The city is a type A general-law municipality located in Tarrant and Wise County, created in accordance with the provisions of chapter 6 of the Local Government Code and operating pursuant to the enabling legislation of the state.
The city council has previously created the planning and zoning commission to act in an advisory capacity on matters affecting platting, zoning and other development-related matters pursuant to its authority under chapters 211 and 212 of the Local Government Code, and appointed members thereto.
The city council desires to dissolve the planning and zoning commission of the city.
The city council will perform all of the functions of the planning and zoning commission as well as those functions authorized by state law.
The planning and zoning commission is hereby dissolved and its members released from service. All matters pending before the planning and zoning commission are hereby transferred to the city council for disposition.
(Ordinance A-357 adopted –/–/09)