A sales-by-drink, retail package, Wholesale, or Manufacturer licenses shall not be issued by the Enforcement Agency for a new location or for the expansion of existing premises until there has been shown compliance with the requirements of South Metropolitan Fire Protection District, Cass County Health Department, building code and zoning ordinances of the City, and hold a valid Cass County liquor license.
No alcoholic beverage license shall be issued for any premises when such premises is within one hundred (100) feet of a traditional pre K-12 school or church, measured in accordance with Title I-Definitions of this Code. Distances are measured in accordance with Title I-Definitions of this Code.
A licensee legally established within one hundred (100) feet of a church or school prior to the adoption of this Chapter, who may lose his or her location due to any governmental action, federal, state, county or city, or upon proof of loss of lease or premises through no fault of the licensee, or complete destruction of the premises by fire or flood, may at the discretion of the Enforcement Agency relocate within one hundred (100) feet of the original church or school location; provided, that the desired premises meets all other requirements of this Chapter and is not within one hundred (100) feet of another church or school. Distances are measured in accordance with Title I-Definitions of this Code.