The city plumbing inspector and his assistants are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to supervise all gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus hereafter existing, placed in, or in any manner connected in any building or tent or structure of any character, whether used for business or residence purposes, in the city, and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof, and to see that all the rules and regulations of the city with respect thereto are properly complied with, and to inspect and reinspect all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus, and the installation and construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repairs thereof, whenever and as often as they shall deem it desirable or necessary, and to do so in order to prevent fires, accidents or injuries to persons or property, and the city plumbing inspector and his assistants are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to cause all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus and the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repairs thereof to be such as not to cause fire or accident or injury to life or property, and any and all such gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus now existing or hereafter existing as well as the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof shall be subject to the foregoing inspection and supervision. No gas appliance, fixture or apparatus, either for heating, illuminating or hot water heating, shall be installed until the type of said gas appliance, apparatus or fixture has been approved by the American Gas Association. All fixtures and appliances equipped for vents shall be vented through the roof.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
The city plumbing inspector and his assistants shall be subject to the order and direction of the city administrator and they are hereby vested with full authority to enter any building or structure, subway or other places, either public or private, at any time, in the discharge of their duties, and to pass upon and decide any question arising under the provisions of this division hereafter passed or any rules and regulations already adopted or hereafter adopted by the city council relative to any gas piping, appliances, fixtures or apparatus, or the installation, construction, reconstruction, adjustment and repair thereof, or relative to the materials used therein, whether the same be the original construction and erection or in any alteration or repairs thereof.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
All powers conferred by this division upon the city plumbing inspector are hereby likewise conferred upon his assistants, and each of them may likewise exercise all such powers.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
Plumbers and gasfitters are required to familiarize themselves thoroughly with all applicable codes and regulations. All work must be done strictly in accordance herewith in order that it may pass inspection. These rules and regulations are to be used in connection with meters set in any building or tent or structure of any other character, whether used for business or residence purposes. Elbows and not tees must be used on all meter connections and at the bottom of the meter riser, and any unnecessary tee or other fitting in the yard service or house line will not be approved. The gasfitter shall leave the following material at the location of the meter, which shall be installed by the gas company when the meter is set: two (2) one-inch (1") by four-inch (4") nipples; two (2) one-inch (1") bends (open pattern two and one-half inch (2-1/2") center to center); one (1) one-inch (1") thirty-six (36) ounce lock stop.
The following specifications for house piping must be strictly adhered to:
Minimum Size of Pipe
Greatest Length Allowed
Number of Fires
3/4 inch
10 feet
3/4 inch
20 feet
1 inch
125 feet
1 inch
100 feet
1 inch
75 feet
1 inch
50 feet
1-1/4 inch
400 feet
1-1/4 inch
300 feet
1-1/4 inch
200 feet
1-1/4 inch
150 feet
1-1/4 inch
100 feet
1-1/4 inch
75 feet
1-1/4 inch
50 feet
1-1/2 inch
125 feet
1-1/2 inch
100 feet
1-1/2 inch
75 feet
In computing lengths of lines for two-inch (2") add five feet (5') for each ell or tee, for one-and-one-half inch (1-1/2") add three feet (3') for each ell or tee, for one-and-one-quarter inch (1-1/4") add three feet (3') for each ell or tee, and for one-inch (1") add two feet (2') for each ell or tee.
The number of fires as above signifies the point in the piping where the branch line extends to any single fire from main feed line. These branch lines must not be less then three-quarter inch (3/4") in size and their lengths must be added to the amount of that size pipe in computing the minimum number of feet allowed as above. Risers through the floor shall not be less than one-half inch (1/2") in size for ordinary heat openings and three-quarter inch (3/4") for cook stoves and water heaters, nor shall they be more than twenty-four inches (24") in length. Water heaters shall have a valve.
In determining the minimum size of service and house lines the number of openings shall not be considered less than the total number of rooms in the building, minimum two (2).
Where buildings or houses require more than twelve (12) openings or when a furnace is to be used, or where cafes, hotels, pressing establishments, etc., which require an unusual amount of gas are to be piped for use in one (1) or more appliances, the local manager of the gas company must always be consulted for specifications.
Neither shellac nor cement will be approved for use on threaded joints. Caulking must not be done to repair faulty work in piping and all imperfect fittings must be replaced.
No bushings, unions or street ells in gas lines will be approved.
The yard service line must in no instance be laid in the same ditch with the water or sewer line. The yard line must be galvanized pipe.
Be certain that pipe has nothing inside of it before using. All burrs left on the inside of the pipe, if any, must be reamed out.
All house lines must securely strapped to joists.
Rubber house lines must be securely strapped to joists.
The house lines must be tested with an air pressure of fifteen (15) pounds, and the lines will be required to hold this pressure for fifteen (15) minutes with no drop. Gas will be turned on by the gas company employees only and after such test has been made and the piping approved.
All pilot burners shall be properly vented to the outside of the building and into the open air.
No lines in the ground shall be covered and no piping in the building concealed until after the inspection and approval.
Under no conditions shall the fitter or other parties disconnect any meter or disturb pipe on the inlet side of the meter after the meter is set. All connections and disconnections of meters for any purpose shall be made by the gas company employees only.
House pipes should be run and covered as to be readily accessible. No cast iron fittings smaller than three inches (3") are to be used.
No individual, firm or corporation shall enter upon the installation, construction or reconstruction of any work provided for herein until a permit has been issued by the city plumbing inspector. Plans and specifications for the proposed work must be filed with him before the permit is granted or during the progress of said work; provided, however, the city plumbing inspector may issue a general permit to any individual, firm or corporation owning or controlling any building for a term not exceeding three (3) months from the date thereof, authorizing minor alterations or changes, but such permit shall be revocable. No permits shall be required for the repair or adjustment of gas piping, appliances, fixtures and apparatus.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
When the plumber or fitter has completed the system of piping and has all full drop and bracket extensions and heater openings firmly and permanently fastened, he shall test the piping, and if found tight he shall notify the plumber and the inspector. The plumbing inspector or one of his assistants will call and inspect the piping and witness the test, and if the city plumbing inspector or such assistant finds the piping tight and the sizes and work in accordance with the provisions of this division then the plumbing inspector or such assistant will issue and deliver proper certification to such effect. If the work or material is found unsatisfactory on the first inspection, a charge as provided for in the fee schedule found in appendix A of this code will be made for each additional inspection. The final inspection shall be made after the gas has been turned on.
Any additional piping or outlets installed after a certificate is granted must be reported for inspection and test.
No gasfitter, plumber or other person doing work in any house or structure shall conceal any of said gas piping until a certificate of inspection is issued and an inspection card attached to said piping.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
In every gas installation, all piping and attachments must be at least such capacity as will supply gas up to the full maximum requirements of all appliances contemplated to be connected thereon according to the requirements of this division.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
No gas piping, appliance, fixture or apparatus, or the installation, construction, reconstruction or repair thereof, for which a permit is issued shall be put to use or connected to any supply of gas until inspected and accepted by the plumbing inspector.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
All applications for inspection may be held at least twenty-four (24) hours after the same are filed. It is required that said individual, firm or corporation or his or its representative shall personally inspect every installation before a card for inspection is filed and that all work for which the inspection is asked shall be complete.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
Plumbers or gasfitters shall consult the city administrator or public works director for the location of meters before starting the job. The plumber or gasfitter shall be held responsible for any changes in meter risers installed in the location not authorized by the city.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
No gas outlet with threaded fitting shall be in the same wall cavity with an electric switch or convenience outlet.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
Any gas installation not specifically covered by this division must be approved by the city plumbing inspector.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)
All buildings built within the jurisdiction of the city and, to the extent permitted by law, within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the city, shall be built in accordance with the version of the International Fuel Gas Code as it existed on May 1, 2018, published by the International Code Council, Inc. The code adopted is incorporated herein by reference as if set out herein verbatim. To the extent that a more specific ordinance is enacted by the council, that portion of the standard code which contradicts the terms of the specific ordinance shall be deemed to have been superseded and the specific ordinance will control.
(Ordinance adopted 9/21/21)