[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Supervisors of the Township of Springfield 7-18-2022 by Ord. No. 2-2022. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Springfield Township currently has in existence and will continue in the foreseeable future to have in place a Zoning Ordinance,[1] Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance,[2] and other ordinances including but not limited to a Nuisance Ordinance[3] to protect the public in general from unreasonable, excessive, and/or other practices which would be construed to be a nuisance or otherwise adversely affect public safety and welfare.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 425, Zoning.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Subdivision and Land Development.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 256, Nuisances.
This chapter does not repeal the current Nuisance Ordinance or any other similar ordinances and is in addition to and not instead of existing ordinances.
All banquet/conference centers and similarly defined business enterprises provided for under the Zoning Ordinance in existence now and in existence in the future shall in addition to any other provisions set forth in existing ordinances including the Zoning Ordinance adhere to the following requirements:
Attendance at a single event at a banquet/conference center shall be limited to no more than 300 persons. This limitation shall not include necessary event staff including but not limited to security and caterers;
All entertainment activities shall end no later than 10:00 p.m.;
All entertainment including but not limited to music, bands, DJs, dance floor or a stage shall be limited to the interior of the banquet/conference center;
No pyrotechnics or open fires may be used at the premises unless permission is granted by the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting.
All dispensaries or facilities where medical marijuana and/or any other marijuana products may be sold in the future, if authorized by law, shall in addition to any other provisions set forth in existing Township Ordinances including the Zoning Ordinance adhere to the following requirements:
A medical marijuana dispensary may only dispense medical marijuana in an indoor enclosed permanent and secure building and shall not be located in a trailer, cargo container, mobile or modular unit, mobile home, recreational vehicle or other motor vehicle unless specifically authorized by Pennsylvania law. This limitation shall also apply to any and all dispensaries for recreational marijuana in the event the same is authorized by Pennsylvania law;
All dispensaries for marijuana, including medical and recreational (if authorized by law) shall have a single secure public entrance and shall implement appropriate security measures to deter and prevent the theft of marijuana and unauthorized entrance in areas containing marijuana;
All marijuana dispensaries shall not include a drive through service, outdoor seating, or outdoor vending machines for the purpose of selling marijuana and/or paraphernalia or other devices for the use of marijuana;
Direct or home delivery service shall not be offered unless specifically authorized by Pennsylvania law;
Consumption of marijuana on the premises shall not be permitted unless specifically authorized by Pennsylvania law;
A medical marijuana dispensary may dispense only medical marijuana to certified patients and caregivers and shall comply with Pennsylvania law including all applicable regulations enacted by appropriate and authorized government agencies;
Marijuana remnants and byproducts shall be secured and properly disposed of in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health requirements or other requirements of Pennsylvania law and shall not be placed in any unsecured exterior refuge containers;
All marijuana dispensaries must maintain adequate and accurate books and records that provide a true accounting of all financial transactions, expenditures and control of inventory and prepare any required annual financial statements using generally accepted accounting principles consistent with Pennsylvania law;
Hours of operation for all marijuana dispensaries shall be limited from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m.;
These regulations are intended to supplement Pennsylvania law as enacted or subsequently enacted, and in the event these limitations are inconsistent or contradictory to specific requirements of Pennsylvania law, Pennsylvania law shall prevail over any of these requirements to the extent that this chapter is more permissive or expansive than Pennsylvania law.
All legally authorized marijuana growers/processors shall in addition to any other provisions set forth in existing ordinances including the Zoning Ordinance adhere to the following requirements:
All loading areas/docks shall be properly secured so as to prohibit unauthorized entry by third parties;
No outdoor storage shall be permitted except in a secured and approved structure consistent with Pennsylvania law and providing for security measures including aux cameras and alarms to protect the contents thereof from unauthorized entry;
Marijuana may be grown only indoors in an enclosed and secure building. The growing facility shall not be located in a trailer, cargo container, mobile or modular unit, mobile home, recreational vehicle or other motor vehicle and shall comply at a minimum with all Pennsylvania laws regarding the growing of marijuana;
There shall be no emission of dust, fumes, vapors, orders or waste into the environment from any facility that occurs from the processing and/or testing of marijuana;
Marijuana remnants and byproducts shall be secured and properly disposed of in accordance with the Pennsylvania Department of Health requirements and shall not be placed within any unsecured exterior refuse containers;
All exterior lighting shall be shielded in such a manner to not allow light to exceed one footcandle at the property line;
Loading and off-loading areas must be provided in the structure or in a separate structure which is secured with appropriate locking mechanisms, security cameras, and an alarm system for the purpose of preventing entry to unauthorized persons;
The dispensary shall have a single secure entrance and shall implement appropriate security measures to deter and prevent the of marijuana and unauthorized entrance into areas containing marijuana;
These regulations are intended to supplement Pennsylvania law as enacted or subsequently enacted, and in the event these limitations are inconsistent or contradictory to specific requirements of Pennsylvania law, Pennsylvania law shall prevail over any of these requirements to the extent that this chapter is more permissive or expansive than Pennsylvania law.
All special event barns/venues shall in addition to any other provisions set forth in existing ordinances including the Zoning Ordinance adhere to the following requirements:
Any additions or changes to the barn/venue to accommodate the use as a special event barn/venue shall be secondary and shall not substantially alter the visual or material character of the barn venue except as is necessary to provide for the safe use of the same by patrons and staff, and all additions or changes shall comply with all state and Township laws including but not limited to construction codes and building codes;
Attendance at a single event at a special event barn/venue shall be limited to no more than 200 persons. Staff for the event including but not limited to security and caterers shall not be included in the attendance count. The maximum attendance limit at an event may be reduced to make it below 200 persons by the Board of Supervisors as part of the conditional use approval;
No more than 24 events per calendar year shall be permitted at a special event barn/venue excluding any rehearsal for said events;
Documentation of the date and time of each special event at the special event barn/venue shall be provided to the Township on a monthly basis prior to the scheduled event;
No event shall be permitted to begin before 11:00 a.m. nor extend past 11:00 p.m. with all attendees to exit the premises by midnight;
All entertainment must end by 10:00 p.m. and all entertainment including but not limited to music, DJs, bands, dance floor or stage shall be limited to the interior of the special event barn/venue. Outdoor recreation activities conducted by the attendees shall not be considered entertainment for the purposes of interpreting this section;
The owner of the special event barn/venue shall provide bonded, insured on site, independent security guards for each event, and a certificate showing that the special event barn/venue is covered by special event liability insurance shall be displayed on the premises at all times in a conspicuous location;
No individual sale of food or beverage items including but not limited to cash bars, concession stands or other similar sales is allowed at any event associated with the use of a special event barn/venue; however, this does not prevent the serving of foods or drinks by a no-per-transaction charge;
Alcoholic beverages may be served only as allowed by local and state law. There shall be no sale of alcoholic beverages to any of the attendees or others lawfully on the premises;
No pyrotechnics may be used in conjunction with activities associated with the special event barn/venue;
Special events may be held only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays;
Trash shall be removed within 48 hours following the end of the special event, and all trash shall be properly secured so as to prevent vermin from having access to the trash;
All trash must be stored within a commercial dumpster, and the dumpster area must be fenced in on all sides with wood or other vinyl fencing at least six feet tall.
All mobile food vendors shall in addition to any other provisions set forth in existing ordinances including the Zoning Ordinance adhere to the following requirements:
Temporary business license is required.
An applicant shall apply for a temporary business license (which will also serve as the required zoning permit) including payment of the temporary business license fee as set from time to time by resolution by the Board of Supervisors not less than two weeks' prior to the vendor's anticipated date to begin operating in the Township upon filing the proper forms which are available from the Township;
Any license issued under the section is not transferable;
The applicant must possess and provide a copy of the valid state vehicle operating license and also the operator of the motor vehicle used for mobile food vending must have a valid motor vehicle operating license;
Motor vehicles used for mobile food vending must have valid registration plates, a current state inspection, current state registration card, and state required minimum vehicle insurance;
Liability and insurance obligation.
Every mobile food vendor must furnish evidence of a comprehensive public liability insurance policy with coverage not less than $500,000 per person and $1,000,000 per incident in the event of bodily injury, including death, and if applicable, workers' compensation insurance covering its employees. Such evidence shall be in the form of a certificate indicating that the insurance is currently in place which shall be furnished to the Township at the time of the application. The insurance obtained by the mobile food vendor shall provide that in the event of a cancellation of insurance that the Township shall be promptly notified. Failure to maintain the required insurance will be considered a basis for the Township to suspend the mobile food vender's business license;
Display of licenses and permits.
An approved license as well as any required Department of Agriculture permits shall be displayed at all times in a prominent place on the mobile food vendor truck, concession cart, or concession trailer where they can be viewed and read by the general public;
It shall be unlawful for any individual to sell edible goods while displaying a valid license or permit in the name of another individual organization or entity;
License revocations or suspensions.
A license may be revoked upon conviction of any offense committed by any individual operating as a mobile food vendor in the Township while engaged in the permitted business. A license may be suspended in the event of pending charges of a crime as set forth above until a judicial determination of a conviction in connection with such charges;
A license may be suspended immediately, without notice, by the Township if the mobile vending provider is causing, contributing to, or part of a public safety concern or disturbance or upon a determination of excessive trash accumulation;
A license may be revoked for nonconformity to the application as far as location specifications or requirements as well as nonconformity to an approved location plan or diagram;
A license may be suspended or revoked for not complying with all the requirements in this section or any other ordinances or laws applicable hereto;
It shall be unlawful for any individual or entity directly or through an agent or employee to sell goods after the expiration of the license issued under this chapter;
A license application may be denied by the Township based upon applicant's prior violations of this chapter and the regulations therein;
Licenses may be denied by the Township if the applicant has been convicted of a felony or crime involving moral turpitude.
A mobile food vendor shall not be located at a stationary location for a duration exceeding eight consecutive hours and cannot exceed more than eight hours during any twenty-four-hour period unless prior approval is granted by the Board of Supervisors at a public meeting. The mobile food vendor shall be open and operating during the entire period that the mobile food vendor is located at a stationery location with the Township;
A mobile food vendor shall not conduct sales in congested areas where the operation impedes vehicular or pedestrian traffic;
A mobile food vendor shall not cause any congestion of traffic flow, and, if vehicular traffic or pedestrian flow becomes impeded, the vendor shall immediately and without delay vacate the area so as to allow for the free flow of traffic and relief of the congestion;
No mobile food vendor shall locate on any private property without written permission from the property owner to do so and must comply if asked to leave by the property owner. Further, a copy of the written permission to operate in a specific location signed by the property owner, including a contact phone number for verification, shall be included with the license application. A copy of such written permission shall be kept in the mobile vending unit and produced to the Township and/or any law enforcement official having jurisdiction in Springfield Township upon request;
A five-foot clear space shall be maintained around the mobile food vending unit at all times;
No mobile food vendor shall be allowed to conduct food sales in the public road right-of-way.
A "no smoking" sign shall be posted next to the order window area.
Vendors must provide a portable trash receptacle for collection of waste from their customers, and waste must be removed from the location of the mobile vending unit daily without using public waste containers or receptacles. Each vendor shall be responsible for proper disposal of solid waste and wastewater consistent with existing ordinances or laws applicable within the Township;
Vendors shall not dispose of grease or other liquid waste by depositing or draining the same into the storm sewers, sewer drain outlets, tree pits, or sidewalk areas or any public space including the ground or public roadways;
All areas must be cleaned following each sales period within a minimum of 20 feet of the sales location.
Continuous loud music or repetitive sounds shall not project from the mobile unit while parked or stopped, except those created by the normal operation of equipment typically associated with mobile food vending during the hours of operation;
The provisions of all of the Township Ordinances including the nuisance ordinance must be adhered to during all periods of operation.
A tagged fire extinguisher with a 10 BC rating and a Class K fire extinguisher must be located in the unit and accessible at all times;
All compressed gas fuel cylinders shall be shielded and secured as required by the International Fire Code;
Proper electrical power must be maintained and installed per the International Electrical Code. Extension cords running from any residential living space for power shall not be permitted. Township-owned power sources may not be used without the express prior written consent of the Township.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A vending unit which is pulled by either a motorized unit or any device, animal, or human, and has no power or ability to move on its own.
A judicial determination of guilt for any violation of this chapter and/or the conviction of any misdemeanor or felony.
Including but not limited to prepackaged food, off-site prepared food, or on-site prepared food.
The capability of moving freely or easily, but not necessarily in continuous motion.
A vehicle-mounted unit engaged or utilized in the sale of edible goods.
A business or person that sells edible goods from a mobile vending unit within the Township of Springfield.
The unit from which a mobile vendor operates. This term includes but is not limited to mobile food trucks, any motor vehicle used to sell edible goods, any type of wagon, trailer, concession cart, sled or other equipment that must be moved by nonmotorized means (pulled or pushed) and concession trailers.
Edible goods that are not required to be kept at a temperature below 41° F. according to the Federal Food and Drug Administration and the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Food Safety and Laboratory Services rules.
The position of the mobile food vendor when not in motion and addressing the public for the purpose of sales.
In addition to the definitions herein, all definitions set forth in the Springfield Township Zoning and Subdivision and Land Development Ordinances are incorporated herein by reference to the extent they are applicable.
Failure of the vendor or landowner to comply with this chapter shall be deemed to be a summary offense and upon conviction be subject to a fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation and/or imprisonment not to exceed 90 days incarceration in the Mercer County Jail. Each day a violation occurs shall be a separate offense. This chapter shall be enforced by the designated Township officer including the Township Secretary at the direction of the Board of Supervisors. The District Justice or other comparable judicial officer shall have jurisdiction over this matter.
In addition to the above criminal penalties, the Township shall also have the right to enforce any violation of this chapter by filing a civil complaint before a court of competent jurisdiction as well as a civil enforcement action pursuant to the Second-Class Township Code.
If any section, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion of this chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions hereof.
This chapter shall take effect five days after the enactment thereof.