The purpose and intent of this division is ratifying the establishment and reaffirming prior actions of the governing body to secure the general health, safety and welfare of the residents of the city by:
Explicitly creating a police department and outlining both its authority and jurisdiction.
Explicitly creating the position of chief of police to oversee and manage the police department.
Outlining the duties of both the chief of police and officers.
(Ordinance 003-O-2019, sec. 1, adopted 2/12/19)
There is hereby ratified prior municipal government establishment and creation of a police department of the city, at the head of which shall be the chief of police. The police department shall be composed of the chief of police and other officers and employees as the city council may provide. The jurisdiction of the department shall be the corporate limits of the city and that property lying outside the city limits which is owned by the city.
(Ordinance 003-O-2019, sec. 2(1), adopted 2/12/19)
No person will be certified as a police officer who has not complied with the basic requirements established by the state for police officers and by the city acting through the chief of police.
(Ordinance 003-O-2019, sec. 2(2), adopted 2/12/19)
The police department of the city shall consist of the chief of police and such members as the city council may provide.
The chief of police shall be appointed by the mayor after a vote by city council for approval.
The chief of police shall carry out the functions of the police department relating to public safety and enforcement of ordinances, state and federal laws; organize the police department of the city in conformity with the laws of the state and ordinances of the city; and shall promulgate policies, procedures, rules, directives, and orders for the administration of the department including but not limited to discipline within the department.
(Ordinance 003-O-2019, sec. 2(3), adopted 2/12/19)
Individual officers constituting the city police department are invested with all the power and authority given to them as peace officers under the laws of the state. Inherent with this power and authority is the obligation to preserve the peace, to enforce the ordinances and regulations of the city, the laws of the state and of the United States, to take legal custody of offenders and to secure the citizens from violence.
All personnel of the police department shall be bound by the most current directives, orders, rules, regulations and procedures for the operation of the police department as may be promulgated or as hereafter amended by the chief of police, and failure to abide thereby shall subject the violating personnel to such disciplinary action as may be determined by the chief of police within the limits of state law and city ordinances.
(Ordinance 003-O-2019, sec. 2(4), adopted 2/12/19)