The City Council shall meet in regular meeting session in the Council room of City Hall on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at such time as may be provided by the Council.
The City Clerk shall give notice as required by Chapter 610 RSMo.
When any such meeting day is a holiday, the regular meeting shall be held at such time as may be provided by the Council.
The Council may, by motion, reschedule or dispense with any regular meeting, but at least one (1) meeting, regular or special, must be held in each calendar month.
Special meetings may be called by the Mayor or by three (3) of the members of the Council by request filed with the City Manager, who shall direct the City Clerk to prepare a notice of such special meetings as required by Chapter 610 RSMo., stating the time, place and object of the meeting.
The City Council may meet in work session in the Council room of City Hall on the first and third Mondays of each month at such time as may be provided by the Council. If needed or requested, the City Council may meet in work session on the fifth Monday of the month.
When any such meeting day is a holiday, the work session may be held at such time as may be provided by agreement of the Mayor and Council.
The Mayor and Council may dispense with any work session at their discretion.
All meetings of the City Council shall be open to the public except when closed as provided in Chapter 610 RSMo.
The introduction of any item, which has not been before the City Council prior to the current Council meeting, is considered new business. Since it is inappropriate to consider new business prior to disposing of any old business and since it is important that the City Council not delay the conducting of the peoples' business, the first regularly scheduled meeting following the election/re-election of the Mayor and/or Councilmembers will be scheduled, per existing ordinance, and will contain only one (1) item of business: "AN ORDINANCE DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION."
The City Clerk will publish notice that a special City Council meeting will be held on the same date as the meeting described in Subsection A. above. The special meeting agenda will contain all of the agenda items, which normally would have been included in the regular meeting.
A majority of the members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of its business.
In case that a lesser number than a quorum shall convene at a regular or special meeting of the City Council, the majority of the members present are authorized to direct the Chief of Police or other City Officer to send for and compel the attendance of any or all absent members upon such terms and conditions and at such time as such majority of the members present shall agree.
The Council shall elect one (1) of their own number who shall be styled "Mayor Pro Tempore" and who shall serve for a term of one (1) year.
During the physical absence in person or disability of the Mayor or when any vacancy shall happen in the office of Mayor by death, resignation, removal from the City, removal from office, refusal to qualify or from any other cause whatever, the Mayor Pro Tempore shall, for the time being, perform the duties of Mayor, with all the rights, privileges, powers and jurisdiction of the Mayor, until such vacancy is filled or such disability is removed; or, in case of temporary absence, until the Mayor's physical return subject to the voting limitations imposed by Article III, Section 3.4 of the Raymore Charter.
The proceedings of the City Council shall be controlled by the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, except as otherwise provided by the City Council Rules of Procedure, the City's ordinances, the City's Charter, and applicable State and federal laws and regulations, which shall take precedence in any case where there is a conflict.
The individual presiding over any meeting of the City Council shall preserve decorum during proceedings of the City Council.
Voting shall be by a show of hands, and the "ayes" and "nays" shall be recorded in the minutes. Except as otherwise provided in the Charter or City Code, the affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Council shall be necessary to adopt any ordinance.
Unless legally disqualified or abstaining, every member of the Council shall vote upon every question and when requested by any member the vote upon any question shall be taken by "ayes" and "nays" and be recorded.
Whenever an action under this Code requires the vote of the Council, this shall mean a vote of a majority of a quorum of the Councilmembers present. In the event of a tie of the Councilmembers, the Mayor may vote to break a tie in accordance with Section 110.080 of the Code.
Whenever an action under this Code requires the vote of the entire Council, this shall mean a vote of at least five (5) of the eight (8) Councilmembers present. In the event of a four (4) to four (4) tie of the eight (8) Councilmembers, the Mayor may vote to break the tie in accordance with Section 110.080 of the Code.
Any member of the City Council shall have the right to express dissent from or protest against any ordinance or resolution of the Council and to have the reason entered in the minutes. Such dissent or protest must be filed in writing and presented to the Council not later than the next regular meeting following the date of the passage of the ordinance or resolution to which objection is taken.
All ordinances and resolutions shall be introduced to the City Council in written form. All proposed ordinances shall be reviewed by the City Attorney or bear their certification that they are in correct form. A copy shall be sent to each member of the City Council in advance of the meeting. Failure to follow the procedure shall not invalidate any ordinance or resolution adopted by the City Council.
The second readings of all bills except those regarding special assessments, appropriations, or designated as an "Emergency Bill" shall be conducted at a subsequent meeting to that at which they are introduced.
"Emergency bill" is defined as a bill needing formal Council approval due to specific time restraints, or involving an issue of health, safety, and/or public welfare or as determined by the Mayor on a case by case basis.
Every emergency ordinance shall be read in full at least once in an open Council meeting, except that the portion of an emergency ordinance setting out real estate legal descriptions, or the terms of bond sales, certificates of indebtedness, capital notes, lease purchase agreements, certificates of participation and installment purchase agreements shall not be required to be read in full. An ordinance may be passed as an emergency measure on the day of its introduction if it contains a declaration describing in clear and specific terms the facts and reasons constituting the emergency and receives the affirmative vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the entire Council. Every proposed emergency ordinance shall allow public comment to be heard prior to a vote being taken at its second reading.
Approval of a resolution shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the Council.
Whenever this Code shall be amended, the title of each amendatory ordinance, adapted to the particular circumstances and purposes of the amendment, shall be substantially as follows:
To amend any Section:
"An Ordinance to amend Section _____ (or Sections _____ and _____) of the Code of the City of Raymore."
To insert a new Section, Article, Chapter or Title:
"An Ordinance amending the Municipal Code of the City of Raymore, Missouri by adding a new Section (or new Sections, a new Article, a new Chapter, or a new Title, as the case may be) which new Section (Sections, Article, Chapter or Title) shall be designated as Section _____ (or Sections _____ and _____) of Chapter _____ of Title _____ (or proper designation if a Chapter or Title is added) of said Code."
To repeal a Section, Chapter or Title:
"An Ordinance repealing Section _____ (or Sections _____ and _____, Chapter _____, Title _____ (etc., as the case may be) of the Municipal Code of the City of Raymore, Missouri."
Any bill shall be subject to amendment until the vote upon final passage.
The City Council may by resolution prescribe and enforce such rules as it may find necessary for the expeditious transaction of its business, but such rules shall be subordinate to the City's ordinances, the City's Charter, and applicable State and federal laws and regulations, which shall take precedence in any case where there is a conflict.
The City Council shall have power to compel the attendance of witnesses and the production of papers and records relating to any subject under consideration in which the interest of the City is involved, and shall have power to call on the Chief of Police of the City, or a sworn Law Enforcement Officer of the County in which such City is located, to execute such process. The Chief of Police shall receive such fees as are allowed by law in the Circuit Court for similar services, to be paid by the City. The Mayor or Mayor Pro Tempore and City Clerk shall have power to administer oaths to witnesses.
Any rule of the Council may be repealed, altered or amended by a majority vote of the members. Every amendment offered shall lie on the table until the next meeting of the Council before being voted upon except by the unanimous consent of all elected members of the City Council (including the Mayor). Any rule may be suspended by a majority vote of the members of the Council, or quorum being present by unanimous consent.