 6/18/07)
All signs erected and maintained within the town limits and extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town may only relate to a current activity or persons who occupy or own the property at the sign location. Unless specifically allowed in this article, off-premises signs are prohibited.
When temporary Class II (off-premises) signs are posted in accordance with the provisions of this article and such signs are erected upon private property, the permission of the property owner must be obtained.
All signs within the town limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town will be freestanding upon their own structure. Exceptions are certain permanent commercial Class III signs.
No sign shall be erected that will interfere with the visibility of a motorist, nor may it obstruct the view of any traffic sign.
All signs must be posted at least eight (8) feet from the edge of a public roadway.
No animated, illuminated, or flexible banner-type signs will be permitted within the town limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of the town, unless specifically allowed in this article.
No commercial signage of any type may be erected or maintained in a residential zoned district or area predominantly used for single-family residential purposes.
The owner of any sign displayed in accordance with the provisions of this article, shall maintain such sign in a clean, legible, [and] attractive condition.
No person shall place, erect or maintain a sign without first having obtained a permit as required by this article. No person shall place, erect or maintain a sign that does not comply with any of the terms or provisions of this article. In the event that any person fails to remove such sign or take appropriate corrective measures to comply with this article within ten (10) days after receipt of notice of such violation, the offending sign may be removed by the town.
The provisions of this article shall be applicable within the limits of the town and within the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction. To the extent that any specific regulation relates, applies to, or references a zoning category, a sign erected or maintained within the town’s extraterritorial jurisdiction shall be subject to the same regulations applicable to the most similar zoning category use to which the property on which the sign is erected is put.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 7, adopted 6/18/07; Ordinance 07-03, sec. 8, adopted 6/18/07)
Any person in violation of any provision of this article relating to the placement or maintenance of signs shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a penalty of fine in accordance with the general penalty provision set forth in Section 1.109 of this code, and each day or part thereof that such violation continues shall be a separate offense.
(Ordinance 42 adopted 8/20/98)