Generally, references to external documents and materials are intended to provide for the convenience of the user and facilitate navigation of these regulations. External documents referenced by these regulations exist in their own right and are not part of these regulations unless specifically incorporated by reference or by application.
The purpose of the Unified Development Code (UDC or Code) is to promote the public health, safety, welfare and quality of life of the present and future citizens of the City of Blanco.
For the purposes of these regulations, the words and terms used herein shall be interpreted as follows:
Words used in the present tense include the future tense;
Words used in the singular include the plural and the plural includes the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary;
The term “shall” is always mandatory;
The term “may” is discretionary;
The term “city” shall refer to the City of Blanco, “county” shall refer to Blanco County, “state” shall refer to the State of Texas, and “federal” shall refer to the United States of America, unless otherwise indicated;
All public officials, bodies, and agencies reference those of the City of Blanco, unless otherwise indicated;
Terms and words not expressly defined in the Definitions section; are those having meaning unique to the purposes of these regulations. All words, terms, and phrases not expressly defined, or otherwise within these regulations, are to be construed in accordance to adopted ordinances, codes, or standards of the City, or according to the customary meaning and usage of such word, term, or phrase.
References to State and Federal Statues.
References to the Texas Local Government Code and the United States Code shall be interpreted to mean the most current version of the referenced section at the time the reference is applied.
If referenced statutes of the Texas Local Government Code or United States Code are repealed and replaced by another statute with comparable subject matter, the replacement statue shall control.
If referenced statutes of the Texas Local Government Code or United States Code are repealed and not replaced by another statute, the repealed statute shall control if it is within the statutory authority of the City to effectuate such results, or the application shall be held (and not considered officially filed) for up to 12 weeks for the City to revise these regulations to resolve the reference and establish an appropriate rule or policy.
References to the Texas Local Government Code and the United States Code as the source of authority of administrative rules, such references shall be interpreted to include the rules and statues provided thereunder.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
The Blanco Comprehensive Plan, as adopted and as amended and periodically updated, is a policy guide intended to inform the formulation and implementation of development regulations found in the Unified Development Code. The following general land use policies drawn from the Comprehensive Plan have been used in the development of this Code. If there is a Code, the Unified Development Code will govern:
Maintain the appearance and rural character of Blanco.
Ensure that regulations are consistent with Blanco priorities and enforced according to standard policy in order to maintain the town character.
Ensure that the public is educated on the purposes and procedures of such regulations.
Maintain public areas to high standards of cleanliness and aesthetics.
Protect the small-town character of Blanco as growth occurs.
Promote affordable housing.
Implement challenging projects in a professional manner that does not conflict with the community’s values.
Ensure adequate infrastructure, including water, sewer, and street facilities for growing demand, including planned annexation areas.
Preserve open space and agricultural lands for rural character.
Promote positive growth.
Promote a mix of businesses in the downtown area.
Provide public facilities and amenities in the downtown area including sidewalks, parking, public restrooms, and landscaping.
Protect the heritage of Blanco through preservation of historic resources in appropriate design regulations for construction and renovation in the Blanco community.
Develop a variety of recreation facilities, including Community Center and various types of parks, to serve the needs of the entire community.
Develop safe pedestrian access throughout Blanco.
Provide for responsible growth throughout Blanco including residential and nonresidential uses in the City and the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction as appropriate.
Ensure adequate infrastructure for new and existing development in Blanco.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
Chapter 2 sets forth the specific responsibilities and authority for each administrative official and review entity as it relates to the implementation of this Code. Chapters 211 and 212 of the Texas Local Government Code together with the general police powers of municipalities empower the City to adopt this Unified Development Code.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
Within City Limits.
The City of Blanco has the statutory authority to exercise a broad range of powers within its city limits. Pursuant to such authority, all chapters and sections of the UDC shall apply to all areas within the city limits of Blanco. All structures, land uses constructed or commenced after the effective date of the UDC and all enlargements of, additions to, changes in, relocations of existing structures and uses occurring after the effective date of the UDC are therefore subject thereto.
Within Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ).
The City of Blanco shall be the primary platting authority of the City’s ETJ.
Generally, the following standards shall apply to all properties within the City Limits of Blanco and the City’s ETJ:
Lot Design and Site Development Standards (Chapter 5-certain sections)
Infrastructure and Public Improvements (Chapter 6 and 7)
Sign Standards (Section 4.8) [article 9.03 of the Code of Ordinances]
See Chapter 3 for further information about how the procedures and regulations of this Code apply to the extraterritorial jurisdiction.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
Future Development.
This Code shall apply to all matters pertaining to the use and development of land within the jurisdiction described in Section 1.4 above. The Code applies to all public buildings and private property, and uses thereon, over which the City has jurisdiction under the constitution and laws of the State of Texas and of the United States.
Existing Development.
Hereafter, no building or structure shall be erected, demolished, remodeled, reconstructed, altered, enlarged, or relocated in the City of Blanco and ETJ except in compliance with the provisions of this Code; and then only after securing all required permits and licenses, as applicable. Any building, structure, or use lawfully existing at the time of passage of this Code, although not in compliance therewith, may be maintained as provided in Chapter 4, Zoning, Section 4.9, and [Section 4.12,] Nonconforming Uses.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
The provisions of this Code shall be interpreted and applied as the minimum requirements for the promotion of public health, safety, and general welfare.
Whenever the requirements of this Code are in conflict with the requirements of any State and Federal regulations, the State or Federal regulation shall rule and govern instead. If a requirement of this Code is in conflict with any other City ordinance, the requirement that is most restrictive will apply and govern.
The issuance of any permit, certificate, or approval in accordance with the standards and requirements of the Code shall not relieve the recipient of such permit, certificate, or approval from the responsibility of complying with all other applicable requirements of any other municipality, special district, private association, deed restrictions, state, or federal agency having jurisdiction over the structures or land uses for which the permit, certificate or approval was issued.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
This Code shall become effective and be in full force and effect immediately following its passage and approval by the City Council, as duty attested by the Mayor and City Secretary.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
If any section or part of this Code is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, such judgment shall not affect, impair or invalidate the remaining provisions of this Code but shall be confined in its effect to the specific sections of this Code that are held unconstitutional or invalid. The invalidity of any section of this Code in any one or more instances shall not affect or prejudice in any way the validity of this Code in any other instance.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to those development projects that have received some form of municipal approval prior to the date of enactment of the Code. More detailed information regarding Vested Rights and Nonconforming uses can be found in Chapter 4.
Projects in Construction.
Building Permits
-Nothing in this Code shall require any change in plans, construction, size, or designate[d] use of any building, structure, or part thereof that has been granted a building permit prior to the effective date of this Code, or any amendment to Code, provided construction has begun consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceed[s] to completion in a timely manner.
Approved Site Plans
-Nothing in this Code shall require a change in site plan approved prior to the effective date of this Code, provided a building permit is issued prior to expiration of the site plan, and construction begins consistent with the terms and conditions of the building permit and proceeds to completion in a timely manner.
Violations Continue
-Any violation of the previous land use or similar regulations of the City shall continue to be a violation under this Code and shall be subject to penalties and enforcement under Chapter 8, Compliance and Enforcement, unless the use, development, construction, or other activity is consistent with the express terms of this Code, in which case enforcement action shall cease, except to the extent of collecting penalties for violations that occurred prior to the effective date of this Code.
Dormant Plats.
Any minor plat, replat, amending plat, preliminary plan, or final plat approved pursuant to Subdivision Regulations in effect prior to the date of enactment of this Code that is dormant according to the provisions of Texas Local Government Code Section 245.005 shall lose its vested status five (5) years after the permit was issued and the permit shall expire. The City Staff shall review all such cases and send written notice to an applicant stating when an issued permit will expire as provided in Section 4.10 [4.13].
Legal Nonconformities Under Prior Ordinances.
Any legal nonconformity under the previous Zoning Ordinance will be a legal nonconformity under this Code as provided in Section 4.09 [4.12], as long as the situation that resulted in the nonconformity under the previous Zoning Ordinance still exists.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
The purpose of this section is to provide for annual updates to the Code in order to modify procedures and standards for workability and administrative efficiency, eliminate unnecessary development costs, and to update the procedures and standards to reflect changes in the law or state of the art tools, methods and practices in land use planning and urban design.
In the sixty (60) day period prior to September 1st of each year, any person may provide a request for a Code amendment. Said request shall be labeled an “Annual Update Request” and shall include a summary of the proposed changes, the portion of the Code to which said changes are thought to apply, the reason for the proposed changes, and suggested text amendments and be submitted by mail or in person to the attention of the City Secretary.
The City Secretary shall receive the proposed amendments within the sixty (60) days preceding September 1st and shall refer the proposed amendments to the Planning and Zoning Commission by October 1st of each year.
The City Secretary or the Planning and Zoning Commission may conduct workshops to informally discuss the Annual Update Requests with neighborhoods, developers, homebuilders, design professionals, and other stakeholders in the development process.
The Planning and Zoning Commission shall refer the Annual Update Request to the City Council with recommendations for amendments to the Code by December 1st of each year.
Annual Update Requests shall serve a legitimate purpose. The City Secretary will review each request and make a determination on whether or not a request serves a legitimate purpose. The City Attorney will review any Annual Update Request for legality under the law as it exists at the time of the request and shall assist with drafting of any revisions as requested by City Staff, Planning and Zoning Commission, or City Council. City Staff will forward the requests as described above and notify individuals whose request is denied by the City Staff. Should an individual disagree with the decision, they may petition the City Council to consider the individual’s request. The City Council will make a final determination as to whether the request should be forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Commission per the procedure described above. No Update shall be approved without following all notice and hearing requirements provided by state law or this Code.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
See Chapter 8, Compliance and Enforcement.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of plans or plats, site or facility designs, or specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of, any violation of any provision of this Code, nor shall they violate or cancel the provisions of this Code, except insofar as the work or use granted by the permit or approval it authorizes is lawful and conforms to the requirements of this Code or a variance or modification granted pursuant to this Code.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20)
Means to discontinue a use or activity for 6 months or after destruction of 50% of total appraised value, excluding temporary or short-term interruptions such as seasonal closures, or due to remodeling, maintenance, or otherwise improving a facility.
When referring to lots, parcels, or property, is next to and having some portion of a boundary that is conterminous with the parcel proposed for development. Lots or parcels that are separated only by an alley are abutting if their property lines would be shared if they extended to the centerline of the alley.
Access Point:
Means a point of vehicular entry to or exit from a property or lot. See also “Cross Access.”
Accessory Building or Structure:
A building or structure that is subordinate to the principal building, which serves [a] purpose that is customarily associated with the principal use. Examples of accessory buildings and structures include pergolas, gazebos, storage sheds, and detached residential garages. The phrase “accessory building or structure” does not include a parking structure.
Accessory Dwelling Unit:
A separate dwelling unit located in a detached accessory building or as an attached independent unit to the principal dwelling unit. An accessory dwelling unit includes independent living quarters with cooking facilities, sanitation, and sleeping spaces and is limited in size by the standards of these regulations. An accessory dwelling unit may be commonly referred to as “guest home,” “granny flat,” “garage apartment,” or “mother-in-law suite,” etc.
Attached ADU:
Means a unit that is created within an attached or a principal building such as it appears to be an integrated part of it.
One-Story Detached ADU:
Means a detached accessory building that contains an accessory dwelling unit. It may or may not also include a garage or storage area.
Second-Story Detached ADU:
Means an accessory dwelling unit which is located on the second floor of an accessory building. A typical example is a dwelling unit located above a detached garage.
Accessory Structure/Uses:
An accessory structure is a structure which is on the same parcel of property as a principal structure and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure. Accessory structures may include a detached garage, storage shed, residential garage, guest house, and other similar structures.
Accessory Use:
Means a use incidental to and customarily associated with a specific principal use located on the same lot or parcel.
Activity Center:
centers of a public, nonprofit or charitable nature providing fraternal, social, and/or recreational programs generally open to the public and generally designed to accommodate and serve the retired or elderly segment of the community. Accessory uses may include offices, meeting areas, food preparation areas, and day care uses.
Means “next to” or “closest to” but shall not necessarily mean “touching.”
Administrative Approval:
Means an application process for permit or approval whereby the decision is made by an administrative representative of the City.
Agriculture Sales:
An establishment engaged in sale from the premises of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides, and similar goods.
Agriculture Uses:
Means a category of uses that create and preserve areas intended primarily for the raising of animals and crops, and the secondary industries associated with agricultural production and ranching.
A minor public right-of-way not intended to provide the primary means of access to abutting lots, which is used primarily for vehicular service access to the back or sides of properties that derive primary access from a street. The length of an alley segment is to be measured from the right-of-way lines of the streets from which the alley is provided access, or from the center-point of an intersection with another alley which connects to a street. An alley is not the same as a street for purposes of the setback or design requirements of these regulations.
A physical change in or to a building.
Amateur Radio Antennas:
An antenna for the private use and enjoyment of an individual holding a valid amateur radio (HAM) license issued by the Federal Communications Commission and not used for any commercial or industrial use.
Amending Plat:
See “Plat, Amending Plat.”
An improvement to be dedicated to the public or to the common ownership of the lot owners of the subdivision that provides an aesthetic, recreational or other benefit, other than those prescribed by these regulations.
Animal Raising or Production:
The on-site raising and breeding of animals for the purpose of food or production of food. The phrase “animal raising or production” includes commonly used terms such as ranching, poultry farm, fish farm, beekeeping, and dairy farm.
Animal Shelter:
A public, nonprofit or not-for-profit facility at which stray, lost, homeless, abandoned, or unwanted dogs, cats, or other domesticated animals are kept for purposes of distribution to the general public.
The process by which a City, by ordinance, annexes land into the City limits pursuant to the various processes of Chapter 43, Municipal Annexations, of the Tex. Local Gov’t Code and the Home Rule Charter.
Annexation, Voluntary:
An annexation initiated by an annexation petition application by the property owner(s) or their authorized representatives.
Any apparatus designed for the transmitting and/or receiving of electromagnetic waves that includes but is not limited to telephonic, radio, or television communications. Types of antennas include, but are not limited to, omnidirectional (whip) antennas, sectorized (panel) antennas, multi or single bay (AM/FM/TV/DTV), Yagi, or parabolic (dish) antennas.
Antenna-supporting structure:
A vertical projection composed of metal or other substance with or without a foundation that is for the express purpose of accommodating antennas at a desired height above grade. Antenna-supporting structures do not include any device used to attach antennas to an existing building, unless the device extends above the highest point of the building by more than ten (10) feet.
A building or group of buildings which contain multiple dwelling units for rent to multiple families or individuals. Apartments may be leased, rented, or owned in a condominium style of ownership. Such facilities are not regulated as STRs and prohibited from receiving STR permits.
Apartment, Loft:
Multifamily residential dwelling units which are housed on the second floor and above of a building where the first floor contains a nonresidential use.
The process of reviewing a decision of an application that may be requested by a person aggrieved by such decisions.
A person or entity who submits to the city a request for a development permit or agreement or application for approval as authorized by this article and Texas Local Government Code, as may be amended. To be qualified as an applicant under this article, the person or entity must have sufficient legal authority or proprietary interests in the land to commence and maintain proceedings under this article. The term shall be restricted to include only the property owner(s), or a duly authorized agent and representative of the property owner. In other jurisdictions, the term is sometimes referred to as the “developer,” “subdivider,” “builder,” or a similar title.
A written request and submission of materials for an approval as required by these regulations.
A feature related to a parcel of land or to a building[,] structure, object, site, or a related group thereof. The term includes, but is not limited to, buildings, structures, objects, sites, landscaping features, walls, fences, light fixtures, steps, paving, sidewalks, shutters, awnings, and signs.
Architectural Control:
Regulations governing the appearance or architectural style of buildings or structures. Architectural control is a form of aesthetic zoning. (PAS Report No.322, p4)
As-Built Plans:
Plans and specifications prepared and certified by a registered land surveyor, licensed landscape architect, or licensed engineer, as appropriate to the type of plans, that clearly depict the completed improvements as they were constructed or installed on a lot. Also known as record drawing.
Asphalt or Concrete Batch Plant:
A permanent manufacturing facility engaged in the storing and mixing of raw materials to produce concrete or asphalt, including trucks that transport the product to job sites.
Athletic Facility, Indoor or Outdoor:
An area, field, building or combination thereof, which is constructed and equipped for use in participatory and/or spectator-oriented sports and athletics. This use includes, but is not limited to, facilities intended for the instruction, practice, and competitive events associated with basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, gymnastics, swimming, baseball or football. Accessory uses may include offices, snack bars, limited sales, locker rooms and incidental childcare. This term excludes racetracks for dirt bikes or motorized vehicles, amusement parks, sports arenas, and any other facility otherwise categorized as Major Event Entertainment.
Authorized Representative:
Any person showing written verification that he or she is acting for and with the knowledge and consent of a property owner.
Average Daily Trips (ADT):
The average number of vehicles or pedestrians passing a specific point in a 24-hour period, normally measured through a year. ADT is the standard measurement for vehicle traffic load on a section of road and is the basis for most decisions regarding transportation planning.
A self-propelled passenger vehicle that usually has four wheels and an internal-combustion engine, used for land transport. Also includes vehicle or motor vehicle.
Automobile Parts and Accessories Sales, Indoor:
Retail sales of automobile related parts and accessories.
Automobile Repair and Service, General:
General repair or replacement services for any vehicles, including commercial. In addition to those services provided under limited automobile repair and service, general automobile repair and services includes rebuilding, reconditioning or replacement of engines, transmissions or power trains; collision services such as body, frame, or fender replacement, straightening or repair; steam cleaning, undercoating and rust-proofing; major painting; or similar servicing, rebuilding or repairs that normally require significant disassembly or overnight on-site storage of vehicles, excluding dismantling, wrecking, or salvage. Outdoor storage of materials such as tires, auto parts, etc. is allowed.
Automobile Sales, Rental or Leasing Facility:
The sale of automobiles, noncommercial trucks, or motorcycles, including incidental storage, maintenance, and servicing. Typical uses include new and used car dealerships or motorcycle dealerships.
An architectural projection, which provides weather protection, identity, or decoration, and is wholly supported by the building to which it is attached. It is composed of a lightweight rigid or retractable skeleton structure over which a covering of fabric or other materials are attached.
Banking and Financial Service:
An establishment primarily engaged in the provision of financial and banking services. Typical uses include banks, savings and loan institutions, stock and bond brokers, loan and lending activities, and similar services. This term does not include “check cashing” or “payday loan” establishments.
Bar or Nightclub:
A commercial establishment where the primary purpose is to sell alcoholic beverages for on-premises consumption where more than 75 percent of the sales proceeds are for the sale of alcoholic beverages and may include dancing and/or musical entertainment.
Base Flood:
A flood having a one (1) percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in any given year.
Base Flood Elevation (BFE):
The elevation shown on the flood insurance rate map (FIRM) and found in the accompanying flood insurance study (FIS) for Zones A, AE, AH, A1-A30, AR, V1-V30, or VE that indicates the water surface elevation resulting from the flood that has a one (1) percent chance of equaling or exceeding that level in any given year (also called the base flood).
Bed and Breakfast:
A private residential structure(s) used for the rental of overnight accommodations and whose owner serves breakfast at no extra cost to its lodgers. In all designated zoning districts, the primary use of the property shall be residential with the Bed and Breakfast use considered an accessory use. The events associated with a Bed and Breakfast shall be subordinate to the Bed and Breakfast.
A tract or parcel of land bounded on all sides by streets or other transportation rights-of way, or by physical boundaries such as waterbodies, water courses, open spaces etc., or any or by a combination thereof. Blocks are typically divided into lots.
Block Length:
For a residential subdivision, means the distance measured along the centerline of the street from the intersection center-point of one (1) through street to the intersecting center-point of another through street. The through street referred to above shall not be a cul-de-sac, an alley, a dead-end street, or a looped street, but shall be a street which clearly has two (2) points of ingress from two (2) different directions. Also known as “street length.”
Board of Adjustment:
A citizens’ commission appointed by the city council to perform the functions established by Texas Local Government Code Chapter 211, and other duties assigned by ordinance. As the governing body of a type A general-law municipality, the city council is statutorily authorized to perform this function and serve in this capacity.
Any form of a surety bond in an amount and form satisfactory to the City.
An establishment where beer, liquor, or wine is produced on the premises and may include in-house consumption and sale. Food sales or a restaurant may also be included, as well as associated retail sales.
Physical spaces or improvements that physically and visually separate one use or property from an abutting property in order to mitigate the impacts of noise, light, or other nuisance as required by these regulations. Buffers may include but are not limited to open spaces, landscaped areas, fences, walls, berms, or any combination thereof.
Build-to Line:
The line located a distance from a right-of-way that a portion of a building must be built to.
Buildable Area:
Also known as “building envelope,” means the area of a lot or parcel that is buildable, as determined by setback requirements.
An improvement or change to the property which substantially reduces the permeability of the natural ground underneath the building or structure to absorb rainfall. A building such as a house, barn, church, hotel, or similar construction that is created to shelter any form of human activity. Building also may be used to refer to a historically and functionally related unit, such as a courthouse and jail or a house and barn. (National Register Bulletin 24, p.1)
Building Articulation:
A variation or change in the plane of a building wall. Horizontal Articulation means a variation in the height of a wall surface of a building or structure. Vertical Articulation means a variation in the depth of a wall surface.
Building Height:
The vertical distance measured from “grade” to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or the deck line or [of] a mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable on a pitched or hipped roof, or to the highest point of a structure.
Building Official:
means a representative of the City staff appointed by the City Administrator to be the administrator of these regulations.
Building Setback Line:
means the line within a property defining the minimum horizontal distance between a building or other structure and the adjacent street right-of-way line, property line, a creek, or some other specific feature. See “Setback.”
Bus Barn:
A facility where buses or other passenger transporting fleet vehicles are housed, stored, maintained or repaired. Accessory uses may include offices or maintenance, fueling, or washing facilities.
Business or Trade School:
A Facility or campus of facilities that provide educational training in business, commerce, language, or other similar activity or occupational pursuit. The term does not include educational activities associated with home enterprises, college/university, or education uses.
The diameter of a tree measured 12 inches above the ground when planted.
Land containing two or more campsites which are located, established, or maintained for occupancy by people in temporary living quarters, such as tents, recreation vehicles, or travel trailers which are used for recreation or vacation purposes. The maximum length of stay at a camping and recreational vehicle park shall be 30 days.
A roof-like structure, often attached to and supported by a building, that provides architectural detail or weather protection over a door, entrance, window, fuel pumps, or outdoor area.
Car Wash:
A facility for the washing, waxing, or cleaning of automobiles, recreational vehicles or light duty trucks where the owner of the vehicle causes the vehicle to become washed. This term includes a wash facility providing automated self-service (drive-through/rollover) wash bays and an apparatus in which the vehicle owner inserts money or tokens into a machine, drives the vehicle into the wash bay, and waits in the vehicle while it is being washed and a wash facility providing wand-type self-service (open) wash bays in which the vehicle owner drives the vehicle into the wash bay, gets out of the vehicle, and hand washes the vehicle with a wand-type apparatus by depositing coins or tokens into a machine.
A place or ground used or intended to be used for the burial or entombment of the dead, whether human or animal, including a mausoleum or columbarium.
Certificate of Appropriateness:
A document evidencing the approval of the Historical Preservation Commission, signed and dated by the Chairman of the Historical Preservation Commission, for the installation, construction, alteration, change, restoration, removal, or demolition of any Exterior Architectural Feature Resource or other significant appurtenance of any Historic Landmark or of any building or structure located within the Historic District to be issued in cases further defined in this ordinance, where approval for the same is required.
Certificate of Occupancy:
A process and permit required prior to the occupancy of a building. Certificates of Occupancy are approved administratively.
Child-Care Facility, Day Care:
Commonly referred to as “day care,” means a facility licensed, certified, or registered by the state to provide assessment, care, training, education, custody, treatment, or supervision for a child who is not related by blood, marriage, or adoption to the owner or operator of the facility, for all or part of the 24-hour day, whether or not the facility is operated for profit or charges for the services it offers.
City Council:
means the duly elected governing body of the City of Blanco, Texas.
City Engineer:
shall apply only to such licensed professional engineers, or firm of licensed professional consulting engineers, that has been specifically employed by the City to assist in engineering-related matters. This term shall also apply if the City retains a person to perform the functions of City Engineer as an official City employee.
City limits:
The incorporated municipal boundary of the city.
Code enforcement officer:
Means the person designated by the city administrator of the City of Blanco as the City of Blanco's code enforcement officer or such officer’s delegate, as approved by the city administrator.
The locating of wireless communications equipment (antenna) from more than one provider on an existing single mount or antenna-supporting structure. The term “co-location” shall not be applied to a situation where two or more wireless communications service providers independently place equipment on an existing building.
is a term that describes activities that are nonresidential in nature and generally involve the exchange of goods or services.
Commercial Feed Lot:
A lot, yard, corral, building, or other area in which livestock or other animals for food or fur are housed and confined, primarily for the purposes of feeding and growth prior to slaughter and which is specifically designed as a confinement area where the concentration of animals is such that a vegetative cover cannot be maintained within the enclosure and substantial amounts of manure or other related wastes may originate by reason of such feeding of animals. The term does not include areas which are used for raising crops or other vegetation or upon which livestock are allowed to graze.
Commercial Recreation/Entertainment:
A privately established and operated facility that provides indoor or outdoor entertainment, amusement, or recreation for a fee. The phrase “commercial recreation/entertainment” includes, but is not limited to, commonly used terms such as:
Bowling alley, an establishment providing facilities for the sport of bowling.
Movie theater, an indoor facility that provides fixed seating for customers to view motion pictures.
Performance venue, an indoor or outdoor facility that provides fixed seating for customers to view dramatic, comedic, musical, lectures or others live performances including concert halls and amphitheaters.
Dance hall, an establishment offering to the general public facilities for dancing.
Billiards or Pool hall, an establishment providing facilities for playing billiards or cue sports.
Gaming center, an establishment offering facilities for amusement game devices, such as video arcades, pinball machines, LAN gaming centers, laser tag, and similar mechanical and electronic amusement devices.
Skating rink or skate park, an establishment providing facilities for ice skating, roller skating or skate boarding.
Amusement park, an establishment providing various entertainment activities including, but not limited to, miniature golf, go-kart tracks, Ferris wheels, roller coasters, and/or rock-climbing walls.
Golf driving range, an establishment equipped with distance markers, clubs, balls, and tees for practicing long distance golf drives.
Shooting range (indoor only), an establishment that operates an indoor area for the discharge or other use of firearms for recreational shooting.
Commercial Stables:
A leasing facility intended for the sheltering and care of domestic animals such as horses and mules.
Commercial Uses:
A category of uses that includes businesses that facilitate the buying and selling of manufactured goods or provide consumer and professional sales and services.
Community Center:
A building or complex of buildings typically consisting of one or more meeting or multi-purpose rooms and kitchen and/or outdoor barbecue facilities, owned and/or operated by a governmental agency or private non-profit agency and used for and providing religious, fraternal, social, cultural, educational, athletic, recreational, or entertainment activities generally open to the public and designed to accommodate and serve significant segments of the community. Community centers may be available for use by various groups for such activities as meetings, parties, receptions, dances, etc.
Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan:
A document that integrates the various preservation activates [activities] and gives them coherence and direction, as well as relates the community’s preservation efforts to community development planning as a whole.
Comprehensive Plan:
The Comprehensive Plan of the City and adjoining areas as adopted by the City Council, including all its revisions and plan elements (including, but not limited to, the Future Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, Parks and Open Space Plan, etc.). This plan indicates the general locations recommended for various land uses, transportation routes, public and private buildings, streets, parks, water and wastewater facilities, and other public and private developments and improvements.
Concept Plan:
means a general plan for the development of property which demonstrates the nature of the parcel proposed for development to evaluate the impacts of the development on abutting uses and compliance with the City’s long-range plans.
A form of real property ownership that combines separate ownership of individual dwelling units within common ownership of other elements such as land or accessory buildings.
Construction Plans:
The maps or drawings accompanying a plat and showing the specific location and design of public improvements to be installed in the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of the City as a condition of approval of the Preliminary Plat. May also be referred to as “engineering plans.”
Two lots where at least one boundary line or point of one (1) lot touches a boundary line, or lines, or point of another lot.
A request to delay or “table” a decision on a completed application.
Contractor Services:
An establishment primarily engaged in construction or related activities off-premises. This use includes offices associated with the business and the maintenance and indoor or outdoor storage of supplies, equipment, machinery, and vehicles.
Correctional Facility:
A facility providing judicially required detention or incarceration of individuals convicted of crimes where these individuals are housed until such time as they have completed their sentences. Such facilities include minimum- and maximum-security prisons for adults as well as juvenile detention centers for minors.
Crop Production and Sales:
The cultivation, harvesting, production, and sales of produce such as vegetables, fruits, trees, and grain or similar crops and the cultivation of plants and trees for commercial distribution.
Cross Access:
An access point between abutting lots. Also known as inter-parcel cross access.
A street having only one (1) outlet to another street and terminated on the opposite end by a vehicular turnaround or “bulb.” The length of a cul-de-sac is to be measured from the intersection center-point of the adjoining through street to the midpoint of the cul-de-sac bulb.
Data Center:
A facility housing a collection of computer servers and associated components, such as telecommunication, storage and backup systems, that supply information to single or multiple end users off-site. Data Centers will typically require large amounts of electricity, strict temperature control and high security and will generally have few employees on-site at any given time. May also be referred to as a server farm.
Day Care, Commercial:
A day care facility that provides less than 24-hour care and supervision for 12 or more individuals at any one time, including those under the supervision or custody of the day care provider and those under the supervision or custody of employees. This term shall include commercial daycare for children, adults or handicapped persons. This use is subject to registration with the Texas Department of Protective and Regulatory Services.
Dead-End Street:
A street, other than a cul-de-sac, with only one (1) outlet.
The commitment of property interest from a private entity to a public entity for a public purpose.
An act or process which destroys a site or structure in its entirety, or which destroys a part of a site or structure and permanently impairs its structural, historic or architectural integrity.
Design Review:
The decision-making process conducted by an established review committee of a local government that is guided by the terms set in the historic preservation ordinance.
Design Review Guidelines:
These are a set of guidelines adopted by the commission that details acceptable alterations of designated properties. They are usually generously illustrated and written in a manner that would be understood by most property owners.
Developed Area:
The portion of a lot or parcel upon which a building, structure, pavement, or other improvements have been placed.
A person seeking to construct buildings or structures, or otherwise improve a parcel proposed for development as defined in these regulations.
Any manmade change to improved and unimproved real estate, including but not limited to buildings or other structures (including, but not limited to, parking, fencing, pools, and signs), land disturbing activity (including mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving, excavation or drilling operations), or storage of equipment or materials.
A district possesses a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, structures, or objects united historically or aesthetically by plan or physical development. (National Register Bulletin 24, p.1)
Dormant Projects:
Shall have the same meaning as set forth in Texas Local Government Code section 245.005, as that section may be amended, revised or re-codifies, and in that context, a dormant project is considered to be expired for the purposes of Texas Local Government Code chapter 245 vested rights.
A commercial facility where transactions of services, goods, food, or beverages are conducted from a vehicle either parked or in a drive-through lane. May also be referred to as “drive-in” or “drive-up.”
A surfaced area providing vehicular access from a public street and within a property.
Due Process (of law):
A requirement that legal proceedings be carried out in accordance with established rules and principles. (PAS, Report No. 322, p14)
A residential structure containing two attached dwelling units which share common walls and are designed exclusively for the use and occupancy of two families living independently of each other. The land underneath the structure is not divided into separate lots.
Duplex, Residential:
The use of a site for two dwelling units, within a single building, other than a manufactured home. These facilities are not regulated as STRs and prohibited from receiving STR permits unless they are owner-occupied.
Dwelling Unit:
Any permanent structure or part thereof designed and used for habitation by one or more individuals.
An area for restricted use on private property upon which the City or a public utility shall have the right to remove and keep removed all or part of any buildings, fences, trees, shrubs and other improvements or growths which in any way endanger or interfere with the construction, maintenance or efficiency of its respective systems within said easements. The City and public utilities shall, at all times, have the right of ingress and egress to and from and upon easements for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, patrolling, maintaining and adding to or removing all or part of their respective systems without the necessity at any time of procuring the permission of anyone.
Effective Date:
The date that these regulations became effective and when individual Articles, Divisions, or Sections were amended.
Emergency Services Station:
Facilities for the conduct of public safety and emergency services, including police and fire protection services and emergency medical and ambulance services.
Generally, building or structure or portion thereof that crosses a lot line, building line, or setback line into a setback area, right-of-way, abutting property under separate ownership, or any other area which does not allow for the building or structure.
A person duly authorized and licensed under the provisions of the Texas Engineering Practice Act to practice the profession of engineering.
Equipment Sales and Repair, Heavy:
A facility providing retail sales, leasing, and repair of heavy or commercial vehicles or equipment such as those used in construction, farming, or manufacturing.
A deposit of cash with the City in accordance with these regulations.
Extraterritorial Jurisdiction:
The area of land adjacent to the City Limits which through the authorities provided by state law allows the City to extend some regulatory provisions into the unincorporated area as a means to protect the general health, safety, and welfare of persons residing in and adjacent to the City, and to provide the City with some control over its growth area. Sometimes referred to as “ETJ.”
Event Facility:
A building, structure, or site available for rental by the public for the primary intended purpose of hosting parties, wedding receptions, banquets, corporate meetings or similar group events. Event Facility does not include an event room available for rental in a structure housing another primary use where the event room rental is an accessory use to the primary use (i.e., General Restaurant) or a Community Center as it is defined in this Code.
A request to extend an application for permit or approval that is subject to expire.
Exterior Architectural Feature:
The architectural style, design, general arrangement and components of all of the outer surfaces of a building or structure, as distinguished from the interior surfaces enclosed by such outer surfaces. Exterior Architectural Features shall include, by way of example but not limitation, the kind, color, texture of the building material and the type and/or style of all windows, doors, lights, signs and other fixtures appurtenant to such building or structure.
Any face of a building, including front, side, or rear faces.
Farm Stand:
An accessory building or structure erected for the seasonal display and retail sale of fresh fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs or plants produced on the property or neighboring property where the stand is erected. No commercially packed handicrafts or commercially processed or packaged foodstuffs shall be sold at a farm stand.
Farmer’s Market:
A permanent indoor or outdoor market where individual vendors offer produce and related items for retail sale directly to the consumer. The products are typically locally and regionally grown and may include items such as fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, edible seeds, nuts, live plants, flowers, and processed food products such as jams, honey, pickled foods, and sauces. Baked goods, handmade crafts, art, clothing, jewelry, and produce items not native to this region may also be sold but may not constitute a majority of total sales. Sale of new and used household goods, personal effects, tools, small household appliances, and similar merchandise are not included in this definition.
Fall Zone:
The area around a wireless transmission facility or communication facility that has the potential for being damaged in the event that such facility should fall or collapse, including the scattering of equipment debris.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency of the U.S. government.
To deposit or stockpile dirt, stone, construction debris or other material in order to modify land or alter current drainage patterns.
Final Plat:
See “Plat, Final Plat.”
Fitness Center:
An establishment providing exercise equipment, facilities and instruction designed to maintain or improve the physical fitness of participants. Facilities may include childcare centers, swimming pools, sports courts and similar amenities and may also include incidental food sales, retail sales, and personal care services. May also be referred to as a gym or a health club.
Floodplain Administrator:
A representative of the City staff appointed by the City Administrator to administer and implement all floodplain management provisions of these regulations and other appropriate sections of 44 CFR (Emergency Management and Assistance-National Flood Insurance Program Regulations) pertaining to floodplain management. See also Section 11.1.12, Floodplain Administrator, Section 11.3.8, Floodplain Development Variance, and Section 11.5.2, Floodplain Development Permit. [sic]
Floodplain Development Permit:
An administrative process and permit required for development that encroaches in the floodplain.
Food and Drink Establishment:
A place where food and beverages are prepared and served to patrons for consumption on-site or off-site and may include live indoor or outdoor entertainment subject to the development standards set out in these regulations. Typical uses include restaurants, both full service and fast food, coffee shops, dinner houses, and similar establishments.
The portion of a lot, parcel, or tract that abuts a street right-of-way.
Fuel Sales:
The on-site retail sales of motor vehicle fuel, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and alternative fuels.
Funeral Home:
An establishment engaged in undertaking services such as preparing the human dead for burial and arranging and managing funerals. Typical uses also include mortuaries.
The building or structure or part thereof designed, used, or intended for the parking and storage of automobiles.
Golf Course, Country Club:
A tract of land laid out with at least nine holes for playing a game of golf and improved with tees, greens, fairways, and hazards. A golf course may include a clubhouse, a driving range, putting greens, and shelters as accessory uses. This term excludes standalone driving ranges or miniature golf facilities.
Governing Body:
The City Council of the City of Blanco.
Federal, state, county or City governing entities. The term “government” could mean an individual entity or a grouping of entities.
Government or Postal Office:
Federal, State, County, or City offices containing administrative, clerical, or public contact services and may include incidental storage and maintenance of necessary vehicles.
The highest pre-development elevation of the surface of the ground within each proposed or existing building footprint on a lot. Each building shall have separate and individual grade applicable to each building. If permitted site development grading is (was) done in conjunction with subdivision of five acres or more, then the resulting finished ground surface shall be allotted as the surface of the ground for grade determination.
Greenhouse, Wholesale:
A large-scale commercial greenhouse used to grow flowers, shrubs, trees, or other plants for the wholesale trade to restaurants, farmer’s markets, grocery stores. and other off-site markets. The business may have incidental retail sales in conjunction with the wholesale sales.
Group Home:
A facility or home licensed by the State to provide shared residential living arrangements for the 24-hour protective care of the mentally and/or physically impaired, developmentally disabled, or victims of abuse or neglect. This term includes foster homes, congregate living facilities for persons 62 years of age or older, and maternity homes. This term does not include post-incarceration facilities or facilities for those who are a danger to themselves or others.
The overnight occupants, who are eighteen (18) years or older, renting temporary transient lodging for a specified period and the daytime visitors of the overnight occupants.
Historic District:
An area of the City designated by the City Council under Section 6 [Chapter 2] of this ordinance, as having definable geographic boundaries, a significant concentration, linkage, or continuity of sites, buildings, or structures united historically or aesthetically by plan, appearance, or physical development[;] historic buildings, structures, accessory buildings, fences, or other appurtenances of the district are of basic and vital importance for the preservation of culture and neighborhoods and economic development and promotion of tourism.
Historic Landmark:
An individual property designated by the City Council under Section 5 [Chapter 2] of this ordinance, as having outstanding historical and cultural significance in the nation, region, or community. The designation “Historic Landmark” recognizes that the historic place, or the building(s), structures(s), accessory building(s), fences, or other appurtenances at the site are of basic and vital importance for the preservation of culture and neighborhoods and economic development and promotion of tourism.
Historic resource survey (Blanco):
A comprehensive architectural survey of all properties with [within] the City’s Historic District and adjoining area. Future amendments to the same shall be automatically included herein.
Home Health Care Services:
A facility primarily engaged in providing skilled nursing services in the home along with a range of additional services to help patients live independently by taking care of activities that are essential to daily living. In addition to traditional nursing (such as changing wound dressings, checking vital signs, and providing tube feedings), these care-giving services may include personal care (such as bathing, dressing, eating, and walking), homemaker and companion services (such as shopping and paying bills), physical therapy, medical social services, medications, medical equipment and supplies, 24-hour home care, counseling, dietary and nutritional services, speech therapy and audiology.
The growing of fruits, vegetables, or ornamental plants such as flowers, shrubs, or trees. This use excludes on-site retail sales.
Hospice Facility:
A facility licensed through the State of Texas to provide 24-hour palliative care to terminally ill persons.
An institution providing primary health services and medical or surgical care, primarily on an in-patient basis, to persons suffering from illness, disease, injury, and/or other abnormal physical conditions. Services may include out-patient and emergency treatment, diagnostic services, laboratories, rehabilitation services, training or teaching facilities, medical offices, hospital administration, meeting areas, maintenance facilities, staff dormitories, and supportive services for patients, employees, and visitors such as cafeterias and ancillary retail sales.
A building(s) providing transient overnight lodging including four or more guest rooms to the general public for an established rate or fee.
HUD-code manufactured home (also known as a manufactured home):
See manufactured home.
Impervious Cover:
Any material that prevents absorption of stormwater into the ground.
Any constructed physical feature which is not a natural feature such as but not limited to, a structure, building, fence, gate, landscaping, tree, wall, parking area, etc.
Industrialized Housing or modular housing:
A residential building that:
Includes the structure’s plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems and is:
Designed for the occupancy of one or more families;
Constructed in one or more modules or constructed using one or more modular components built at a location other than the permanent site; and
Designed to be used as a permanent residential structure when the module or the modular component is transported to the permanent site and erected or installed on a permanent foundation system.
Industrial housing does not include:
A residential structure that exceeds three stories or 49 feet in height;
Housing constructed of a sectional or panelized system that does not use a modular component; or
A ready-built home constructed in a manner in which the entire living area is contained in a single unit or section at a temporary location for the purpose of selling and moving the home to another location. See Tex. Occ. Code [Chapter] 1202, Industrialized Housing and Buildings.
Industrial Uses:
A category of uses that range from light manufacturing and assembly, equipment servicing, storage/freight management to waste related services.
Any street, alley, roadway, sidewalk, storm drainage, water and wastewater facilities, utilities, lighting[,] transportation, or any other facility or portion thereof as required by the City.
Irrigation Plan:
A plan that graphically depicts a proposed mechanical water system that illustrates the method and means of conveying appropriate water levels to the selected landscape plantings.
The authenticity of a property’s historic identity, evidenced by survival of physical characteristics that existed during the property’s historic or prehistoric period.
A list of historic properties that have been identified and evaluated as meeting specified criteria of significance.
A commercial establishment in which two or more dogs, cats, or other domesticated (pet) animals not owned by the owner or occupant of the premises are temporarily housed for boarding, training or breeding purposes. Typical uses include boarding kennels, pet motels, and dog training centers.
This refers to any individual building, structure, or object that is significant for historical, architectural, or archeological reasons.
Landscape Plan:
A graphic and written representation of criteria, specifications, and detailed plans to arrange and modify the effects of natural features such as plantings (existing and new), ground and water forms, circulation, walks, irrigation, landscape lighting, erosion control, on-site drainage, and other features.
An area devoted to or developed predominately with plant material or natural landscape features, including lawn, ground cover, gardens, trees, shrubs and other plant materials; and also including accessory decorative outdoor landscape elements such as pools, fountains, water features, paved or decorated surfaces or rock, stone, brick, block, or similar material (excluding driveways, parking, loading, or storage areas), and sculptural elements, provided that the use of brick, stone, aggregate, or other inorganic materials shall not predominate over the use of plant material.
Landscaped Area:
means any area of ground that can support vegetative groundcover and other landscaping plant materials that has been set aside for the preservation or installation and maintenance of plant materials. Sidewalks and other impervious surfaces are not considered landscaped areas. For the purposes of these regulations, the landscaped edge and landscaped areas within parking lots are contained within this definition.
Landscape Supply, Sales/Garden Center:
An establishment primarily engaged in the retail sale of trees, shrubs, seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, plants, pots, and other indoor or outdoor planting or gardening materials to the general public. Such establishments typically sell products purchased from others but may sell some material which they grow themselves. Typical uses include plant nurseries, greenhouses, plant stores, and lawn and garden centers. Landscaping means the improvement of a section of ground by contouring the land and planting live shrubs, trees, groundcover, and/or flowers.
Lateral Lines:
means those electric or telephone lines used to distribute services from a feeder line to a single subdivision. These electric lines are normally connected to a feeder line through a sectionalizing device such as a fuse.
Legal Nonconformity:
means any structure, lot, site, sign, or use that does not meet the requirements of the current regulations or amendment hereto but was legally established on the effective date of these regulations or any effective date of any amendment hereto and has been in regular and continuous use.
A facility where patrons wash and/or dry clothing, linens, and other fabric items in machines operated by the patron.
Library or Museum:
A public facility or other place containing books for reading, study, and research.
Live Music or Entertainment:
A designated area suitable for the conduction of a live concert of vocal or musical instrument performance, which can often be heard beyond the property line of the premises.
Local Contact Person:
The Owner, Operator, or person designated by the Owner or the Operator, who shall be available 24 hours per day for the purpose of responding to concerns or requests for assistance related to the Owner's Short-term Rental.
A divided or undivided tract or parcel of land having frontage on a public street, and which is, or which may in the future be, offered for sale, conveyance, transfer, or improvement; which is designated as a distinct and separate tract; and which is identified by a tract or lot number or symbol in a duly approved subdivision plat which has been properly filed of record at the County.
Lot Area:
The area of a lot contained within its boundaries, exclusive of any portion within a public or private street or street right-of-way.
Lot Corner
means a lot located at the junction of two or more streets.
Lot Coverage:
means the ratio of gross floor area of all buildings, structures, and all areas associated with driveways and parking lots on a lot to the total lot area, expressed as a percentage.
Lot Depth:
means the distance between the front lot line and rear lot line, measured at the mid-points of the front and rear lines.
Lot Frontage:
means the distance between the side lot lines, measured at the point where the side lot lines intersect the street right-of-way. All sides of a lot that abuts a street shall be considered frontage.
Lot, Interior
means a lot other than a corner lot.
Lot Line:
means a line or series of lines bounding a lot as defined herein.
Lot Line, Front:
means a lot line abutting a public or private street, or access easement. On a corner lot, the shorter lot line abutting public or private street or access easement shall be considered the front lot line. On a through lot, the lot line abutting the public or private street providing the primary access to the lot shall be considered the front lot line. On a flag lot, subdivision plat or parcel map shall designate an interior lot line as a front lot line or left to the discretion of City Staff or their designee.
Lot Line, Rear:
means a lot line defined as other than a front or side lot line. In the case of an irregularly shaped lot or a lot bounded by only three (3) lot lines, a line within the lot having a length of ten (10) feet, parallel to and most distant from the front lot line, shall be interpreted as the rear lot line for the purpose of determining required yards, setbacks, and other provisions of these regulations.
Lot Line, Side:
means any lot line that is not a front lot line or a rear lot line.
Lot Line, Street:
means any lot line abutting an existing or dedicated street right-of-way.
Lot of Record:
means a lot that is part of a subdivision, the plat of which has been recorded in the office of the Blanco County Clerk, or a parcel of land the deed (including metes and bounds description) for which was recorded in the office of the Blanco County Clerk.
Lot Width:
The distance between the side lot lines, measured at the front setback line.
Lumber Yard:
An area and structures used for the storage, distribution, and sale of finished or rough-cut lumber and lumber products.
Major Event Entertainment:
A public or privately-owned structure or area with a capacity of greater than one thousand (1,000) persons for the purposes of public performances, sporting events, or similar attractions that may generate heavy traffic. Major event entertainment facilities include concert halls, stadiums, sports arenas, commercial water parks, racetracks, rodeo arenas, zoos, coliseums, amusement parks, and convention centers. Accessory uses may include food preparation facilities, concessions, offices, museums, parks, athletic training or practice facilities, stores, restaurants, heliports, structured parking facilities, and patron transportation facilities.
Manufactured Home:
Manufactured Home, also known as a “HUD-code manufactured home” means: 1. A structure that is:
Constructed on or after June 15, 1976, according to the rules of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development;
Built on a permanent chassis;
Designed for use as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when the structure is connected to the required utilities;
Transportable in one or more sections; and
In the traveling mode, at least eight body feet (8) in width or at least forty body feet (40') in length or, when erected on site, at least three hundred and twenty (320) square feet; includes the plumbing, heating, air conditioning, and electrical systems of the home; does not include a recreational vehicle as defined by Chapter 24 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Section 3282.8(g). See Tex. Occ. Code [Chapter] 1201, Manufactured Housing.
Manufactured housing community:
A subdivision, lot, or parcel of land containing spaces with improvements and utilities that are sold or leased for short- or long-term occupancy and placement of HUD-code manufactured homes, and that includes services and facilities for the residents.
Manufactured Housing Park:
A parcel of land under single entity ownership which has been planned and improved for the placement of two or more manufactured homes and their accessory uses.
Manufactured Housing Sales:
An establishment engaged in the sales or leasing of new or used manufactured housing.
Manufacturing, Processing and Assembly:
The general mass producing, processing, or manufacturing of goods, materials, or products, predominately from extracted or raw materials, using mechanical power and machinery, and usually for sale to wholesalers or other industrial or manufacturing uses. This use includes procedures such as milling of grain; manufacturing, processing or assembly of wood products including cabinet and furniture production; processing of animals and animal products including slaughtering, meat packing and hide tanning; production of animal food; production of large durable goods such as motorcycles, cars, manufactured homes, or airplanes; canning or bottling of food or beverage for human consumption including brewery and distillery plants; manufacturing of paint, oils, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, solvents, and other chemical products; production or fabrication of metals or metal products including enameling, plating, galvanizing, and use of a foundry, welding or machining; processing of recyclable materials, production of chemical, rubber, leather, clay, bone, plastic, stone, or glass materials; clothing or textile manufacturing; tire recapping or retreading; and the production of items by means of the chemical processing of materials.
Master Planned Community:
A land development process permitted by these regulations which promotes the mixture of multiple housing types with neighborhood oriented nonresidential uses.
Meat Market:
An establishment that offers to the general public the sale of meat, poultry, or fish and the service of processing and packaging such meats, provided the facility complies with all state, federal, and local health regulations. All processing is conducted indoors with no emission of noxious odors or noise. This definition does not include the slaughtering or boarding of live animals.
Mechanical Equipment:
All equipment or devices installed for a primary or accessory use or structure, including, but not limited to, heating and air conditioning equipment, antennas, utility huts, power generating devices, condensers, air ducts, meters, etc., that are located on the site or attached to the exterior (walls or roof) of the building.
Minor Plat:
See “Plat, Minor Plat”
Mixed Use:
The horizontal or vertical mix of residential and nonresidential uses or a mix of nonresidential uses located on the same property.
Mobile home:
A prefabricated housing unit built prior to July 15, 1976, that is primarily constructed at an assembly facility and transported to its location for permanent installation. The housing code enacted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development in 1976 renamed mobile homes to manufactured homes. See also “Manufactured Home”
Model Homes/Model Apartments and Sales:
Permanent structures built initially for the intent to showcase exterior and interior features of new homes or apartment structures for sale or lease. Models are designed and built for the eventual conversion to a residential dwelling unit and are located within the subdivision or construction area of the products for sale or lease.
Modular Home:
See “Industrialized Housing.”
A freestanding pole that requires no additional structural support from guyed wires or other appurtenance that may exist between the ground surface and the pole for structural support.
A building, or group or cluster of buildings, containing three (3) or more transient guest rooms or separate dwelling units or small structures, where access to individual units is made directly from exterior walkways or courts and which are used, rented, or hired for lodging or sleeping purposes by transient guests. The term motel may also sometimes refer to a tourist court, auto court or motor lodge. These facilities are not regulated as STRs and prohibited from receiving STR permits.
A building(s) that contains three or more dwelling units that are accessed by from [sic] interior hallways or from individual exterior entrances (e.g., an apartment complex), including apartments, triplexes, and fourplexes intended for rental, lease, or condominium ownership. The term multifamily does not include bed and breakfast lodging, manufactured housing, single-family detached or attached residential uses, or hotels/lodging.
Multi-Lot Unified Development:
A development that is designed and approved as a cohesive, planned project located on multiple abutting properties established under a single development application such as a Site Development Plan or subdivision plat.
Multiple Family Residential:
The use of a site for three or more dwelling units, within one or more buildings, including apartments, triplexes, and fourplexes intended for rental, lease, or condominium ownership. The term multiple family does not include bed and breakfast lodging, manufactured housing, single-family detached or attached residential uses. These facilities are prohibited from obtaining STR permits.
Natural Area:
An area of naturally grown landscape that is left primarily undisturbed, except for the removal of poison ivy, invasive species, diseased or dead trees, and similar vegetation, and allowing for maintenance of the trees to encourage vigorous growth.
Any structure, lot, site, sign, or use that does not meet the requirements of these regulations or other local, state, or federal ordinances or technical manuals. In order to be considered a legally nonconforming status, the nonconforming structure, lot, site, sign, or use must have been legally established on the effective date of these regulations or any effective date of any amendment hereto and has been in regular and continuous use. See also “Legal Nonconformity.”
Nonconforming Use:
A use that is not permitted within the zoning district of the subject property upon which the use is located, including a use that contains restrictions or requires a Special Use Permit, but lacks such permit or is operating outside the restrictions of such use.
Nonconforming Structure:
Any structure that does not meet the requirements of these regulations, such as building placement, setback requirements, height limitations, material requirements or articulation, or does not meet any other local ordinances or technical manuals. The term structure applies to anything constructed or erected on the ground or which is attached to something located on the ground, except signs. This includes, but is not limited to, buildings, telecommunications towers, utility improvements, and sheds, and is applicable to all structures regardless of whether they are deemed principal or accessory.
Nonconforming Lot:
A lot of record that does not meet the minimum area or dimensional requirements of the zoning district in which the lot is located.
Nonconforming Site:
A property with existing site improvements that do not conform to one or more of the regulations of these regulations applicable to the property. Site improvements may include, but not limited to, parking areas, storm drainage facilities, sidewalks, landscaping, screening, and buffers.
Any use, building, or structure (or portion of a building or structure) occupied or intended to be occupied, in whole or in part, for a use other than a residential dwelling unit.
Nursing Home:
A facility housing and providing care for persons who are aged, chronically ill, or incurable who are unable to care for themselves, but who do not need medical, surgical or other specialized treatment normally provided by a hospital. Services typically include custodial or attendant care and meals but may or may not provide for routine and regular medical and nursing services. Nursing home includes homes for the aged, convalescent, and rest homes, but does not include assisted living or senior apartments or hospitals or similar medical facilities.
Office, General:
The provision of executive, management or administrative services; including real estate, insurance, property management, investment, personnel, travel, secretarial services, telephone answering, and business offices. This term excludes medical offices and the sale or storage of merchandise on the premises.
Medical or Dental Office:
A facility housing the offices of no more than three medical practitioners, including physicians, dentists, optometrists, chiropractors, podiatrists, psychologists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, physical therapists, respiratory therapists, or similar practitioners of medical and healing arts for humans, licensed for such practice by the state, who provide examination, diagnosis, consultation, treatment, therapy, or other preventative or correctional services on an outpatient basis. Facilities may include patient waiting rooms, treatment areas, and laboratory space. Overnight stays of patients at such facilities shall not be allowed.
Office Warehouse:
A business office with an associated small-scale warehouse located at the rear of the space for the purposes of storing materials needed to supply service off-site. This use can accommodate trades such as plumbers or electricians, as long as there is no processing, manufacturing, fabrication, or outside storage of materials on site.
Official Zoning Map:
The map showing the location and boundaries of the zoning districts established by these regulations.
Off-Street Parking:
An area reserved exclusively for the parking of motor vehicles that is located outside of the public right-of-way.
Open Space:
The areas of a lot or parcel proposed for development that are set aside to be used for the common use or enjoyment of the residents, patrons, or users of the development.
The Owner or the Owner's authorized representative who is responsible for advertising and/or operating a Short-term Rental.
Outdoor Display:
The display of merchandise, goods, or materials that are actively for sale.
Outdoor Storage:
The storage of merchandise, goods, or materials that are not actively for sale.
Ordinary Maintenance:
This generally refers to activities relating to a property that would be considered ordinary or common for maintaining the property, such as the replacement of a porch floor with identical or in-kind materials. It also may include other activates [activities] such as painting.
Ordinary Repairs and Maintenance:
Work done to prevent deterioration of a resource or any part thereof by returning the resource as nearly as practical to its condition prior to such deterioration, decay, or damage and by using where possible like materials.
Overlength Street or Alley:
A street segment, or a cul-de-sac or alley segment, which exceeds the maximum length allowed by these regulations, as measured along the centerline of the street from the intersection center-point of one through street, which shall not be a cul-de-sac or dead-end or looped street, to the intersecting center-point of another through street or, in the case of a cul-de-sac, to the midpoint of the cul-de-sac. For an alley segment, the measurement shall be to the right-of-way lines of the streets from which the alley is provided access, including any alley turnouts, or from the center-point of an intersection with another alley which connects to a street.
The person or entity that holds legal or equitable title to a property.
A legally described area of land.
Parking Lot, Offsite:
An off-street facility for the parking of automobiles on a temporary basis that may be operated as a business enterprise by charging the public a fee and is not reserved or required to accommodate occupants, clients, customers, or employees of an establishment or premises.
Passive Outdoor Recreation:
Open space areas or parks with limited manipulation of the natural landscape that provide opportunities for passive enjoyment of the natural environment, which may include walking/jogging trails, picnic areas, benches, playgrounds, and similar features generating limited traffic demand and lighting.
Pavement Width:
The portion of a street that is available for vehicular traffic. Where curbs are used, it is the portion from the back of one curb to the back of the opposite curb.
Pawn Shop:
An establishment that is engaged in the business of: lending money on the security of pledged goods or purchasing goods on the condition that they may be repurchased by the seller at a fixed price within a fixed period of time. See Texas Finance Code Section 371.003
Permanent Mobile or Outdoor Food Vendor:
A vehicle-mounted food service establishment that is designed to be readily movable, including push carts, mobile kitchens, hot dog carts, pretzel wagons, concession trailer, etc. Foods are limited to prepackaged or commissary prepared food unless the unit is equipped and approved by the Blanco County Environmental Services to handle food preparation. Any unit that requires direct hand contact with the food shall have a hand-washing sink.
A license, certificate, approval, registration, consent, permit, contract, or other agreement for construction related to, or provision of, service from a water or wastewater utility owned, operated, or controlled by a regulatory agency, or other form of authorization required by law, rule, regulation, order, or ordinance that a person must obtain to perform an action or initiate, continue, or complete a project for which the permit is sought. Shall have the same meaning as set forth in Texas Local Government Code section 245.002, as that section may be amended, revised, or re-codified.
Permit Application or Application:
Shall mean the method prescribed in the City of Blanco’s Code of Ordinances for an applicant to seek a permit that the City is authorized to issue.
Permitted Use:
A use that is allowed in a specific zoning district.
Any individual, association, firm, corporation, governmental agency, political subdivision, or legal entity of any kind.
Planning and Zoning Commission:
The Planning and Zoning Commission of the City of Blanco, Texas. May be referred to as “P&Z” or “Commission.”
Personal Services:
An establishment providing frequently or recurrently needed non-medical services of a personal nature to individuals as a primary use. This term includes barber and beauty shops, tanning salons, nail salons, day spas (including incidental massage), weight reduction centers, seamstresses, tailors, shoe repair shops, photography studios, pet grooming (no overnight stay), and services of an informational or instructional nature including driving schools, dance studios, and handicraft or hobby instruction. These uses may also include accessory retail sales of products related to the services provided.
Place of Worship:
A group of uses providing facilities for religious assembly.
Planned Development District:
A zoning district which may be created anywhere in the city for the purpose of permitting property to be developed with a) one or more uses not otherwise permitted or conditional in the zoning district in which the property is located, subject to certain development regulations and one or more development site plans; b) subject to development regulations not otherwise permitted in the zoning district in which the property is located; and c) to provide flexibility for complex projects utilizing creative land use and preservation techniques.
A document, prepared by a registered land surveyor or professional engineer, that depicts the subdivision of land into lots and blocks (and sometimes the combination of land) for the purpose of identifying property. All plats submitted for review and approval must include a current deed to include: ownership, liens, restrictions, easements, and effective date. For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions are included:
Amending Plat: A subdivision plat which includes a plat revision to correct errors or make minor changes to a recorded plat.
Final Plat: The official and authentic map of any given subdivision of land prepared from actual field measurement and staking of all identifiable points by a surveyor or engineer, with the subdivision location referenced to a survey corner, and with all boundaries, corners and curves of the land division sufficiently described so that they can be reproduced without additional references. The Final Plat of any lot, tract or parcel of land shall be recorded in the land records of Blanco County, Texas.
Minor Plat: A subdivision resulting in four or fewer lots, provided that the plat does not require the creation of new streets or the extension of any municipal facilities to serve any lot within the subdivision. Any property to be subdivided using a Minor Plat shall already be served or be able to be served by all required City utilities and services, and all lots will have access from a public street that has already been improved to City standards. Also known as Minor Subdivision.
Major Plat: All plats not classified as Minor Plats, including, but not limited to, subdivisions of more than four lots, or any plat that requires the construction of a new street (or portion thereof) or the extension of a municipal facility as required by these regulations or any other City ordinance.
Preliminary Plat: A subdivision plat which is the graphic expression of the proposed overall plan for subdividing, improving and developing a parcel proposed for development, showing the proposed street and lot layout, easements, dedications and other pertinent features, with such notations as are sufficient to substantially identify the general scope and detail of the parcel proposed for development.
Replat: means a subdivision plat which involves the re-subdivision of any part or all of a block or blocks of a previously platted subdivision, addition, lot or tract.
Plat Vacation: An instrument declaring that a plat and its dedication be vacated or cancelled and that the land be converted to acreage. An applicant of a Plat Vacation may remove, in whole or partially, subdivisions, dedicated easements, notes, covenants, or restrictions from a plat.
Preliminary Plat: See “Plat, Preliminary Plat”
The actor [act] or process of applying measures to sustain the existing form, integrity, and material of a building or structure, and the existing form and vegetative cover of a site. It may include initial stabilization work, where necessary, as well as ongoing maintenance of the historic building materials.
The basic, fundamental, or most important use, activity, or development of a building or site. For the purposes of these regulations, “primary” is equal to, identical to, and often used interchangeably with “principal.”
Printing, mailing, and reproduction services:
A commercial establishment open to the general public that is primarily involved in the electronic duplication of graphic and printed materials for personal or business use, and which also provides other products and services including, but not limited to, photocopying, electrostatic printing, laser printing, blueprint[s], word processing services, computer generated graphics, computer aided design services and video imaging, and reproduction services. Off-set printing or similar printing processes shall not be permitted. These facilities may also be referred to as copy shops.
Principal Building:
A building in which a principal use of the parcel or property is conducted.
Principal Structure:
A structure in which a principal use of the parcel or property can be associated.
Principal Use:
The use which is conducted as the primary activity on the parcel of property.
Private Street:
A private vehicular access way, including an alley, that is shared by and that serves two (2) or more lots, which is not dedicated to the public, and which is not publicly maintained.
Prohibited Use:
A use that is not allowed in the specified zoning district and in some cases the entire City.
means an endeavor over which a regulatory agency exerts its jurisdiction and for which one or more permits are required to initiate, continue, or complete the endeavor. Shall have the same meaning as in Texas Local Government Code section 245.001 as that section may be amended, revised, or re-codified.
Project Progress:
“Progress towards completion of a project” shall have the same meaning as set forth in Texas Local Government Code section 245.005(c), as that section may be amended, revised, or recodified.
Property Line:
See “Lot Line.”
Property Owner:
means any person or firm, association, syndicate, general or limited partnership, corporation, trust or other legal entity, or any agent thereof, that has sufficient proprietary interest in the land subject to these regulations. In any event, the term “property owner” shall be restricted to include only the owner(s) or authorized agent(s) of such owner(s), such as a developer. Can also be known as “Applicant,” “Subdivider,” or “Developer.”
Public Improvement:
Any improvement, facility, or service together with its associated public site, right-of-way, or easement necessary to provide transportation, drainage, public or private utilities, parks, energy, or similar essential public services and facilities, for which a governmental entity may ultimately assume ownership and the responsibility for operation and maintenance.
Public Service and Emergency Systems:
Communication systems that are legally required by any governmental agency having jurisdiction.
A parcel developed with four dwelling units in a single structure. Quadplexes are designed exclusively for the use and occupancy of four families living independently of each other. The land underneath the structure is not divided into separate lots.
Recreational Vehicle:
Any motor home, mobile trailer, camper, recreational unit or any similar vehicle principally designated for temporary habitation, regardless of size, that does not qualify as a HUD-code manufactured home.
Recreational Vehicle Sales, Rental or Service:
An establishment engaged in the sales or leasing of new or used recreational vehicles.
Recreational Vehicle Park (RV Park):
A property or parcel of land developed for the use of short- or long-term occupancy of two or more recreational vehicles in designated spaces.
Recycling Collection Center:
A facility engaged in the collection, sorting, bundling, temporary storage, and/or transfer of recyclable materials. For purposes of this Code, recyclable materials include glass, paper, plastic, aluminum, clothing, or other source-separated, non-putrescible materials and do not include motor oil, chemicals, household appliances, tires, automobiles, or automobile parts. This use generally does not include incidental collection boxes or containers located at establishments with an unrelated primary use.
The act or process of returning a property to a state of utility through repair or alteration which makes possible an efficient contemporary use while preserving those portions or features of the property which are significant to its historical, architectural, and cultural values.
To construct an addition or alter the design or layout of a building or make substantial repairs or alterations so that a change or modification of the entrance facilities, toilet facilities, or vertical access facilities is achieved.
The maintenance of or the return to a state of utility of a building, object, site or structure.
See “Plat, Replat.”
Any use, building or structure (or portion of a building or structure) that contain[s] habitable rooms for non-transient occupancy. Residential uses are typically contained within detached and attached residential structures, duplex, and multifamily dwelling units. The term “residential” is separate and distinct from “hotel/lodging” and other overnight accommodations.
Residential and Neighborhood Uses:
A category of uses that are intended for residential dwellings and related accessory uses.
A landmark, landmark site, and all land or water within a preservation district, together with the appurtenances and improvements, if any. The term resource includes, but is not limited to, separate districts, buildings, structures, sites, objects, landscape features, and related groups thereof.
Restaurant, Drive-Through:
An establishment engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages in a ready-to-consume state, through a pass-through window accessed by a vehicle via a drive-through lane. This term also includes drive-in restaurants. For restaurants licensed to serve alcoholic beverages the gross receipts for alcoholic beverages shall not exceed 50 percent (50%) of the total gross receipts.
Restaurant, General:
An establishment engaged in the preparation and retail sale of food and beverages for on-premise consumption. This term includes facilities typically referred to as diners, cafes, cafeterias, dinner-houses, coffee shops, bakeries, and ice cream parlors, but does not include fast food restaurants or drive-through services. For restaurants licensed to serve alcoholic beverages, the gross receipts for alcoholic beverages shall not exceed 50 percent (50%) of the total gross receipts.
The act or process of accurately recovering the form and details of a property and its setting as it appeared at particular period of time by means of the removal of later work or by the replacement of missing earlier work.
Retail Sales, General:
The sale of goods directly to a consumer, typically in small quantities and not for wholesale. Accessory uses may include drive-in or drive-through facilities, which may be further limited in certain zoning districts. The phrase “retail sales” includes, but is not limited to, such uses as:
Agricultural sales and services, establishments or places of business engaged in sale (from the premises) of feed, grain, fertilizers, pesticides and similar goods or in the provision of agricultural related services with incidental storage on lots other than where the service is rendered.
Alcohol sales, the retail sale of beer, wine, and/or other alcoholic beverages for off-premises consumption.
Clothing, clothing accessory, and jewelry stores, the retail sales of clothing, clothing accessories, or jewelry merchandise.
Convenience store, a retail establishment that sells consumable and non-consumable convenience products for off-premise use or consumption and fuel sales.
Electronics and appliance stores, the retail sales of appliance[s] and other consumer electronics.
Florist, card, and gift shops, the retail sale of gift-related merchandise.
Food sales, establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale of food or household products for home consumption. Typical uses include groceries, delicatessens, meat markets, retail bakeries, and candy shops.
Furniture and home furnishings stores, retail sales of furniture or home furnishings.
General merchandise stores, retail sale of multiple lines of merchandise.
Hardware stores, plumbing supplies, electrical supplies, lighting stores, retail sales of household goods or services.
Sporting goods, hobby, book, and music stores, retail sales of personal recreational goods, such as books, sporting goods, hobby and crafts, instruments, and similar merchandise.
“To read, analyze, assess and, as appropriate, act upon” a development application.
Review Body or Authority:
The entity that is authorized to either recommend approval or denial or be the decision-making authority of an application for permit or approval required by these regulations.
See “Zoning Map Amendment.”
A parcel of land occupied, or intended to be occupied, by a street or alley. Where appropriate, “right-of-way” may include other facilities and utilities such as sidewalks; railroad crossings; electrical, communication, oil and gas facilities, water and sanitary and storm sewer facilities; and any other special use. The use of right-of-way shall also include parkways and medians outside of the paved portion of the street. The usage of the term “right-of-way” for land platting purposes shall mean that every right-of-way hereafter established and shown on a final plat is to be separate and distinct from the lots or parcels adjoining such right-of-way, and shall not be included within the dimensions or areas of such lots or parcels. The term “Street Right-of-Way” means the width of the right-of-way for any roadway is the shortest perpendicular distance between the lines which delineate the rights-of-way of the street.
A facility where persons regularly assemble for the purpose of instruction or education. Accessory uses may include playgrounds, cafeterias, stadiums, and other structures or grounds used in conjunction therewith.
Scrap and Salvage Yard:
An establishment where junk, waste, discarded, or salvaged materials are bought, sold, exchanged, stored, baled, packed, disassembled, or handled, including inoperable vehicles, house materials, appliances, and structural steel equipment. The use does not include the purchase, sale, or storage of used furniture and household equipment.
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation:
A set of ten basic philosophical principles created by the U.S. Secretary of Interior and administered by the National Park Service, to help preserve the distinctive character of a historic building and its site, while allowing for reasonable chance to meet new needs. The Standards for Rehabilitation are codified at 36 CFR 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations, as the same may be amended from time to time.
For the purposes of these regulations, equal to, identical to, and often used interchangeably with “accessory.”
Service Lines:
Those lines used to connect between the utility’s system or lateral lines and the end user’s meter box.
The distance between a lot line and a building line.
Setback Area
means the open area between building setback lines and lot lines.
Setback, Front:
A yard that extends across the full width of the lot between the front lot line and the required front setback line.
Setback, Interior Side:
A yard between the principal building and the sideline of the lot, extending from the front yard to the rear yard.
Setback, Rear:
A yard extending the full width of the lot between the rear lot line and the rear setback line. For a corner lot, the rear yard does not extend beyond the street side setback line.
Setback, Street Side:
A yard extending from the front setback line to the rear lot line, located between the side street lot line and the street side setback line.
Setback Line:
A line within a lot parallel to and measured from a corresponding lot line, forming the boundary of a required yard and governing the placement of structures and uses on the lot. Also known as “Building Setback Line.”
Sexually Oriented Businesses:
Any building, structure, or facility including, but not limited to, an arcade, bar, bookstore, cabaret, overnight accommodation, theater (including movie), bath house, massage parlor, nude modeling studio, video store, love parlor, or similar facility used entirely or partially for commercial entertainment, exchange of merchandise, or offer of a service of a sexually-explicit nature. These activities are predominantly distinguished or characterized by their principal emphasis on matters depicting, describing or relating to sexual activities and include the sales, rental, exhibition, or presentation of a device or other item intended to provide sexual stimulation or sexual gratification to the customer.
Short-Term Rental (STR):
Any structure used for transient or guest lodging accommodations, rented for compensation of a dwelling unit, that is not owner-occupied (other than a duplex), which includes but is not limited to a single-family residence, townhouses, owner-occupied duplex, accessory structure, short-term rental dwelling unit, bed and breakfast, and other residential real estate improvements, in which the public may obtain sleeping accommodations for a period less than thirty (30) consecutive days. The term applies regardless of whether the dwelling was originally constructed or zoned as a residential dwelling. This term does not apply to duplexes (unless they are owner-occupied), multifamily projects, apartment complexes, hotels, motels, or recreational vehicle parks. This term is a general definition of STRs and is inclusive of the distinct types of STRs.
Short-Term Rental, Dwelling Unit:
A short-term rental dwelling unit is defined as a structure, including an individual room within a larger structure, which is rented separately from other rental units on the property, for the purpose of transient or guest lodging. Each individual short-term rental dwelling unit shall be required to obtain a separate short-term rental permit, unless it is a part of a bed and breakfast.
Short-Term Rental, Owner-Occupied:
A short-term rental located on the same property on which the owner resides.
Short-Term Rental Permit:
A permit issued by the City authorizing the use of a dwelling unit as a Short-term Rental.
Sight Triangle:
The triangular area formed by an invisible diagonal line at the corner of either two intersecting street right-of-way lines, the edge of street lines, the edge of a driveway or combination of two thereof. The sight triangle exists to prevent sight obstruction for motor vehicles, pedestrians, etc. May also be referred to as “street visibility triangle” or “sight distance triangle.”
Single-Family Attached:
A single-family dwelling unit located on its own lot that shares one or more common walls with one other single-family dwelling unit on a separate lot.
Single-Family Detached:
A single-family dwelling unit, located on its own lot that is not attached to any other dwelling unit.
A site is the location of a significant event, a prehistoric or historic occupation or activity, or a building or structure, whether standing, ruined, or vanished, where the location itself possesses historical, cultural, or archeological value regardless of the value of any existing structure. (National Register Bulletin 24 p.1)
Site Development Plan:
A detailed, scaled plan, or set of plans, showing accurately and with complete dimensioning, all of the buildings, structures and uses, and the principal site development features including parking, access, and landscaping and screening, proposed for a specific parcel of land. The Site Development Plan is the basis for site development and is intended to demonstrate compliance with the development standards and other requirements, as applicable, of these regulations.
Special Exception:
An exception to certain provisions of these regulations, granted by the Board of Adjustment (BOA), for specifically defined situations and standards. Such exceptions do not constitute a Variance, as those terms are defined.
Storage, Self:
A controlled-access building or group of buildings housing individual storage spaces that are used to house personal property or records. There is no conduct of sales, business or any other activity allowed within the individual storage units. Does not include storage of any hazardous materials. The phrase may also be referred to as convenience storage, mini-storage, or mini-warehouse.
Stormwater Management:
The mitigation of the hydrologic impacts of lost natural runoff storage by the use of conventional stormwater conveyance systems or Low Impact Development.
Stormwater Runoff:
Surplus surface water generated by rainfall that does not seep into the earth but flows into storm drains or overland to flowing or stagnant bodies of water[.]
A right-of-way, whether public or private and however designated, which provides vehicular access to adjacent land. Streets may be of the following categories:
Major thoroughfares, also known as arterial streets or primary thoroughfares, which provide vehicular movement from one neighborhood to another or to distant points within the City, and including freeways or highways leading to other communities.
Collector streets, also known as feeder streets or secondary thoroughfares, which provide vehicular circulation within neighborhoods, and from local streets to major thoroughfares.
Local residential streets, also known as minor thoroughfares or streets, which primarily provide direct vehicular access to abutting residential property.
Private streets are streets which are owned and maintained by a homeowners’ association or property owners’ association, and which are not dedicated to the public.
Street Improvements:
Any street or thoroughfare, together with all appurtenances required by City regulations to be provided with such street or thoroughfare, and including but not limited to curbs and gutters, walkways (sidewalks), drainage facilities to be situated in the right-of-way for such street or thoroughfare, traffic-control devices, street lights and street signs, for which facilities the City will ultimately assume the responsibility for maintenance and operation.
Street Length:
See “Block Length.”
Street Right-of-Way:
The shortest perpendicular distance of a roadway between the lines which delineate the rights-of-way of the street.
Street Yard:
That area between the building façade and any lot line along a public street. Structure means anything constructed or erected which requires a permanent location on, above, or below the ground; or attached to something that has a permanent location on, above, or below the ground (e.g., fences, waste enclosures, signs, kiosks, etc.). A “structure” may sometimes also be a building. For floodplain management purposes, a structure may also include a gas or liquid storage tank that is principally above ground, as well as a manufactured home.
Any person or any agent thereof, dividing or proposing to divide land so as to constitute a subdivision as that term is defined herein. In any event, the term “subdivider” shall be restricted to include only the owner, equitable owner or authorized agent of such owner or equitable owner of land sought to be subdivided.
A division or re-division of any tract of land situated within the City’s corporate limits or its extraterritorial jurisdiction into two (2) or more parts, lots or sites, for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of sale, division of ownership, or building development. “Subdivision” includes re-subdivisions of land or lots which are part of a previously recorded subdivision.
Subdivision Plat:
A general term that shares the meaning of “plat.”
A vote of three-fourths (3/4) of the full City Council.
A licensed land surveyor or a registered public land surveyor, as authorized by state statutes to practice the profession of surveying.
Swale Block:
Installed build ups at intervals along a vegetated swale to allow stormwater to build up in a series of pools, slowing water flow and providing opportunities for vegetated filtration and infiltration.
A Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.
The City of Blanco’s Technical Construction Standards and Specifications for the construction of subdivision improvements. The TCSS shall be comprised of the provisions for trenching and backfilling, concrete, water system, sewer system, streets, sidewalks, and driveways, storm drainage, trench safety and the standard details (and as hereby amended) that are in effect at the time of submission of the plat application. The TCSS shall also include any additional provisions or policies the City of Blanco implements that pertain to the construction of site improvements such as street, parking lot, driveway and sidewalk paving, storm drainage structures, utility lines and facilities, screening walls/fences, retaining walls, landscaping and irrigation improvements, street lighting or signage, restricted access (gated) entrances to any type of development, and other similar improvements. The City Engineer shall have the authority to determine whether or not the engineering plans for any type of site improvement are in conformance with the City’s TCSS.
The transmission, between or among points as specified by the user, of information of the user’s choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received.
Text Amendment:
A change of the text of these regulations and does not include change or modification to the boundaries of any zoning district.
An indoor facility that provides fixed seating for customers to view motion pictures, including accessory snack and/or food and beverage services.
Towing Services and Impound Lots:
A facility in which tow trucks are utilized in the hauling of motorized vehicles and for the temporary storage or impoundment of primarily operable or repairable motor vehicles that have been towed, repossessed, or otherwise in the care and custody of the operator of the lot, but not disassembled or junked.
A dwelling unit on an individual lot that is part of a series of three or more dwelling units having common side walls with one or more adjoining dwelling units in a townhouse row.
Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA):
An analysis of the effect of traffic generated by a development on the capacity, operations, and safety of the public street and highway system.
Transportation Facilities:
Facilities intended for the loading, unloading, and/or interchange of passengers, baggage and incidental freight or package express between modes of transportation, including bus terminals, rail or freight loading and/or unloading areas, and other public forms of transportation.
Tree Survey:
A plan that graphically identifies the location, size, and species of all existing protected and heritage trees on a parcel proposed for development.
A parcel developed with three dwelling units in a single structure. It is designed exclusively for the use and occupancy of three families living independently of each other. The land underneath the structure is not divided into separate lots.
Unreasonable Economic Hardship:
The inability of an owner to obtain a reasonable return or a reasonable beneficial use from a resource as required by the United States Supreme Court in Penn Central Transportation Company vs. New York City, 438 U.S. 104 (1978), and subsequent decisions.
Urgent Care Facility:
A medical facility where ambulatory patients can be treated on a walk-in basis, without an appointment, and receive immediate non-emergent [non-emergency] care.
The purpose or activity for which land or any structure thereon is designed, arranged, or intended, or for which it is occupied or maintained.
Utility Easement:
An interest in land granted to the City to the public generally and/or to a private utility corporation for installing or maintaining utilities across, over or under private land, together with the right to enter thereon with machinery and vehicles necessary for the maintenance of said utilities.
Utility Services:
Facilities of any person, firm or corporation providing electric, natural gas, telephone, cable television, or any other such item or service for public use approved but not provided by the City of Blanco.
Utility Services, Major:
Publicly or privately-owned facilities or systems including generation, production, or treatment facilities such as power plants, water treatment plants, wastewater treatment plants (including package treatment plants), or similar utilities, and radio and television transmission towers.
Utility Services, Minor:
Publicly or privately-owned facilities or systems that are necessary to support principal development. Minor utilities include transmission lines (whether, subterranean or overhead) including electrical, natural gas, and water distribution lines; sewer gravity lines and pressure mains; underground septic tanks and drain fields; cable television and telephone transmission lines or similar utility lines; pumping stations; lift stations; and telephone switching facilities (up to 100 square feet gross floor area).
See “Zoning Variance.”
Vegetated Filter Strip:
means a band of vegetation surrounding a waterway that acts as a buffer between the body of water and impervious surface. Vegetated filter strips provide stormwater management and quality benefits through reducing velocity of runoff, promoting infiltration, and removing pollutants by sedimentation and horizontal filtration through vegetation.
Vegetated Swale:
means a shallow, open grass channels designed to convey runoff while reducing velocity of runoff, promoting infiltration, and removing pollutants by sedimentation and horizontal filtration through vegetation.
Vehicle Sales and Rentals:
A place that sells or leases new and used automobiles, trucks, boats, construction equipment, all-terrain vehicles, and motorcycles, and where such inventory is stored and/or displayed on-site for any length of time. The phrase “vehicle sales and rentals” may also include accessory uses such as vehicle fueling or charging stations, inventory vehicle washing stations, and general vehicle services. Does not include body shops (e.g., collision repair), paint booths, or reupholstering unless they are approved as principal uses on the same site.
Vehicle Services:
A place designed, used or intended to be used for the purpose of providing general repair and servicing of all types of motor vehicles, including commercial. Such repair or servicing may include reconditioning of engines, air conditioning systems and transmissions; wrecker service; collision services, including body, frame or fender straightening or repair; painting, undercoating and rust proofing; replacement or repair of brakes, shock absorbers, tires, batteries, mufflers, or upholstery; and other similar services that may require overnight on-site storage of vehicles, excluding dismantling, wrecking, or salvage.
Vested Rights:
A request for relief from the standards or requirements of the current land development regulations based on the premise that the applicant has acquired a vested right under previous regulations.
Veterinary Clinic:
A facility, operated under the supervision of a licensed veterinarian, where domestic animals and pets are admitted for examination, observation, diagnosis, and medical treatment. This term includes those facilities with and without outdoor pens as permitted in the Use Table.
An agricultural establishment that cultivates and processes grapes or other berries on premises for the purpose of producing wine or similar spirits containing not more than 24 percent (24%) alcohol by volume. Processing includes crushing, fermenting, blending, bottling, aging, labeling, packaging, storing, and/or warehousing. A winery may include wholesale sales of the wine product, administrative offices for the wine operations, tasting rooms, retail sales of wine and wine paraphernalia, meeting or banquet facilities, and incidental food sales.
Voluntary Annexation:
See “Annexation, Voluntary.”
A facility storing goods, materials, and equipment either within an enclosed building or structure or in containers or terminals for subsequent distribution to off-site wholesalers, retailers, or consumers. The term “warehouse” includes the storage of general freight storage, food, parcels, furniture and appliances but does not include self-storage, wholesale, or warehousing that is accessory to an industrial facility, nor parcel service drop-off locations that are not accessory to a parcel service processing facility.
Waste Related Services:
A use involving the collection, transportation, recycling, or disposal of waste, either on-site or at a transfer station.
Wholesale Trade:
An establishment engaged in selling merchandise primarily to retailers, contractors, industrial, commercial, or institutional professional business users, or to other wholesalers or acting as agents or brokers in buying merchandise for or selling merchandise to such persons or companies. Examples of these establishments include agents, merchandise, or commodity brokers; commission merchants, assemblers, buyers and associations engaged in the cooperative marketing of farm products; merchant wholesalers; and stores primarily selling electrical, plumbing, heating and air conditioning supplies, and equipment. The facility may also include storage, processing, packaging, and shipping facilities for mail order and electronic-commerce retail establishments. Wholesale clubs and similar membership warehouses, where membership is easily available to the consuming public, and similar businesses shall not be deemed wholesale showroom[s] but rather shall be considered a retail sales operation.
A method of transmitting and receiving data without direct connection through wires and cables.
Wireless transmission facility (WTF):
An unstaffed facility for the transmission and reception of radio, microwave, or electromagnetic signals used for commercial communication by a wireless communication service provider. Wireless Transmission Facilities are composed of one or more of the following components: antenna, equipment enclosure, security barrier, and/or communication tower.
A police power measure by a municipality, including the City, in which the community is divided into zoning districts that establishes permitted and special uses and regulations governing lot size, building bulk, placement, and other development standards.
Zoning District:
An area of the City identified with an abbreviated symbol and delineated on the official zoning map. The districts establish the permitted uses and development standards in these defined areas of the City. Zoning districts are established in the following ways:
Base Zoning:
District is the series of general districts that apply across the whole incorporated City.
Overlay District:
is defined set of regulations established for specific areas of the City that are applied in addition to the base zoning district standards.
Zoning Map:
See “Official Zoning Map.”
Zoning Map Amendment:
A change or modification of the boundaries of any zoning district within the City’s Zoning Map. Annexations require a public hearing, notification, and approval by City Council. Also known as a rezoning.
Zoning Variance:
A request for relief from the terms of the zoning requirements of these regulations due to a special circumstance applicable to the property, granted by the Zoning Board of Adjustment. Such procedures are in accordance with Chapter 211, Municipal Zoning, and Chapter 213, Municipal Comprehensive Plans, of the Tex. Local Gov’t Code.
(Ordinance adopted 11/10/20; Enacted by action of the city council on 3/8/22; Ordinance 2022-O-005 adopted 7/12/2022; Ordinance 2022-O-012 adopted 12/13/2022)