All general sales open to the public, conducted from or on residential premises in any residential zone as defined in the zoning ordinance, for the purpose of disposing of personal property, including but not limited to all sales entitled “garage,” “lawn,” “yard,” “attic,” “porch,” “room,” “back yard,” “patio,” “flea market,” or “rummage” sale.
(Ordinance 9710-299 adopted 10/13/97; 2001 Code, art. 4.1000(a))
Property which is owned, utilized, and maintained by an individual or members of his or her residence and acquired in the normal course of living in or maintaining a residence. It does not include merchandise which was purchased for resale or obtained on consignment. It shall be unlawful for any individual to sell or offer for sale property other than personal property.
(Ordinance 9710-299 adopted 10/13/97; 2001 Code, art. 4.1000(b))
Garage sales shall be limited in time to no more than the daylight hours.
(Ordinance 9710-299 adopted 10/13/97; 2001 Code, art. 4.1000(c))
Signs may be permitted on premises of the sale, or on private property where permission is granted by the property owner to affix such signs. Signs must be removed at the close of the garage sale activities or by the end of daylight, whichever occurs first.
(Ordinance 9710-299 adopted 10/13/97; 2001 Code, art. 4.1000(d))
Garage sales may be conducted as frequently as the property owner desires, so long as the sales do not become a nuisance to neighboring residents. A neighboring resident is anyone who lives within 300 feet (measured property line to property line) of the property owner conducting the sale.
(Ordinance 9710-299 adopted 10/13/97; Ordinance adopting 2001 Code; 2001 Code, art. 4.1000(e); Ordinance 2508-429 adopted 8/8/05)