(a) Animal limitations.
It shall be unlawful for any person
to keep or harbor more than six (6) adult dogs, six (6) adult cats,
or six (6) adult ferrets, or any combination thereof, in any residential
district. A person shall be permitted to keep only one litter of dogs
or cats per residence.
(b) Exemption.
Any person who is an officer, employee, or volunteer for an approved animal rescue organization or municipal animal shelter is exempt from the animal limitations in subsection
(a) of this section, provided, however, that such person may only harbor over six (6) animals on a temporary basis, and is subject to inspections at the discretion of the animal control/police officer.
(c) All
licensed veterinary clinic/hospitals are exempt from this section
within the city limits.
(Ordinance 1460 adopted 2/19/13; Ordinance adopting Code)
(a) It
shall be unlawful for any person owning, possessing, or keeping an
animal within the city to allow such animal to run at large.
(b) Evidence
that an animal has escaped from a fence, enclosure or leash on two
or more occasions shall be sufficient proof that such fence, enclosure
or leash is inadequate for the purpose of confining such animal and
necessary changes may be ordered by the animal control/police officer
by written notice. Such notice shall state the requested changes and
an adequate time period for completing the changes. Failure to complete
the changes within the stated time shall constitute an offense under
this chapter and a separate offense shall be deemed committed upon
each day during or on which a violation occurs.
(c) It
shall be unlawful for any person to place food intended as food for
a cat or dog on any public property or any private property that he
or she does not own, lease or have a right to use or possess. This
restriction shall no apply to any law enforcement officer using the
food as bait or enticement to assist in the capture of stray animals.
(Ordinance 1460 adopted 2/19/13; Ordinance adopting Code)
The animal control officer/police officer shall take into custody
any animal found at large in the city, and shall impound the animal
in the animal shelter or such place designated for purpose of impoundment
by the animal control/police officer. Such impounded animal shall
be held for a period of three (3) days, after which, if the animal
has not been claimed by the owner and the proper fee paid as prescribed
herein, the animal shall be subject to adoption, transfer to an animal
rescue organization, or euthanized.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
(1) An animal control/police officer at his/her own instigation, or pursuant
to a citizen’s complaint, shall investigate all animals suspected
of being dangerous. Such investigation shall include identification
of the owner of the accused animal, an assessment of the animal so
accused, including the photographing of the animal if possible, and
such other inquiry and information gathering as deemed necessary by
the animal control/police officer. The owner of the animal shall cooperate
with the animal control/police officer conducting the investigation.
(2) The animal control/police officer shall attempt, on two different
days, to investigate a dangerous animal complaint, and shall attempt
to obtain the cooperation of the owner of the animal in making an
investigation. If such attempts are unsuccessful, the animal control/police
officer shall send notice to the owner of the animal stating:
(A) That the owner has an affirmative duty to cooperate with the animal
control/police officer by scheduling an appointment to investigate
the complaint;
(B) That the appointment shall be set not more than three (3) days from
the time of notice; and
(C) That the failure to schedule or keep the appointment will result
in the accused animal being declared a dangerous animal.
(b) If
the animal control officer determines that an animal is a dangerous
animal, the animal control officer shall take all steps required or
permitted under chapter 822 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and
shall immediately impound the animal if the animal has caused death
or serious bodily injury.
(c) The
owner of the animal declared to be a dangerous animal shall have the
rights of appeal granted in chapter 822 of the Texas Health and Safety
Code. Failure to request a hearing in the allotted period shall constitute
a final determination that the animal is a dangerous animal.
(d) Upon
a determination that an animal is a dangerous animal, the presiding
judge may order:
(1) The animal be humanely euthanized; or
(2) Allow the animal to be reclaimed under the following conditions:
(A) Caging for the animal within minimum dimensions of ten (10) feet
by twenty (20) feet by six (6) feet with an impermeable floor and
chain-link top.
(B) The enclosure shall be clearly marked “Dangerous Animal”
on all sides.
(C) The animal shall be walked on a leash of six (6) feet or less in
(D) The animal is always in the specified enclosure, on a leash, or in
the residence of the owner.
(E) The owner obtain a $100,000 home owners insurance policy for coverage
specific to the bodily damage or property damage the dog may cause.
(F) Make the animal, enclosure, and insurance policy available for inspection
at any time by animal control/police officer.
(G) Notify the city upon the animal’s change of address or death.
(Ordinance adopting Code)
It shall unlawful to tie or tether an animal to a stationary
object for a period of time or in a location for more than twelve
(12) consecutive hours in a twenty-four-hour period, or so as to create
an unhealthy situation for the animal or potentially dangerous situation
for a pedestrian or passerby as determined by the animal control/police
(Ordinance adopting Code)
Every person having care, control or custody of any dog, which
has received guard dog training must register such dog with animal
control/city. The owner of such dog must post sufficient number of
identification signs identifying the dog as a trained guard dog on
the owner’s premises, and such signage must remain visible,
readable, and in place at all times, until such dog is permanently
removed from the premises.
(Ordinance adopting Code)