Professional fees:
In addition to other fees, the town will assess to a property owner, developer, subdivider or applicant the actual costs incurred by the town for engineering fees and legal fees associated with the review and evaluation of a development or construction permit application including but not limited to a preliminary plan application, plat, or other development application, where such engineering or legal fees are incurred by the town in processing the application. The payment of these fees shall be a condition of plat approval and development approval and shall be a prerequisite to the acceptance of any improvements or the issuance of construction or building permits.
All fees or charges shall be paid in advance, and the town may request that the applicant post a deposit to secure the payment of anticipated expenses and fees. No action of the planning and zoning commission or board of adjustment or any other board, commission or agency shall be valid until the fees or charges have been paid.
An application, including a preliminary plan application and a plat application, shall not be deemed as filed or otherwise submitted to the Town for approval until a deposit has been furnished to the town by the applicant in the amount of professional fees that are reasonably anticipated to be incurred by the town in the review and evaluation of the application.
(Ordinance 21-02 adopted 1/19/21)